摘要: A. learn B. take C. see D. make


Have you noticed that the majority of human beings seem to focus on the negative? Bad news is often seen in the newspapers, television shows and magazines, but good news are often overlooked.
I saw a woman I was not very familiar with. She is a beautiful woman; every time I see her, I am struck by the smile on her face that can light up a whole room. So at one time I walked up to her and said, “You know, you are like liquid sunshine! Every time I see you, you give me so much joy.” I was not quite prepared for her reaction. She was blown away. Her eyes seemed about to shed tears, and she said, “That is so sweet! That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!” It was as if nobody had ever told her how beautiful her appearance was. I was extremely moved by the moment I had shared with this woman.
Why not take notice of the positive and spread a little sunshine? When you are looking for beauty, you will begin to see it more and more. When you discover it, don’t be afraid to appreciate it. Not only will it make them feel good, it will make you feel good as well. I truly believe the saying, “What goes around, comes around.” When you show kindness and sincerity, you will receive it back. You may even discover — much to your surprise — that you become the friend of someone you would never have expected to get along with.
65. The woman had tears in her eyes because __________.
A. the man’s behavior was so rude
B. she was nervous about the man’s words
C. the man told her the fact she didn’t know
D. she was so excited at the man’s praise
66. Which of the following can take the place of the underlined sentence in the third paragraph?
A. The wise appreciate one another. 
B. Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.
C. There is kindness to be found everywhere.
D. Everybody should learn to praise others.
67. The best title for the passage probably is _____.
A. Pay attention to the positive   B. Everyone likes to be praised
C. Spread a little sunshine       D. Each of us has good points


A. Arguments are pointless.
B. Your parents only want what's best for you.
C. Everyone's opinion matters only as much as you want them to.
D. You learn by doing.
E. Your emotions are under your control.
F. You aren't stuck in any situation
Life is the greatest teacher
There always comes a moment when I wonder where I will end up and this moment always serves as a strong motivation for me to learn life lesson. I've learned a great many things, but these are the lessons that I wish I'd learned earlier:
There was a time when everyone's opinion was mine as well. Whatever preferences I formerly held were dashed in the face of another's. This most likely came from a need to please others. Remember that your opinion matters just as much as the next guy's, whether they make more money than you or are less popular than you. Everyone's opinion holds the same weight.
Drama, chaos, and emotional unrest — these were what took up most of my time as a teenager. If I had heard someone said bad things behind my back, I'd be angry. Go crazy. Looking back on those tantrums now, I'm not too surprised. After all, when you have little self control, anything is possible. The lesson here is, remain aware of how you react.
Will one small argument among friends decide the fate of the entire universe? In my world it felt like it. I just wanted so much to be right and for them so much to be wrong. But in the end, it only resulted in me wasting my time and in the other person storming off in frustration. Is there really a point to arguing? Unless it's absolutely necessary, I've learned that it's better to hold your breath on things you can't control at all. Arguing to change someone's mind is one of them.
I'm not saying every parent wants what's best for you (there are outliers), but in general, parents do what they do for you in your best interest. My parents used to make me do the dishes, cook dinner, sweep the floors, mow the lawn, take out the garbage… the list goes on and on. And at every turn, I'd whine and complain. I'd eventually end up doing it. Now, I honestly see the value in having learned those skills. I can efficiently cook and clean up after myself.
Whenever I’d lose a friend, get an awful grade, or disappoint my parents, I stewed in my own muck. Waiting for the bad moments to go away seemed to be the only solution. Fortunately, I know now that you don’t have to be stuck in bad situations. You can go out and create better ones. It all depends on perspective; on how you see the situation. Viewing everything as a learning experience makes life more pleasurable, even during the hard times. You aren't stuck. You can move on.
I'm glad to have learned these lessons the way I did. Each experience helped shape me to become a better person. I don't know if any young people are reading this, but if they are, I'd like to say this: “Listen to life and its experiences. Everyone goes through mostly the same things.”


Will it matter if you don’t take your breakfast?A short time ago,a test was given in the United States.People of different ages from 12 to 83 were asked to have a test.During the test,these people were given all kinds of breakfasts,and sometimes they got no breakfast at all.Scientists wanted to see how well their body worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.
The results show that if he or she eats a right breakfast,he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast.If a student has fruit,eggs,bread and milk before going to school,he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.
The result is opposite to what some people think.Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight.This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch.They will gain weight instead of losing it.You will lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.
64.During the test,the people were given          .
A.no breakfast at all   B.very rich breakfast
C.different foods or sometimes none   D.little food for breakfast
65.The results show that          .
A.breakfast has little to do with a person’s work
B.breakfast has a great effect on work and studies
C.a person will work better if he only was fruit and milk
D.girl students should have less for breakfast
66.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.It is bad for your health to have no breakfast
B.Too little for breakfast and too much for lunch may make you fatter
C.If you don’t eat much for lunch and supper,you may lose weight
D.The more breakfast you have,the more quickly you’ll learn in class


After watching my mother deal with our family of five, I can’t understand why answer to the
question, “What do you do?” is always, “Oh, I’m just a housewife.” JUST a housewife?” Anyone who spends most of her time in meal preparation and cleanup, keeping the house clean, attending PTA meetings, leading a scout troop, playing taxi driver to us kids when it’s time for school, musical lessons or the dentist, doing volunteer work for her community is not just a housewife. She’s the real Wonder Woman.
Why is it that so many mothers like mine think of themselves as second.class or something similar? Where has this notion come from? Have we males made them feel this way? Has our society  made“going to work” outside the home seem more important than what a housewife must face each day?  I would be every curious to see what would happen if a housewife went on strike.Dishes would  pie up.Food in the house would run out.There would be no learn clothes when needed.Walking and bus riding would increase.
I doubt if the man of the house would be able to take over.Oh,he would probably start out with the attitude that he can do just as good a job,but how long would that last? Not 1ong, once he had to come home each night after work to more housework. There would be no coming home to a prepared meal; The kids would all be screaming for something to eat, clean clothes and more bus fare money. Once he quieted the kids, he’d have to clean the house, go shopping, make sure that kids got a bath, after clearing out all the dog hairs from the bathtub. Once the kids were down for the night, he might be able to craw(爬)into an unmade bed and try to read the morning newspaper.
64.What does the writer’s mother NOT do according to the first paragraph?
A.Cooking.            B.Tidying the house.  
C.Driving a taxi.         D.Some unpaid work.
65.The underlined word “notion” in the second paragraph can be replaced by the word        .
A.mother     B.citizen      C.similarity  D.thought
66.We can learn from the second paragraph        .
A.mothers are actually great women  B.our society looks down upon housewives
C.housewives should go on a strike    D.doing housework is not important at all
67.The possible main idea of the third paragraph is        .
A.men should share housework with their wives
B.attitude is not the only thing needed to do a job well
C.kids are the most challenging part of the housework
D.men are unlikely to handle the work of a housewife


A long time ago, in an Italian city, the people there built a tower which was admired by everyone passing through. A little further down the road, in a neighboring city, they had built a tower of similar beauty. The two towers were equally well known. The people of the second city, envious (妒忌的) and filled with pride, planned to destroy the neighboring tower so it wouldn’t take attention away from their own. One night, they came to the tower and began to quietly undermine its foundations(地基).
The next morning, the tower was leaning(倾斜) slightly ,but nobody noticed. The same happened for the following few days, until a little girl who was passing by pointed up at the tower and said: “ I think the tower is going to fall down.” And everyone around looked closely, and could see that she was right .Nervousness spread through the city. And they tried many methods to try to straighten the tower, but nothing seemed to work. That was, until one day when the same little girl was walking up again, and she put her arm on the side of the tower to rest. She felt the tower shaking slightly. When she took her hand off it, the movement stopped. And when she put it back on again, the same thing happened. The girl spent a while doing this, until she was completely certain of what she had discovered: “ The tower is ticklish ( 怕痒的) !” She ran to get some plants, and she planted them right next to the tower. Now if the tower leant over any further it would be tickled by the leaves of those plants. Being a ticklish tower, it would then return to where it had been. In this way, the girl managed to make sure that the tower didn’t fall down, but still kept it leaning a little.
The fact that it was leaning made it even more famous, and this taught a fine lesson to the envious people of the neighboring city.
【小题1】Why did the people of the second city plan to destroy the neighboring tower?

A.Because the tower blocked the way of their tourists.
B.Because the tower had the same building style as theirs.
C.Because they hoped that the tower could lean slightly.
D.Because they hoped that visitors just liked their own tower.
【小题2】The underlined word“undermine”(in Paragraph1)probably mean “_________”.
A.test B.raiseC.damageD.strengthen
【小题3】When local people heard the news that their tower was going to fall down, they were _________.
A.very anxious
B.very happy
C.very ashamed of themselves
D.angry at the people in the neighboring city
【小题4】What lesson can we learn from the practice of the envious people in the neighboring city?
A.All that ends well is well.
B.Every dog has his day.
C.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
D.A friend is never known till a man has need.


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