摘要: A. account for B. appeal to C. centre upon D. count down



Where the heart is?

In three days I will leave China behind for a few weeks and head back to Australia to spend time with my family and friends. This will be a very   31   trip for me as, for the first time ever, I will not be   32   to my hometown. You see, my parents sold their house in my hometown and moved about 500 kilometers away.

As it   33  me I would be returning to a whole new place, I was   34   with two questions: Do I still have a hometown? Where is my home? I needed to do some research.

After reading A Story from the Chinese Diaspora, I learned I was not alone in feeling   35   about where I call home. In the story, a Chinese American girl   36   with finding her identity and   37   her past with her present. I realized the place we live now and the place we lived then, have a great   38   over who we are, where we long to be and where we feel   39   and safety.

Back to My Motherland   40   of a woman who left her motherland years ago and started a new life in America--the place she now calls home. But,   41   some people move on from their hometown and   42   a new life somewhere else, others have a strong   43   to the city that they grew up in. In Hometown Boy we learn of a man who clings(坚持) to his   44  and continues to make his hometown a   45   of his life for now and for the future. He makes it his   46   to give back to the community that has given so much to him and his family.

As I   47   the days until I head back to my motherland and   48   where exactly my home is, I am   49   to decide where my heart is. And quite   50  , my heart is wherever I am.

31. A. strange                B. serious                  C. unique                       D. curious

32. A. removing             B. returning                C. referring                    D. relating

33. A. struck                  B. clarified                  C. occurred                   D. impressed

34. A. satisfied               B. charged                  C. appointed                  D. presented

35. A. confused              B. convinced               C. depressed                  D. excited

36. A. sticks                  B. starts                     C. struggles                   D. supplies                 

37. A. consulting            B. connecting              C. confirming                D. contenting

38. A. difference            B. advantage               C. impression                 D. influence

39. A. comfort               B. tension                   C. unrest                       D. stress

40. A. talks                    B. shows                    C. tells                          D. learns

41. A. why                    B. how                       C. where                       D. while

42. A. build                    B. trend                      C. survive                      D. expand

43. A. attachment           B. commitment           C. devotion                    D. ambition

44. A. bases                   B. roots                      C. rules                         D. tasks

45. A. soul                     B. sign                       C. role                           D. part

46. A. duty                    B. urge                       C. conduct                    D. purpose

47. A. account for          B. appeal to                 C. centre upon              D. count down

48. A. consider               B. remind                   C. foresee                      D. expect

49. A. directed               B. annoyed                 C. sacred                       D. forced

50. A. simply                 B. gently                     C. merely                      D. awfully


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