摘要:(08安徽省江南十校高三素质测试) Despite what I’d been told about the local people’s attitude to strangers.at no time any rudeness. A.I had met B.I met C.have I met D.did I meet 答案 D



  Have you ever imagined that you could be cloned like Dolly the sheep in the not too distant future?

  The news that a human embryo (胚胎) has been 1 cloned for the first time has caused mixed reactions (反映).

  The 2 was carried out by scientists from the Advanced Cell Technology Inc (ACT), in Massachusetts, US. The group 3 the news on November 25.

  “This is 4 human being. A clone is alive, it walks, it breathes,” said Jamie Grifo, 5 on the study of cloning at New York University School of Medicine.

  “This is a set of cells in a lab that will be used to 6 someone's life. ”

  Such research could lead to treatment for 7 such as heart diseases, AIDS and even cancer, 8 scientists.

  Despite high hopes from other scientists, the news raised concerns immediately from religious and political leaders. Several 9 in the US do not allow human cloning. President George W. Bush also made it clear that he is 10  any type of human cloning. However, the scientists at ACT said they have no interest at present in 11 an early embryo into __12__.

  Animals have been cloned repeatedly since Dolly the sheep 13 in 1997. And there were no real technical 14 to stand in the way of scientists making a cloned human embryo.

  This time the research group used traditional cloning technology with a human 15

   16 it was given DNA from an adult cell, the egg began to __17__.__18__ it was stopped from becoming a baby--at a stage in which it was 19 a ball of cells. The 20 technology has been used to clone sheep, cattle and monkeys.


[  ]

A. in failure
B. never
C. successfully
D. not


[  ]

A. research
B. report
C. works
D. task


[  ]

A. made known
B. made
C. said
D. had


[  ]

A. a cloned
B. a man-made
C. a
D. not a cloned


[  ]

A. a worker
B. a head
C. an expert
D. an assistant


[  ]

A. save
B. rescue
C. cure
D. treat


[  ]

A. patients
B. health
C. diseases
D. things


[  ]

A. according to

B. including

C. besides

D. argued


[  ]

A. countries
B. nations
C. peoples
D. states


[  ]

A. for
B. against
C. researching for
D. praising


[  ]

A. developing

B. building

C. inventing

D. discovering


[  ]

A. a baby
B. a man
C. a woman
D. a white man


[  ]

A. died
B. appeared
C. turned up
D. was no more


[  ]

A. questions
B. affairs
C. business
D. problems


[  ]

A. egg
B. bless
C. meat
D. cell


[  ]

A. Before
B. After
C. While
D. And


[  ]

A. grow
B. die
C. change
D. grow up


[  ]

A. And
B. But
C. However
D. Yet


[  ]

A. yet
B. still
C. not
D. no


[  ]

A. different
B. usual
C. ordinary
D. same

Condoleezza Rice is used to standing out. It is not only because she holds the position as U.S. Secretary of State. Her youth, gender and skin color have  36  a lot of attention throughout her political career.

Condoleezza Rice, 37  as Condi to her close friends, was born in 1954 in Birmingham. During 1950s,blacks were not treated as  38  citizens in the south. Although slavery was 39  in 1865,the southern states passed their own laws to continue the  40 of blacks and whites. Despite the discrimination  41  black people, her parents told her she could become? 42  she wanted. They taught her to believe that great things were  43  for her.

Rice was a gifted student with a  44  for the piano and she entered college at the age of 15 with the  45  of becoming a concert pianist. Along the way she was 46  by political? scientist Josef Korbel, the father of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Rice  47  her plans and studied international politics, and in the 1980s she was teaching at Stanford University, 48  her career developed quickly. She 49  on George H. Bush's national security council(顾问) in 1989.Later she  50  to Stanford, and became its youngest, first female and first  51  provost after two years.

In 2001,Rice re-entered the political world, 52  George W. Bush's national security advisor. She has drawn international  53  in this position, and has been the most powerful national security advisors in American  54 .

She held this position until 2005,when  55  Secretary of State.

36.A. directed B. turned C. paid    D. attracted?

37.A. known   B. Considered C. Seen   D. accepted?

38.A. respectful     B. equal  C. different     D. noble?

39.A. finished B. Stopped     C. Prevented   D. ended?

40.A. difference     B. disagreement     C. separation   D. division?

41.A. against  B. to              C. with    D. towards?

42.A. whoever       B. whomever  C. whatever    D. whichever?

43.A. desiring B. waiting      C. preparing   D. longing?

44.A. talent    B. interest       C. hobby D. favourite?

45.A. purpose B. goal    C. intention    D. attention?

46.A. effected B. affected      C. impressed   D. influenced?

47.A. changed B. postponed   C. cancelled    D. exchanged?

48.A. which    B. where C. when  D. that?

49.A. acted     B. waited C. served D. called?

50.A. paid a visit    B. showed concern C. attended     D. returned?

51.A. black     B. white  C. capable      D. efficient?

52.A. turning  B. holding      C. becoming   D. taking?

53.A. praise    B. approval     C. criticism     D. attention?

54.A. politics  B. history       C. culture              D. government?

55.A. elected  B. invited       C. appointed   D. succeeded??


Condoleezza Rice is used to standing out. It is not only because she holds the position as U.S. Secretary of State. Her youth, gender and skin color have  36  a lot of attention throughout her political career.

Condoleezza Rice, 37  as Condi to her close friends, was born in 1954 in Birmingham. During 1950s,blacks were not treated as  38  citizens in the south. Although slavery was 39  in 1865,the southern states passed their own laws to continue the  40 of blacks and whites. Despite the discrimination  41  black people, her parents told her she could become? 42  she wanted. They taught her to believe that great things were  43  for her.

Rice was a gifted student with a  44  for the piano and she entered college at the age of 15 with the  45  of becoming a concert pianist. Along the way she was 46  by political? scientist Josef Korbel, the father of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Rice  47  her plans and studied international politics, and in the 1980s she was teaching at Stanford University, 48  her career developed quickly. She 49  on George H. Bush's national security council(顾问) in 1989.Later she  50  to Stanford, and became its youngest, first female and first  51  provost after two years.

In 2001,Rice re-entered the political world, 52  George W. Bush's national security advisor. She has drawn international  53  in this position, and has been the most powerful national security advisors in American  54 .

She held this position until 2005,when  55  Secretary of State.

36.A. directed B. turned C. paid    D. attracted?

37.A. known   B. Considered C. Seen   D. accepted?

38.A. respectful     B. equal  C. different     D. noble?

39.A. finished B. Stopped     C. Prevented   D. ended?

40.A. difference     B. disagreement     C. separation   D. division?

41.A. against  B. to              C. with    D. towards?

42.A. whoever       B. whomever  C. whatever    D. whichever?

43.A. desiring B. waiting      C. preparing   D. longing?

44.A. talent    B. interest       C. hobby D. favourite?

45.A. purpose B. goal    C. intention    D. attention?

46.A. effected B. affected      C. impressed   D. influenced?

47.A. changed B. postponed   C. cancelled    D. exchanged?

48.A. which    B. where C. when  D. that?

49.A. acted     B. waited C. served D. called?

50.A. paid a visit    B. showed concern C. attended     D. returned?

51.A. black     B. white  C. capable      D. efficient?

52.A. turning  B. holding      C. becoming   D. taking?

53.A. praise    B. approval     C. criticism     D. attention?

54.A. politics  B. history       C. culture              D. government?

55.A. elected  B. invited       C. appointed   D. succeeded??



  In the world of fairy tales, great and powerful men are often helped to victory by the small and weak.But in the US it has happened for real.

  Nine-year-old Noah McCullough from Texas, has taken on the role of speaking to the public in support of President George W.Bush's social security reforms.

  On February 25 he signed an agreement with the American Congress(国会)to work for the White House as a volunteer.“What I want to tell people about social security is not to be afraid of the new plan,”Noah said.“It may be a change, but it's a good change.”

  Besides this task, he already has a higher goal.He plans to run for the White House in 2032.So far, Noah seems to have a very bright future.

  Despite his age, Noah already has his firm opinion on running the US.“I firmly believe that the combination of large business and small governments creates a peaceful and present society because industry can stimulate(刺激)economic growth,”he said.

  Noah's politics do not come from his parents.“He is very patriotic(爱国的)and very republican,”said Noah's mother, Donna McCullough.“It's the way he was born.”

  Noah's interest began after a mock(模拟)election in the kindergarten when he was five years old.Now he has read more than 3,000 books on presidential history.He can recite the names of all 43 American presidents.He can also describe the achievements and events that took place during a president's term of office.

  His unusual experiences in the presidential campaign last year made him a famous figure.He was a member of Bush's presidential campaign team.He gave speeches at the Republican convention(大会)and followed Bush around on his tour of 27 states.President Bush thinks highly of the boy, saying that he is“the miracle kid of the White House”.


Noah McCullough worked for the White House ________.

[  ]


to support George W.Bush in the presidential campaign


to be a volunteer in the presidential campaign


to show his gift in the presidential campaigns


to drill for his running for the White House in 2032


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Noah seems to have a very bright future because he supports Bush.


Noah is the youngest of the Americans who support Bush.


Noah has been to more than half of the states in the presidential campaign.


Noah was born with his parents' dream of his becoming US President.


We can infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


Noah can surely succeed in the 2032 presidential campaign


Noah's polities are deeply affected by his parents


Bush had known Noah well before the presidential campaign began


Noah would develop industry and reduce government officials if he were elected President of the USA


Which is the best title of the passage?

[  ]


The Small and Weak Can Help the Big and Strong


Little Boy Helps President Bush


Beginning of Noah's Political Life


The US Future President



  Have you ever imagined that you could be cloned like Dolly the sheep in the not too distant future?

  The news that a human embryo (胚胎) has been 1 cloned for the first time has caused mixed reactions (反映).

  The 2 was carried out by scientists from the Advanced Cell Technology Inc (ACT), in Massachusetts, US. The group 3 the news on November 25.

  “This is 4 human being. A clone is alive, it walks, it breathes,” said Jamie Grifo, 5 on the study of cloning at New York University School of Medicine.

  “This is a set of cells in a lab that will be used to 6 someone's life. ”

  Such research could lead to treatment for 7 such as heart diseases, AIDS and even cancer, 8 scientists.

  Despite high hopes from other scientists, the news raised concerns immediately from religious and political leaders. Several 9 in the US do not allow human cloning. President George W. Bush also made it clear that he is 10  any type of human cloning. However, the scientists at ACT said they have no interest at present in 11 an early embryo into __12__.

  Animals have been cloned repeatedly since Dolly the sheep 13 in 1997. And there were no real technical 14 to stand in the way of scientists making a cloned human embryo.

  This time the research group used traditional cloning technology with a human 15

   16 it was given DNA from an adult cell, the egg began to __17__.__18__ it was stopped from becoming a baby--at a stage in which it was 19 a ball of cells. The 20 technology has been used to clone sheep, cattle and monkeys.


[  ]

A. in failure
B. never
C. successfully
D. not


[  ]

A. research
B. report
C. works
D. task


[  ]

A. made known
B. made
C. said
D. had


[  ]

A. a cloned
B. a man-made
C. a
D. not a cloned


[  ]

A. a worker
B. a head
C. an expert
D. an assistant


[  ]

A. save
B. rescue
C. cure
D. treat


[  ]

A. patients
B. health
C. diseases
D. things


[  ]

A. according to

B. including

C. besides

D. argued


[  ]

A. countries
B. nations
C. peoples
D. states


[  ]

A. for
B. against
C. researching for
D. praising


[  ]

A. developing

B. building

C. inventing

D. discovering


[  ]

A. a baby
B. a man
C. a woman
D. a white man


[  ]

A. died
B. appeared
C. turned up
D. was no more


[  ]

A. questions
B. affairs
C. business
D. problems


[  ]

A. egg
B. bless
C. meat
D. cell


[  ]

A. Before
B. After
C. While
D. And


[  ]

A. grow
B. die
C. change
D. grow up


[  ]

A. And
B. But
C. However
D. Yet


[  ]

A. yet
B. still
C. not
D. no


[  ]

A. different
B. usual
C. ordinary
D. same

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