摘要:(08重庆市高三第一次联合诊断性考试) where to stand.and I’ll move the world. A.Given B.If given C.Give me D.Giving me 答案 C



Alfred Hitchcock is one of the best-known film-makers in the world. This gentle-looking and overweight Englishman has connected the   1   audiences with most of the mysterious and frightening films   2   made.

The 37 Stepsmade in 1939 was the  3  which made him famous outside  4  . He received many  5  from Hollywood, where he went to makeRebecca. This was the most expensive film he had made,   6   over a million dollars. This was  7  in Britain,  8  the budget(预算)was very small. But as soon as he started onRebecca, the Second World War started. Like many  9  film people, Hitchcock decided to  10  in America, and was sometimes  11  a traitor(叛徒)at home. But he was too old to  12  , and the British film industry had  13  down. He finishedRebeccaand got  14  first Oscar, for the best film of the year.

He was  15  the first film director to  16  a TV  17  which showed mysterious and frightening stories, calledAlfred Hitchcock presents…”. This was a new   18   , for most of the Hollywood people hated television and didn’t think it was worth trying at all. The audience loved Hitchcock, however, and he made more shows. These shows gave him more   19   to try a new idea and produce more and more mysterious and frightening   20   .

1. A. theatre        B. cinema   C. sports          D. music

2. A. ever         B. never    C. still           D. yet

3. A. book        B. story        C. play         D. film

4. A. America         B. France      C. Britain        D. Australia

5. A. offers        B. congratulations     C. letters       D. telegrams

6. A. spending       B. costing      C. talking      D. wasting

7. A. possible        B. easy     C. impossible       D. interesting

8. A. why          B. where        C. there          D. here

9. A. another        B. the other      C. the same        D. other

10. A. leave            B. stay      C. fight          D. love

11. A. made          B. forced      C. called        D. destroyed

12. A. fight          B. eat        C. talk       D. sleep

13. A. started         B. begun      C. closed        D. put

14. A. her        B. their        C. his         D. its

15. A. also          B. both       C. all         D. neither

16. A. become       B. remain      C. get          D. stay

17. A. station        B. show        C. factory       D. farm

18. A. idea          B. nation      C. shape          D. attention

19. A. chances       B. time      C. money       D. directions

20. A. plays       B. stories       C. films         D. problems



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