摘要: rapid progress has he made that we all admire him. A.Very B.So C.Such D.Too 答案 C



  A very rapid increase in the number of cars began almost immediately after they were invented to meet the need for the regular rapid transportation and convenience.The car is such a part of our everyday life and so much taken for granted nowadays that we rarely think twice when we get into it and get it started.The USA is even referred to as“a nation on wheels”.But how many of you have ever thought how the car is designed and operated?

  In cars of normal design, the petrol system is made up of three main parts:storage tank, a pump and a carburetor.

  The petrol tank is fitted at the back of the car where it is out of the way, yet easily filled at a gas station.Tanks are in various capacity but they usually hold enough petrol for 250-300 miles running.Because the tank is at the opposite end of the car from the carburetor, which is fitted high up on the engine, a pump is needed to draw the petrol from one to the other, so it is from the carburetor that the petrol is finally fed into the engine.Pumps can be of two kinds:electrically operated or mechanically driven from the engine.

  Next time when you are driving a car, you may wonder what a great and magic invention the car is.


Choose one picture which shows the correct petrol system described in this passage.

[  ]






The passage tells the reason why ________.

[  ]


there are different types of tanks in capacity


the tank is designed at the back of the car


the pump is mechanically driven from the engine


the petrol is fed into the engine from the carburetor


It is necessary to use a pump to send petrol to carburetor because ________.

[  ]


the engine needs supplying with a certain amount of petrol


the pump can press the petrol to recycle


the carburetor has difficulty in drawing petrol from the tank


the tank isn't fitted in proper position


    I must have been about fourteen then, and I put away the incident from my mind with the
easy carelessness of  youth. But the words, Carl Walter spoke that day, came back to me years
later, and ever since have been of great value to me.
Carl Walter was my piano teacher. During one of my lessons he asked how much practicing I was doing. I said three or four hours a day.
"Do you practice in long stretches, an hour at a time?"
"I try to."
"Well, don't," he exclaimed. "When you grow up, time won't come in long stretches.    Practice in minutes, whenever you can find them five or ten before school, after lunch, between household tasks. Spread the practice through the day, and piano-playing will become a part of your life."
When I was teaching at Columbia, I wanted to write, but class periods, theme-reading, and committee meetings filled my days and evenings. For two years I got practically nothing down on paper, and my excuse was that I had no time. Then I remembered what Carl Walter had said. During the next week I conducted an experiment. Whenever I had five minutes unoccupied, I sat down and wrote a hundred words or so. To my astonishment, at the end of the week I had a rather large manuscript ready for revision, later on I wrote novels by the same piecemeal method. Though my teaching schedule had become heavier than ever, in every day there were idle moments which could be caught and put to use. I even took up piano--playing again, finding that the small intervals of the day provided sufficient time for both writing and piano practice.
There is an important trick in this time--using formula: you must get into your work quickly. If you have but five minutes for writing, you can't afford to waste four chewing your pencil. You must make your mental preparations beforehand, and concentrate on your task almost instantly when the time comes. Fortunately, rapid concentration is easier than most of us realize.
I admit I have never learnt how to let go easily at the end of the five or ten minutes. But life can be counted on to supply interruptions. Carl Walter has had a tremendous influence on my life. To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge(投入)in without delay.
56.The meaning of “stretch” in the underlined part is the same as that in sentence “       ”.
A.The forests in the north of the province stretch for hundreds of miles.
B.Bob worked as a government official for a stretch of over twenty years.
C.My family wasn’t wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.
D.During his senior year his earnings far enough to buy an old car.
57.Which of the following statements is true?
  A.The writer didn’t completely take the teacher’s words to heart at first.
  B.Carl Walter has had a great influence on the writer's life since he became a student.
  C.The writer owes great thanks to his teacher for teaching him to work in long stretches.
  D.Rapid concentration is actually more difficult than most people imagine.
58.We can infer that the writer             
A.has new books published each year however busy his teaching is
B.is always tired of interruptions in life because his teaching schedule is always heavy
C.has formed a bad habit of chewing a pencil while writing his novels
D.can find sufficient time for mental preparations beforehand, so he's devoted to work   instantly
59.What is the best title of this passage?
A.Concentrate on Your Work           B.A Little at a Time
C.How I Became a Writer                 D.Good AdviceIs Most Valuable


    I must have been about fourteen then, and I put away the incident from my mind with the

easy carelessness of  youth. But the words, Carl Walter spoke that day, came back to me years

later, and ever since have been of great value to me.

Carl Walter was my piano teacher. During one of my lessons he asked how much practicing I was doing. I said three or four hours a day.

"Do you practice in long stretches, an hour at a time?"

"I try to."

"Well, don't," he exclaimed. "When you grow up, time won't come in long stretches.    Practice in minutes, whenever you can find them five or ten before school, after lunch, between household tasks. Spread the practice through the day, and piano-playing will become a part of your life."

When I was teaching at Columbia, I wanted to write, but class periods, theme-reading, and committee meetings filled my days and evenings. For two years I got practically nothing down on paper, and my excuse was that I had no time. Then I remembered what Carl Walter had said. During the next week I conducted an experiment. Whenever I had five minutes unoccupied, I sat down and wrote a hundred words or so. To my astonishment, at the end of the week I had a rather large manuscript ready for revision, later on I wrote novels by the same piecemeal method. Though my teaching schedule had become heavier than ever, in every day there were idle moments which could be caught and put to use. I even took up piano--playing again, finding that the small intervals of the day provided sufficient time for both writing and piano practice.

There is an important trick in this time--using formula: you must get into your work quickly. If you have but five minutes for writing, you can't afford to waste four chewing your pencil. You must make your mental preparations beforehand, and concentrate on your task almost instantly when the time comes. Fortunately, rapid concentration is easier than most of us realize.

I admit I have never learnt how to let go easily at the end of the five or ten minutes. But life can be counted on to supply interruptions. Carl Walter has had a tremendous influence on my life. To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge(投入)in without delay.

56.The meaning of “stretch” in the underlined part is the same as that in sentence “        ”.

      A.The forests in the north of the province stretch for hundreds of miles.

       B.Bob worked as a government official for a stretch of over twenty years.

       C.My family wasn’t wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.

       D.During his senior year his earnings far enough to buy an old car.

57.Which of the following statements is true?

  A.The writer didn’t completely take the teacher’s words to heart at first.

  B.Carl Walter has had a great influence on the writer's life since he became a student.

  C.The writer owes great thanks to his teacher for teaching him to work in long stretches.

  D.Rapid concentration is actually more difficult than most people imagine.

58.We can infer that the writer             

       A.has new books published each year however busy his teaching is

      B.is always tired of interruptions in life because his teaching schedule is always heavy

      C.has formed a bad habit of chewing a pencil while writing his novels

       D.can find sufficient time for mental preparations beforehand, so he's devoted to work   instantly

59.What is the best title of this passage?

       A.Concentrate on Your Work           B.A Little at a Time

       C.How I Became a Writer           D.Good Advice Is Most Valuable


    I must have been about fourteen then, and I put away the incident from my mind with the

easy carelessness of  youth. But the words, Carl Walter spoke that day, came back to me years

later, and ever since have been of great value to me.

Carl Walter was my piano teacher. During one of my lessons he asked how much practicing I was doing. I said three or four hours a day.

"Do you practice in long stretches, an hour at a time?"

"I try to."

"Well, don't," he exclaimed. "When you grow up, time won't come in long stretches.    Practice in minutes, whenever you can find them five or ten before school, after lunch, between household tasks. Spread the practice through the day, and piano-playing will become a part of your life."

When I was teaching at Columbia, I wanted to write, but class periods, theme-reading, and committee meetings filled my days and evenings. For two years I got practically nothing down on paper, and my excuse was that I had no time. Then I remembered what Carl Walter had said. During the next week I conducted an experiment. Whenever I had five minutes unoccupied, I sat down and wrote a hundred words or so. To my astonishment, at the end of the week I had a rather large manuscript ready for revision, later on I wrote novels by the same piecemeal method. Though my teaching schedule had become heavier than ever, in every day there were idle moments which could be caught and put to use. I even took up piano--playing again, finding that the small intervals of the day provided sufficient time for both writing and piano practice.

There is an important trick in this time--using formula: you must get into your work quickly. If you have but five minutes for writing, you can't afford to waste four chewing your pencil. You must make your mental preparations beforehand, and concentrate on your task almost instantly when the time comes. Fortunately, rapid concentration is easier than most of us realize.

I admit I have never learnt how to let go easily at the end of the five or ten minutes. But life can be counted on to supply interruptions. Carl Walter has had a tremendous influence on my life. To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge(投入)in without delay.

56.The meaning of “stretch” in the underlined part is the same as that in sentence “       ”.

A.The forests in the north of the province stretch for hundreds of miles.

B.Bob worked as a government official for a stretch of over twenty years.

C.My family wasn’t wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.

D.During his senior year his earnings far enough to buy an old car.

57.Which of the following statements is true?

  A.The writer didn’t completely take the teacher’s words to heart at first.

  B.Carl Walter has had a great influence on the writer's life since he became a student.

  C.The writer owes great thanks to his teacher for teaching him to work in long stretches.

  D.Rapid concentration is actually more difficult than most people imagine.

58.We can infer that the writer             

A.has new books published each year however busy his teaching is

B.is always tired of interruptions in life because his teaching schedule is always heavy

C.has formed a bad habit of chewing a pencil while writing his novels

D.can find sufficient time for mental preparations beforehand, so he's devoted to work   instantly

59.What is the best title of this passage?

A.Concentrate on Your Work           B.A Little at a Time

C.How I Became a Writer                 D.Good AdviceIs Most Valuable







  Soon it may be harder to stop and smell the roses.

  Growing levels of air pollution from power plants and automobiles have reduced flower fragrances (芬芳) by up to 90 percent in the US.That is compared with pre-industrial levels,a new study has found.

  The trend is unpleasant for human noses,but may be life - threatening for bees and butterflies.

  "Many insects find flowers by folowing the scent(香味) produced by those flowers," said the studies lead author Jose D.Fuentes,an environmental scientist at the University of Virginia.

  "The increasing pollution makes it difficult for them to locate the flowers and feed on their nectar(花蜜)."

  Scientists have alrady known that flowers produce scent molecules(分子) that bond with pollutants.The process breaks down the plants' sweet smell.

  With more pollution in the air,the scent molecules don't remain effective as long and travel shorter distances on the wind.

  The new study suggests that in the mid - 19th century,when pollution levels were first recorded,scent molecules would have been able to travel some 1,000 to 1,200 meters.

  Today,in the polluted air found downwind of large cities,scentst may only make it some 200 to 300 meters.

  The report was recently published in the journal,Atmospheric Environment.

  Bee farmers have reported that bee populations are dropping dramatically in many parts of the world in recent years. Could these missing scents be a factor?

  Scientists trying to hind the cause of bee population declines have blamed bacteria,pesticides,and even cellphone radiation.

  Jay Evans,an entomologist(昆虫学者) at the US Department of Agriculture's bee research laboratory,was interested in the new study.But he says he hasn't seen bee behavior that suggests trouble with scents.

  "Over the last couple of summers I don't think the bees in this area were bringing in much less food,"he said.

  "It might be that they had to work harder,but it seems like as long as there were bees to collect food they were finding flowers somewhere."

  But Fuentes fears that the fading smell of flowers may stress insects that are already faced with other threats.

  "The effects shown in these studies will simply exacerbate whatever the bees are going through right now,"he said.

  "It's something that is really worthwhile paying attention to."

  56.What's the passage mainly about?

   A.How greatly air plooution affects our lives.

   B.Effects of air pollution on bee populations.

   C.Measures to fight air pollution.

   D.The rapid decline of bee populations in the world.

  57.According to the passage,Jay Evans probably agrees that ______ .

   A.bees are the insect that suffers most from air pollution

   B.bees are at risk of dying out owing to air pollution

   C.the fading smell of flowers doesn't affect bees so greatly as was thought

   D.as is often the case,bees fail to locate the flowers because of the missing scents

  58.The word"exacerbate" in the last paragraph but one probably means ______.

   A.worsen B.improve C.get rid of D.decrease

  59.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A.The more air pollution there is in a region,the greater the destruction of the flower scents.

   B.Bacteria,pesticides,and cellphone radiation are blamed for causing the decline of bees.

   C.The scent molecules produced by flowers in a less polluted environment oculd travel longer and farther.

   D.Air pollution does more harm to insects such as bees and butterflies than human beings.



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