摘要:7.(江苏省六校2010届高三第一次联考) The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, ? A. did they B. didn’t they C. did it D. didn’t it 答案 D


London: It’s well known that Charles Darwin’s famous theory of evolution (进化) annoyed many people because it was against the Biblical view of creation. But few know that it also created problems for Darwin at home with his deeply religious wife, Emma.

“Darwin held back the publication of On the Origin of Species to avoid offending (触怒) his wife,” says Ruth Padel, the naturalist’s great – great – granddaughter. “Emma told him that he seemed to be putting God further and further off”, Padel says in her north London home. “But they talked it through, and Emma once said, ‘Don’t change any of your ideas for fear of hurting me.’”

As the world celebrates the 200 th birthday of the man who changed scientific thought forever and the 150 th anniversary of his book today, even his opponents admitted he was a giant figure.

Though opposition to his theory continues, it is the elegant explanation of how species evolutes through natural selection that makes his 200th birthday such a major event.

More than 300 celebrations have been planned in Britain alone, where Darwin's face graces (使增光)the 10-pound bill along with that of Queen Elizabeth II.

Shrewsbury, the central England town where Darwin was born and raised, is holding a month-long festival for its most famous son. Down House, his former home near London, will hold a permanent exhibition recreating some of his most famous experiments.

Many more events have been planned all over the world.

What would he be doing if he were alive today? Padel thinks he would properly be studying DNA and the immune system.

60.The main purpose of the author is          .

       A.to say something about Darwin and his wife

       B.to introduce Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution

       C.to sing high praise for the book On the Origin of Species

       D.to report some celebrations of Darwin’s 200 th birthday and the 150 th anniversary of his books

61.Which of the statements is NOT true based on the passage?

       A.Everyone agrees with Darwin now.

       B.Darwin was brought up in Shrewsbury.

       C.Emma was not really fond of his theory.

       D.Darwin was very interested in living things.

62.The underlined phrase “help back” in the second paragraph probably means        .

       A.prevented from              B.kept a secret

       C.cared about             D.put off

63.It can be inferred that the passage is most probably          .

      A.a scientific report           B.a news report

       C.an English composition   D.a text



  In ancient Egypt,the pharaoh(法老)trented the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace ,if he broubht good news ,However ,if the exharsted runner had the misrlrtune to buing the pharaoh unhappy news ,his head was cut off

  Shades of that lpirit priad ovie today’s cknversntions,Once a friend and Ipack up some peanut butter ane sandwiches for an outing As we walked light-heartedly out the door ,pienie basket in hand ,a smiling neighbor looked up at the sky and saie ,Oh boy ,bad dny for a picnic the weatherman says it’s going tl raim I wanted to strike him on the race with the peanut butter and sandwiches not for his stupid weather report for his wsile

  Several months ago Iwas racing to fcatcb angty A’s I breathlessly put my handfrul of cash acrlss the Greyhound ckunths the sales ager said with a brond smileOh that bus lsft rive minrtes ago Dreams of head cutting

  It’s not the news thst makes ,someone angry It’s the unsympathetic attitrde with which it’s delivered Everyone must give bad mews from time to time ,and winning professilnalas di it ‘swith the prope attitude A doctor advising a paticnt she needs an operation dose it in a caring way Aboss infonning an employee he didn’t get job takes on a sympathetic tone Big winners know ,when delivering ang ban news they should share th feeling of the receiver

  Unfortumately, many peple are not aware of this?you re tired from a long flight, has a hotel clerk cheerfully said that your room isn’t ready ye?When you had your heart set on the toast beef ,has your waiter mimily told you that he just seuved the last piece?It makes you as traveler or diner want to land your fist fight on their unsympathetic faces

  Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warningHad the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically infored me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said, Oh ,that ‘s all rightI’ll catch the next one.” Big winners, when they bear bear new ,deliver bombs with the emxtion the bombarded(被轰炸的)person is sure to have


In Paragrph 1,the writer tells the story of the pharaoh to ________

[  ]


make a comparison




not considerate


not helpful


FromDreams of head-cutting!(Paragraph 3),we learn that the writer ________

[  ]


was mad at the sales agent


was reminded of the cruel pharaoh


wished that the sales agent would have had dreams


dreamed of cutting the sales agent’s head that night


What is the main idea of the text?

[  ]


Delivering bad news properly is important in communication


Helping others sincerely is the key to business success


Receiving bad news requires great courage


Learning ancient traditions can be useful




  It is hard to predict how science is going to turn out, and if it is really good science it is impossible to predict. If the things to be found are actually new, they are by difinition unknown in advance. You cannot make choices in this matter. You either have science or you don’t and if you have it you are obliged to accept the surprising and disturbing pieces of information, along with the neat and promptly useful bits.

  The only solid piece of scientific truth about which I feel totally confident is that we are profoundly ignorant about nature. Indeed, I regard this as the major discovery of the past hundred years of biology. It is, in its way, an illuminating piece of news. It would have amazed the brightest minds of the 18th century Enlightenment to be told by any of us how little we know and how bewildering seems the way ahead. It is this sudden confrontation with the depth and scope of ignorance that represents the most significant contribution of the 20th century science to the human intellect. In earlier times, we either pretended to understand how things Worked or ignored the problem, or simply made up stories to fill the gaps. Now that we have begun exploring in earnest, we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are, and how far from being answered. Because of this, we are depressed. It is not so bad being ignorant if you are totally ignorant, the hard thing is knowing in some detail the reality of ignorance, the worst spots and here and there the not-so-had spots, but no true light at the end of the tunnel nor even any tunnels than can yet be trusted.

  But we are making a beginning, and there ought to be some satisfaction. There are probably no questions we can think up that can’ t be answered, sooner or later, including even the matter of consciousness. To be sure, there may well be questions we can’t think up, ever, and therefore limits to the reach of human intellect, but that is another matter. Within our limits, we should be able to work our way through to all our answers, if we keep at it long enough, and pay attention.

1.According to the author, really good science ________.

[  ]

A.would surprise the brightest minds of the 18th century Enlightenment

B.will produce results which cannot be foreseen

C.will help people to make the right choice in advance

D.will bring about disturbing results

2.It can be inferred from the passage that scientists of the 18 th century ________.

[  ]

A.thoutht that they knew a great deal and could solve most problems of science

B.were afraid of facing up to the realities of scientific research

C.knew that they were ignorant and wanted to know more about nature

D.did more harm than good in promoting man’ s understanding of nature

3.What is the author’s attitude towards science?

[  ]

A.He is depressed because of the ignorance of scientists.

B.He is doubtful because of the enormous difficulties in scientific research.

C.He is confident though he is aware of the enormous difficulties in scientific research.

D.He is delighted because of the illuminating scientific findings.

4.The author believes that ________.

[  ]

A.man can find solutions sooner or later to whatever questions concerning nature he can think up

B.man can not solve all the problems he can think up because of the limits of human intellect

C.sooner or later man can think up all the questions concerning nature and answer them

D.questions concerning consciousness are outside the scope of scientific research


London: It’s well known that Charles Darwin’s famous theory of evolution (进化) annoyed many people because it was against the Biblical view of creation. But few know that it also created problems for Darwin at home with his deeply religious wife, Emma.

“Darwin held back the publication of On the Origin of Species to avoid offending (触怒) his wife,” says Ruth Padel, the naturalist’s great – great – granddaughter. “Emma told him that he seemed to be putting God further and further off”, Padel says in her north London home. “But they talked it through, and Emma once said, ‘Don’t change any of your ideas for fear of hurting me.’”

As the world celebrates the 200 th birthday of the man who changed scientific thought forever and the 150 th anniversary of his book today, even his opponents admitted he was a giant figure.

Though opposition to his theory continues, it is the elegant explanation of how species evolutes through natural selection that makes his 200th birthday such a major event.

More than 300 celebrations have been planned in Britain alone, where Darwin's face graces (使增光)the 10-pound bill along with that of Queen Elizabeth II.

Shrewsbury, the central England town where Darwin was born and raised, is holding a month-long festival for its most famous son. Down House, his former home near London, will hold a permanent exhibition recreating some of his most famous experiments.

Many more events have been planned all over the world.

What would he be doing if he were alive today? Padel thinks he would properly be studying DNA and the immune system.

1.The main purpose of the author is          .

       A.to say something about Darwin and his wife

       B.to introduce Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution

       C.to sing high praise for the book On the Origin of Species

       D.to report some celebrations of Darwin’s 200 th birthday and the 150 th anniversary of his books

2.Which of the statements is NOT true based on the passage?

       A.Everyone agrees with Darwin now.

       B.Darwin was brought up in Shrewsbury.

       C.Emma was not really fond of his theory.

       D.Darwin was very interested in living things.

3.The underlined phrase “help back” in the second paragraph probably means        .

       A.prevented from                                    B.kept a secret

       C.cared about                                         D.put off

4.It can be inferred that the passage is most probably          .

      A.a scientific report                                 B.a news report

       C.an English composition                         D.a text


David Beckham made a losing start to his second season in Major League Soccer when his Los Angeles Galaxy team were crushed 4 – 0 by the Colorado Rapids on Saturday.

Beckham, in his first game since reaching 100 international caps for England in a friendly against France on Wednesday, played in a variety of different positions as head coach Ruud Gullit tried in vain to find a successful formation.

The former England captain and his Galaxy team mates struggled to cope with playing at altitude, just outside Denver.

“It is always going to be tough when you travel when you have got international games,” Beckham told reporters. It is always tough when you are back from England and you are adjusting to the time difference.

“I felt ok for most of the match but I was maybe not at my sharpest and maybe the altitude had something to do with that.”

Former Manchester United winger Terry Cooke opened scoring for Colorado after 10 minutes.

The Galaxy went further behind after an hour when defender Abel Xavier was adjudged to have fouled Rapids forward Omar Cummings inside the penalty area(罚球区). Christian Gomez converted the spot-kick after they argued fiercely.

“I find it hard not to criticize some of the decisions tonight but I’ve been told I’ll be fined if I do,” said Beckham. “But certain decisions change games. I think that has happened tonight.”

Cummings added Colorado’s third goal on 67 minutes before Colin Clark scored the fourth with 10 minutes left. 

Xavier was sent off late in the game for using abusive language towards referee Abiodun Okulaja and Colorado substitute Ciaran O’Brien was also dismissed after a foul on Carlos Ruiz.

1.The news report is mainly about        .

       A.Beckham’s new team Galaxy

       B.referee Okulaja’s preference

       C.Beckham’s good performance

       D.possible reasons for Galaxy’s first failure

2.We can know that        .

       A.Beckham is captain of England

       B.Beckham was not in form during the game

       C.Gullit found a proper position for Beckham

       D.Beckham was well adjusted to the time difference

3.By saying “certain decisions change games” Beckham means the referee          .

       A.carried out judgment in the Galaxy’s favor

       B.could do anything he liked on the football field

       C.carried out judgment in the Rapids’ favor

       D.might have received money from the Rapids

4.We know the        goal of Rapids was controversial.

       A.1 st                     B.2 nd                    C.3 rd                    D.4 th

5.We can infer that        is fighting for Galaxy.

       A.Xavier      B.O’Brien     C.Cooke      D.Gummings


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