摘要:Is everything you do ? A. done B. to be done C. has been done D. had been done


In the United States the most popular form of folk dancing since the earliest days has been square dancing.In early times, when men and women worked in groups to build a barn(building where animals are kept) or harvest crops, they danced when the work was done.The music came from a violin from the most part, but if there was no one to play an instrument, placcing was used to produce the rhythm (loud and soft sounds made in a certain order) by which to dance.The early settlers danced in a store, in a barn, or in a farm kitchen.

A square is formed by four couples who stand facing the center of the square.Each couple stands on one side of the square, the boy on the left and girl on the right.

    The caller is an important part of the dance since he tells the dancers which steps to do.If the dancers do not know the steps, he teaches them.It takes time for a learner to be a good caller, and good callers are always in demand.

    These are the names of some of the steps the dancers do.Form a square; Circle; Honour your partner; Promenade (walk about slowly), Swing your partner; Form a star.There are many more.As the caller tells the dancers what to do next, they move to form the pattern he calls.

Large or small numbers of people can dance at one time.Sometimes 800 or 1,000 people may be dancing at the same time.Or there may be only one square of eight people.

    Tumecoses are worn by some who square dance.This makes the dancing more colorful to watch.The tumecoses vary from place to place.Women often were full skirts of various colors with a pretty blouse.Men have colored shirt and western trousers which they.wear only when square dancing, In some country areas, everyone wears his best clothes.

    Today in all parts of the United States you will find some school, club, or other group that is square-dancing for fun.

1.In the past, people danced ________.

    A.when they were doing their work                    B.before they did their work

    C.after they finished their work'                D.before a big party

2.In the first paragraph, the word "plac" means ________.

A.hit the hands together to make a sound 

B.a kind of thing like radios

C.shout at the top of one's voice        

D.knock something to make a sound

3.Which of the following statements is true?

    A.The caller is the most beautiful person in square dancing.

    B.The caller knows everything about square dancing.

    C.It is not difficult to learn to be a good caller.

    D.The caller play an important part in square dancing.

4.If 1,000 people dance at the same time, how many squares can be formed?

    A.Only on big square.                      B.1,000 squares.

    C.More than 100 squares.                   D.Less than 100 squares.

5.In the sixth paragraph, the word "tumecoses" means ________.

    A.special clothes                            B.a kind of hat with flowers on it

    C.a ring worn on the finger                   D.clothes worn when working



  When it comes to using technology to foster education, the prevailing wisdom has been that more is better.Over the past decade, universities around the globe have invested heavily in the wired classroom, adding everything from external laptop connections to Blu-ray DVD players.But there is little evidence that these devices enhance learning-and, critics believe, they might actually hinder it, making both students and teachers passive.What if classrooms were restored to the pre-Internet days of wooden tables and chalk?

  Take technology out of the classroom.Jose Nowen, dean of the Meadows School of the Arts at Southern Methodist University in Texas, has done just that.He wants his faculty to “teach naked”, meaning without the aid of any machines.“Just because you have a PowerPoint presentation doesn’t mean you have a good lecture,” he argues.Classroom time should be reserved for discussions with the prefessor, aimed at teaching students to think critically, argue, and raise new questions.Due to the grim economic climate at most universities, he says, avoiding new technology is also a sound way to save money.

  Bowen, who teaches music, delivers content via podcasts(播客), which students must listen to on their own time.He then quizzes them on the material before every class to make sure they’ve done the work, and uses class time for discussions and research according to the recorded lessons.He’s been teaching the same material for 25 years, but since he implemented the new way, he says, his students have been more engaged and scored better on exams.College students asked by researchers to list what motivates them have consistently emphasized teacher enthusiasm, organization, and raport(融洽的关系), while naming lack of active participation as a major disincentive(遏制因素).Last spring the British Educational Research Journal published a survey that found that 59 percent of students called at least half their lectures boring-particularly those involving PowerPoint.

  Technology has a place in education, but it should be used independently by students outside the classroom.That gives them more time to absorb lectures via podcast or video, and frees teachers to spend class time coaching students in how to apply the material rather than simply absorb it.


What’s the opinion of critics about the technology used in the classrooms?

[  ]


It helps enhance teaching and learning.


It puts extra financial burden on schools.


It may serve as an obstacle to learning.


It has injected great vitality into the class.


What does Jose Bowen expect his teachers to do?

[  ]


To teach the students how to use technology after class.


To explain the materials clearly in their unique ways.


To give PowerPoint presentation when teaching.


To teach the students without the aid of technology.


According to the passage, class time should be used to ________.

[  ]


discuss how to treat techonlogy


learn the materials by heart


promote students’ critical thinking


update students on new information


What do we learn from the third paragraph?

[  ]


Active participation in class stimulates students to leran.


Students need tests to check what they have learned.


Most students regard lectures with PowerPoint as less boring.


Teachers’ influence is the most important factor in teaching.


What is the author’s attitude towards using technology in the classroom?

[  ]











  Some people learn a second language easily.Other people have trouble learning a new language.How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting.

  The first step is to feel positive about learning English.If you believe that you can learn, you will learn.Be patient.You do not have to understand everything all at once.It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new.We can learn from our mistakes.In other words, do not worry about taking risks,

  The second step is to practice your English.For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day.You will get used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English.After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving.In addition, you must speak English every day.You can practice with your classmates outside class.You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English.

  The third step is to keep a record of your language learning.You can write this in your journal.After each class, think about what you did.Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it.Write these accomplishments in your journal.


To feel positive(积极的)about learning English means ________

[  ]


if you are patient, you will learn


you can understand everything all at once


if you make mistakes, you can learn from them


if you believe you can learn, you will learn


When you learn English, you do not need to ________

[  ]


practice speaking it too much


to be patient and feel positive about it


express your ideas in English


understand everything all at once


What is not helpful for you to enjoy learning English?

[  ]


To communicate in English


To worry about taking risks


To think about what has been done after class


To make a record of the achievements


What is the main idea of this passage?

[  ]


It's very important to learn a second language


Some people learn a second language easily while others don't


There are ways to help you learn a second language easily


Don't worry about taking risks when learning a second language


III. 阅读理解
I’ve written 14 movies. My characters smoke in many of them, and they look cool and glamorous doing it. Smoking was an integral(必需的) part of many of my screenplays because I was a heavy smoker. It was part of a bad-boy image I’d cultivated for a long time— smoking, drinking, partying, rock ’n’ roll.
Smoking, I once believed, was every person’s right. The second-hand smoke was non-existent problem invented by professional do-gooders. I put all these views into my plays.
Remembering all this, I find it hard to forgive myself. I have been an accomplice (帮凶) to the murders of untold numbers of human beings. I am admitting this only because I have made a deal with God. Spare me, I said, and I will try to stop others from committing the same crimes I did.
Eighteen months ago I was diagnosed with throat cancer, the result of a lifetime of smoking. I am alive but disabled. Much of my larynx (喉) is gone. I have some difficulty speaking; others have some difficulty understanding me.
I haven’t smoked or drunk for 18 months now, though I still take it day by day and pray for help. I believe in prayer and exercise. I have walked five miles a day for a year, without missing even one day. Quitting smoking and drinking has taught me the hardest lesson I’ve ever learned about my own weakness; it has also given me the greatest affection and empathy(同感) for those still addicted.
I don’t think smoking is every person’s right anymore. I think smoking should be as illegal as heroin. I’m no longer such a bad boy. I go to church on Sunday. I’m desperate to see my four boys grow up. I want to do everything I can to undo the damage I have done with my own big-screen words and images.
Screen writers know, too, that some movie stars are more likely to play a part if they can smoke —because they are so addicted to smoking that they have difficulty stopping even during the shooting of a scene.
My hands are bloody; so are Hollywood’s. My cancer has caused me to attempt to cleanse me. I don’t wish my fate upon anyone in Hollywood, but I beg that Hollywood should stop putting it upon millions of others.
1. The main idea of this passage probably is _________.
A. the writer is ashamed of the bad effects his screenplays have had on human beings
B. the writer’s smoking experience nearly killed himself
C. the bad effects that Hollywood screenplay have brought to children
D. the determination of the writer to overcome his illness
2. How do you think the writer has realized his mistake?
A. So many people have found the habit of smoking due to his plays.
B. His plays have brought great harm to teenagers.
C. He himself suffered greatly from smoking.
D. His screenplays have been doing more and more harm to human beings.
3. What is the writer determined to do in future?
A. He has made up his mind to give up smoking forever.
B. He will try his best to prevent others from writing screen plays encouraging smoking.
C. He will try his best to bring up his four children.
D. He has decided to write his screenplays without smoking scenes.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A. the writer will soon be recovered from his illness thanks to his exercise
B. the writer will soon die because of his deadly disease
C. smoking will be got rid of in all Hollywood films
D. smoking in Hollywood films is still doing great harm to human beings


   Some people may say a hero is someone older than you, someone you personally know, someone who has done something everyone knows about, etc. I don’t think a hero necessarily has to be an older person or a close friend or a family member. My hero is younger than me, but we are related. His name is Marcus. He is my cousin. He isn’t necessarily a wise person or someone who does something great every day, but he has taught me to appreciate some of the simple things in life.

   I am now in 11th grade. When I was in 8th grade, Marcus had a brain tumor (脑瘤) which had to be removed. Thankfully the tumor was benign (良性的). When the doctors removed it Marcus lost his sight. He felt down only once. Ever since then, he has been an extremely happy second-grader. He is very typical of a nine-year-old. He likes to tell jokes, play new games, and he likes to play tricks on people, just like children at his age. I love spending time with him. We go to movies whenever there is a good one and look after him every chance I get.

   I say that Marcus helps to appreciate the simple thing in life. He doesn’t have his sight and that causes me to realize how lucky I am to be able to see, to walk, and to talk. I can do everything I need to. If everyone could see how happy and satisfied Marcus is and how much he makes everyone around him happy, then they might just be able to better appreciate the simple things in life.

59. It can be inferred that the author has_______________.

  A. the same idea about heroes as others

  B. a different idea about heroes from others

  C. the idea that a hero must be older

  D. the idea that a hero must be a close friend

60. Why does the author consider his cousin as a hero?

  A. Because his cousin is a very wise person..

  B. Because his cousin does great things every day.

  C. Because his cousin teaches him how to enjoy a simple life.

  D. Because his cousin teaches him to live a rich life.

61. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A. Marcus looks older than his age.

  B. Marcus isn’t nine years old at all.

  C. Marcus is different from the other students.

  D. Marcus is the same as the other children at his age.

62. What makes the author think himself lucky?

  A. Marcus’ simple life.         B. Marcus’ serious illness.

  C. Marcus’ blindness.          D. Marcus’ recovery.



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