摘要:Of the two problems the first one is . A. the most important B. more important C. the less important D. less important


Bushwick is a tough place to grow up. This part of Brooklyn, in New York City, has a lot of crime. More than half of its 100,000 residents rely on aid from the government. Only 50% of students at Bushwick High School graduate in four years.
Some people might say, “We should help these poor kids who have so many challenges.” But Malaak Compton-Rock looks at the teens in Bushwick and says, “ Go to help kids who have even bigger challenges than you do.” She believes that once young people see the power they have to make things better, they can handle their own problems more easily. So her service group, the Angel Rock Project, took 30 Bushwick kids to Soweto, in South Africa, to help poor families there. Soweto is a township outside the city of Johannesburg. The effort, called Journey for Change, aims to show that any kid can change the world.
“Kids in Bushwick face pressure to drop out of school or become involved in gangs and drugs.” Says Compton-Rock. “We want them to live a life of purpose and service.”
In Soweto, many parents have died of AIDS, a deadly disease. When that happens, a grandparent or a child must lead the family. The Bushwick volunteers helped such families. They tended vegetable gardens, cared for babies and bought groceries.
“The saddest thing was when we visited an orphanage (孤儿院) and I helped a little boy who had been abandoned because he had HIV, the virus that causes AIDS,” says Queen Clyde, 12. “It‘s been good to be on this trip. But what’s also important is what we do when it’s finished. That’s what counts.” “ I never appreciated what I had until I saw some people who had nothing,” says Sadara Lewis, 12 “It’s really changed my attitude. I want to make a difference.”
The trip was two weeks long. But the kids, aged 12 to 15, will spend all year speaking about their experience, fund-raising and more.
【小题1】What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.Bushwick is the poorest place in New York City.
B.Bushwick still needs more care from the government.
C.It is children who suffer most in New York City.
D.Children in Bushwick are living in a bad situation.
【小题2】In Compton-Rock’s opinion, the Bushwick kids __________.
A.have few challenges
B.should be kept out of schools
C.can learn to deal with their own problems by helping others
D.are living much better than people in Africa
【小题3】Compared to Bushwick kids, some children in Soweto __________.
A.may have bigger challenges
B.receive no care from the government
C.are much more independent
D.are able to lead the family
【小题4】According to the passage, “Journey for Change” can be best seen as the saying “________”.
A.God helps those who help themselves
B.saying and doing are two things
C.one stone kills two birds
D.a friend in need is a friend indeed
【小题5】From the passage we know that __________.
A.there are few students in Bushwick High School
B.the trip to Soweto will have a long influence in spite of its short time.
C.most children are suffering from AIDS in Soweto
D.kids with HIV will be abandoned in Soweto


This is a dangerous world we live in. The number of murders goes up every year, people are dying of cancer, more people contract HIV, more teens are using drugs, ect. You know this because you’ve heard all the statistics(数据) on the news and in the paper. But do you really have an accurate idea what they mean? The numbers are going up, but how do they compare to the growth in population? Are more cases of these diseases being reported because of better testing techniques, or are the diseases more common? The fact is that without knowing the background statistics mean very little.

This growing trend of reporting only part of the information is becoming dangerous. For example, several years ago a high school student reported the dangers of the chemical known as dihydrogen monoxide. This chemical, found in most cancerous tumors(肿瘤), is often found in the blood of people drunk on alcohol, and causes complete physical and mental dependence for those who take the chemical even once. After reading his report, more than 75% of his Advanced Placement Chemistry class voted to forbid this dangerous chemical! Every one of the above statement is true, yet this chemical is necessary to all life on earth. The students made a mistake because they voted knowing only a few statements and statistics, rather than the chemical’s full background.

The point of this article is that one should be aware of what is and is not being said. When one finds a new fact or number, one should try to consider other important information before forming an opinion with only half-truths. Always remember that the author is trying to convince you of his or her own view, and will leave our information that is different from his view. For example, look again at the statistics that suggest skiing is safe. Only 32 people die each year when skiing, while 897 die from lightening strikes, but which is really more dangerous? If you think more about it, you will realize far fewer people go skiing each year than the number of people in danger of a lightning strike. When you think about it again, skiing is more dangerous than you might at first think when looking at the statistics. If we teenagers are to be left in this world, we had better be able to think critically, and form our own views, rather than be easily persuaded by another’s. To be warned is just to be prepared.

1What’s the author’s attitude towards the growing trend of reporting only part of the information?

A.Disapproving   B. Positive       C. Indifferent     D. Dangerous

2.In the first paragraph, what does the writer suggest?

A.We are now living in a dangerous world.

B.We get a lot of false statistics from the media.

C.There are around us more and more murders diseases, ect.

D.Statistics alone without full background don’t give us an accurate picture of things.

3.What’s the purpose of the writer’s using the two examples in the second paragraph?

A.To argue that high school students are easily persuaded.

B.To prove what is necessary to us might be dangerous.

C.To show the danger of reporting only part of the information.

D.To warn us of the harmful substance around us.

4.Relative information is often left out because ___________________. 

A.it is not important

B.the author is trying to show what he or she says is true

C.readers will consider other important information

D.readers are able to form an opinion with half-truths

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Some measures must be taken to protect our dangerous world.

B.The growing trend of reporting only half-truths is getting out of control.

C.Teenagers ought to improve their ability of telling right from wrong.

D.We should learn to think critically and look at problems from all sides.


 A new survey finds that more than eighty percent of Internet users in the United States search for health information online. The survey found that searching online is one of the leading ways that people look for a second opinion though doctors are still the main source of health information.
Forty-four percent of people are actually looking for doctors or other providers when they search for health information online. Another finding of the survey: Two-thirds of Internet users look online for information about a specific disease or medical condition.
The Internet has also become an important source of emotional support for people with health problems. Susannah Fox says one in five Internet users has gone online to find other people who have the same condition. It was more popular among people with more serious health issues—one in four people living with chronic diseases (慢性病). And it was basically off the charts with people living with rare disease. They are so eager to find other people online who share their health concerns.
A disease is considered rare if it affects fewer than two hundred thousand people worldwide. The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with rare diseases to connect with each other and feel less alone. Social networking is also changing the way some doctors and patients communicate with each other. Dr. Jeff Livingston operates a medical center for women in Irving, Texas. His office uses password-protected software to share information with patients.
“We provide the patient full access to their medical care. Anything I can see, the patient can see. All of their notes, all of their doctor visits are right there. All of their lab work is right there.” Dr. Livingston says the software has increased efficiency, reduced costs and improved relations with patients.
【小题1】From the first paragraph, we can know _________.

A.most online health information is reliable
B.more people now turn to the Internet for medical advice
C.people shouldn’t rely on the Internet for medical advice
D.doctors are no longer the patients’ first choice
【小题2】 The underlined words “off the charts” in Paragraph 3 mean _________.
A.very popularB.not accessibleC.far away fromD.not attractive
【小题3】 By using social networking, patients with rare diseases can _________.
A.find effective curesB.get emotional comfort
C.ask for financial supportD.consult doctors anytime
【小题4】 Which of the following is NOT true of Dr. Livingston’s software?
A.It cuts down medical expenses.
B.It decreases the time spent on medical care.
C.It takes doctors closer to their patients.
D.It gives patients a medical test online.


 A new survey finds that more than eighty percent of Internet users in the United States search for health information online. The survey found that searching online is one of the leading ways that people look for a second opinion though doctors are still the main source of health information.

Forty-four percent of people are actually looking for doctors or other providers when they search for health information online. Another finding of the survey: Two-thirds of Internet users look online for information about a specific disease or medical condition.

The Internet has also become an important source of emotional support for people with health problems. Susannah Fox says one in five Internet users has gone online to find other people who have the same condition. It was more popular among people with more serious health issues—one in four people living with chronic diseases (慢性病). And it was basically off the charts with people living with rare disease. They are so eager to find other people online who share their health concerns.

A disease is considered rare if it affects fewer than two hundred thousand people worldwide. The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with rare diseases to connect with each other and feel less alone. Social networking is also changing the way some doctors and patients communicate with each other. Dr. Jeff Livingston operates a medical center for women in Irving, Texas. His office uses password-protected software to share information with patients.

“We provide the patient full access to their medical care. Anything I can see, the patient can see. All of their notes, all of their doctor visits are right there. All of their lab work is right there.” Dr. Livingston says the software has increased efficiency, reduced costs and improved relations with patients.

1.From the first paragraph, we can know _________.

A.most online health information is reliable

B.more people now turn to the Internet for medical advice

C.people shouldn’t rely on the Internet for medical advice

D.doctors are no longer the patients’ first choice

2. The underlined words “off the charts” in Paragraph 3 mean _________.

A.very popular

B.not accessible

C.far away from

D.not attractive

3. By using social networking, patients with rare diseases can _________.

A.find effective cures

B.get emotional comfort

C.ask for financial support

D.consult doctors anytime

4. Which of the following is NOT true of Dr. Livingston’s software?

A.It cuts down medical expenses.

B.It decreases the time spent on medical care.

C.It takes doctors closer to their patients.

D.It gives patients a medical test online.



There are two kinds of physical activity which require special training. The first demands exact careful movements of the muscles. This kind of activity must be strictly controlled because even a slight movement in the wrong direction will lead a mistake. To type quickly, for example, a person needs training; the slightest movement of a finger in the wrong direction may cause a spelling mistake. A dancer who has to dance on the point of her shoes or turn around on one foot must be trained for a long period of time before she can sense her own center and balance herself. You may have seen a girl walking on a rope across an empty space, which, too, requires a lot of practice.  

The second kind of physical activity needs greater strength or extra effort. Most of us get tired if we try to run half a mile without stopping, but a specially-trained person can do this without much effort. Three years ago, some scientists carried out experiments, which produced meaningful and unexpected results. They wanted to find out whether a certain amount of physical exercise would injure those suffering from heart problems. They selected some male patients and trained them in continuous bicycle riding. They were surprised to find that the harmful effect of given amount of physical effort was actually less on the hearts of these trained patients than on those of the patients who were not similarly trained. This is important because it shows that regular physical exercise enables us to make better use of the oxygen we breathe in and that this training, in fact, reduces the amount of work our hearts do. Many tasks which are hard for untrained people are not hard at all for trained people.

The first kind of physical activity must be strictly controlled because _________.

 A.a mistake in the wrong direction is dangerous to the fingers

B.a wrong movement in a direction will cause no mistakes

C.a movement in the wrong direction will cause a mistake

D.a slight movement of a finger will lead to a mistake

What must a dancer do before she can balance herself?

 A.She must dance on the point of her shoes.

B.She must receive long-time training.

C.She must turn around on one foot.

D.She must perform again and again.

The experiments done by some scientists showed that ________.

 A.some male patients were asked to ride bicycles regularly in the experiments

B.the physical exercise had more harmful effect on the hearts of the untrained patients

C.the physical exercise was harmless to the male patients with heart trouble

D.the physical exercise could be helpful for the patients to take in more oxygen

What would be the best title for this text?

 A.Training Our Bodies     B.Physical Activities

C.Movement Training D.Extra Body Effort


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