摘要:From the school name on it, we decided that the package belongs to a student. A. to be marked B. marking C. marked D. having marked


Over the past few months, PSY’s funny video for “Gangnam Style” has become a YouTube sensation, resulting in over 112,000,000 views since July 15. It’s also been Tweeted more than 780,000 times and received over 260, 000 likes on Facebook, reports Mashable.com.

With the rapper(说唱歌手) making an appearance at Thursday’s MTV Video Music Awards, here’s what you need to know about the break-out artist.

His real name is Park Jae-Sang. The 35-year-old Korean pop rapper is known for his comedic music videos and performances. The video for “Gangnam Style” is no exception. When his first album PSY—From the Psycho World! was released in 2001, he was nicknamed “PSY” because of his unusual dress, special lyrics(歌词) and funny dance movies.

Gangnam is a wealthy neighborhood in Seoul(首尔). Gangnam may only be 15 square miles, but the district in Seoul, South Korea, is home to the headquarters of some of the country’s most influential companies, including Samsung, Hyundai and LG. The region also makes up 7% of South Korea’s GDP. 41% of students at Seoul University, a very famous college, come from Gangnam. The lyrics of PSY’s song describe the personality of a girl and a guy.

He studied in the U.S. Born in South Korea on December 31, 1977, PSY attended Banpo Elementary School, Banpo Middle School and Eva High Sch ool. But when it came time to achieve a college degree, the rapper attended both Boston University and Berklee College of Music in the U.S.

“Gangnam Style” is giving K-pop international fame. “Gangnam Style” is currently No.1 on the iTunes music video chart. The video has surpassed Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”; Justin Bieber’s “As Long As You Love Me”; and Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake”. This is the first time a Korean artist has ranked this high on iTunes.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.The success of “Gangnam Style”.

B.The origin of “Gangnam Style”.

C.The result of the Music Award.

D.The childhood of PSY.

2.According to the text, PSY              .

A.is already in his forties now

B.made his first album in 2003

C.danced only in his “Gangnam Style”

D.has developed his special comedic style

3.Which of the following about Gangnam is TRUE?

A.It is the capital of South Korea.

B.It is rich and better developed.

C.Seoul University lies in it.

D.It covers about 90 square miles.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.“Gangnarn Style” isn’t popular in English-speaking countries.

B.PSY will be given another big prize for music in the future.

C.iTunes is the No.1 music company on the internet.

D.“Gangnam Style” has won the most worldwide popularity.



Over the past few months, PSY’s funny video for “Gangnam Style” has become a YouTube sensation, resulting in over 112,000,000 views since July 15. It’s also been Tweeted more than 780,000 times and received over 260, 000 likes on Facebook, reports Mashable.com.
With the rapper(说唱歌手) making an appearance at Thursday’s MTV Video Music Awards, here’s what you need to know about the break-out artist.
His real name is Park Jae-Sang. The 35-year-old Korean pop rapper is known for his comedic music videos and performances. The video for “Gangnam Style” is no exception. When his first album PSY—From the Psycho World! was released in 2001, he was nicknamed “PSY” because of his unusual dress, special lyrics(歌词) and funny dance movies.
Gangnam is a wealthy neighborhood in Seoul(首尔). Gangnam may only be 15 square miles, but the district in Seoul, South Korea, is home to the headquarters of some of the country’s most influential companies, including Samsung, Hyundai and LG. The region also makes up 7% of South Korea’s GDP. 41% of students at Seoul University, a very famous college, come from Gangnam. The lyrics of PSY’s song describe the personality of a girl and a guy.
He studied in the U.S. Born in South Korea on December 31, 1977, PSY attended Banpo Elementary School, Banpo Middle School and Eva High Sch ool. But when it came time to achieve a college degree, the rapper attended both Boston University and Berklee College of Music in the U.S.
“Gangnam Style” is giving K-pop international fame. “Gangnam Style” is currently No.1 on the iTunes music video chart. The video has surpassed Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”; Justin Bieber’s “As Long As You Love Me”; and Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake”. This is the first time a Korean artist has ranked this high on iTunes.
【小题1】What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.The success of “Gangnam Style”.
B.The origin of “Gangnam Style”.
C.The result of the Music Award.
D.The childhood of PSY.
【小题2】According to the text, PSY              .
A.is already in his forties now
B.made his first album in 2003
C.danced only in his “Gangnam Style”
D.has developed his special comedic style
【小题3】Which of the following about Gangnam is TRUE?
A.It is the capital of South Korea.
B.It is rich and better developed.
C.Seoul University lies in it.
D.It covers about 90 square miles.
【小题4】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.“Gangnarn Style” isn’t popular in English-speaking countries.
B.PSY will be given another big prize for music in the future.
C.iTunes is the No.1 music company on the internet.
D.“Gangnam Style” has won the most worldwide popularity.


Have you ever got stuck with unwanted courses or a class schedule that cannot be changed? If so, that's because you don't know how to select the perfect sch

edule. But by following a few simple steps, you can begin any term with the right courses at the most convenient times.

First, you must find the right courses. These are the ones that have the least amount of work, the fewest tests and the kindest professors. Ask your friends about courses in which they received A's after attending only 70 percent of the classes. Ask around, too, to see which instructors have given the same tests for the last fifteen years. Photocopies of these tests are usually cheap and can be easily found in school. Then, pick up a copy of the master schedule and study it carefully. Find the course titles that mean an easy pass for a painless subject.

Look for titles like “Arts and Crafts for Beginners” and “Rock Music of the 1950s”.

Next, when you have got lists of easy instructors and subjects, you can begin to select your time periods. If you stay up late in order to watch old movies, you may want a daily schedule that begins no sooner than noon. You should schedule only afternoon courses, too, if you're one of those people who hate to leave a warm bed in the morning. On the other hand, if you are a person who gets out of bed at dawn, you may want to get your classes out of the way as early as possible. That way you have the rest of the day free. Morning classes are also necessary if you are a soap opera(肥皂剧) fan.

Finally, you want your schedule to pass through registration successfully. The main way to do this is to register(注册) early. If a course does happen to be closed because you simply couldn't register at 7:00 am, you may still be able to get in. Talk to the professor and tell him or her that a serious and hardworking student like yourself would be a shining example to other students. Be sure to carry a list of back-up courses to registration, though, just in case one of your chosen classes changes professors or time periods.

By following these suggestions, any student can pick the perfect class schedule. College can thus become an almost pleasant activity.

1.Which of the following statements is true?

A.You can get copies of tests if you are willing to pay the price.

B.“Rock Music of the 1950s” may be an easy course.

C.It is difficult to pick the perfect class schedule.

D.Attendance is required in all classes. 

2.You should  ________ .

A.register for classes in the morning if you get up early

B.have classes late in the morning if you stay up late

C.sign up for afternoon classes if you want to see soap operas 

D.choose classes in the evening if you want to watch old films 

3.If a course happens to be closed, you should  ________ .

A.register at 7:00 am               B.sit in on the class anyway

C.register for a back up course       D.get help from the professor 

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Course Registration Made Easy         B.How to Find the Right Courses 

C.Classes and After?class Activities      D.How to Pick the Perfect Schedule


Over the past few months, PSY’s funny video for “Gangnam Style” has become a YouTube sensation, resulting in over 112,000,000 views since July 15. It’s also been Tweeted more than 780,000 times and received over 260, 000 likes on Facebook, reports Mashable.com.
With the rapper(说唱歌手) making an appearance at Thursday’s MTV Video Music Awards, here’s what you need to know about the break-out artist.
His real name is Park Jae-Sang. The 35-year-old Korean pop rapper is known for his comedic music videos and performances. The video for “Gangnam Style” is no exception. When his first album PSY—From the Psycho World! was released in 2001, he was nicknamed “PSY” because of his unusual dress, special lyrics(歌词) and funny dance movies.
Gangnam is a wealthy neighborhood in Seoul(首尔). Gangnam may only be 15 square miles, but the district in Seoul, South Korea, is home to the headquarters of some of the country’s most influential companies, including Samsung, Hyundai and LG. The region also makes up 7% of South Korea’s GDP. 41% of students at Seoul University, a very famous college, come from Gangnam. The lyrics of PSY’s song describe the personality of a girl and a guy.
He studied in the U.S. Born in South Korea on December 31, 1977, PSY attended Banpo Elementary School, Banpo Middle School and Eva High Sch ool. But when it came time to achieve a college degree, the rapper attended both Boston University and Berklee College of Music in the U.S.
“Gangnam Style” is giving K-pop international fame. “Gangnam Style” is currently No.1 on the iTunes music video chart. The video has surpassed Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”; Justin Bieber’s “As Long As You Love Me”; and Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake”. This is the first time a Korean artist has ranked this high on iTunes

  1. 1.

    What is the first paragraph mainly about?

    1. A.
      The success of “Gangnam Style”
    2. B.
      The origin of “Gangnam Style”
    3. C.
      The result of the Music Award
    4. D.
      The childhood of PSY
  2. 2.

    According to the text, PSY              

    1. A.
      is already in his forties now
    2. B.
      made his first album in 2003
    3. C.
      danced only in his “Gangnam Style”
    4. D.
      has developed his special comedic style
  3. 3.

    Which of the following about Gangnam is TRUE?

    1. A.
      It is the capital of South Korea
    2. B.
      It is rich and better developed
    3. C.
      Seoul University lies in it
    4. D.
      It covers about 90 square miles
  4. 4.

    What can we learn from the last paragraph?

    1. A.
      “Gangnarn Style” isn’t popular in English-speaking countries
    2. B.
      PSY will be given another big prize for music in the future
    3. C.
      iTunes is the No.1 music company on the internet
    4. D.
      “Gangnam Style” has won the most worldwide popularity

Imagine you’re at a party full of strangers. You’re nervous. Who are these people? How do you start a conversation? Fortunately, you’ve got a thing that sends out energy at tiny chips in everyone’s name tag (标签). The chips send back name, job, hobbies, and the time available for meeting-whatever. Making new friends becomes simple.

This hasn’t quite happened in real life. But the world is already experiencing a revolution using RFID technology.

An RFID tag with a tiny chip can be fixed in a product, under your pet’s skin, even under your own skin. Passive RFID tags have no energy source-batteries because they do not need it. The energy comes from the reader, a scanning device, that sends out energy (for example, radio waves) that starts up the tag immediately.

Such a tag carries information specific to that object, and the data can be updated. Already, RFID technology is used for recognizing each car or truck on the road and it might appear in your passport. Doctors can put a tiny chip under the skin that will help locate and obtain a patient’s medical records. At a nightclub in Paris or in New York the same chip gets you into the VIP section and pays for the bill with the wave of an arm.

Take a step back: 10 or 12 years ago, you would have heard about the coming age of computing. One example always seemed to surface: Your refrigerator would know when you needed to buy more milk. The concept was that computer chips could be put everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make ordinary life simpler.

RFID tags are a small part of this phenomenon. “The world is going to be a loosely coupled set of individual small devices, connected wirelessly,” predicts Dr. J. Reich. Human right supporters are nervous about the possibilities of such technology. It goes too far tracking school kids through RFID tags, they say. We imagine a world in which a beer company could find out not only when you bought a beer but also when you drank it. And how many beers. Accompanied by how many biscuits.

When Marconi invented radio, he thought it would be used for ship-to-shore communication. Not for pop music. Who knows how RFID and related technologies will be used in the future. Here’s a wild guess: Not for buying milk.

The article is intended to           .

A. warn people of the possible risks in adopting RFID technology

B. explain the benefits brought about by RFID technology

C. convince people of the uses of RFID technology

D. predict the applications of RFID technology

We know from the passage that with the help of RFID tags, people           .

A. will have no trouble getting data about others

B. will have more energy for conversation

C. will have more time to make friends

D. won’t feel shy at parties any longer

Passive RFID tags chiefly consist of           .

A. scanning devices              B. radio waves              C. batteries            D. chips

Why are some people worried about RFID technology?

A. Because children will be tracked by strangers.

B. Because market competition will become more fierce.

C. Because their private lives will be greatly affected.

D. Because customers will be forced to buy more products.

The last paragraph implies that RFID technology           .

A. will not be used for such matters as buying milk

B. will be widely used, including for buying milk

C. will be limited to communication uses

D. will probably be used for pop music


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