摘要:-What you here, my old friend? - It’s you. A. brought B. has brought C. takes D. fetched





  Rabat, April 12 (Xinhua) About a billion people in the world today are still facing the danger of malaria (疟疾) and nearly two million people die of the illness yearly, said Prof. Mare Gentilini of France in Agadir, according to local newspaper reports.

  The statement was made at the medicine conference of French - speaking countries held in Agadir, Morocco, this week.


  Las Vegas, Nev., NOV. 21Fire swept from the kitchen through the Casino of the MGM Grand Hotel here just after dawn this morning, trapping about 3,500 guests and employees. Local officials said that more than 80 people were killed, most dying of smoke taking in above the 20th floor of the 26 - story hotel. At least two jumped to their deaths. Several hundred were injured.

  There was little warning as the fire violently spread through the first and second floors with great strength. Thick black smoke through the hotel and rose 5,000 feet above the roof.

  No alarm was sounded, according to fire officials, who said that equipment in the basement had been destroyed before the hand alarm was set off. Many guest said that they were awakened by knocks on the door or the sound of breaking glass as people sought safety from the smoke. There are no smoke alarms in the building, which was built in 1973 in agreement with the 1970 Clark County Building Law.


  Sussex, May 26 (The Daily Mail)Mrs Myra Webb, who was told by doctors that she would never hear again, lived for six years in a world of silence.

  But yesterday she heard a blackbird sing in the garden of her home at Brighton, Sussex. “My hearing is coming backand it's wonderful.” she said.

  Mrs Webb, 26, is said to be the first woman in Britain to have her hearing brought back by acupuncture, the needle treatment widely practised in China.

  After six months' treatment she can listen to music again, carry on a conversation with the aid of a hearing said, and she has got a job as a typist with the South Eastern Electricity Board.

  “It's wonderful to hear people talk,” she said at her home in Stanstead Cresent, Woodingdean, Brighton.

  Mrs Webb began to lose her hearing at the age of 12 after a serious illness. “By the age of 20 I had no hearing whatever.”

  “A friend told me about acupuncture and I went weekly for treatment. One night when I was in the kitchen I heard a weak sound and realized it was my musical kettle boiling. I went weak at the knees. My hearing has slowly improved since.”

  Her husband David, a 26-year-old manager, said, “She is so happy and excited by the results and is continuing the treatment.”

1.What do you NOT learn from the news reports?

[  ]

A.Prof. Mare Gentilini attended the medicine conference in Agadir and made a speech.

B.There are no smoke alarms in the MGM Grand Hotel because that was not demanded by the law when it was built.

C.It was acupuncture that cured Mrs Webb of deafness.

D.Mrs Webb is now able to talk with others without difficulty.

2.Why so many people died in the fire on MGM Grand Hotel?

[  ]

A.Because 3,500 guests and employees were trapped.

B.Because they couldn't take in enough oxygen.

C.Because people jumped down from the 20th floor.

D.Because big fire suddenly swept from the kitchen throughout the hotel.

3.Many guests were awakened at dawn because ________.

[  ]

A.they took in thick smoke

B.they felt the heat of big fire

C.they heard the noise

D.the employees rang the hand alarm

4.What does “I went weak at the knees” mean in the last item of news? It means “________”.

[  ]

A.I felt terribly shocked

B.I felt weak and had to drop to my knees

C.I was so touched that I could not move a little

D.I was extremely delighted 查看习题详情和答案>>

Hercule Poirot looked over the small gate which gave admission to Pine Crest. It was a modern nicely-built house. It was on a hill top, and the hill top was planted with a few sparse pines. It had a small neat garden and a large elderly man was watering with a big tin.

Spence’s hair was now grey all over. He had not shrunk much in girth(围长), though. He stopped watering and looked at the visitor at the gate. Hercule Poirot stood there without moving.

“God bless my soul,” said Spence. “It must be. It can’t be but it is. Yes, it must be Hercule Poirot!”

“Aha,” said Poirot, “you remember me. I’m grateful.”

Spence abandoned the watering can and came down to the gate.

“What brings you down here?”

“What has brought me to many places in my time,” said Poirot, “and what once a good many years ago brought you to see me. Murder, Spence.”

“I’m done with murder since I retired,” said Spence, “except in the case of weeds. Killing weeds is never easy as you think, something’s always wrong. How did you know where to find me?” he asked as he opened the gate and Poirot passed through.

“You sent me a Christmas card. It had your new address on it.”

“Ah yes, so I did. I’m old-fashioned, you know, I like to send round cards at Christmas time to a few old friends. I’m an old man now.”

“We both are.”

“Not much grey in your hair,” said Spence.

“I take care of my hair with a bottle,” said Poirot. “There is no need to appear in public with grey hair unless you wish to do so. By the way, why have you come to live in Woodleigh Common?”

“As a matter of fact, I came here to join forces with a sister of mine. She lost her husband, her children are married and living abroad. So I moved in here. Pensions(退休金)don’t go far nowadays, but we do comfortably living together.”

1.From their dialogue, we can learn about _______.

A. their common friends?? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. Spence’s sister’s characters

C. their relationship?? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. Poirot’s recent life

2.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Spence used to deal with murder.??

B. Poirot didn’t care about his appearance.

C. Spence moved to join his sister for lack of money.

D. Poirot came specially to reunite with his old friend.

3.From the passage we can infer that they might _______ next.

A. meet Spence’s family??? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. discuss about a murder

C. visit Spence’s new home????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. water the garden together?





  Rabat, April 12 (Xinhua) —— About a billion people in the world today are still facing the danger of malaria(疟疾) and nearly two million people die of the illness yearly, said Prof. Marc Gentilini of France in Agadir, according to local newspaper reports.

  The statement was made at the medicine conference of French-speaking countries held in Agadir, Morocco, this week.

  Las Vagas, Nev. , Nov. 21 ——Fire swept from the kitchen through the Casino of the MGM Grand Hotel here just after dawn this morning, trapping about 3500 guests and employees. Local officials said that more than 80 people were killed, most dying of smoke taking in above the 20th floor of the 26-story hotel. At least two jumped to their deaths. Several hundred were injured.

  There was little warning as the fire violently spread through the first and second floors with great strength. Thick black smoke through the hotel and rose 5,000 feet above the roof.

  No alarm was sounded, according to fire officials, who said that equipment in the basement had been destroyed before the hand alarm was set off. Many guests said that they were awakened by knocks on the door or the sound of breaking glass as people sought safety from the smoke. There are no smoke alarms in the building, which was built in 1973 in agreement with the 1970 Clark County Building Law.

  Sussex, May 26 (The Daily Mail) —— Mrs Myra Webb, who was told by doctors that she would never hear again, lived for six years in a world of silence.

But yesterday she heard a blackbird sing in the garden of her home at Brighton, Sussex. “My hearing is coming back ——and it's wonderful,”she said.

  Mrs Webb, 26, is said to be the first woman in Britain to have her hearing brought back by acupuncture, the needle treatment widely practiced in China.

  After six months' treatment she can listen to music again, carry on a conversation with the aid of a hearing aid, and she has got a job as a typist with the South Eastern Electricity Board.

  “It's wonderful to hear people talk,” she said at her home in Stanstead Crescent, Woodingdean, Brighton.

  Mrs Webb began to lose her hearing at the age of 12 after a serious illness. “By the age of 20 I had no hearing whatever. ”

  “A friend told me about acupuncture and I went weekly for treatment. One night when I was in the kitchen I heard a weak sound and realized it was my musical kettle boiling. I went weak at the knees. My hearing has slowly improved since. ”

  Her husband David, a 26-year-old manager, said, “She is so happy and excited by the results and is continuing the treatment. ”

1.What do you NOT learn from the news reports?

[  ]

A.Prof. Marc Gentilini attended the medicine conference in Agadir and made a speech.

B.There are no smoke alarms in the MGM Grand Hotel because that was not demanded by the law when it was built.

C.It was acupuncture that cured Mrs Webb of deafness.

D.Mrs Webb is now able to talk with others without difficulty.

2.Why so many people died in the fire on MGM Grand Hotel?

[  ]

A.Because 3500 guests and employees were trapped.

B.Because they couldn't take in enough oxygen.

C.Because people jumped down from the 20th floor.

D.Because big fire suddenly swept from the kitchen throughout the hotel.

3.Many guests were awakened at dawn because ________ .

[  ]

A.they took in thick smoke

B.they felt the heat of big fire

C.they heard the noise

D.the employees rang the hand alarm

4.What does “I went weak at the knees” mean in the last item of news?

It means “ ________ ”.

[  ]

A.I felt terribly shocked

B.I felt weak and had to drop to my knees

C.I was so touched that I could not move a little

D.I was extremely delighted 查看习题详情和答案>>

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