摘要: energy n. 精力.能量


I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a car and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can vaguely remember the brightness of _____ and what color red is. It would be _____ to see again, but a (n) ____ can do strange things to people. I don’t mean I would ____ to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate more what I had ____.                                                

My parents and my teachers saw something in me ----- a ____ to live ---- which I didn’t see, and they made me want to fight in out with ___.

The ____ lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. I am not talking about simply the kind of ____ that helps me down so unfamiliar staircase alone. I _____ something bigger than that: a confidence that I am, despite being ____, a real, positive person; that there is a special place where I can make myself fit.

It took me years to discover and strengthen this confidence. It had to start with the easy and simple things. _____ a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was laughing at me and I was ____. “I can’t use this,” I said. “Take with you,” he urged me, “and roll it around.” The words _____ in my head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could ____ where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought ___ before; playing baseball. At Philadelphia’s Overbrook School for the Blind I ___ a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball.

I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to be clear about my  ___. It was no good crying for something that I knew at the start was ____ out of reach because that only invited bitterness of failure. I would fail something anyway, _____ on the average I made progress.

1.A. sky     B. cloud   C. sunshine        D. mist

2.A. helpful       B. wonderful     C. hopeful          D. successful

3.A. disaster      B. environment          C. incident         D. wonder

4.A. manage     B. try         C. want     D. prefer

5.A. lost   B. left        C. used     D. cared

6.A. purpose     B. potential       C. pressure       D. preparation

7.A. energy       B. happiness      C. luck       D. blindness

8.A. hardest      B. dullest           C. simplest         D. easiest

9.A. self-respect    B. self-control         C. self-confidence         D. self-defence

10.A. think        B. consider       C. guess    D. mean

11.A. imperfect         B. perfect C. unfair    D. fair

12.A. Later       B. Soon    C. Once     D. Then

13.A. worried B. encouraged          C. shocked        D. hurt

14.A. stuck       B. impressed    C. occupied      D. held

15.A. see          B. hear     C. notice D. observe

16.A. important        B. unimportant          C. possible        D. impossible

17.A. invented          B. discovered   C. instructed    D. directed

18.A. experience     B. advantages    C. knowledge    D. limitation

19.A. hardly      B. wildly    C. highly    D. deeply

20.A. so   B. for        C. but       D. and





Although my father wasn’t a doctor, he made his own brand of “house calls”. I followed him as he    46    a plate of my mother’s home cooking to an elderly man named Frank    47    all major holidays, and when Frank was    48   . As far as I know, their only    49    was that Frank was an occasional    50    at Dad’s small gas station. Frank’s home was a two-room house on the rough side of town with a rotten front porch(门廊) that you could fall through if you weren’t    51   . Through his caring    52   , my father was teaching me to be a doctor,    53    neither of us knew it at the time.

    When I was 13, my father    54    lung cancer. He brought home a    55    the doctor drew showing    56    his cancer was and told me that he was going to    57   .

    The big green oxygen tank with plastic tubing    58    a central feature of our living room next to his easy chair. Several months passed and his condition    59   . He asked me to    60     my mother when he was gone. He said, “I love you, son.” That night he died.

    When you’re 13 and your father dies, you have some    61    to make. You can use the circumstance as a (n)    62     for letting your behavior and grades go down the drain, or you can honor his memory and try to do something    63    with yourself. I    64    my energy on my school work and my goal of becoming a    65   .  .

A. lent     B. brought           C. bought         D. showed   

A. for         B. in                C. at             D. on      

A. happy    B. well              C. sick           D. homesick    

A. function B. connection        C. information       D. instruction  

A. patient      B. doctor            C. customer       D. passenger  

A. careful     B. strong            C. reasonable     D. punctual    

A. words    B. attitude          C. attention      D. appearance  

A. and       B. because        C. although       D. as      

A. developed B. found             C. constructed       D. recovered   

A. photo    B. picture           C. report         D. film     

A. where    B. how            C. which          D. what    

A. rest     B. retire            C. die        D. leave     

A. decorated B. remained          C. equipped       D. became   

A. worsened B. decreased         C. increased      D. bettered   

A. take care of B. make friends with C. make up for        D. look into  

A. mistakes B. friends           C. choices    D. changes    

A. reason      B. guide             C. cause          D. excuse     

A. positive    B. active            C. productive     D. motive    

A. attracted   B. consumed          C. focused    D. depended   

A. doctor       B. driver             C. teacher    D. nurse 





Although my father wasn’t a doctor, he made his own brand of “house calls”. I followed him as he    46    a plate of my mother’s home cooking to an elderly man named Frank    47    all major holidays, and when Frank was    48   . As far as I know, their only    49    was that Frank was an occasional    50    at Dad’s small gas station. Frank’s home was a two-room house on the rough side of town with a rotten front porch(门廊) that you could fall through if you weren’t    51   . Through his caring    52   , my father was teaching me to be a doctor,    53    neither of us knew it at the time.

    When I was 13, my father    54    lung cancer. He brought home a    55    the doctor drew showing    56    his cancer was and told me that he was going to    57   .

    The big green oxygen tank with plastic tubing    58    a central feature of our living room next to his easy chair. Several months passed and his condition    59   . He asked me to    60     my mother when he was gone. He said, “I love you, son.” That night he died.

    When you’re 13 and your father dies, you have some    61    to make. You can use the circumstance as a (n)    62     for letting your behavior and grades go down the drain, or you can honor his memory and try to do something    63    with yourself. I    64    my energy on my school work and my goal of becoming a    65   .  .

1. A. lent      B. brought          C. bought           D. showed   

2. A. for           B. in                   C. at               D. on      

3. A. happy     B. well             C. sick         D. homesick     

4. A. function  B. connection           C. information      D. instruction  

5.A. patient        B. doctor               C. customer         D. passenger  

6. A. careful       B. strong               C. reasonable       D. punctual    

7. A. words     B. attitude         C. attention        D. appearance  

8.A. and        B. because          C. although     D. as      

9.A. developed  B. found                C. constructed      D. recovered   

10. A. photo        B. picture              C. report           D. film     

11. A. where        B. how              C. which            D. what    

12. A. rest     B. retire               C. die          D. leave     

13.A. decorated B. remained         C. equipped     D. became   

14. A. worsened B. decreased            C. increased        D. bettered   

15. A. take care of B. make friends with    C. make up for      D. look into  

16. A. mistakes B. friends              C. choices      D. changes    

17. A. reason       B. guide                C. cause            D. excuse     

18. A. positive     B. active               C. productive       D. motive    

19. A. attracted    B. consumed         C. focused      D. depended   

20. A. doctor     B. driver             C. teacher    D. nurse 



Free energy is everywhere around us. There are many ways to make and collect energy from various sources like sun, wind and water. People also realize that everyday stuff can be a source of energy too. For example, riding a bike, running or just walking, etc. We simply have to change our way of thinking if we want to change the world.

So comes the idea of solar roadways. Are they the road of future? Why use roads just for driving and collecting tolls (过路费)? Why don’t we use them for collecting energy?

The US Department of Transportation recently awarded $100,000 to Solar Roadways to build the first ever Solar Road Panel. So how do these future roads work?

The Solar Road Panels will contain embedded (嵌入的) LEDs which “paint” the road lines from beneath to provide safer nighttime driving as well as to give drivers instant instructions such as detour (绕行) ahead. The road will be able to sense wildlife on the road and can warn drivers to “slow down”. There will also be embedded heating elements in the surface to prevent snow and ice buildup, providing safer winter driving.

Replacing asphalt (沥青) roads and parking lots with Solar Roadway Panels will be a major step toward stopping climate change. Fully electric vehicles will be able to recharge along the roadway and in parking lots, finally making electric cars practical for long trips.

We just can’t wait to see more of these roads all over the world in the near future.

1.The first paragraph serves as a(n)______.

A. argument      B. comment       C. explanation      D. background

2.Which of the following is NOT true of LEDs?

A. They color the road lines.   

B. They are embedded in the Solar Road Panels.

C. They are beneficial for nighttime driving.

D. They can provide instant instructions.

3. When some animals are on the solar road, what will the road do?

A. Guide them to a safer place.           B. Remind drivers to drive slowly.

C. Frighten them away from the road.      D. Advise drivers to choose another way.

4. From the text, we can know that the Solar Road Panels can______.

A. provide heat for drivers in winter  

B. guide drivers who get lost on the highway

C. melt snow and ice soon in winter        

D. help drivers see the road clearly in the sun



When three of my grandchildren acquired a half-grown dog I agreed to help them build a dog house. As we began the __1__, I knew that keeping them involved was going to be a __2__. Much of my energy was spent calling them back to the job and finding __3__ of the project that could be handled by small children. I held to my initial(最初的) determination that building this dog house was to be a (n) __4__  project.

Early in the project I had __5__ the grandkids that we would roast wieners(香肠) in the back yard __6__ we finished painting the dog house.__7__ three of the largest house-painting brushes I could find, I supervised (管理) the __8__ of our homemade structure. Kids and paint. How could I have __9__ the potential (潜在的) harm that such a combination can create?

After cleaning up the paint __10__-kids, brushes, carport(车棚)-I __11__ that we would probably eat earlier if we just asked Grandma to heat the wieners in water on the gas range. A pain of __12__ came over me as I realized I was trying to weasel(躲避) out of a(n)__13__ promise.

As Jamie, Jeffrey and Kimberley looked on, I built a first-class fire in our back yard pit, cut some roasting sticks, and prepared for the __14__ cooking event. When we __15__ eating I leaned back on the cool grass and __16__ the last remnants(残余) of our fire. Six-year-old Jeffrey was leaning back against my chest, and I began to think about what it meant to be a Grandpa.

The __17__ was broken when Jeffrey quietly reflected, “Know what Grandpa?” And without breaking his __18__ at the dying embers(灰烬) he continued, “This is the best day of my whole life.”

After a few moments of __19__ silence he glanced up and said, “Are you crying, Grandpa? You've got a __20__ on your cheek.”

Clearing my throat I explained that it must be from the smoke.

1. A. plan   B. question    C. project  D. problem

2. A. challenge  B. design        C. duty         D. job

3. A. all        B. parts         C. none         D. most

4. A. part-time  B. group         C. interesting  D. difficult

5. A. demanded   B. required      C. informed     D. promised

6. A. so long as   B. in order that  C. as soon as   D. even if

7. A. Selecting  B. Bringing      C. Washing      D. Arranging

8. A. building   B. moving        C. painting     D. cleaning

9. A. remembered        B. forgotten

C. regretted          D. prevented

10. A. colour      B. drops         C. mess         D. dirt

11. A. suggested   B. ordered       C. told         D. thought

12. A. wound      B. body         C. head         D. guilt

13. A. longer     B. bigger        C. better       D. earlier

14. A. indoor     B. outdoor       C. field        D. kitchen

15. A. began      B. finished      C. continued    D. liked

16. A. watched    B. made          C. raised       D. kept

17. A. fire       B. glass         C. silence        D. night

18. A. words      B. gaze          C. mind         D. attention

19. A. fixed      B. broken        C. mixed        D. continued

20. A. tear       B. grain         C. dirt           D. leaf


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