摘要: New Zealand is an important agricultural country, with cattle farming on the North Isled, while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms. 新两兰是一个重要的农业国家.北部养牛.而南部 山区养羊居多. with + 名词 + 现在分词/过去分词/介词短语 /副词/ 动词不定式/形容测构成 with 的复合结构.这种结 构通常在句子中作定语或状语.作状语时.表伴随 状况或原因. He likes sleeping with the windows open. He gave his seat to a woman with a baby in her arms. With Tom to help us we're sure to complete the task. He stood there with a group of children surrouilding him. With a lot of difficult problems to be settled, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. [句型归纳] [考点l]What has become of her. 她的情况怎么样了? 该句中的 become of 常常构成这样的同定句型.例如: What has become of the injured driver? 那位受伤的司 机情况怎么样了? “What has / will become of sth / sb? means“what happened / will happen to sth / sb? 意思是“某人.某物情况怎么样了? 例如: What will become of her children if their mother dies? 如果他们的妈妈死了.这些孩子们的遭遇将会如何? [考例]]What would my child if I were on business? A. look after B. care about C. become of D. attend [考查目标] 考查动词短语. [答案与解析] C 根据句子的意思是“如果我去出差. 我的孩子情况会怎么样呢? 应该填hecome of. [考点2]On the third day I was struggling through stormy weather and during the next week the wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent. 第三天.我与暴风雨天气拼搏.接下来的星期里. 风刮得越发猛烈了.我只好整天呆在帐篷里. 该句中的grow常常作系动词.意思是“逐渐变得 .例 如: The music grew faint as the band marched away. 音乐 随着乐队走远而渐渐减弱. 系动词常常分为五类:① 有be,② 感官:feel, smile, taste, look, sound,③ 变化:become, grow, get, turn, go, fall, come,④ 好像:appear, look, seemt ⑤ 保持: keep, remain, stay, lie等等.系动词没有被动语态.很 少用进行时态.例如: Please keep still while taking photos. 照相时.请保持安 静. The mixture tasted very terrible. 这种混合物尝起来很 可怕. [考例2] On hearing the news of the acei- dent in the coal mine, she pale. A. got B. changed C. went D. appeared [考查目标] 考查系动词. [答案与解析] C A是持续变化过程,B是实义动词. 后面不接形容词,D是表面是这样而事实并非如此,C 是情况由好变坏.故选C. [考点3]I had fallen into a hole and was hanging on the ropes tied to the sled. 我掉进了雪洞.挂在绑着雪橇的 绳索上. 该句中的tied作定语.例如: This is the latest book written by the famous professor - Stephen Hawking. 这就是那位著名的教授--斯 带芬·霍金--最新出版的书. [考例3] Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacluring and Mining Company, as 3M. A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known [考查目标] v-ed作定语. [答案与解析]B 过去分词作定语.表示过去分词与所 修饰名词为被动关系. [考点4]Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV personality in the US, she is also a woman who has in- spired millions.欧普拉·温弗丽不仅仅是美国一位成 功的电视名人.而且还是位鼓舞了千百万人的女性. 该句中的not just / only...(but) also... 为并列连词.连 接两个简单句.例如: Singers of the country music do not just come from the States also from all over the world. 乡村音乐的歌手不 仅仅来自美国.而且来自世界各地. 注意:在并列连词not just / only...(but)also...连接同 等的句子成分.如果连接两个名词或代词作主语.谓语 动词要与后面的名词或代词保持一致.如果连接两个 分句.第一分句需要部分倒装.例如: Not only Mr. Smith but also his children were invited to New Year's Party. 不但是史密斯先生.而且他的孩子 们都受邀请出席了新年晚会. Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor. 莎 士比亚不仅是位作家.而且是演员. Not only is he fond of doing exercises but also his wife joins him in it. 不仅是他喜欢运动.而且他的妻子也喜 欢与他一起运动. [考例4] Not only interested In football but beginning to show an interest in it. A. the teacher himself is; all his students are B. the teacher himself is; are all his students C. is the teacher himself; are a11 his students D. is the teacher himself; all his students are [考查目标] not just / only...(but)also...一的部分倒装. [答案与解析]D 根据以上的解释.第一分句需要部分 倒装.第二分句不需要倒装. [考点5]New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold aIJ over the world. 新西兰的酒质量很高.畅销全世界. 该句中的be + of + n. 为一个固定结构.例如: I think listening to English every day is of great help to learners. 我认为每天听英语.对初学者来说.非常有帮 助. be + of + n. 意思是“具有-- .其中的名词多为抽象 名词.如: use.help.importance等,这时be+ of + n. = be + adj. .名词也可以为具体名 词.如:age, weight, height, length, width, size.这种 结构在句中可以作表语.定语或宾语补足语.例如: The suggestion he made at the meeting is of great use. 他在会上提的建议很有用. The young guy of average height is our new chemistry teacher. 那位中等身材的年轻人是我们的新 化学老师. We found the dictionary of no use. 我们发现 这本字典根本没用. [考例5] You'll find this map of great in helping you to get round London. A. price B. cost C. value D. useful [考查目标]be + of + n. 作宾语补足语. [答案与解析]C 根据句子的意思“你会发现在你在伦 敦转的时候.这张地图很有价值 .所以选value. [牛刀小试3]


The bar-tailed godwit(斑尾鹬) has just broken its own record for the world’s longest non-stop flight, including humans in planes, according to a report made by Lund University Press. The bird can fly non-stop for eight days, while the most impressive man-made airplane can only remain in the sky for 82 hours without a stop.
The bar-tailed godwit’s journey, from Alaska to New Zealand, covers over 6,835 miles. It completes this trip twice a year, in autumn going to New Zealand, and in spring back to Alaska. The tireless bird ends the trip without stopping once for food or rest. All other birds can only finish trips that are twice as short as what the bar-tailed godwit travels.
One reason for the bar-tailed godwit’s success is that it has made the best use of its fuel, which is only 0.41 percent of its body weight over each hour of any given long flight. Hedenstrom, a professor from Lund University, says, “This figure is extremely low compared with other birds.” The bird also has a special body shape that helps it fly easily. It stores body fat and protein to manage its trips. It also travels fast, compared to other birds and animals.
Many questions remain about this bird record holder that never gets lost in the air. Researchers wonder whether it has an inside compass(指南针) that helps it to know the direction. Please watch how beautiful bar-tailed godwits look as they come in for a landing, along with other birds.
【小题1】For the flight from Alaska to New Zealand, the bar-tailed godwit _____.

A.doesn’t need to stop to eat B.is afraid of hot weather
C.seems very tired at lastD.should fly less than 7000 metres
【小题2】The main reason why the bar-tailed godwit can break the record is that it ______.
A.eats little food every hourB.has a special body shape
C.stores much water in its bodyD.has very light body weight
【小题3】The last paragraph tells us that ________.
A.researchers have understood the bird very well
B.the bird has a very good sense of direction
C.there are still many who doubt the bird’s ability
D.the bird has an inner compass
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.A bird that breaks the record for the longest non-stop flight.
B.Birds and airplanes that can fly over a long distance.
C.Reasons for the bar-tailed godwit’s long-distance flight.
D.An introduction to long-distance flights of birds and humans.


The number of speakers of English in Shakespeare’s time is estimated(估计) to have been about five million. Today it is estimated that some 260 million people speak it as a native language, mainly in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In addition to the standard varieties of English found in these areas, there are a great many regional and social varieties of the language as well as various levels of usage that are employed both in its spoken and written forms.

In fact, it is impossible to estimate the number of people in the world who have acquired an adequate(足够的) working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages. The purpose for English learning and the situations in which such learning takes place are so varied that it is difficult to explain and still more difficult to judge what forms an adequate working knowledge for each situation.

The main reason for the widespread demand for English is its present-day importance as a world language. Besides serving the indefinite needs of its native speakers, English is a language in which some of important works in science, technology, and other fields are being produced, and not always by native speakers. It is widely used for such purposes as meteorological and airport communications, international conferences, and the spread of information over the radio and television networks of many nations. It is a language of wider communication for a number of developing countries, especially former British colonies. Many of these countries have multilingual populations and need a language for internal communication in such matters as government, commerce, industry, law and education as well as for international communication and for entrance to the scientific and technological developments in the West.

1. What would be the best title for this passage?

A. The Difficulties of Learning English

B. International Communications

C. The Standard Varieties of English

D. English as a World Language

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Some 260 million people in the world have an adequate working knowledge of English.

B. There are some 260 million native speakers of English in the world.

C. It is almost impossible to estimate the number of people with an adequate working knowledge of English.

D. People learn English for a variety of reasons.

3. According to the passage, what is the main reason for the widespread use of English?

A. It was popular during Shakespeare’s time.

B. It is used in former British colonies.

C. It serves the needs of its native speakers.

D. It is a world language that is used for international communication.

4. What forms an adequate working knowledge of English?

A. The ability to read a newspaper.

B. It is difficult to judge because it differs for each situation.

C. Being a multilingual.

D. Being a native speaker.

5. What type of developing countries would be most likely to use English?

A. Those geographically close to the United States.

B. Those interested in the culture of the United States.

C. Former colonies of Great Britain.

D. Countries where international conferences are held.


Amateur Performance Night

Every third Thursday of the month, aspiring(有抱负的)artists present, read or perform original or existing material, at the Amateur Performance Night -- and anyone can come and watch. So come to the Amateur Performance Night to enjoy presentations and performances on a wide variety of subjects, and practice your languages (Chinese and English) while you do!

7-9 pm, March 15

20 yuan (entrance fee includes one drink and a snack)

Room 109, 2 Dongping Road


Good-Heart Sale

ENO holds a seasonal sale at discounted prices, some more than 50 percent off. When you mention SCAA (Second Chance Animal Aid), 10 percent of the sales income will be donated to the animal rescue group.

Cash only

March 10-24

In Factory, 6F, building A, 1147

Xikang Road, near Wuning Road

Free Coffee for All!

This Friday, March 16, wil be an exciting day for most coffee buyers, especially those who love Starbucks. Between 10 am and 12 noon, Starbucks will hold its second “Coffee Break” and everyone who drops by a local Starbucks outlet can get a free Tall (12-ounce) cup of coffee. The event was first held in America last year and attracted more than 500,000 people. This year the Coffee Break will spread to all Starbucks stores in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and, best of all, China.

Shanghai BookCrossing

Bring books you want to exchange, take away your next fab read. Books are mostly of English language, and include novels, thrillers, chicklit, biography, non-fiction, travel books, classics magazines, etc. Open to all, no registration necessary. Joining in is fun and FREE.

2 pm, March 17, April 21

Figaro Coffee, 160 Xingye Road


60. In which section will the text appear in the newspaper?

A. News reports.                 B. Business world.

C. Different voices.               D. Life events.

61. By attending which of the events will it be likely for you to practise your English?

A. Amateur Performance Night and Shanghai Book Crossing.

B. Amateur Performance Night and Good heart sale.

C. Good Heart Sale and Shanghai Book Crossing.

D. Good Heart Sale and Free Coffee for All.

62. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Tickets to all the events are free.

B. Free coffee for all will attract more Chinese than foreigners.

C. If you want to get any information about the events, you can only surf the Internet.

D. Both the organizers and participants of Good heart sale show concern about animals.



He had travelled thousands of miles in the hope of earning some money,but 18-year-old Lin Kongming never knew danger was waiting for him.
He and six other migrant workers from Fujian Province spent 36 hours in Iraq as international hostages(人质). But luckily,they were set free last Tuesday morning,unharmed by the people who had taken them hostage.
After hard work by Chinese diplomats(外交官)in the region the Iraqi kidnappers(绑架者)agreed to hand them over to a local religious group.“The friendly relations between the Chinese and Iraqi peoples have played a key role in the release of the hostages,”said Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan. China refused to join the US-led coalition(联军)in the Iraq war.
Since April 4,over 60 hostages from 12 countries,including America,Italy and Japan,have been taken in Iraq. Some have been released, others were killed.
The Iraqi resistance groups have started taking foreigners hostage in an attempt to force the US-led troops out of their country. As a result,many foreigners have left,fearing the situation will get worse. Some nations are also considering removing their troops from Iraq. Thailand has ordered its forces not to leave their camp and may bring them home before September as originally planned. New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark is considering similar action.
But Dan Senor,spokesman for the US-led coalition in Baghdad,said that it would not negotiate(谈判)with “terrorists or kidnappers” to get hostages released.
【小题1】The seven workers from Fujian were set free mainly because ______.

A.they were too poor to pay anything
B.kidnappers didn’t know they were Chinese
C.China didn’t take sides with the US-led coalition
D.kidnappers were friendly to the Chinese
【小题2】Why did the Iraqi resistance groups start to take foreigners hostage?
A.To show their anger towards the occupation of foreign troops.
B.To tell the world they would fear nothing.
C.To make foreign armies leave their country.
D.To resist the American troops.
【小题3】The author mentioned Dan Senor to show the US ______.
A.wouldn’t give in to Iraqi terrorists or kidnappers
B.had enough power to station in Iraq
C.wouldn’t give up unless it could get something
D.had no plan to bring its troops home
【小题4】The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.the hostage crises in Iraq
B.foreigners were not welcome in Iraq
C.the Chinese hostages were set free
D.keeping away from Iraq is a wise choice


The Weekly Telegraph is Britain’s global newspaper, the home-grown quality newspaper that delivers the best of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph to the British around the world and adds its special articles, features and reports designed to be of real value to foreign readers.Telegraph.co.uk/expat, the website, increases the value of the newspaper, thus creating a complete expatriate(国外的)support system, both online and offline.
Order a gift subscription(订阅)for a friend or relation overseas this Christmas and they will begin to recognise what a useful investment your subscription represents, and you’ll receive a FREE bottle of 10-year-old Tawny Port to enjoy at home in the UK.
Subscriptions will start early January 2010.Port can only be delivered to a UK address and receivers must be over 18 years of age.
For more details or for 6-month subscriptions, please contact our subscriptions department on Tel +44 (0) 1622 335080 or email weeklytelegraphsubs@telegraph.co.uk Office hours: 09:00-17:00 GMT).
Please contact weeklytelegraphsubs@telegraph.co.uk with any questions regarding your subscription.
Your money back if you are not satisfied
Our “no quibble” money-back policy means that we guarantee to return the money for your subscription in full if you are not satisfied with the first four issues.
Select a zone of payment.Price is for 52 issues.
United Kingdom                           105.00 GBP (Great Britain Pound)
USA                                     125.00 GBP
Canada/ Australia/ New Zealand               108.00 GBP
Zambia/ Zimbabwe /Tanzania                 85.00 GBP
South Africa                               80.00 GBP
Middle East/ Europe/ Rest of the world          80.00 GBP
71.The Weekly Telegraph in the advertisement is mainly intended for ______.
A.the British at home and abroad         B.the British in the UK
C.the foreigners in Britain         D.English learners across the globe
72.If you want to receive a free bottle of 10-year-old Tawny Port, you must ______.
a.live in the United Kingdom
b.have an overseas friend who is over 18
c.order a subscription of the Weekly Telegraph
d.offer your friend or relation’s address overseas
A.a, b           B.c, d         C.a, c      D.b, c
73.What do we know about the Weekly Telegraph from the passage?
A.The content of it can’t be read online.
B.One can subscribe to it 24 hours a day.
C.Your money can partly come back if you’re not satisfied
D.The prices for different countries are probably different.
74.To order a 6-month subscription for a friend in Tanzania, you should ______.
A.contact the subscriptions department
B.subscribe to the Daily Telegraph for a year
C.tell your friend to visit telegraph.co.uk/expat
D.pay 85.00 GBP
75.Which of the following statements is true based on the text?
A.Telegraph.co.uk/ expat receives support from online readers only.
B.Subscriptions of the paper can be made starting from January 2010.
C.Telegraph.co.uk/expat mainly solve your subscription problems.
D.US and Middle East readers can enjoy equal price for 52 issues.


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