摘要: take up 对--产生兴趣,从事,占用 Her time is fully taken uD with writing. 她的时间完全被写作占满了. This table takes uD too much room. 这张桌子太占地方. [拓展] bring up 抚养.教育come up 上来.抬头 eat up 吃光 end up 结束 keep up 保持 make up 组成.弥补 pick up 拣起 put up 张贴 stay up 熬 夜.挺住 set up 建立 turn up 出现 wake up 醒来 [考点2]含 “with构成的动词短语 ① be fed up with 厌倦 ③ be filled with 充满 ③ catch up with 赶上 ④ come up with 找到.提出 ⑤ get on well with 与--相处融洽 ⑥ quarrel with 吵架 ⑦ stay / keep / be in touch with 与--保持联系 ⑧ end up with 以--告终 ⑨ keep up with 跟上.赶上 ⑩ come to terms with 甘心忍受.使自己顺从于某事物⑨ talk with 与某人交谈 ⑥ agree with 同意--意见.符合.一致 ⑩ disagree with 不同意 ⑩ struggle / fight with 和--战斗/斗争 ⑩ work with 用--干.和--工作 ⑩ put up with 忍受 [例句] Filled with smoke, the room is not pleasant to stay in. 房间里烟雾弥漫.在里面呆着不舒服. She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想 出了增加销售量的新主意. You'll just have to come to terms with the fact that you are fired. 你不得不接受的现实情况是你被解雇了. The child was fed up with listening to tim same story. 孩子厌烦听同一个故事. I can't keep up with all the changes in computer tech- nology.计算机技术的各种改进有些我已经跟不上了. [考例2]Would you slow down a bit, please? I can't you. A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up to D. hold on to [考查目标] 此题主要考查四个短语的意思. [答案与解析]A keep up with 跟上,put up with 忍 受,make up to 是错误搭配,hold on to 坚持.本句话意 思是“请你慢一点儿好吗?我跟不上 . [考点3]含“动词构成的of短语 ① be afraid of 害怕 ② be proud of 以--自豪 ③ be full of 充满 ④ hear of 听说 ⑤ make use of 利用 ⑥ speak highly of 称赞 ⑦ think highly of 对--高度评价 ⑧ take care of 照顾.照料 ⑨ think of 认为.想起 ⑩ take possession of 占有.占领 ⑩ be sure of 对--有把握 ⑩ rob...of... 抢劫-- ⑩ think of...a...认为--是-- [例句]I didn't menti’on it because I was afraid of upset- ting him. 我没有提起那件事.因为我怕他心烦意乱. He felt very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas. 他非常自豪的是有这样一位思想高尚的朋友. Make full use of every chance you have to speak Eng- lish. 要充分利用一切机会说英语. His work is highly thought of by the critics. 他的作品 深受评论家推崇. I did think of resigning, but I decided not to. 我原来确 实打算辞职.但后来打消了这个念头. [考例3] The passengers were robbed all their money. A. of B. off C. from D. away [考查目标] 此题主要考查 rob的 用法. [答案与解析]A rob 构成短语rob sb. of sth“抢夺某人 的东西 . [牛刀小试2] 在下列句子的空白处填上适当的介词或副词:


第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
With the development of advertising, advertisements are now
connected with people’s lives.Is this the good thing?                   76.___________   
Some people think advertisements tell lies and made people                 77.___________   
buy things that they don’t need them.Advertisements                         78.___________   
cover a lot of space, which wastes paper.But they take up too much              79.___________   
time on TV.Therefore, they say advertisements should stopped.           80.___________   
Others think that advertisements influence people’s choices              81.___________   
of goods.It give information about various goods and help               82.___________   
people to make better choices.What’s most, some nice                   83.___________   
advertisements are very popular and is a kind of art that many             84.___________   
people like.However, people get tiring of advertisements, and                  85.___________   
advertising companies should keep this in mind.







Dear Miss Li ,

How are you? Are you still busy at your work at that school?



I am writing to tell you anything about my new school here.


This is beautiful school with many trees and flowers in it.


The classrooms are big and bright. The modern library is full of

79.      ___

books on different subject . Every Wednesday afternoon we can

80.      ___

go there and borrow books . Teachers here is strict in their work

81.     ____

and this is what the school is famous . Classes and homework do not

82.     ____

take up all our time . After the supper , we usually gather

83.      ___

to see the CCTV news so that we can learn what has been happened in this        

84.      ___

world . How luckily I am to be a student in such a wonderful school!

85.      ___



短文改错(共10小题 ;每小题1.5分, 满分15分 )


该行多一个词 :把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改正。

Dear Editor,

Recently, my classmates have had a heated discussion about that     


we should have optional courses(选修课) in high schools. Some students were 2._______

in favor of the optional courses. They say interest is the best teacher    3.______

and our spare time will be colorful and meaningful. Students        


can not only enlarge their knowledges but also improve their abilities.    5._______

However, others are against the idea, said that optional courses           6._______

will take up too much time as well as energy. In addition to, some optional


courses have something to do with the College Entrance Examination. They    8._______

are afraid they’ll fall behind their classmates if they will take the optional 9._______

courses. I’d like to take one or two of the optional courses, which, I think,

will certain benefit me a lot.                                     





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