摘要: value v. 重视,评价


John and Booby joined a wholesale company together just after graduation from college the same year. Both worked very hard. After several years, however, the boss promoted(提升)Bobby to the position of manager but John remained an ordinary employee(雇员). John could not take it any more, so he sent his resignation(辞职信) and complained that the boss did not value(重视)hard working workers but only promoted those who said good words of him.
The boss knew that John worked very hard for the years. He thought for a moment and said, “Thank you for telling me, but I have a request. I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave. Perhaps you will change your mind and take back your resignation.”
John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find out anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found out a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much per kg, John shook his head and went back to the market to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 per kg.
The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went, returned and said only one person sold watermelons. $1.2 for a kg, $10 for 10kg and his watermelons added up to 340. On the table 58 melons, every melon weighs about 2 kg, bought from the south two days ago and they were fresh, red and good quality.
John was surprised and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided not to go away but to learn from Bobby.
The story tells us that a more successful person is more concerned and thinks more. Chances are there in the daily details. For the same thing, a person sees one year ahead, while another sees only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, how could you win?
【小题1】John wanted to stop his job in his company because_________.

A.Bobby was promoted but he was not
B.he didn’t want to say good words of his boss
C.he thought the boss didn’t take his hard work seriously
D.he didn’t want to be an ordinary employee
【小题2】The boss asked John to find out where watermelons were sold in order to _________.
A.persuade him to stay in the company
B.prove he was a hardworking worker
C.buy some watermelons for the company
D.prove his abilities at work for himself
【小题3】From what Bobby did, we can see that he was promoted only because _________.
A.he was a more concerned businessman
B.he knew how to do business
C.he was more experienced at work
D.he knew details about the watermelon market
【小题4】We can conclude from the story that _________.
A.one should stop his job if the boss doesn’t think much of his work
B.it’s necessary to know the market when you buy a watermelon
C.detail plays a very important part in one’s success
D.one should get along well with his boss if he wants to be promoted
【小题5】What can be the best title of the passage?
A.More Concerned, More SuccessfulB.How to Buy Watermelons
C.Who Is More SuccessfulD.Proud John


John and Booby joined a wholesale company together just after graduation from college the same year. Both worked very hard. After several years, however, the boss promoted(提升)Bobby to the position of manager but John remained an ordinary employee(雇员). John could not take it any more, so he sent his resignation(辞职信) and complained that the boss did not value(重视)hard working workers but only promoted those who said good words of him.

The boss knew that John worked very hard for the years. He thought for a moment and said, “Thank you for telling me, but I have a request. I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave. Perhaps you will change your mind and take back your resignation.”

John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find out anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found out a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much per kg, John shook his head and went back to the market to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 per kg.

The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went, returned and said only one person sold watermelons. $1.2 for a kg, $10 for 10kg and his watermelons added up to 340. On the table 58 melons, every melon weighs about 2 kg, bought from the south two days ago and they were fresh, red and good quality.

John was surprised and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided not to go away but to learn from Bobby.

The story tells us that a more successful person is more concerned and thinks more. Chances are there in the daily details. For the same thing, a person sees one year ahead, while another sees only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, how could you win?

1.John wanted to stop his job in his company because_________.

A.Bobby was promoted but he was not

B.he didn’t want to say good words of his boss

C.he thought the boss didn’t take his hard work seriously

D.he didn’t want to be an ordinary employee

2.The boss asked John to find out where watermelons were sold in order to _________.

A.persuade him to stay in the company

B.prove he was a hardworking worker

C.buy some watermelons for the company

D.prove his abilities at work for himself

3.From what Bobby did, we can see that he was promoted only because _________.

A.he was a more concerned businessman

B.he knew how to do business

C.he was more experienced at work

D.he knew details about the watermelon market

4.We can conclude from the story that _________.

A.one should stop his job if the boss doesn’t think much of his work

B.it’s necessary to know the market when you buy a watermelon

C.detail plays a very important part in one’s success

D.one should get along well with his boss if he wants to be promoted

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.More Concerned, More Successful          B.How to Buy Watermelons

C.Who Is More Successful                  D.Proud John




V. 单句改错(10分)




1. Following the road and you will find the store.                              1.________

2. I don’t doubt whether I’m able to finish the work on time.                     2. _______

3. Every new drug must be tested at least two different kinds of animals.           3. _______

4.On the third day, I found myself spend a whole in my tent.                     4._______

5. It’s waste of time arguing with him.                                       5. _______

6. He is a man who value friendship beyond all things.                        6. _______

7. "How dare you say that?" The teacher said angrily pointed to Tom.              7. _______

8. It doesn’t bother me how I look like.                                       8. ______

9.Each doctor and nurse were given a new shirt.                                9. ______

10. I’d rather have a house of my own than to share one with someone else, no matter how small it is.                                                                10. _______



Prisoner Mitchell King had a visitor— his wife. King was serving a six-year prison term in Auckland, New Zealand for armed robbery. But his wife didn’t want to be away from him for that long. So they held hands and they stuck. She’s rubbed her palms with super glue.
Their new-found closeness was short-lived. And their separation painful. Her technique is not one I'd recommend(introduce) for a closer relationship.
But if you want more closeness; if you desire relationships that are deeper and broader, more meaningful and longer-lasting, then remember the word "TRAVEL."
T is for TRUST. Trust is the glue that holds people together (not Super Glue). A relationship will go nowhere without it.
R is for RESPECT. "Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead; speak them rather now instead," writes Anna Cummins. It's about respecting others and letting them know that you value them.
A is for AFFECTION. Sometimes affection means love. Sometimes it means a touch. Always it means kindness.
V is for VULNERABILITY(harm). Though we may feel afraid to let another too close, no relationship will go anywhere without risking vulnerability. Entrepreneur Jim Rohn says, "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy." And the love.
E is for EMOTIONAL INTIMACY(亲密). Learn to be open. Learn to communicate freely. What kinds of relationships you make are largely determined by how openly you have learned to communicate.
L is for LAUGHTER. Victor Borge got it right when he said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." It's also the most enjoyable.
For relationships that can really go somewhere, just remember the word "TRAVEL." Then enjoy the trip!
56.The author intends to _________ by showing us the example in Paragraph One.
A. condemn the wife for her silly behavior
B. introduce new ways for closer relationships
C. tell us King and his wife would never be separated
D. encourage us to follow the wife’s technique
57.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph Four refers to?
A. Trust.                      B. Glue.                       C. Closeness.                D. TRAVEL
58.Which of the following agrees with what Jim Rohn says?
A. Walls should be built to keep out the sadness.
B. It’s unnecessary to avoid vulnerability for closer relationships.
C. Love will be kept out if you let another too close.
D. We shouldn’t let another too close because of vulnerability.
59.What does Victor Borge really mean by his word in the ninth paragraph?
A. Laughter will keep the shortest distance.
B. Laughter will make a closer relationship.
C. No relationship will go without laughter.
D. Laughter is necessary to make friends.


第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分80分)
  August has always been difficult for me. It is the time when I realize that the books my English teacher assigned to me are not going to read themselves and that I have a difficult month in front of me.
  You might think that I don’t want to spend my summer reading, but that’s not the problem: I love reading. On the first day of my summer holidays this year, I went to the library and got “A Gathering of Old Men” by African-American writer Ernest Gaines. I enjoyed it very much. I read all the magazines that my parents subscribe to and spend about 30 minutes every day with the morning paper. So why do I hate summer reading for school? Because the books on summer reading lists are often slow-going and just uninviting. Teachers and librarians don’t understand that summer reading can be entertaining as well as educational. They choose books that a friend of my mother’s calls “spinach books”: good for you, but not much fun to take in. Every summer, I read them, hate them and get bitter about the experience.
  This bitterness started three years ago when I was about to begin high school. As preparation, my English teacher told me to read “The Age of Innocence” by American author Edith Wharton. I’m sure there are many people who enjoyed “The Age of Innocence” — some might even say it’s their favorite book.
  But I don’t think any of these people read it as a 14-year-old boy on his summer vacation.
  “The Age of Innocence” is the story of a forbidden romance in New York 100 years ago. At 14, my only experience with romance was my love for baseball. I couldn’t imagine being in love, much less being in love in 1900. “The Age of Innocence” was totally different to my life.
  Most of my required summer reading has been like that — books written in a style that plays up the adjectives and plays down the verbs. I guess teachers don’t think exciting plots make for “good literature”. To me, though, a good writer describes events and characters in a way that makes the reader want to know what happens next.
  If I were making up a summer reading list, it would include “The Friends of Eddie Coyle” by George V. Higgins, “The Right Stuff” by Tom Wolfe, and “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer. These are all books that have literary value but, just as important, can also entertain kids on vacation. If the teachers could stand a little fun in the books they assign, my Augusts would be a lot more enjoyable.
1. The author thinks he will have a difficult August because ____________.
A. he doesn’t like reading in summer vacation
B. he is to read the books boring and not right for kids
C. he hates the English teacher assigning homework
D. he hates August
2. What can make students interested in August reading ought to be ___________.
A. romantic                                                      B. out of date
C. entertaining and educational                            D. pure
3. The author listed such books as “The Friends of Eddie Coyle” because he thinks __________.
A. they can change his opinion                            B. he can learn a lot more from them
C. they are of literary value, and enjoyable    D. he has to do as teachers tell him to
4. In the opinion of the author of this passage, a good writer should be ___________.
A. one who describes events and characters in different ways
B. one who is full of imagination         
C. one who is learned
D. one who uses a way of describing that makes the reader wish to know what to happen next
5. Which of the following could be the best title of this passage?
A. Why Can’t Teachers Set Us Fun Books?
B. I Don’t Like Reading on the Vacation
C. Teachers, Don’t Set Us Any Reading Assignments
D. Teachers, Set Us Free


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