摘要: mild adj. 温和的


In urban China,where English is almost the official second language,many Chinese people have learned to speak as professionally as native speakers. However they may have an accent and make a few minor grammatical mistakes.Years ago many people used a certain Chinese-English dictionary or a series of textbooks and accepted their teachings. Consequently,language learners developed a peculiar vocabulary. Some people call these word choices “Chinglish”. The words are not incorrect—native speakers still understand them—but they stand in the way of using standard English. Here are some common examples, both from written and spoken English:

Clever (adj.): Native speakers usually say “smart” instead. “Smart” is a broader and more common word. “Clever” suggests an ability to think your way out of a specific problem or take advantage of a specific situation. Being smart serves you for life.

Examination(n.): Use “exam”, the short form of it, or the more common word, “test”. (The verb for all three words is “take”.) Another word you may hear is “quiz”. It means a short and relatively unimportant test that the teacher often gives as a surprise.

Film: This is largely a technical word. The common term is “movie”. (Native speakers often say “short film for the movie”.)

House (n.): a stand-alone building with its own street entrance that is home to one family. A home in a building full of families is an “apartment” or a “flat”. When in doubt, just say “home”.

Puzzled (adj.): We use this word to describe mild reactions to difficult math problems, and not even very often for this purpose (we say “I’m stumped” or “I have no idea” instead). But when we’re addressing a life issue such as whether to pursue (从事) a graduate education or go straight to work, we say “confused”. This is a stronger word as well as a more common one.

49. The writer wrote this passage to______.

A. prove there are so many Chinese people learning English in a wrong way

B. teach us to choose correct and exact English words to express ourselves

C. tell people that if we want to speak English as well as native speakers we must memorize as many English words as possible

D. explain what Chinglish is

50. According to the passage, which of the following is more common?

A. Would you like to go to the film tonight?

B. He will take an examination next week.

C. Tom is cleverer than his brother.

D. He felt confused whether he would go abroad for further study.

51. This passage suggests that______.  

A. native speakers say “I’m puzzled with this math problem.” more often used than they say “I’m stumped with the math problem.”

B. the word “home” is much often used than the word “house” in spoken and written English

C. the word “examination” is more common than its short form“exam”

D. we can say “do a quiz”

52. We can infer from the passage that______.  

A. native speakers can understand “Chinglish”

B. saying “take a test” is more common

C. to English learners, developing more English vocabulary doesn’t mean speaking good English

D. it’s easy to learn English words well



In urban China,where English is almost the official second language,many Chinese people have learned to speak as professionally as native speakers. However they may have an accent and make a few minor grammatical mistakes.Years ago many people used a certain Chinese-English dictionary or a series of textbooks and accepted their teachings. Consequently,language learners developed a peculiar vocabulary. Some people call these word choices “Chinglish”. The words are not incorrect—native speakers still understand them—but they stand in the way of using standard English. Here are some common examples, both from written and spoken English:
Clever (adj.): Native speakers usually say “smart” instead. “Smart” is a broader and more common word. “Clever” suggests an ability to think your way out of a specific problem or take advantage of a specific situation. Being smart serves you for life.
Examination(n.): Use “exam”, the short form of it, or the more common word, “test”. (The verb for all three words is “take”.) Another word you may hear is “quiz”. It means a short and relatively unimportant test that the teacher often gives as a surprise.
Film: This is largely a technical word. The common term is “movie”. (Native speakers often say “short film for the movie”.)
House (n.): a stand-alone building with its own street entrance that is home to one family. A home in a building full of families is an “apartment” or a “flat”. When in doubt, just say “home”.
Puzzled (adj.): We use this word to describe mild reactions to difficult math problems, and not even very often for this purpose (we say “I’m stumped” or “I have no idea” instead). But when we’re addressing a life issue such as whether to pursue (从事) a graduate education or go straight to work, we say “confused”. This is a stronger word as well as a more common one.
49. The writer wrote this passage to______.
A. prove there are so many Chinese people learning English in a wrong way
B. teach us to choose correct and exact English words to express ourselves
C. tell people that if we want to speak English as well as native speakers we must memorize as many English words as possible
D. explain what Chinglish is
50. According to the passage, which of the following is more common?
A. Would you like to go to the film tonight?
B. He will take an examination next week.
C. Tom is cleverer than his brother.
D. He felt confused whether he would go abroad for further study.
51. This passage suggests that______.  
A. native speakers say “I’m puzzled with this math problem.” more often used than they say “I’m stumped with the math problem.”
B. the word “home” is much often used than the word “house” in spoken and written English
C. the word “examination” is more common than its short form“exam”
D. we can say “do a quiz”
52. We can infer from the passage that______.  
A. native speakers can understand “Chinglish”
B. saying “take a test” is more common
C. to English learners, developing more English vocabulary doesn’t mean speaking good English
D. it’s easy to learn English words well


In urban China,where English is almost the official second language,many Chinese people have learned to speak as professionally as native speakers. However they may have an accent and make a few minor grammatical mistakes.Years ago many people used a certain Chinese-English dictionary or a series of textbooks and accepted their teachings. Consequently,language learners developed a peculiar vocabulary. Some people call these word choices “Chinglish”. The words are not incorrect—native speakers still understand them—but they stand in the way of using standard English. Here are some common examples, both from written and spoken English:

Clever (adj.): Native speakers usually say “smart” instead. “Smart” is a broader and more common word. “Clever” suggests an ability to think your way out of a specific problem or take advantage of a specific situation. Being smart serves you for life.

Examination(n.): Use “exam”, the short form of it, or the more common word, “test”. (The verb for all three words is “take”.) Another word you may hear is “quiz”. It means a short and relatively unimportant test that the teacher often gives as a surprise.

Film: This is largely a technical word. The common term is “movie”. (Native speakers often say “short film for the movie”.)

House (n.): a stand-alone building with its own street entrance that is home to one family. A home in a building full of families is an “apartment” or a “flat”. When in doubt, just say “home”.

Puzzled (adj.): We use this word to describe mild reactions to difficult math problems, and not even very often for this purpose (we say “I’m stumped” or “I have no idea” instead). But when we’re addressing a life issue such as whether to pursue (从事) a graduate education or go straight to work, we say “confused”. This is a stronger word as well as a more common one.

49. The writer wrote this passage to______.

A. prove there are so many Chinese people learning English in a wrong way

B. teach us to choose correct and exact English words to express ourselves

C. tell people that if we want to speak English as well as native speakers we must memorize as many English words as possible

D. explain what Chinglish is

50. According to the passage, which of the following is more common?

A. Would you like to go to the film tonight?

B. He will take an examination next week.

C. Tom is cleverer than his brother.

D. He felt confused whether he would go abroad for further study.

51. This passage suggests that______.  

A. native speakers say “I’m puzzled with this math problem.” more often used than they say “I’m stumped with the math problem.”

B. the word “home” is much often used than the word “house” in spoken and written English

C. the word “examination” is more common than its short form“exam”

D. we can say “do a quiz”

52. We can infer from the passage that______.  

A. native speakers can understand “Chinglish”

B. saying “take a test” is more common

C. to English learners, developing more English vocabulary doesn’t mean speaking good English

D. it’s easy to learn English words well


In urban China,where English is almost the official second language,many Chinese people have learned to speak as professionally as native speakers. However they may have an accent and make a few minor grammatical mistakes.Years ago many people used a certain Chinese-English dictionary or a series of textbooks and accepted their teachings. Consequently,language learners developed a peculiar vocabulary. Some people call these word choices “Chinglish”. The words are not incorrect—native speakers still understand them—but they stand in the way of using standard English. Here are some common examples, both from written and spoken English:

Clever (adj.): Native speakers usually say “smart” instead. “Smart” is a broader and more common word. “Clever” suggests an ability to think your way out of a specific problem or take advantage of a specific situation. Being smart serves you for life.

Examination(n.): Use “exam”, the short form of it, or the more common word, “test”. (The verb for all three words is “take”.) Another word you may hear is “quiz”. It means a short and relatively unimportant test that the teacher often gives as a surprise.

Film: This is largely a technical word. The common term is “movie”. (Native speakers often say “short film for the movie”.)

House (n.): a stand-alone building with its own street entrance that is home to one family. A home in a building full of families is an “apartment” or a “flat”. When in doubt, just say “home”.

Puzzled (adj.): We use this word to describe mild reactions to difficult math problems, and not even very often for this purpose (we say “I’m stumped” or “I have no idea” instead). But when we’re addressing a life issue such as whether to pursue (从事) a graduate education or go straight to work, we say “confused”. This is a stronger word as well as a more common one.

49. The writer wrote this passage to______.

A. prove there are so many Chinese people learning English in a wrong way

B. teach us to choose correct and exact English words to express ourselves

C. tell people that if we want to speak English as well as native speakers we must memorize as many English words as possible

D. explain what Chinglish is

50. According to the passage, which of the following is more common?

A. Would you like to go to the film tonight?

B. He will take an examination next week.

C. Tom is cleverer than his brother.

D. He felt confused whether he would go abroad for further study.

51. This passage suggests that______.  

A. native speakers say “I’m puzzled with this math problem.” more often used than they say “I’m stumped with the math problem.”

B. the word “home” is much often used than the word “house” in spoken and written English

C. the word “examination” is more common than its short form“exam”

D. we can say “do a quiz”

52. We can infer from the passage that______.   

A. native speakers can understand “Chinglish”

B. saying “take a test” is more common

C. to English learners, developing more English vocabulary doesn’t mean speaking good English

D. it’s easy to learn English words well


2011年10月13日下午5点30分,在广东佛山一五金城内,2岁女童小悦悦在过马路时不慎被一辆面包车撞倒并两度碾压,随后肇事车辆逃逸,随后开来的另一辆车辆直接从已经被碾压过的女童身上再次开了过去,七分钟内在女童身边经过的十几个路人,都对此冷眼漠视,只有最后一名拾荒阿姨上前施以援手。2011年10月21日,小悦悦经医院全力抢救无效,于0时32分离世。由此引发网友广泛热议。请根据下面提示,以“Say no to indifference and awaken true love”为题写一短文,简述这一事件及事后人们对此的不同反应,并谈谈你自己的看法。

2) 中国经济的快速发展给公共道德带来了负面影响;
1. 参照以上文字及下面文章开头所给提示,做必要的发挥想象。
2. 不要逐字翻译,只需正确表达出相关内容。
3. 词数150左右,开头已写好,不计入总词数。
4. 参考词汇:   1) 悲剧tragedy
5.              2)冷漠indifference (n.) indifferent (adj.)
6.              3) 良心conscience
7.              4) 道德 morality (n.), moral(adj.)
8.              5)见义勇为者Samaritan
Say no to indifference and awaken true love
On Oct. 13, two-year-old Yue Yue was knocked down by a van before being run over by a truck near a market in Foshan, Guangdong province, while 18 people ignored her severely injured body as she lay bleeding on the ground after the accident. The girl eventually received help from an elderly refuse collector but died later from injuries to the head.
In response to the tragedy, different people have different attitudes.                   


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