摘要: The U. S. A. stands the United States of America. A. by B. to C. for D. at


   阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    "Uncle Sam", of course, stands for the United States, which is the nickname of the country.It is hard to believe that this nickname came out quite by accident and there actually was a man called "Uncle Sam". However, few people have ever heard of such a man. The man called "Uncle Sam Willson" lived in New York and ran a meat-packing business. One day, a mayor (市长) came to his shop and noticed the EAUS in front of the houseand asked what they stood for. And a workmate added jokingly that "US" stood for "Uncle Sam Willson". In May 1813, this story appeared in a newspaper published in New York. Since "Uncle Sam" was a popular man and was an example of hard-working and patriotic (爱国的) American,the idea of Uncle Sam as a name for this kind of men caught on (流行) rapidly. By the end of the war of 1812, "Uncle Sam" had come to symbolize(象征) the character of the nation and the government and the nickname of the U.S.

1. In the U.S., the nickname of "Uncle Sam". _________.

[    ]   

A. was named by the government   

B. was raised and came into being step by step

C. was suggested by Willson and decided by the government

D. had been formed since the U.S. was set up

2. In the U.S., Uncle Sam Willson _____________.

[    ]

A. won the greatest honour   

B. was one of the famous bosses of the restaurants

C. was an ordinary citizen  

D. became the wisest man  

3. In America "Uncle Sam" becomes very famous, ___________.  

[    ]

A. so everybody knows him  

B. but all the people don't know him

C. so everyone likes him   

D. so everybody learns from him

4. Today in the U.S. many people think ___________.

[    ]

A. they are proud that they are called "Uncle Sam"   

B. they should do a lot of things for mankind   

C. they would be unhappy when they are called "Uncle Sam"

D. the name of "Uncle Sam" should be regarded as the most important thing

5. In this text, "nickname" is ____________.

[    ]

A. a name by which a man is called familiarly, other than the real name

B. one's real name

C. Uncle Sam's name    

D. the name of the hard-working people


It seems that all your friends’ names on MSN have added a little green “I’m” symbol overnight. If you ask what is going on, someone will tell you it’s a charity activity.
Though this charity program has not yet officially begun for Chinese users, this little green symbol has proven popular among Chinese Windows Live Messenger users.
Windows Live Messenger’s official blog announced on March 1 that Microsoft was beginning an “I’m” program in the United States. Every time someone starts a conversation using “I’m”, Microsoft shares a part of the program’s advertising income with nine organizations devoted to social causes. With every instant message a user sends, it helps deal with things one feels most interested in, including poverty, child protection, disease and worsening environment.
One only has to add a certain code next to one’s name for the organization one would like to support. “*red’u” is for the American Red Cross, “*bgca” is for Boys & Girls Clubs of America and “*unicef” stands for the American branch of UNICEF.
After a Chinese blogger named “hung” introduced this program on his blog on March 2, “I’m” entered the Internet in China with no actual support from Microsoft.
Beijing-based Youth Weekend reported that famous IT blogger Keso regarded this program’s rapid spread as a successful virus marketing case. He thinks that the success of the “I’m” program is because it’s spread by users without being a bother to others. This answers why “I’m” has spread so rapidly across the Internet like a virus with almost no advertisement.
However, Feng Jinhu from the press center for Microsoft China told Youth Weekend that the “I’m” project is only for Messenger users in the United States. Instant messages sent by Chinese users would not count.
This has not affected Chinese Messenger users’ interest in the little green symbol. These users hope their instant messages will actually contribute to charitable organizations someday.
【小题1】What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A.The detail information about the “I’m” program.
B.Microsoft announced the beginning of the program.
C.The main purpose of the program.
D.How to take part in the program in China.
【小题2】What is the reason for the success of the “I’m” program according to Keso?
A.It doesn’t bring other users trouble.B.It is popular with the poor people.
C.It is supported by Microsoft.D.It is advertised through the Internet.
【小题3】The following descriptions about the “I’m” program are correct EXCEPT _________.
A.it became popular in China in a short time
B.Microsoft will support the charity activity for free
C.US MSN users who take part in the “I’m” program contribute to charity
D.it covers social problems such as poverty, child protection, etc.
【小题4】What should you do to take part in the “I’m” program?
A.Send an email to Microsoft.
B.Add a little green “I’m” symbol before your MSN name.
C.Add the code of the organization you support next to your MSN name.
D.Fill in an application form in advance.
【小题5】From the passage, we can come to a conclusion that _________.
A.“I’m” is a computer virus that will not be easily removed
B.Microsoft is active in advertising the program in China
C.modern technology is being used to raise money for charity
D.Chinese MSN users have no interest in the program


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