摘要: We shall always remember him his kindness. A. for B. as C. by D. on


In spite of the instructions he had been given,Tommy did not hurry straight round to Mrs. Blakey’s house with the note.Reaching the toy shop window with its decorated Christmas tree.he could not tear himself away from it until he had spent ten minutes staring at the gift he most wanted.Where the road began to run downhill to Mrs. Blakey’s house,he met some of his friends who were throwing snowballs.He joined in the fight,and by the time it finished.another twenty minutes had gone by.Ten more minutes were lost looking for the note for Mrs. Blakey,which had somehow dropped from his pocket during the fight.When he finally found it, it was not only very wet,but he found that part of it was torn away and missing That meant a further search,but without results So Tommy reached Mrs. Blakey’s house nearly an hour late.carrying a dirty piece of paper that contained only the words:

    —for tea this afternoon—important to talk

    about—u.If it is convenient,— tell Tommy:

    otherwise.—Hr house at;four o’clock—

Yours sincerely.

Al ice Hendry

    Mrs. Blakey puzzled over the note for a while,then,imagining she knew what the missing words were,told Tommy to tell his mother it would be all right

    Tommy arrived home not long before four o’clock,only to find his mother very angry and already putting her hat on.“You naughty boy, where have you been?”she cried, and without waiting for all answer,“What did Mrs. Blakey say?”

    Tommy told her.

    “All right, you’d better come with me,”Mrs. Hendry said.And so once again Tommy found himself oil the downhill road to Mrs. Blakey’s.

    At about the same moment that Mrs. Hendry and her son Tommy reached Mrs. Blakey’s door, Mrs. Blakey herself, having taken a different road,was waiting outside the Hendry’s home.wondering why there was no answer to her knock.Who could blame her for thinking that the torn note was all invitation to tea at the Hendry’s,instead of which Mrs. Hendry had in fact been asking herself out to tea with Mrs. Blakey’s.

1.Tommy’s mother told him __________.

    A.not to drop the note on his way to Mrs. Blakey’s house

    B.to look at the toy-shop window.

    C.to hurry straight round to Mrs. Blakey’s house with the note,

    D.to look for the note

2.Which of the following notes did Mrs. Hendry send to Mrs. Blakey?

    A.Dear Mrs. Blakey,

       Will it be all right if l visit you for tea this afternoon? I have something important to talk about with you If it is inconvenient,tell Tommy;otherwise,I shall come to see you at your house at four o’clock.

Yours sincerely,

Alice Hendry

    B.Dear Mrs. Blakey,

       I should be very glad if you would come here for tea this afternoon I have something important to talk about with you,If it is inconvenient,tell Tommy;otherwise I shall expect to see you at our house at four o’clock.

Yours sincerely,

Alice Hendry

    C.Dear Mrs. Blakey,

      Tommy would be glad if you could come here for tea this afternoon.There is a gun that he thinks is important to talk about with you If it is inconvenient,tell Tommy;otherwise we shall expect to see you at our house at four o’clock

Yours sincerely,

Alice Hendry

    D.Dear Mrs. Blakey,

    I should be grateful if Tommy could stay with you for tea this afternoon.I want to go out as I have something to talk about with Mrs. Morris.If it is inconvenient,tell Tommy;otherwise,I will send him to your house at four o’clock.

Yours sincerely,

Alice Hendry

3.When Tommy returned home,his mother was very angry because ________.

    A.she was worried that it was too late for them to reach Mrs. Blakey’s house

    B.the naughty boy was an hour late for supper.

    C.He lost the note on his way to Mrs. Blakey’s house

    D.He came home without a reply from Mrs. Blakey

4.Which of the following is Not true according to the story.

    A.After giving the note to Mrs. Blakey, Tommy hurried straight home.

    B.Tommy looked for the missing part of the note but failed in finding it.

    C.Mrs. Blakey inferred correctly what the incomplete note meant

    D.Mrs. Blakey expected to find Mrs. Hendry at home at four o’clock

     Sir Richard Branson today offered a $25 000 000 prize for scientists who find a way to save the planet
from the effects of climate change.
     Supported by the former US vice-president Al Gore and other environmentalists, the boss of Virgin
Atlantic airlines called for scientists to come up with a way to take greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.
     "What we are doing is making sure we get the most carbon dioxide-friendly planes. We promise that
100% of profits we make from our transportation business are put into things like the prize we've offered
today. We shall convince people that we are facing a threat which is urgent and there's no superhero. We
have no hope of a meaningful solution unless we find a way to work together." he said.
     Mr Gore said global warming was man-made and was like to the planet suffering from a "fever". He said,
"Humans had slipped into a way of thinking that was centered on 'shortterm satisfaction', and now meet the
challenge of transforming ourselves and changing the structures of everything we do'," he said.
     Reacting to the launch of the prize, Tony Jupiter, the Friends of the Earth's director, warned against
wasting time waiting for new inventions. He said, "Sir Richard's initiative (初衷) may encourage inventors
to develop a wonder technology to deal with carbon dioxide of the atmosphere. But many of the ways, such
as energy efficiency and renewables, already exist, and it is essential that these be put into practice as soon
as possible. Moreover, Sir Richard must also look at his business activities and the contribution they make
to climate change. The world will find it very difficult to settle climate change if air travel continues to expand
and space tourism is developed."
1. Sir Richard Branson is
[     ]
A. a scientist concerned for climate change
B. a businessman working for Al Gore
C. the boss of Virgin Atlantic airlines
D. the director of the Friends of the Earth
2. The purpose of using Al Gore's quotation was to _____.
[      ]
A. ask people to change the way of thinking
B. compare global warming to an Earth's fever
C. show how serious and urgent the problem is
D. call for more attention to the launch of the prize
3. What is the main idea of the passage?
[     ]
A. It is important for people to save our planet.
B. Humans are to blame for causing climate change.
C. Scientists are trying to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
D. A prize was offered for solutions to global warming.
4. How was Tony Jupiter's attitude to space tourism?
[     ]
A. Negative.
B. Positive.
C. Optimistic.
D. Neutral (中立).
     Sir Richard Branson today offered a $25,000,000 prize for scientists who find a way to save the
planet from the effects of climate change.
    Supported by the former US vicepresident Al Gore and other environmentalists, the boss of Virgin
Atlantic airlines called for scientists to come up with a way to take greenhouse gases out of the
     "What we are doing is making sure we get the most carbon dioxidefriendly planets.We promise that
100% of profits we make from our transportation business are put into things like the prize we've offered
today.We shall convince people that we are facing a threat which is urgent and there's no superhero.We
have no hope of a meaningful solution unless we find a way to work together."he said.
    Mr Gore said global warming was manmade and was like the planet suffering from a"fever". He said,
"Humans had slipped into a way of thinking that was centered on'short term satisfaction', and now meet
the challenge of 'transforming ourselves and changing the structures of everything we do'".
     Reacting to the launch of the prize, Tony Jupiter, the Friends of the Earth's director, warned against
wasting time waiting for new inventions.He said, "Sir Richard's initiative (初衷) may encourage inventors
to develop a wonder technology to deal with carbon dioxide of the atmosphere.But many of the ways,
such as energy efficiency and renewables, already exist, and it is essential that these be put into practice
as soon as possible.Moreover, Sir Richard must also look at his business activities and the contribution
they make to climate change.The world will find it very difficult to settle climate change if air travel
continues to expand and space tourism is developed."

1. Sir Richard Branson is________.

A. a scientist concerned for climate change
B. a businessman working for Al Gore
C. the boss of Virgin Atlantic airlines
D. the director of the Friends of the Earth

2. The purpose of using Al Gore's quotation was to________.

A. ask people to change the way of thinking
B. compare global warming to an Earth's fever
C. show how serious and urgent the problem is
D. call for more attention to the launch of the prize

3. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. It is important for people to save our planet.
B. Humans are to blame for causing climate change.
C. Scientists are trying to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
D. A prize was offered for solutions to global warming.

4. How was Tony Jupiter's attitude to space tourism?

A. Negative.                
B. Positive.
C. Optimistic.              
D. Neutral(中立).


第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I remembered vividly that the first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were  no girls in the school) 36 expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long came a tall ordinary-looking man of about 40. He said shyly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”

His 37 had a surprising tone of respect, almost 38 he were addressing the Supreme Court(最高法院) 39 a group of youngsters. He wrote his 40 on the blackboard – Wilmer T. Stone 41 sat on the front of his desk.  “Gentlemen,” he began, “we are now this term- your last –to continue your study of 42.I know we shall 43 learning with and 44 one another. We are going to learn something about journalism and 45 to get out your weekly school paper.46 we are going to try to feel the 47 of good literature. 48 some of us will really get 49 in reading and writing. A man who reads lives many lives. A man who 50, walks the earth with blindfold. If I had to put all my 51 into a single word, it would be: browse(广泛阅读).”

Mr. Stone went on like that, 52 in a friendly and understanding tone. The 53of the class came 54 soon.

And we boys had to leave the classroom 55 an unexpected feeling of excitement.

36.A.waiting      B.looking       C.asking        D.calling

37.A.spirit           B.voice        C.appearance     D.attitude

38.A.as             B.as if          C.after           D.if

39.A.besides        B.except       C.instead          D.instead of

40.A.address        B.telephone      C.name          D.word

41.A.then                B.but           C.so              D.only

42.A.maths         B.chemistry      C.English         D.physics

43.A.begin         B.enjoy        C.practice        D.suggest

44.A.among        B.for          C.from          D.of

45.A.why          B.how          C.when          D.where

46.A.Really         B.Especially    C.Possibly       D.Truly

47.A.joy            B.sorrow              C.anger        D.excitement

48.A.But         B.Then            C.Maybe          D.Surely

49.A.interesting     B.interested      C.moving        D.moved

50.A.does           B.doesn’t       C.must           D.needn’t

51.A.praise         B.trust                C.advice          D.promise

52.A.speaking     B.spoke           C.telling         D.told

53.A.beginning     B.end           C.middle              D.time

54.A.again           B.just             C.too much      D.much too

55.A.on          B.of             C.with           D.at



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