摘要: He is a different man what he was ten years ago. A. than B. from C. with D. as





W:Did the thief get away?

M:Yes.No one realized what was happening and the thief was able to get away.

1.Why was the thief able to get away?

A.Because nobody noticed that something had been stolen.

B.Because the thief had managed to run away before people came.

C.Because the thief ran so fast that nobody could catch him.

M:Tom loves parties.I’m sure he would have come to the party if he’d been invited.

W:I agree.He couldn’t have been invited.

2.What are they talking about?

A.The party they went to.

B.Tom’s absence from the party.

C.Whether to invite Tom to the party.

W:I wonder what’s on television this evening.Have you got a newspaper?

M:Yes.The TV programmes are on the back page.

3.Why does the woman want to have a look at the newspaper?

A.To learn what programmes will be shown on TV.

B.To get to know the leatest news.

C.To look at TV set advertisements.

W:Is that your sister’s fur coat?

M:It can’t be hers.She never wears real fur.

4.What are they talking about?

A.An overcoat.

B.A phone call.

C.A fur coat.

M:Jane’s a very bright girl, isn’t she?

W:Yes.I wouldn’t work here if I were as bright as she is.

M:What would you do instead?

W:I’d get a job doing something exciting, where I’d meet interesting people and visit lots of different places.

5.What the woman would do if she was as bright as Jane?

A.She would find a more interesting job.

B.She would visit lots of different places.

C.She would meet interesting people.




M:Have you seen James’ new jacket? I bet(敢断定)it was expensive.

W:He told me it cost him $500.

M:I wish I were as rich as James.

W:Well, you may not be rich, but you’re much better looking than James.

M:Am I?

6.How much does James’ jacket cost?




7.What can be inferred from the conversation?

A.The man is as rich as James.

B.The man is much better off than James.

C.The man is pleased to hear what the woman says.


Hi Bill.This is Louisa.I’m just calling to let you know that I’ll be a little late to your party tomorrow night.I have to put in a few extra hours at work to finish a report.I should finish sometimes between seven and eight though.Oh, then I’m planning on dropping by(顺便去)Lisa’s house for about an hour since she’s been sick recently.And, uh, one more thing.I’ll go home to pick up the snacks(小吃, 快餐)for the party.See you then.

8.Why will Louisa go to Bill’s house tomorrow?

A.To attend a party.

B.To meet an old friend.

C.To have dinner with Bill.

9.Why does Louisa have to work late?

A.She has to attend a meeting.

B.She has to finish a report.

C.She has to write a letter.

10.Why is Louisa going to visit Lisa after work?

A.Because Lisa is sick in bed.

B.Because she has to return something.

C.Because she is going to take Lisa to Bill’s house.

11.About what time will Louisa most likely arrive at Bill’s house?

A.7∶00 pm.

B.8∶00 pm.

C.9∶00 pm.


M:Hi.I don’t think we’ve met.My name’s Tom.

W:Hi, Tom.Nice to meet you.My name is Juanita, but everybody calls me Jenny.

M:Nice to meet you, Jenny.So, where are you from?

W:Well, originally I’m from England, but we moved to the United States when I was about five years old.My parents now live in Chile(智利).That’s where they first met.How about you, Tom?

M:I was born in California(加利福尼亚), and we lived there until I was seven.Then, since my father worked for the military(军队), we moved all over the place.

W:Oh, yeah? Where are some of the places you’ve lived?

M:Mostly, we were overseas.We spent a total of ten years in Korea(朝鲜), Germany, and Japan.We were transferred(转移, 调职, 调动)back to the States three years ago.

W:Wow.It sounds like you’ve had an interesting life.So, what do you do now?

M:I’m a student at Rider University.

W:Oh really? What are you studying?

M:I’m majoring in physics.How about you? What do you do?

W:Well, I’m working as a sales representive(代表, 代理人)for Vega Computers(维加电脑公司)downtown.

M:Oh, really? My brother works there too.

12.Where is the woman from originally?


B.The United States.


13.When did the man and his parents return to the United States?

A.When the boy was 7 years old.

B.When the boy was 10 years old.

C.When the boy was 17 years old.

14.What is the man studying?





W:Hey Taxi! Ah great.Thanks for pulling over(停下).

M:Where do?

W:Well, I am going to the National Museum of Art(国家艺术馆), and…

M:Sure.No problem.

W:Uh, excuse me, how long does it take to get there?

M:Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes for the average driver.And I’m not average, so we should be able to get there in less than twelve minutes.

W:Okay.Uh, sorry for asking, but do you have any idea how much it will be?

M:Oh, it shouldn’t be more than $18…not including a…uh-hum…a tip of course.

W:Oh, and by the way, do you know what time the museum closes?

M:Well, I would guess around 6∶00 o’clock.

W:Uh, do you have the time?

M:Yeah.It’s half past four.


15.For the average driver how long does it take to get to the National Museum of Art?

A.More than 20 minutes.

B.About 20 minutes.

C.About 12 minutes.

16.According to the driver how long does it take them to get to the museum?

A.12 minutes.

B.Less than 12 minutes.

C.A bit more than 12 minutes.

17.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The driver is not sure what time the museum closes.

B.The woman can not get to the museum before it closes.

C.The woman wants to know how much she should pay for visiting the museum.


W:Hello.Today I’m interviewing Josha on his experiences going to a Japanese school.Now Josha, what time do you go to school?

M:Eight o’clock.

W:Eight o’clock.And do you go by yourself, or on a school bus?

M:No, I have a group that goes with me.

W:So you go with a group?


W:Now what kinds of things do you take to school?

M:I take my gym clothes(运动服), and I take my backpack(背包、双肩背书包)and my books, and stuff(东西)like that.

W:Okay and what is the first thing you do when you get to school?

M:We do “kiritsu, rei”.

W:We do “kiritsu” and “rei”.Now what are those?

M:It means “stand up, bow”.

W:Stand up and bow.


18.What kind of school does the boy go to?

A.A middle school.

B.An English school.

C.A Japanese school.

19.How does the boy go to school?

A.By himself.

B.By school bus.

C.With other boys and girls.

20.What do the students first do when they get to school?

A.Stand up and bow.

B.Line up and enter the classroom.

C.Do reading aloud.


There are still many things that Peter Cooke would like to try his hand at — paper-making and feather-work are on his list. For the moment, though, he will stick to the skill that he has been delighted to make perfect over the past ten years: making delicate and unusual objects out of shells.

As he leads me round his apartment showing me his work, he points to a pair of shell-covered ornaments(装饰品) above a fireplace. “I shan’t be at all bothered if people don’t buy them because I have got so used to them, and to me they’re lovely. I never meant to sell my work commercially. Some friends came to see me about five years ago and said, ‘You must have an exhibition — people ought to see these. We’ll talk to a man who owns an art gallery’”. The result was an exhibition in London, at which 70 per cent of the objects were sold. His second exhibition opened at the gallery yesterday. Considering the enormous prices the pieces command —around £2,000 for the ornaments — an empty space above the fireplace would seem a small sacrifice for Cooke to make.

There are 86 pieces in the exhibition, with prices starting at225 for a shell-flower in a crystal vase. Cooke insists that he has nothing to do with the prices and is cheerily open about their level: he claims there is nobody else in the world who produces work like his, and, as the gallery-owner told him, “Well, you’re going to stop one day and everybody will want your pieces because there won’t be any more.”

“I do wish, though,” says Cooke, “that I’d taken this up a lot earlier, because then I would have been able to produce really wonderful things — at least the potential would have been there. Although the ideas are still there and I’m doing the best I can now, I’m more limited physically than I was when I started.” Still, the work that he has managed to produce is a long way from the common shell constructions that can be found in seaside shops. “I have a miniature(微型的) mind,” he says, and this has resulted in boxes covered in thousands of tiny shells, little shaded pictures made from shells and baskets of astonishingly realistic flowers.?

Cooke’s quest(追求) for beautiful, and especially tiny, shells has taken him further than his Norfolk shore: to France, Thailand, Mexico, South Africa and the Philippines, to name but a few of the beaches where he has lain on his stomach and looked for beauties to bring home. He is insistent that he only collects dead shells and defends himself against people who write him letters accusing him of stripping the world’s beaches. “When I am collecting shells, I hear people’s great fat feet crunching(嘎吱嘎吱地踩) them up far faster than I can collect them; and the ones that are left, the sea breaks up. I would not dream of collecting shells with living creatures in them or diving for them, but once their occupants have left, why should I not collect them?” If one bases this argument on the amount of luggage that can be carried home by one man, the beauty of whose work is often greater than its natural parts, it becomes very convincing indeed.

What does the reader learn about Peter Cooke in the first paragraph?

A. He has produced hand-made objects in different materials.?

B. He hopes to work with other materials in the future.?

C. He has written about his love of making shell objects.?

D. He was praised for his shell objects many years ago. 

When mentioning the cost of his shell objects, Cooke ____.

       A. cleverly changes the subject.

       B. defends the prices charged for his work.

       C. says he has no idea why the level is so high.

       D. notes that his work will not always be so popular.

The “small sacrifice” in Paragraph 2 refers to _________.?

A. the loss of Cooke’s ornaments?          B. the display of Cooke’s ornaments?

C. the cost of keeping Cooke’s ornaments    D. the space required to store Cooke’s ornaments

What does Cooke regret about his work?

A. He is not as famous as he should have been.?B. He makes less money than he should make.

C. He is less imaginative than he used to be.?    D. He is not as skillful as he used to be. ?

What does the reader learn about Cooke's shell-collecting activities?

A. Not everyone approves of what he does.

B. Other methods might make his work easier.

C. Other tourists get in the way of his collecting.

D. Not all shells are the right size and shape for his work


There are still many things that Peter Cooke would like to try his hand at — paper-making and feather-work are on his list. For the moment, though, he will stick to the skill that he has been delighted to make perfect over the past ten years: making delicate and unusual objects out of shells.

As he leads me round his apartment showing me his work, he points to a pair of shell-covered ornaments(装饰品) above a fireplace. “I shan’t be at all bothered if people don’t buy them because I have got so used to them, and to me they’re lovely. I never meant to sell my work commercially. Some friends came to see me about five years ago and said, ‘You must have an exhibition — people ought to see these. We’ll talk to a man who owns an art gallery’”. The result was an exhibition in London, at which 70 per cent of the objects were sold. His second exhibition opened at the gallery yesterday. Considering the enormous prices the pieces command —around £2,000 for the ornaments — an empty space above the fireplace would seem a small sacrifice for Cooke to make.

There are 86 pieces in the exhibition, with prices starting at£225 for a shell-flower in a crystal vase. Cooke insists that he has nothing to do with the prices and is cheerily open about their level: he claims there is nobody else in the world who produces work like his, and, as the gallery-owner told him, “Well, you’re going to stop one day and everybody will want your pieces because there won’t be any more.”

“I do wish, though,” says Cooke, “that I’d taken this up a lot earlier, because then I would have been able to produce really wonderful things — at least the potential would have been there. Although the ideas are still there and I’m doing the best I can now, I’m more limited physically than I was when I started.” Still, the work that he has managed to produce is a long way from the common shell constructions that can be found in seaside shops. “I have a miniature(微型的) mind,” he says, and this has resulted in boxes covered in thousands of tiny shells, little shaded pictures made from shells and baskets of astonishingly realistic flowers.?

Cooke’s quest(追求) for beautiful, and especially tiny, shells has taken him further than his Norfolk shore: to France, Thailand, Mexico, South Africa and the Philippines, to name but a few of the beaches where he has lain on his stomach and looked for beauties to bring home. He is insistent that he only collects dead shells and defends himself against people who write him letters accusing him of stripping the world’s beaches. “When I am collecting shells, I hear people’s great fat feet crunching(嘎吱嘎吱地踩) them up far faster than I can collect them; and the ones that are left, the sea breaks up. I would not dream of collecting shells with living creatures in them or diving for them, but once their occupants have left, why should I not collect them?” If one bases this argument on the amount of luggage that can be carried home by one man, the beauty of whose work is often greater than its natural parts, it becomes very convincing indeed.

1.What does the reader learn about Peter Cooke in the first paragraph?

A. He has produced hand-made objects in different materials.?

B. He hopes to work with other materials in the future.?

C. He has written about his love of making shell objects.?

D. He was praised for his shell objects many years ago. 

2.When mentioning the cost of his shell objects, Cooke ____.

         A. cleverly changes the subject.

         B. defends the prices charged for his work.

         C. says he has no idea why the level is so high.

         D. notes that his work will not always be so popular.

3.The “small sacrifice” in Paragraph 2 refers to _________.?

A. the loss of Cooke’s ornaments?            B. the display of Cooke’s ornaments?

C. the cost of keeping Cooke’s ornaments      D. the space required to store Cooke’s ornaments

4.What does Cooke regret about his work?

A. He is not as famous as he should have been.?B. He makes less money than he should make.

C. He is less imaginative than he used to be.?      D. He is not as skillful as he used to be. ?

5.What does the reader learn about Cooke's shell-collecting activities?

A. Not everyone approves of what he does.

B. Other methods might make his work easier.

C. Other tourists get in the way of his collecting.

D. Not all shells are the right size and shape for his work



There are still many things that Peter Cooke would like to try his hand at- paper – making and feather – work are on his list. For the moment though, he will stick to the skill he has been delighted to perfect over the past ten years ;making delicate and unusual objects out of shells.
As he leads me round his apartment showing me his work, he points to a pair of shell-covered ornaments(装饰品) above a fireplace. ‘I shan’t be at all bothered if people don’t buy them because I have got so used to them, and to me they’re adorable. I never meant to sell my work commercially. Some friends came to see me about five years ago and said, “You must have an exhibition-people ought to see these. We’ll talk to a man who owns an art gallery”.’ The result was an exhibition in London, at which 70 percent of the objects were sold. His second exhibition opened at the gallery yesterday. Considering the enormous prices the pieces command-around £2,000 for the ornaments-an empty space above the fireplace would seem a small sacrifice for Cooke to make.
“I do wish, though,” says Cooke, ‘that I’d taken this up a lot earlier, because then I would have been able to produce really wonderful things-at least the potential would have been there. Although the ideas are still there and I’m doing the best I can now, I’m more limited physically than I was when I started. Still, the work that he has managed to produce is a long way from the common shell constructions that can be found in seaside shops. ‘I have a miniature(微型的)mind’ he says, and this has resulted in boxes covered in thousands of tiny shells, little shaded pictures made from shells and baskets of astonishingly realistic flowers.
Cooke’s quest for beautiful, and especially tiny, shells has taken him further than his Norfolk shore: to France, Thailand, Mexico, South Africa and the Philippines, to name but a few of the beaches where he has lain on his stomach and looked for beauties to bring home.
67.What does the reader learn about Peter Cooke in the first paragraph?
A.He has produced hand-made objects in different materials.
B.He hopes to work with other materials in the future.
C.He has written about his love of making shell objects.
D.He was praised for his shell objects many years ago.
68.When looking round his apartment, the wrier__________.
A.is attracted by Cooke’s personality
B.realizes he doesn’t like Cooke’s work at all
C.feels uncertain about giving Cooke his opinion
D.senses that Cooke wants his products to be admired
69.The ‘small sacrifice’ in Paragraph 2 refers to _________.
A.the loss of Cooke’s ornaments
B.the display of Cooke’s ornaments
C.the cost of keeping Cooke’s ornaments
D.the space required to store Cooke’s ornaments
70.What does Cooke regret about his work?
A.He is not as famous as he should have been.
B.He makes less money than he should make.
C.He is less imaginative than he used to be.
D.He is not as skillful as he used to be.


    There are still many things that Peter Cooke would like to try his hand at- paper – making and feather – work are on his list. For the moment though, he will stick to the skill he has been delighted to perfect over the past ten years ;making delicate and unusual objects out of shells.

   As he leads me round his apartment showing me his work, he points to a pair of shell-covered ornaments(装饰品) above a fireplace. ‘I shan’t be at all bothered if people don’t buy them because I have got so used to them, and to me they’re adorable. I never meant to sell my work commercially. Some friends came to see me about five years ago and said, “You must have an exhibition-people ought to see these. We’ll talk to a man who owns an art gallery”.’ The result was an exhibition in London, at which 70 percent of the objects were sold. His second exhibition opened at the gallery yesterday. Considering the enormous prices the pieces command-around £2,000 for the ornaments-an empty space above the fireplace would seem a small sacrifice for Cooke to make.

“I do wish, though,” says Cooke, ‘that I’d taken this up a lot earlier, because then I would have been able to produce really wonderful things-at least the potential would have been there. Although the ideas are still there and I’m doing the best I can now, I’m more limited physically than I was when I started. Still, the work that he has managed to produce is a long way from the common shell constructions that can be found in seaside shops. ‘I have a miniature(微型的)mind’ he says, and this has resulted in boxes covered in thousands of tiny shells, little shaded pictures made from shells and baskets of astonishingly realistic flowers.

Cooke’s quest for beautiful, and especially tiny, shells has taken him further than his Norfolk shore: to France, Thailand, Mexico, South Africa and the Philippines, to name but a few of the beaches where he has lain on his stomach and looked for beauties to bring home.

67.What does the reader learn about Peter Cooke in the first paragraph?

      A.He has produced hand-made objects in different materials.

      B.He hopes to work with other materials in the future.

      C.He has written about his love of making shell objects.

       D.He was praised for his shell objects many years ago.

68.When looking round his apartment, the wrier__________.

      A.is attracted by Cooke’s personality

      B.realizes he doesn’t like Cooke’s work at all

      C.feels uncertain about giving Cooke his opinion

      D.senses that Cooke wants his products to be admired

69.The ‘small sacrifice’ in Paragraph 2 refers to _________.

      A.the loss of Cooke’s ornaments

      B.the display of Cooke’s ornaments

      C.the cost of keeping Cooke’s ornaments

      D.the space required to store Cooke’s ornaments

70.What does Cooke regret about his work?

      A.He is not as famous as he should have been.

      B.He makes less money than he should make.

      C.He is less imaginative than he used to be.

      D.He is not as skillful as he used to be.


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