摘要: In fact, I would rather leave for Shanghai in Beijing. A. by staying B. than stay C. than staying D. to stay


If there is one thing I’m sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers. It’s not that newspapers are a necessity. Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio. Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday. But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.

The nature of what is news may change. What basically makes news is what affects our lives — the big political stories, the coverage(报导)of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. It’s already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic(基因)engineering. In the future, I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do — as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted(传送) electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home. In fact, I’m pretty sure that how it will happen in the future. You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read — sports and international news, etc.

I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media. They actually feed off each other. Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn’t happened. What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound in the air. And as for the Internet, it’s never really pleasant to read something just on a screen. 

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Best Way to Get News.                

B. The Changes of Media.

C. Make Your Own Newspaper.                 

D. The Future of Newspaper.

2.In the writer’s opinion, in the future, _______. 

A. more big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news

B. newspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer

C. newspapers will cover more scientific researches

D. more and more people will prefer watching TV to reading newspapers

3.From the passage, we can infer _______. 

A. newspapers will win the competition among the different media

B. newspapers will stay with us together with other media

C. television will take the place of newspaper in the future

D. the writer believes some media will die out

4.The phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means ______.

A. depend on        B. compete with        C. fight with       D. kill off



Below is a discussion on http://www.TalkingPoints.com/.

Stuck on a desert island?

Started on 23rd April by Steve                   Posts 1 – 7 of 42

Post 1


USA Hi, everyone. What would you miss most and least if you were stuck on a desert island? For me, it would be the changing seasons in New England. I guess this will sound stupid but I’d probably miss the rain, too. I would not miss getting up at six every day to go to work, though! What about you?

Post 2


Germany Good question. Steve, I think I’d miss different types of bread, and shopping at the supermarket. I’d miss the food most. What would I miss least? My mobile phone---I’d like to be completely quiet --- at least for a little while

Post 3


Italy I would miss the company of people because I know I’d like to have someone to share experiences with. I’d go mad on my own. And I sure would not miss junk (垃圾)mail--- I hate coming home every evening and a pile of junk mail in my post box.

Post 4


Japan Hi, I would miss Manga cartoon, the internet and Japanese food, like sushi. I’d also miss TV shows and shopping for clothes… In fact, I’d miss everything.

Post 5


UK I would miss my daily newspaper and listening to the news on TV and radio. I’d feel very cut off if I didn't know what was happening in the world. What I’d miss least would be traffic jams in the city, particularly my journey to work.

Past 6

Jayne Why hasn't anyone mentioned their family? I’d be lost without my husband and two kids. They’re the most important for me. And I can’t get started in the morning without a cup of black coffee. I wouldn't miss doing the housework! 

Post 7


Mexico It would have to be music. I couldn't live without my music. I wouldn't miss going to school at all or doing homework!

1.Who would miss his or her family most?

A.Jaime            B.Jayne             C.Miko             D.Paola.

2.Which of the following people would feel most uncomfortable without the news media?

A.Steve.            B.Jaime             C.Roger.            D.Tomas

3.How many of them mentioned that they would miss food or drink?

A.One             B.Two              C.Three            D.Four

4.Where is the passage probably taken from?

A.Newspaper        B.Internet           C.Textbook          D.Magazine





About five years ago I started at a new school, when my family moved to Iowa.I was just a little  36  ,but I worried I would never  37  in with the other sixth graders.

Lucy,a girl in my class, who I thought was not 38  for change,didn’t  39  me from the start.In fact,I was  40  sure she hated me.I would ask her a 41 ,and I could tell she thought I was a total  42 .

My teacher made us sit by each other for the last semester. Lucy was 43 .

I didn’t wear 44 ,and I didn’t wear those  45   bell-bottom pants.I didn’t exactly 46  the coolest girl. But, I kept smiling at her, though she  47  her eyes, and I kept telling her she looked  48  ,even if she sighed in anger.

49  ,Lucy let me talk to her,even  50  her“cool”friends. She started telling me how beautiful I looked. I still remember that first time when she 51 at me saying that, and I smiled right back, telling her 52 . Lucy ,invited me over to her house for sleepovers ,and talked to me all the time instead her other friend.Lucy,the girl who  53  me ,called me her best friend .After that, we still were good friends a whole year later . I will never forget Lucy . She was a great friend .I love a 54 by A braham Lincoln: “Am I not   55 my enemies when I make friends of them?”

36.A.surprised                B.nervous                      C.excited                       D.amused

37.A.study                     B.fit                              C.contact                       D.perform

38.A.ready                     B.appealing                    C.classic                        D.close

39.A.dislike                   B.help                        C.observe                      D.like

40.A.pretty                    B.hardly                        C.scarcely                      D.never

41.A.reason                    B.leave                          C.question                     D.favour

42.A.genius                    B.fool                           C.pretense                      D.beggar

43.A. happy                   B.relaxed                       C.fascinating                  D.horrified

44.A.make-up                B.grown-up                   C.stand-by                     D.go-between

45.A.attractive                B.preferable                   C.cheap                         D.awesome

46.A.pretend as              B.turn out                      C.turn up                      D.look like

47.A.scratched               B.closed                  C.opened               D.rolled

48.A.beautiful                B.ugly                           C.fat                             D.gorgeous

49.A.Happily                 B.Fortunately                 C.Eventually                  D.Helplessly

50.A.in honor of          B.in sight of                   C.by means of               D.in case of

51.A.cried                     B.shouted                      C.smiled                        D.laughed

52.A.thanks                   B.jokes                         C.nuisances                   D.worries

53.A.forgave          B.hated              C.beat                D.contacted

54.A.letter                     B.warning                      C.book                          D.quote

55.A.destroying              B.respecting                   C.worshiping                 D.promoting



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