摘要: A. at most B. by the way C. on the other hand D. in the end 训练题6 It’s not just an American phenomenon: 1 the globe, single-parent homes are on the 2 . Numbers for one-parent families increased from England to Australia during the 1990s, mirroring demographic changes reflected in the US census. Just as in America, those changes 3 new questions about how 4 government should be in helping single-parent families, which often are less well-off 5 than those led by a married mom and dad. Should single parents be afforded tax breaks to help pay for child 6 ? Should employers be monitored to make 7 flexible work hours are offered? Annie Oliver, a 32-year-old single mother from Bristol, England, thinks so. “You wouldn’t believe 8 becoming a single parent suddenly made me a second-class 9 , said Oliver, who struggles to 10 a full-time job and give the extra care her disabled son needs.


IN the stillness of a sleepless Saturday evening, Linda and Cindy were lying in bed, their minds drawn to deliberate on the same thing.

They hadn’t been on speaking terms since last Saturday, when they had a fierce quarrel. The whole week was torture(折磨).Both wished to make up, but neither was willing to break the ice.

 The clock was ticking rhythmically in the dorm. Both girls counted in their heads: "Five, four, three, two, one, speak."

  "Shall we talk?" both started and stopped at the same time.Feeling embarrassed, they paused for a few uncomfortable seconds before starting again: "Sorry, I …"

 Again, both paused but soon began laughing heartily.

 Sitting up, Cindy gestured with her hand and said, "Look, Linda, I’m sorry, I really am.I was being unreasonable."

"No, the fault’s all mine," said Linda. "I was too upset and I vented(发泄) it all on you."

"Well, well, forget about it," Cindy said in a jokingly childish voice. "We are what we are."

The once-thick wall had crumbled(崩溃,瓦解).

"But, Cindy, do think of changing! Sorrows do not justify(证明…正确、有道理) your being so pessimistic(悲观的) all the time.You are not alone; I will always be by your side.Don’t let the miseries of the past hold you back."

"I just can’t get over all that’s happened. Death has carried away my parents and every other thing there is in me."

"Come now," said Linda."Life is in our own hands! Find a way out!"

    "OK, I’ll try.Anyway, there is a writing competition.I’ve already signed us up for it," said Cindy, a smile forming on her face.

1.Which statement is right according to the text? _____

A.After the quarrel, both Linda and Cindy were not unhappy.

B.Linda’s parents were dead.

C.There was no talk between them for more than a week.

D.Cindy would take part in a writing composition.

2.Why was the Saturday evening sleepless? _____

A.The evening was quiet and hot.

B.Both the girls were had things troubling them in their mind.

C.It was weekend so many people had nothing to do and couldn’t go to sleep.

D.There were lots of unfortunate things happening during the week.

3.We can infer from the text that _____.

A.Linda and Cindy made an agreement to count in their heads.

B.Linda was an optimistic and confident girl.

C.Both Linda and Cindy wished to make up.

D.They had talked with each other since last Saturday.

4.The underlined word “deliberate” most probably means “________”.

A.easily damaged or broken

B.think about something carefully

C.intended or planned, and not happening accidentally

D.on purpose.

5.Which one has the least connection with the rest?

A.“make up”

B.“break the ice”

C.“The once-thick wall had crumbled”

D.“Find a way out”


As in the field of space travel, new technologies continue to appear in undersea exploration. They share a number of similarities with each other — as well as some important differences.

Manned submersibles (潜水器), like spaceships, must maintain living conditions in an unnatural environment. While a spaceship must simply be sealed against the vacuum space, a submersible must be able to bear extreme pressure if it is not to break up in deep water.

In exploring space, unmanned vehicles were employed before astronauts. In undersea exploration, on the other hand, men paved the way, and only recently have unmanned remote-operated vehicles (ROVs) been put to use.

One reason for this is that communicating with vehicles in orbit is much easier than talking to those underwater. A vacuum is an ideal medium for radio communications, but underwater communications are limited to much slower sound waves. Thus, most undersea vehicles — particularly ROVs — operate at the end of long ropes.(电缆终端)

For a similar reason, knowing where you are undersea is much more difficult than in space. A spaceship’s position can be located by following its radio signal, or by using telescopes and radar. For an undersea vehicle, however, a special network of sonar (声纳系统)devices must be laid out in advance on the ocean floor in the area of a dive to locate the vehicle’s position.

Though undersea exploration is more challenging than outer space in a number of respects, it has a distinct advantage: going to the ocean depths doesn’t require the power necessary to escape Earth’s gravity. Thus, it remains far less expensive.

The purpose of the passage is ______.

A. to persuade you to explore the depths of the ocean

B. to stress the importance of the undersea exploration

C. to make you believe that the undersea exploration is better

D. to tell some differences between two kinds of explorations 

By saying “men paved the way” in Paragraph 2 the author means that in undersea exploration ______.

A. unmanned vehicles were used in the beginning

B. men covered the ocean floor with stones and bricks

C. manned vehicles were employed before unmanned ones      

D. men invented unmanned remote-operated vehicles in the past

The sonar devices must be placed ______.

A. from time to time               

B. after the undersea vehicles dive

C. before the undersea vehicles dive

D. when the undersea vehicles are diving

What can we infer from the passage?

A. Submersibles usually break up in deep water.

B. Undersea vehicles can receive signals immediately.

C. Going to space needs power to escape the gravity.

D. Radio communications are quite difficult in a vacuum.


As in the field of space travel, new technologies continue to appear in undersea exploration. They share a number of similarities with each other — as well as some important differences.

Manned submersibles (潜水器), like spaceships, must maintain living conditions in an unnatural environment. While a spaceship must simply be sealed against the vacuum space, a submersible must be able to bear extreme pressure if it is not to break up in deep water.

In exploring space, unmanned vehicles were employed before astronauts. In undersea exploration, on the other hand, men paved the way, and only recently have unmanned remote-operated vehicles (ROVs) been put to use.

One reason for this is that communicating with vehicles in orbit is much easier than talking to those underwater. A vacuum is an ideal medium for radio communications, but underwater communications are limited to much slower sound waves. Thus, most undersea vehicles — particularly ROVs — operate at the end of long ropes.(电缆终端)

For a similar reason, knowing where you are undersea is much more difficult than in space. A spaceship’s position can be located by following its radio signal, or by using telescopes and radar. For an undersea vehicle, however, a special network of sonar (声纳系统)devices must be laid out in advance on the ocean floor in the area of a dive to locate the vehicle’s position.

Though undersea exploration is more challenging than outer space in a number of respects, it has a distinct advantage: going to the ocean depths doesn’t require the power necessary to escape Earth’s gravity. Thus, it remains far less expensive.

1.The purpose of the passage is ______.

A.to persuade you to explore the depths of the ocean

B.to stress the importance of the undersea exploration

C.to make you believe that the undersea exploration is better

D.to tell some differences between two kinds of explorations

2. By saying “men paved the way” in Paragraph 2 the author means that in undersea exploration ______.

A.unmanned vehicles were used in the beginning

B.men covered the ocean floor with stones and bricks

C.manned vehicles were employed before unmanned ones

D.men invented unmanned remote-operated vehicles in the past

3.The sonar devices must be placed ______.

A.from time to time

B.after the undersea vehicles dive

C.before the undersea vehicles dive

D.when the undersea vehicles are diving

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Submersibles usually break up in deep water.

B.Undersea vehicles can receive signals immediately.

C.Going to space needs power to escape the gravity.

D.Radio communications are quite difficult in a vacuum.



Everyone in the neighbourhood knew who Ugly was, the tomcat. He had only one eye and  36 the other should have been was a hole. He was also missing his ear on the same  37 , his left foot appeared to have been badly broken  38 , and his tail has long been lost. Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same  39 . “That's one UGLY cat!!”

All the children were  40 not to touch him, but whenever he  41 children, he would come running, meowing and bump his head against their hand  42 for their love. If you ever picked him up he would immediately begin sucking on your shirt, eatring,

43 he could find.

One day Ugly  44 his love with the neighbour's dogs. They did not respond  45 , and Ugly was badly bitten. From my apartment I heard his scream and rushed to his  46 . By the time I got to where he was lying, it was  47 that Ugly's sad life was almost at an end. As I  48 him up and tried to carry him home, I could feel him struggling.

Then I  49 a familiar suck on my ear. Even in the greatest pain, that ugly battlescarred cat was asking only for a little  50 . At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen. Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, or  51 try to get away from me. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting me to  52 his pain. Ugly died in my arms  53 I could get inside, but I held him for a long time.

Ugly  54 me a lot about loving and giving. He had been scarred on the outside, but I was scarred on the  55 , and it was time for me to learn to love truly and give my total to those I cared for.

36. A. when      B. where      C. how       D. why

37. A. side      B. place      C. part       D. spot

38. A. in no case   B. by all means   C. at one time   D. on the way

39. A. answer     B. behaviour    C. message     D. reaction

40. A. invited     B. forced      C. warned      D. refused

4l. A. spied      B. caught      C. inspected    D. reviewed

42. A. begging     B. appealing    C. preparing    D. demanding

43. A. whichever    B. whenever     C. whatever     D. wherever

44. A. divided     B. distributed   C. spread      D. shared

45. A. excitedly    B. kindly      C. sensitively   D. coldly

46. A. service     B. assistant    C. aid       D. partner

47. A. apparent    B. doubtful     C. sure       D. uncertain

48. A. brought     B. broke      C. called      D. picked

49. A. touched     B. undertook    C. found      D. felt

50. A. action     B. affection    C. admiration    D. attraction

5l. A. even      B. still      C. So        D. yet

52. A. relax      B. relieve     C. drop       D. cut

53. A. after      B. before      C. as        D. since

54. A. offered     B. owed       C. sent       D. taught

55. A. head      B. body       C. inside      D. point


The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard. But in the rich world, children can       from a different kind of poverty — of the spirit.    , one Western country alone now sees 14, 000 attempted suicides ( 自杀 ) every year by children under 15, and one child       five needs psychiatric (心理上的) advice.

      There are many good things about       in the Third World. Take the close and constant relation between children and their parents, relatives and neighbors for example. In the West, the very nature of work puts distance between       and children. But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices.    , the child sees mother and father, relations and neighbors working      and often shares in that work..

     A child       in this way learns his or her role through joining in the community's       :helping to dig or build, look after animals or babies -- rather than       playing with water and sand in kindergarten, keeping pets      playing with dolls.

     These children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the      children. Their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky. Children in the rich world,          , are provided with a watch as one of the       signs of growing up, so that they can      along with their parents about being late for school times, meal times, bed times, the times of TV shows …

     Third World children do not usually       to stay indoors, still less in high-rise apartments. Instead of dangerous roads, "keep off the grass" signs and "don't speak to strangers", there is often a sense of        to study and play. Parents can see their children outside rather than observe them       from ten floors up.

            , twelve million children under five still die every year through hunger and disease. But childhood in the Third World is not all     

1.A. come            B. survive        C. suffer         D. learn

2.A. As usual                    B. In fact           C.For instance    D. In other words

3.A. in                B.by            C. to            D. under

4.A. childhood          B. poverty       C. spirit                D. survival

5.A. neighbors          B. fathers        C. adults         D. relatives

6.A. Anyhow           B. Instead        C.However       D. Still

7.A. away             B. alone          C. nearby       D.along

8.A. working                      B. living through   C.playing           D. growing up

9.A. fun                             B. life            C. study         D. work

10.A. by                             B. through        C.from          D. with

11.A. or                     B. but            C. and          D. so

12.A. Western                       B. good          C. poor          D. Eastern

13.A. at any moment   B. at the same time  C. on the other hand       D. on the whole

14.A. easiest                         B. quickest      C. happiest               D. earliest

15.A. care                           B. worry         C. hurry            D.fear

16.A. dare                          B. expect         C. have            D. require

17.A. freedom                      B. danger        C. disappointment      D.control

18.A. eagerly                     B. anxiously      C. impatiently    D. proudly

19.A. Above all                       B. In the end      C. Of course     D. What's more

20.A. poor                B. good          C. rich          D. bad



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