摘要:50.A.主旨大意题.作者的意图出现在第一自然段最后一句:“But in fact.the opposite is true:more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain (但事实上.导致你幸福的事情多半伴随着痛苦).故选项A符合题意. C In a few years, you might be able to speak Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, and English - and all at the same time. This sounds incredible, but Alex Waibel, a computer science professor at US's Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and Germany's University of Karlsruhe, announced last week that it may soon be reality. He and his team have invented software and hardware that could make it far easier for people who speak different languages to understand each other. One application, called Lecture Translation, can easily translate a speech from one language into another. Current translation technologies typically limit speakers to certain topics or a limited vocabulary. Users also have to be trained how to use the programme. Another prototype can send translations of a speech to different listeners depending on what language they speak. “It is like having a simultaneous translator right next to you but without disturbing the person next to you, Waibel said. Prefer to read? So-called Translation Glasses transcribe the translations on a tiny liquid-crystal screen. Then there’s the Muscle Translator. Electrodes capture the electrical signals from facial muscle movements made naturally when a person is mouthing words. The signals are then translated into speech. The electrodes could be replaced with wireless chips implanted in a person's face, according to researchers. During a demonstration held last Thursday in CMU's Pittsburgh campus, a Chinese student named Stan Jou had 11 tiny electrodes attached to the muscles of his cheeks, neck and throat. Then he mouthed - without speaking aloud - a few words in Mandarin to the audience. A few seconds later, the phrase was displayed on a computer screen and spoken out by the computer in English and Spanish: “Let me introduce our new prototype. This particular gadget,when fully developed, might allow anyone to speak in any number of languages or, as Waibel put it, “to switch your mouth to a foreign language . “The idea behind the university's prototypes is to create `good enough’ bridges for cross-cultural exchanges that are becoming more common in the world, Waibel said. With spontaneous translators, foreign drivers in Germany could listen to traffic warnings on the radio, tourists in China could read all the signs and talk with local people, and leaders of different countries could have secret talks without any interpreters there.



孙权,字仲谋。兄策既定诸郡,时权年十五,以为阳羡长。郡察孝廉,州举茂才。(建安)五年,策薨,以事授权,权哭未及息,策长史张昭谓权曰:“孝廉,此宁哭时邪? 且周公立法而伯禽不师①,非欲违父,时不得行也。况今奸宄(奸臣)竞逐,豺狼满道。乃欲哀亲戚,顾礼制,是犹开门而揖盗,未可以为仁也。”乃改易权服,扶令上马,使出巡军。是时,惟有会稽、吴郡、丹杨、豫章、庐陵,然深险之地犹未尽从,而天下英豪布在州郡,宾旅寄寓之士以安危去就为意,未有君臣之固。张昭、周瑜等谓权可与共成大业,故委心而服事焉。曹公表权为讨虏将军,领会稽太守,屯吴,使丞之郡行文书事。待张昭以师傅之礼,而周瑜、程普、吕范等为将率。招延俊秀,聘求名士,鲁肃、诸葛瑾等始为宾客。分部诸将,镇抚山越,讨不从命。



注:①周公立法而伯禽不师:周公制定的礼法制度,他的儿子、受封于鲁国的伯禽却没有遵守。按照古人的解释,伯禽在服丧期间,徐戎(周代居住在今徐州一代的少数民族)作乱,伯禽就停止服丧而率兵讨伐,平定了徐戎。      ②濡须坞:修建在濡须口的堡坞,夹濡须水而筑。

对下列句子中加点的词语的解释,不正确的一项是   (    )

A.权哭未及息                  息:停止

B.领会稽太守                  领:兼任

C.公烧其余船引退              引:拉

D.此宁哭时邪                  宁:难道

下列各组句子中,全都直接表现孙权励精图治的一组是(    )

①策薨,以事授权   ②招延俊秀,聘求名士        ③乃改易权服,扶令上马

④公烧其余船引退   ⑤闻曹公将来侵,作濡须坞    ⑥权与相拒月余

A.①②④       B.①③⑥       C.③④⑤       D.②⑤⑥

下列对原文的叙述与分析不正确的一项是(    )       












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