摘要: argue v. 的用法 ▲构词:argument n. 1. [C]争论 2. [U]讨论.辩论3. [C]论据 ▲ 搭配: ① argue with / against sb. over / on / about sth. 与某人 争论某事 ② argue for / against sth. 辩论赞成/反对某事 ③ argue that... 主张.认为.争辩说 ④ argue sb into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事 ▲友情提示:“说服某人做/不做某事 还可表达为:talk / persuade / reason sb. into / out of doing sth. ⑤ settle the argument 解决争端 ▲友情提示:an argument with sb about / over sth. 为某事和某人而发生的争执 [考例]What laughing we had about the socially respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth. A. speeches B. lessons C. sayings D. arguments [考查目标] argue名词形式的词义. [答案与解析] D argument的词义是“争辩.辩论 .






  She was 80 years old but still very active.In this small town, not much happened.It was just another 21 day for a senior citizen living by herself. 22 she even has several great grandchildren.she was often alone.With the need of some small things and a 23 to get outside and be 24 people,she went shopping. 

  Buying just six items, she 25 for the checkout.

  He wandered the 26 .He’d come for a cup of hot coffee and perhaps someone to 27 with.The coffee was good.which always was,but 28 wanted to chat with fin old man. 29 ,he was about to leave when he saw her.

  “Morning,Ma’am.”He smiled.“You 30 leave yet.”

  She turned and found a gentleman smiling and 3 1 what she'd selected.“Your basket is not 32 .”

  “No need to buy a lot.No one to eat it.”she replied.

  He 33 at her for a moment and said,“I'm so 34 ! My beloved all died.”His

eyes softened.“I just 35 my little Brownie.”          “Sorry.”She felt her own eyes 36 .He was as alone as she was.

 37 a brave face.he said,“It’s OK.I hope I call find another dog like her.She was such a joy. 38 someone needed me.She gave me purpose.But now my days are empty.”

  Twenty minutes passed by.It was time to part.Suddenly he looked back at her and asked softly.“Can I give you a hug?”

  A bit surprised.but fully understanding his need,she 39

  There they stood,in a warm hug,in a busy store,on a normal day,which was made 40 by a simple hug.

21.A.happy  B.empty  C.exciting   D.comfortable

22.A.Although  B.If  C.Since   D.As

23.A.preparation  B.trouble  C.desire   D.view

24.A.for  B.among  C.between   D.above

25.A.gathered  B.traveled  C.rushed   D.headed

26.A.restaurant  B.street  C.store   D.square

27.A.argue  B.walk  C.play D.  talk

28.A.neither  B.anyone  C.no one   D.everyone

29.A.Disappointed  B.Excited  C.Astonished   D.Encouraged

30.A.needn't  B.can’t  C.daren’t   D.mustn’t

3 1.A.sticking to  B.referring to  C.devoting to   D.pointing to

32.A.full  B.empty  C.crowded   D.enough

33.A.came  B.1aughed  C.stared   D.glanced

34.A.eager  B.10nely  C.quiet   D.worried

35.A.1ost  B.forgot  C.1eft   D.raised

36.A.open  B.hurt  C.dry   D.wet

37.A.Putting up  B.Putting down  C.Putting on   D.Putting out

38.A.At most  B.At least  C.At first   D.At last

39.A.accepted  B.refused  C.received   D.showed

40.A.common  B.formal  C.usual   D.special


In so many ways, cyberspace (网络空间) mirrors the real world. People 36 information, play games, and share hobby tips. Others buy and sell products. Still others look for friendship, or even love.

Some Internet users want 37 just someone to chat with. They’re looking for 38 love relationships. Is cyberspace a good place to find love? That 39 depends on whom you ask. Some of these relationships actually 40 . Others fail miserably.

Unlike the real world, 41 , your knowledge about a person is 42 to words on a computer screen. Identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace. Rather, a person’s thoughts or at least the thoughts they 43 are what really count. So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star.

Usually, this “ 44 ” communication doesn’t create problems. Identity doesn’t really 45 when you’re in a chat-room discussing politics or hobbies. In fact, this emphasis on the ideas themselves makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation. 46 else can so many people come together to chat?

    47 of online relationships claim that the Internet allows couples to get to know each other intellectually first. Personal appearance doesn’t get in the way.

But critics of online relationships 48 that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace. Why? Because the Internet gives users a lot of control over how others view them. Internet users can carefully chosse their words to 49 whatever image they want to give. And they don’t have to worry about what their “nonverbal (不用语言表达的)” communication is doing for their image. In a sense, they’re not really themselves. All of this may be fine 50 the relationship stays in cyberspace. But not 51 a person is a big problem in a love relationship. With so many 52 . it’s easy to let one’s imagination “fill in the blanks.” This surely 53 disappointment when couples meet in person. How someone imagines an online friend is often quite different from the real person.

So, 54 looking for love in cyberspace, remember the advice of Internet pioneer Clifford Stoll, “Life in the 55 world is far richer than anything you’ll find on a computer screen.”

36. A. listen to        B. ask for          C. look into          D. do with

37. A. more than      B. less than          C. earlier than        D. longer than

38. A. interesting      B. worthy           C. serious           D. helpful

39. A. demand       B. choice           C. definition         D. answer

40. A. succeed       B. occur          C. appear           D. come

41. A. then          B. though          C. however          D. yet

42. A. applied        B. limited          C. changed          D. referred to

43. A. paint          B. click            C. draw            D. type

44. A. faceless       B. meaningless       C. careless          D. speechless

45. A. mean         B. matter           C. tell              D. decide

46. A. When         B. How            C. What            D. Where

47. A. Supporters    B. Researchers         C. Inventors        D. Adventurers

48. A. deny        B. debate           C. argue            D. declare

49. A. link         B. fit              C. cooperate         D. accompany

50. A. after        B. until             C. as              D. if

51. A. recognizing    B. seeing           C. understanding      D. knowing

52. A. unknowns    B. unexplaineds       C. unsatisfieds       D. unemployeds

53. A. responds to   B. objects to         C. leads to          D. tends to

54. A. unless       B. before           C. until             D. although

55. A. false        B. easy             C. difficult          D. real



A wise man was visiting the Ganges, a river which flows through northern India, to take a bath. He found a group of family members on the  36 , shouting angrily at each other. He  37  his disciples(弟子), smiled and asked, “Why do people shout in   38  at each other ?” The disciples  39  for a while and one of them said, “ Because we   40  our calm, we shout.” “But, why should you shout   41  the other person is just next to you ? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a(n)  42  manner,” asked the wise man. Some disciples gave some other answers, but none  43  the other disciples. Finally the wise man explained, “When two people are angry at each other, there is a distance between their  44  . To cover that distance they must shout to be able to  45 each other. The angrier they are, the louder they will have to shout to 46 that great distance. What  47  when two people fall in love? They don’t shout at each other but talk softly, because their hearts are very 48  . The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small.”

The wise man 49 , “When they love each other even more, they do not  50  , but only whisper and they get even closer to each other. Finally they  51

need not whisper. They only look at each other and that’s  52  . That’s how close people are when they love each other.”

He looked at his disciples and said, “So, when you  53  , do not let your hearts get distant. Do not say words that distance each other more.  54  there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to 55  . You may end up becoming enemies, for instance.”

36. A. roof          B. platform          C. bank            D. street

37. A. referred to      B. attended to        C. shouted to      D. turned to

38. A. anger         B. excitement        C. isappointment      D. surprise

39. A. thought        B. relaxed           C. listened          D. waited

40. A. control        B. disturb           C. lose             D. enjoy

41. A. as long as      B. in case           C. when            D. unless

42. A. soft          B. impressive        C. weak D. responsible

43. A. encouraged     B. satisfied          C. entertained        D. bothered

44. A. directions      B. bodies           C. goals            D. hearts

45. A. hurt          B. attack           C. understand        D. hear

46. A. keep          B. measure          C. cover            D. shorten

47. A. matters        B. happens          C. works           D. succeeds

48. A. close         B. huge            C. special           D. open

49. A. doubted       B. continued         C. replied           D. promised

50. A. pass          B. cry             C. care             D. speak

51. A. sometimes      B. still             C. even            D. ever

52. A. nothing        B. all              C. one D. something

53. A. argue         B. apologize         C. criticize          D. explain

54. A. Worse still      B. Therefore         C. Or else           D. Besides

55. A. beat          B. follow           C. walk            D. return



When I was young, my grandmother used to tell me stories. I’d like to  31 with you one of my favorites.

  Once, there was a young boy. He was very  32  because he couldn’t keep his friends. He asked his father why this was so. His father  33 replied, “Son, each time you say or do something that 34 one of your friends, hammer (锤) a piece of wood into the  35 .” The curious boy did as he was told and soon he made fence (篱笆) out of the wood.

  “Father!” he cried, “I can’t get out! I am blocked by this fence!”

“Well, Son, each time you say something   36 to a friend, you can take one piece of wood out.”

  The boy  37 this, too. On the first day he took out one piece of wood and on the second day he took out another two. On the third day he took out some more. Finally he had  38 all of the wood. “But Father!” he cried again, “Look at the  39 in the ground! They are big and dark! Oh, how ugly!”

  “Son,” his father said, “this is why you aren’t able to 40 your friends. Remember: when you hurt someone’s feeling, no matter what you do to 41 up for it, there will always be a scar (伤痕) in his 42 .”

  From that day on, the boy was very 43 of his words and actions and he never hurt his friends’ feelings again.

  I always keep this story close to my heart. It has 44 me lot. I am always careful not to hurt any of my friends because they are people that I wouldn’t want to 45 .

    31. A. argue         B. discuss     C. share    D. compare

    32. A. happy   B. upset       C. friendly         D. frightened

33. A. just    B. hardly      C. also       D. once

    34. A. leaves   B. pleases     C. hurts      D. amuses

    35. A. wall   B. ground    C. field          D. door

    36. A. surprising     B. interesting   C. nice        D. bad

    37. A. did         B. made          C. refused     D. said

    38. A. removed     B. repeated     C. replanted        D. recycled

    39 A. sand         B. dirt        C. holes       D. sticks

    40. A. make        B. meet          C. keep        D. stay

    41. A. turn       B. take           C. bring          D. make

    42. A. heart     B. face        C. neck          D. hand

    43. A. afraid   B. careful          C. proud         D. fond

    44. A. found       B. taught          C. lent            D. saved

45. A. avoid B. admire C. respect      D. lose


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