摘要: shut (使)住口 up



Harriet Tubman was born a slave. She didn’t get a   1   to go to school.   2   a child, Harriet had to work very hard in   3   all day. That way, her owner could   4   a lot of money when he sold his crops. Harriet   5   think that she was being treated fairly.

  6   Harriet grew up, she ran away from the plantation(庄园)to the Northern United States. There, and in Canada,   7   could be free.

Harriet liked to be free. She felt   8   for all of the black people who were   9   slaves.

Harriet returned to   10   to help other slaves to run away. She made   11   that they got to the North and became free.

Harriet was in great   12   because of a law that   13  .The law said it was not permitted to   14   runaway slaves. She also   15   that the slave owners said they would   16   $4000 to anyone who could catch Harriet Tubman.

There were many stories about Harriet   17   slaves run away. In all, she made nineteen trips back to the South and guided about 300 slaves to   18  .When the Civil War broke out, the northern states   19   with the southern states. Harriet   20   the northern states because the Northerners believed that slaves should be free. She worked as a nurse and spied behind enemy lines until the northern states won the war.

1.A.day      B. chance     C. permission     D. moment

2.A.As       B.Being      C.Since         D.Like

3.A.the farm   B.a school    C.the fields        D.a factory

4.A.make B.pay       C.got            D.spend

5.A.certainly   B.didn’t      C.did           D.no longer

6.A.Since     B.After       C.Then          D.With

7.A.the white  B.white      C.black               D.black people

8.A.happy     B.sure        C.wrong     D.sorry

9.A.still      B.yet        C.only           D.not

10.A.Canada   B.the South   C.the North       D.the U.S.

11.A.perfect    B.way        C.possible        D.sure

12.A.anger    B.anxiety C.hurry         D.danger

13.A.has just been passed         B.had just been broken

C.had just been passed           D.has just been broken

14.A.help B.set free C.stop                D.catch

15.A.found   B.noticed C.found out            D.made sure

16.A.pay B.make       C.spend         D.get

17.A.help B.helped  C.helping      D.to help

18.A.freedom  B.safety      C.North         D.Southern states

19.A.united   B.fought  C.made peace      D.gave in

20.A.looked for     B.stood for   C.looked on       D.went to



  China’s position on the World Trade Organization(WTO) issue has not changed, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said yesterday at a routine press briefing.

  However, the atmosphere surrounding the WTO accession talks has been spoiled by NATO’S bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade (贝尔格莱德), he added.

  Zhang stressed the US - led NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia had aroused the strong indignation of the Chinese people, and put Sino - U. S. relations into difficult straits. (困境)

  The bombing incident has affected the atmosphere surrounding the two sides’ negotiation on the WTO accession, he said China demanded prompt, adequate and effective compensation(赔偿) for the Chinese loss of lives, injuries and loss of property.

  Shen Guofang, China’s acting permanent representative to the United Nations, said on Wednesday that “Kosovo is Part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and it is not the United Nation’s trustee territory”.

  Shen, who took the floor at an international conference on Kosovo as the senior representative of Chinese Foreign Minister TangJiaxuan, called on the international community to respect the sovereignty (国家主权)and territorial integrity (领土完整)of Yugoslavia.

Which of the following statements is right according to the passage?

  A. China’s view point on the entry to WTO has changed little.

  B. The atmosphere surrounding the WTO accession talks was not at all influenced by NATO’S bombing.

  C. The U.S. - led NATO must answer for all the loss caused by the bombing incident.

  D. It is reasonable for the strong countries to control the weak countries.

 “Take the floor”in the last paragraph means to“________”.

  A. make a speech

  B. occupy the floor

  C. make use of the place

  D. attend the meeting

 Which of the following statements is NOT right?

  A. The U. S - led NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia made us very angry

  B. Sino- U. S. relation got into trouble as a result of the bombing.

  C. It’s wrong to stich one’s nose into the home affairs of other countries.

  D. The U. S. - led NATO would like to compensate the loss caused by the bombing of the Chinese Embassy.

 We can draw a conclusion from the passage that ________ in the world’s foreign affairs.

  A. all the countries should always have their sovereignty respected

  B. we should help other countries for our own purpose

  C. the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all the countries must be greatly respected and be put in the first place

  D. there always exists respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all


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