摘要: except 除了--之外 for


A: Hello, Judy. How are you getting along with your word processing(文字处理) class?

 B: Well, so far progress has been rather slow. I haven’t learned the keyboard yet, and I have problems remembering all the orders of editing. I get really impatient because I want to master the means to operate the computer as soon as possible.

 A: Just remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Word processing (文字处理)can’t be such an easy matter.

 B: You’re right. Our teacher keeps telling us that it takes time to learn all the techniques (技巧) of word processing and that we can’t master everything in one day.

 A: That’ s entirely true. But you’ll catch on. Just be patient and practise whenever you can.

1. This dialogue suggests that Judy and the partner ______.

      A. may be friends             B. are studying in the same class

      C. are both learning word processing      D. are both tired of study

2. What’s the main idea of the dialogue?

      A. Word processing isn’t an easy thing at all.  B.Only step by step can we master something.

      C. True friendship will benefit our progress.     D. Truth comes from practice. 

3. “Rome wasn’t built in a day” means that we should be ________.

A. patient  B. hardworking  C. friendly  D. impatient

4. Judy has difficulty in doing the following things except(除了)____________.

  A. word processing     B. making progress 

C. learning the keyboard   D. remembering all the orders of editing




  Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means“Holy evening”and it comes every October 31, the evening before All-Saints' Day. However, it's really a church holiday; it's a holiday for children.

  Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put lights inside. It looks like there is a person looking out of the pumpkin!

  The children also put on strange masks and frightening clothes every Haloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters(怪物). Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house, they say, “Trick or treat! Money or eat!”The adults put a treatmoney or candy in their bags.

  Some children think of other people on Halloween. They carry boxes for UNICEF(The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). They ask for money to help poor children all around the world. Of cause, every time they help UNICEF, they usually receive a treat for themselves, too.

1.The Americans celebrate All-Saints' Day on ________.

[  ]

A.October 31
B.the evening of October 31
C.October 30
D.November 1

2.Which of the following can explain the word“pumpkin”?

[  ]

A.a kind of round, orange vegetable

B.a kind of round, orange fruit

C.an unusual frightening mask

D.a kind of special clothes

3.On Halloween children do the following things except ________.

[  ]

A.they wear strange mask and frightening clothes

B.they paint their faces and carry boxes or bags from door to door

C.they begged from house to house

D.they put candles in the pumpkins

4.What will happen to the money which children have collected from the people?

[  ]

A.Some of the money will go to UNICEF.

B.Children will keep the money to their parents.

C.The money will be handed to their parents.

D.The article doesn't say anything about it.

5.The best title for the passage probably is ________.

[  ]

A.An Autumn Holiday
B.A Church Holiday
C.A Holiday for Children
D.All-Saints' Day

DIY gifts: A Drive For Creativity
  In times when people are seeking innovation(创新),giving a DIY gift appears as one possibility for those who like to keep up with the times.A DIY gift may be especially suited to young people seeking to step out of the norm.Do it yourself and turn the most unexpected things into wonderfully creative gifts.
  A handful of chocolates can become extra-special for the do-it yourself innovator.Add a picture and a few words to a cup,and the cup,which translated in Chinese becomes a homonym(同音词) for "a lifetime",can turn good wishes into good spirits.
  A self-written newspaper and T-shirts with unlimited choices of patterns can become the kinds of priceless gifts that money can't buy.
  Birthday presents,gifts for loved ones and children's educational toys all offer potential for the imaginative creator.Every DIY gift,which sends a special message or has a special meaning,is outstanding.That's what creativity is all about.
  Young people are interested in creaativity,fashion,romance and things that touch the emotions.In some cities,DIY gift shops are doing well and enjoying more and more customers.Do - it - yourself,as an alternative to ready - made gifts,often proves a more effctive way to expess feelings toward someone you care about.
  It's really simple.Think about the person who'll receive the gift.Then,look for materials that show the person's special qualities.The color of the deep blue sea along with white seashells can be perfect elements(元素) for the young surfer.There is potential without limits.
  Operating a DIY gift shop brings its own challenges.Shops must offer a great variety of materials.They may be grass,trees,and humanshapes.Let your imagination run wild.Who knows what the next person through the door will be looking for?
  56.The underlined phrase "a lifetime" maybe a homonym in Chinese for "______".
   A.一帆风顺    B.一辈子    C.生活如意     D.幸运
  57.Young people are interested in the followings,except________.
   A.creativity B.fashion C.romance D.limits
  58.If you'd like to give your friend a DIY gift,you should look for matericals that show his/her _______.
   A.qualities B.preferences C.potential D.creativity
  59.In the last paragraph,the sentence "who knows what the next person through the door will be looking for?" means that_______.
   A.A DIY gift shop must have a great variety of materials in store
   B.You should know what the customers will wwant
   C.DIY gift shops are doing well and enjoying more and more customers
   D.A DIY gift turns the most unexpected things into creative gifts


A person named Bernard Jackson today is a free man, but he has many bitter memories. He spent five years in prison after a jury (陪审团)wrongly convicted (判处…有罪) him of raping two women. At Jackson’s trial, although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the time of the crime, he was convicted  anyway. Why? The jury believed the testimony(证词)of the two victims, who positively identified Jackson as the man who had attacked them. The court eventually freed Jackson after the police found the real criminal.

Many factors influence the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. For instance, witnesses sometimes see photographs of several suspects before they try to identify the person they saw in a group of people. They can become confused by seeing many photographs of similar faces. The number of people in the group, and whether it is a person or a photograph, may also affect a witness’s decision. People sometimes have difficulty identifying people of other races. The questions the police ask witnesses also have an effect on them.

Many people believe that police officers are more reliable than ordinary people. Psychologists decided to test this idea, and they discovered that it is not true. Two psychologists showed a film of crimes to both police officers and civilians. The psychologists found no difference between the police and the civilians in correctly remembering the details of the crimes.

Despite all the possibilities for inaccuracy, courts cannot omit eyewitness testimony from a trial. American courts depend almost completely on eyewitness testimony to resolve(决定)court cases. Sometimes it is the only evidence to a crime, such as rape. Furthermore, eyewitness testimony is often correct. Although people do sometimes make mistakes, and convict innocent people, more importantly, eyewitness testimony has rightly convicted a larger number of guilty people.

American courts depend on the ability of the twelve jurors, and not the judges, to determine the accuracy of the witness’s testimony. It is their responsibility to decide if a certain witness could actually see, hear and remember what happened.

1.Bernard Jackson was found guilty and sentenced 5 years’ prison because________.

A. the victims insisted that he was the attacker

B. he admitted the crime of raping two women

C. the police discovered evidence leading to his guilt

D. the eyewitness proved the victims’ testimony

2.The following statements may be the reasons for why sometimes the eyewitness’ testimony is not accurate EXCEPT ________.

 A. the eyewitness is confused by the police’s questions

 B. the eyewitness is shown photos of many similar faces

 C. the eyewitness lacks the professional help from police

D. the eyewitness can’t identify people of other races clearly.

3.An inaccurate eyewitness testimony may lead to________.

A. the misunderstanding of the case      

B. the disbelief in the court

C. the disrespect for the eyewitness      

D. the conviction of an innocent person

4.Eyewitness testimony is important because ___________.

  A. it can be relied on to detect criminals in all cases.

  B. it is sometimes the only way to resolve court cases.

  C. it is sometimes the only clue for police investigation.

  D. it is more reliable than physical evidences to a crime.

5. According to the text, we can infer that ________.

A. eyewitness testimony is valuable, though sometimes incorrect.

B. police identification is more reliable than that of the ordinary people

C. crime victims often fail to give positive identification of the suspects

D. the jury relies on the judge than the eyewitness for a decision



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