摘要: argue with sb. about / over sth. 与某人争论某事


第四部分  书面表达(共两节,满分45分)



Most people agree that the direct American personality is a virtue, but it sometimes surprises foreigners. In many cultures, respect for older people or those in positions of authority keeps others from expressing their true feelings. But in the US, children often argue with their parents, students may disagree with their teachers, and citizens may express opposition to the actions of the government. If the soup has a fly in it or the meat is too tough to chew, the diner can complain to the waiter. If the boss makes a mistake, an employee will politely point it out.

Some straight talks about the American character must include the admission that Americans have their faults. The extremely competitive nature of Americans is probably their worst fault. Although sometimes it may promote excellence by encouraging individuals and businesses to try to do their best, the desire to get ahead of others sometimes causes people to do thing that are unkind and even dishonest. Also, Americans admire what is practical, fast, efficient, and fresh. Sometimes they fail to understand and appreciate practices that have greater respect for more traditional and more leisurely ways of doing things. On the other hand, people from other cultures may dislike the practical, challenging American lifestyle.

Despite culture differences, most foreigners give Americans credit for their virtues. Americans are generally viewed as friendly and energetic. Most newcomers to the US like American, and the feeling is usually mutual(相互的). Perhaps the greatest American virtue is a deep interest in new ideas and new people. In a nation of immigrants, the foreigner does not remain an outsider for long.

1. What American virtues can we learn from the passage? (List three within 10 words.)


(2) ___________________________________________________________________________                                                                              

(3) ___________________________________________________________________________                                                                         

2. For what purpose does the writer give us some examples in the first paragraph? (Please answer within 10 words)


3. What does the writer mainly talk about in Paragraph 2?

(Please answer within 10 words)


4. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following gone?

Most immigrants think highly of the American virtues although they are different in culture.


5. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.




A child, who has once got interested in a tale, likes, as a rule, to have it retold in almost the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as formal texts. It is always much better to “tell” a story than just “read” it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce his own as an improvement on the printed text, according to his child’s actual situation, so much the better.

There is a charge made against some fairy tales, as they probably harm children by frightening them or leaving them sad feelings. To prove it, an experiment has been done to show that children who have heard terrible fairy stories often feel more uneasy than those who have not. As for fears, there are some cases where children get timid (胆怯的) by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition may weaken the pain of fear.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that the stories are not objectively true, and that those giants, witches, two-headed dragons, magic carpets etc. do not really exist, so children should be taught to learn the reality by studying history, instead of being got fond of the strange side in fairy tales. Those, who prefer to create such stories, are so peculiar (奇怪的) that it is hard to argue with them. If their creative exaggeration (夸张) were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a stick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their beloved girl-friend.

Not once is a fairy story ever declared to be a description of the real world, but not every child is clever enough to be aware of it. Parents should choose their children’s “bed-time” reading materials with much care. Only the fairy stories containing positive effect will make a clever and caring child with rich imagination.   

1.The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is ______.

A.repeated without any change

B.treated as no more than a joke

C.made some changes by parents

D.set in the present situation

2.According to the passage, when a child hears a terrible fairy story, ______.

A.he will get more interested

B.great fear can take place in him

C.he will like it to be repeated

D.an experiment is being done

3.The word “sound” in Para.3 can be understood as ______.

A.fashionable        B.forgettable        C.available          D.believable

4.The author mentions “sticks” and “telephones” to prove that ______.

A.fairy stories are all made up

B.fairy tales lead to misunderstanding

C.children are cheated by old stories

D.there is more concern for children

5.One of the reasons why some people are not in favor of fairy tales is that ______.

A.they are made up far from the truth

B.they are so full of imagination

C.they are not interesting at all

D.they make history difficult to teach

6.It makes sense that parents choose fairy stories with ______ as “bed-time” reading materials..

A.formal printings     B.creative scenes     C.positive effect      D.terrible characters



Among the more colorful characters of Leadville’s golden age were H.A.W. Tabor and his second wife, Elizabeth McCourt, better known as "Baby Doe". Their history is fast becoming one of the legends of the Old West. Horace Austin Warner Tabor was a school teacher in Vermont. With his first wife and two children he left Vermont by covered wagon in 1855 to homestead in Kansas. Perhaps he did not find farming to his liking, or perhaps he was attracted by rumors of fortunes to be made in Colorado mines. At any rate, a few years later he moved west to the small Colorado mining camp known as California Gulch, which he later renamed Leadville when he became its leading citizen. "A large amount of lead is sure to be found here." he said.  
  As it turned out, it was silver, not lead, that was to make Leadville’s fortune and wealth. Tabor knew little about mining himself, so he opened a general store, which sold everything from boots to salt, flour, and tobacco. It was his custom to "grubstake" prospective(预期的) miners, in other words, to supply them with food and supplies, or"grub", while they looked for ore(矿石), in return for which he would get a share in the mine if one was discovered. He did this for a number of years, but no one that he aided ever found anything of value.
  Finally one day in the year 1878, so the story goes, two miners came in and asked for "grub". Tabor had decided to quit supplying it because he had lost too much money that way. These were persistent(坚持的), however, and Tabor was too busy to argue with them. "Oh help yourself. One more time won’t make any difference," He said and went on selling shoes and hats to other customers. The two miners took $17 worth of supplies, in return for which they gave Tabor a one-third interest in their findings. They picked a barren place on the mountainside and began to dig. After nine days they struck a rich vein of silver. Tabor bought the shares of the other two men, and so the mine belonged to him alone. This mine, known as the "Pittsburgh Mine," made $1,300, 000 for Tabor in return for his $17 investment.
  Later Tabor bought the Matchless Mine on another barren hillside just outside the town for $117,000.This turned out to be even more abundant than the Pittsburgh, producing $35 000 worth of silver per day at one time. Leadville grew. Tabor became its first mayor, and later became the governor of the state.  
49. The word "grubstake" in paragraph 2 means __________ .
 A. to supply miners with food and supplies
 B. to open a general store
 C. to do one’s contribution to the development of the mine
 D. to supply miners with food and supplies and in return get a share in the mine, if one was discovered
50.Tabor made his first fortune_________.
 A. by supplying two prospective miners and getting in return a one-third interest in the findings
 B. because he was persuaded by the two miners to quit supplying
 C. by buying the shares of the other
 D. as a land speculator(投机商)
51. The underlying(潜在的)reason for Tabor’s successful life career is __________.
   A. purely accidental
B. based on the analysis of miner’s being very poor and their possibility of discovering
profitable mining site
C. through the help from his second wife
  D. he planned well and accomplished targets step by step
52. If this passage is the first part of an article, who might be introduced in the following  part?
A. Tabor’s life.                               B. Tabor’s second wife, Elizabeth McCourt.
  C. Other colorful characters.           D. Tabor’s other careers.  


Proverbs(谚语) are quite common in spoken English. We do not normally put them in a composition or letter. Sometimes it is helpful if you know what common proverbs mean. Here are a few examples:
Once bitten, twice shy. If a dog bites me, I shall be twice as careful in future when I see it. This proverb is also used to apply to many things and not only to dogs. If you have been cheated at a shop, you will not go to the same shop again. 
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If I am a hunter, trying to catch birds, it is better to catch one bird than to see two birds in a bush but not be able to catch them. Thus this means that what you have already got is better than the chance of being able to get something bigger in the future.   
Too many cooks spoil the broth(soup). When too many people do something together, they get in each other’s way and cannot do a good job.
To pour oil on troubled waters Is to try to calm things down. Oil is lighter than water. If a ship is in trouble at sea, another ship may come to help it. The second ship can send small boats to rescue people. However, it may first pour oil on the sea to make the sea less rough.
Don't be a dog in a manger(马槽). Means “ Don’t be selfish.” In a stable(马厩), the manger is the place where the horse’s food is put. Sometimes a dog will sleep in the manger and bard when a horse comes to get its food. The dog does not want to eat the hay in the manger but it will not let the horse eat it.
He’s sitting on the fence. Means that somebody will not say whether he is in favour of a plan or against it. He is sitting on a fence between two opposing sides, perhaps waiting to see which side will win.
He who pays the piper calls the tune. A piper is a musician . The man who employs or pays a musician can say what tunes the man will play. Thus this means that if a man provides the money for a plan, he can say how it will be carried out.
You can’t get blood out of a stone means that you can’t get something out of a person who has not got any of the things you want. For example, you cannot get a million dollars from a poor man.
【小题1】Peter had a bicycle which was much too small for him but he did not want to let his younger brother ride on it. His mother was angry and said to him : “______”.

A.You cannot get blood out of a stoneB.Don’t be a dog in a manger
C.The early bird gets the wormD.Don’t be a horse in the manger
【小题2】Mr Wang paid for a new school. Some people did not like the design of the school but they did not argue with Mr Wang because ________.
A.he was sitting on the fenceB.once bitten, twice shy
C.he who pays the piper calls the tuneD.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
【小题3】Mrs Chen wanted to buy a new dress. Her husband suggested that she buy it from a shop near their home. Mrs Chen disagreed because she had been cheated by that shop. Then she said: “ I won’t go there again because___.”
A.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushB.I am sitting on the fence
C.Once bitten, twice shyD.too man cooks spoil the broth
【小题4】Mr brown had quite a good job in Hong Kong but he thought that if he went to Singapore he might get a much better job with more money and a large house. His wife did not want him to leave his job in Hong Kong and she warned him that _____.
A.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushB.too many cooks spoil the broth
C.you cannot get blood out of a stoneD.he who pays the piper calls the tune


Pets are popular. They’re good listeners, they encourage us to exercise, and they’re always on our side when we argue with others. They can bring people comfort and pleasure.

But it is important to keep in mind that pets can carry diseases that can make you sick. Washing your hands often — especially after you touch, feed, or clean up a pet — is the best way to keep yourself healthy and prevent the spread of disease. Be sure to clean your fingernails(指甲)carefully every time you wash.

You also can protect your health by wearing gloves while cleaning animal cages or cat litter boxes. Avoid washing your pet in the bathtub (浴缸), but if you do, always disinfect (消毒) the tub immediately afterward.

Be sure to bring your pet to the hospital for examinations every two weeks or month and whenever your pet is sick or injured.

You can do a few other things to keep yourself and your pet healthy. Only give your pet food that has been planned ahead for them. It’s not a good idea to share your food with your pet. Human food (like chocolate) can make animals sick. Never feed your pet raw meat because it can carry germs (细菌) that cause serious illness.

And funny as it can be to see your dog or cat drinking from the toilet, don’t let pets do this. It’s bad for your pet’s health! Give them clean, fresh water to drink at all times.

Never give milk to cats. The only milk an animal should drink is from its mother. Cow’s milk is not for pets, especially for cats, as it makes them sick.

Finally, some animals aren’t pets. Don’t take in a wild or abandoned (被抛弃的) animal as a pet because it may have diseases that could make you or your family sick. Instead, turn to an animal rescue group that is trained in helping sick or abandoned animals.

1.The first paragraph mainly tells us that pets can ______.

A.be great friends                        B.bring us pleasure

C.help us keep healthy                     D.do harm to us

2. To keep healthy, the author may be against ______.

A.washing your fingernails after touching your pet

B.wearing gloves when cleaning your pet’s cage

C.washing your pet in the bathtub

D.bringing your pet for examinations regularly

3. The underlined word “it” in Para.7 refers to ______.

A.the cow                              B.the mother cat

C.cow’s milk                           D.mother cat’s milk

4. Which is the RIGHT way to feed your pet?

A.Sharing your chocolate with your dog.

B.Letting your dog drink from the toilet.

C.Feeding your little cat with raw meat.

D.Giving your cat cooked fish.

5.According to the text, when you meet an abandoned dog, you should ______.

A.call an animal rescue group

B.bring it back to your home

C.give it first aid(急救)in time

D.help to find its owner



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