摘要: What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words. 滑稽演员与喜剧演员.共间点在于说话玩弄词藻. 句中what引导的从句为主语从句....in common 表示“和--有共同之处 的意思. OUt of common 则表示“异乎寻常,不平常 的意思. They have a lot in common. 他们有许多共同之处. I haven't a thing in common with my father. 我与父亲格格不入. He had noticed nothing out of common. 他没有发现异乎寻常的事.



  Clowns(小丑)also make people laugh.They often act alone or as a pair and make a different kind of fun.Clowns often don't use any words at all.It is their clothes, make-up and the way they walk that makes people laugh.Some people think clowns are only funny for children.Actually they can help people forget their problems, at least for a short moment.

  Another type of people whose job is to make people laugh are comedians(喜剧演员).They often work alone or as a pair.Unlike clowns, comedians' clothes are usually not very strange.Although body language and their face are important in their shows, they do not use the make-up that clowns use.Comedians may act out a situation during their shows.We call that a sketch(短剧),but usually, their shows don't look like comedies(喜剧).What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.Comedians make people laugh, but also think about life.At one moment in a show, you can hear the audience laughing loudly.A few minutes later everybody is quiet, listening and thinking about the comedians' words.

  Typical for China is the crosstalk(相声)show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play.A crosstalk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversations.They may also dress up a little or act out small sketches in front of the laughing audience.Comedians of all times and many countries have a long tradition of this type of comedy.

  Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.


Clowns are only funny for children.

(  )


During the show of the comedians, you can hear the audience laughing loudly all the time.

(  )


Comedians play with words as the players in a comedy do.

(  )


In a crosstalk show, the speakers never dress up.

(  )


The underlined word“typical”in the last paragraph means“典型的”.

(  )

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