摘要: under attack 遭受攻击.under 表示“在-- 中 ,“在--下 [词组] under repair 在修理中 under study 在研究着 under construction 在建设中 [考点3]动词 + down的短语 ① come down 下来 ② fall down 倒下.跌落.从--落下.失败 ③ go down 下降.下跌 ④ get down 下来 ⑤ put down 把--放下来,平定.镇压 ⑥ sit down 坐下 ⑦ shut down 把--关上 ⑧ turn down 关小.调低.拒绝 ⑨ slow down 减缓.减速.放慢 ⑩ write / set / note / put down写下.记下 ⑩ pull down 拆毁.摧毁.推翻 ⑩ get down to business 言归正传 [例句] The plan fell down because it proved to be too expensive. 这项计划因费用过高而告吹. More American troops were sent to Iraq to put down the rebellions. 很多美国军队被派往伊拉克去镇压反 抗. Turn the radio down - I'm trying to get some sleep. 把 收音机声音调小点儿 - 我想睡会觉. He can't do heavy work, for he has been pulled down by his long illness. 他不能干重活.因为长期患病使得 他的身体很虚弱. The road was slippery, so Mr. Jones slowed down the car. 公路滑.所以琼斯先生放慢了车速. Make sure you write down every word the speaker says. 务必记下讲话者所说的每一个单词. [考例3lNews reports say peace talks be- tween the two countries with no agreement reached. A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up [考查目标]此题主要考查break的动词短语. [答案与解析]A break down失败.坏了}break out突 然发生.爆发,break in 闯入,break up分开.分解.本 句话意思是“有新闻报道说.两国间的和平谈判因没有 达成一致意见而失败了 . [考点1]动词+up短语 ① clean up 清除.收拾干净 ② eat up 吃光 ③ get up 起床 ④ give up 放弃 ⑤ grow up 长大.成长 ⑥ hurry up 赶快 ⑦ lock sb. up将某人监禁起来 ⑧ look up 向上看.抬头看.好转.有气色.查寻 g) make up 弥补.拼凑成 ⑩ pick up 拾起.捡起.学会.获悉.听到.见到.恢复健康 ⑩ pull up 往上拽 ⑩ put up 举起.张贴.为--提供食宿 ⑩ ring up 打电话 ⑩ stay up 不睡.熬夜 ⑩ wake up 醒来.唤醒 ⑩ open up 开设.开业.开放 ⑩ set up 建立.开创.使某人有钱创业 @ clear up 放晴 [例句] She soon picked up French when she went to live in France. 她到法国居住后很快就学会了法语. You don't look up well today. What's the trouble? 你 今火气色不太好.怎么了? These days many girls make up when they are still quite young. 如今许多女孩还很年轻就化装. When he was twenty-one, his father set him up in the clothing business. 他21岁时.他父亲把他安顿在服装 店. I've an important meeting to attend. Be sure to wake me up at seven o'clock. 我有一个重要的会议要参加.一 定要在七点钟叫醒我. Now that it was raining heavily, they decided to put us up for the night. 由于雨下得很大.他们决定留我们过 夜. Ring me up if you learn the truth. 一了解到真相就给我 打电话. She promised the children they could stay up for their favourite TV programme. 她答应孩子们可以晚点睡.看 他们最喜爱的电视节目. [考例1]To keep healthy.Professor John- son cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired. A. took up B. caught on C. carried out D. made for [考查目标]此题主要考查四个短语的用法. [答案与解析]A take up开始从事,catch on 继续下 去.坚持下去,carry out完成.履行,make for走向.有 利于.本句话意思是“为了保持健康·教授退休后开始 把骑自行车当作锻炼方式 . [牛刀小试2] 句子改错.每句仅一处错误.


Photos that you might have found down the back of your sofa are now big business!

In 2005,the American artist Richard Prince’s photograph of a photograph,Untitled (Cowboy),was sold for $1 248 000.

Prince is certainly not the only contemporary artist to have worked with so-called “found photographs”—a loose term given to everything from discarded(丢弃的)prints discovered in a junk shop to old advertisements or amateur photographs from a stranger’s family album.The German artist Joachim Schmid,who believes “basically everything is worth looking at”,has gathered discarded photographs,postcards and newspaper images since 1982.In his on-going project,Archiv,he groups photographs of family life according to themes:people with dogs;teams;new cars;dinner with the family;and so on.

Like Schmid,the editors of several self-published art magazines also champion(捍卫)found photographs.One of them,called simply Found,was born one snowy night in Chicago,when Davy Rothbard returned to his car to find under his wiper(雨刷)an angry note intended for someone else:“Why’s your car HERE at HER place?”The note became the starting point for Rothbard’s addictive publication,which features found photographs sent in by readers,such as a poster discovered in your drawer.

The whole found-photograph phenomenon has raised some questions.Perhaps one of the most difficult is:can these images really be considered as art?And,if so,whose art?Yet found photographs produced by artists,such as Richard Prince,may raise endless possibilities.What was the cowboy in Prince’s Untitled doing?Was he riding his horse hurriedly to meet someone?Or how did Prince create this photograph?It’s anyone’s guess.In addition,as we imagine the back-story to the people in the found photographs artists,like Schmid,have collated(整理),we also turn toward our own photographic albums.Why is memory so important to us?Why do we all seek to freeze in time the faces of our children,our parents,our lovers,and ourselves?Will they mean anything to anyone after we’ve gone?

In the absence of established facts,the vast collections of found photographs give our minds an opportunity to wander freely.That,above all,is why they are so fascinating.

The first paragraph of the passage is used to_______.

A.remind readers of found photographs

B.advise readers to start a new kind of business

C.ask readers to find photographs behind sofas

D.show readers the value of found photographs

According to the passage,Joachim Schmid_______.

A.is fond of collecting family life photographs

B.found a complaining note under his car wiper

C.is working for several self-published art magazines

D.wondered at the artistic nature of found photographs

The underlined word “them”in Paragraph 4 refers to“_______”.

A.the readers

B.the editors

C.the found photographs

D.the self-published magazines

By asking a series of questions in Paragraph 5,the author mainly intends to indicate that_______.

A.memory of the past is very important to people

B.found photographs allow people to think freely

C.the back-story of found photographs is puzzling

D.the real value of found photographs is questionable

The author’s attitude toward found photographs can be described as_______.

A.critical                                                         B.doubtful

C.optimistic                                                     D.satisfied


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