摘要: join in, take part in, attend, join (1) take part in + activities / work, discussion / research等. take parr in 强调参与性.特别是有众多人参加的活 动.含在活动中起一定作用.负有责任之意. Millions of workers took part in the strike / revolutionary movement / fighting. 数以百万计的工人参加了罢工/革命运动/斗争. He took an active part in international academic exchanges. 他积极参加国际学术交流活动. We'll take part in social activities during summer vacation. 这个暑假我们将参加社会活动. (2) join可表示参加一个组织或成为其中一员或与人 为伴.和某人一起做某事.而take part in则不这样 用. He joined the army / League / Part / club / students union. 他参军/入团/入党/参加俱乐部/学生会. Pleasejdn us / my family / Mary. 和我们/家人/玛丽作伴. (3)join in + activities 或 join sb. in + activities. 指和他人一起参加活动.比赛等. I didn't join them in writing that book. 我没有参编那本书. All of us joined in the English speech competition. 我们都参加了英语演讲比赛. (4) attend v.“参加 是正式用语.指出席会议.参加 婚礼.典礼等.又可指上学.上课.听报告. He was invited to attend Mary's wedding ceremony. 他被邀请参加玛丽的婚礼.


Britain’s seed(种子) bank, the only one in the world aiming to collect all of the planet’s wild plant species, has reached its goal of banking 10 percent by 2010.

The Millennium Seed Bank Project, run by Kew Gardens—one of the oldest botanical(植物的)  gardens—will officially place the 24,200th species on Thursday, a pink, wild banana from China.

More than 50 countries are now on board with Kew's giant task but vast places of the globe, including India and Brazil, still need to join in and donate seeds, director Paul Smith said.                                                                                                                                                            

The seed bank is one of the largest and most diverse(多样的) in the world with more than 1.5 billion seeds. Its goal is to help protect the planet’s bio-diversity during a time of climate change.

The wild banana seed is under threat of extinction(灭绝) in southwest China from agricultural development. It is a vital food source for Asian elephants and important for growing bananas for human eating.

Stored at minus-20 degrees centigrade, so they can last for thousands of years, the seeds await the day that scientists hope never comes—when the species no longer exist in the wild.

It is a race against time, Smith said, because in the last ten years alone, 20 plants held in the bank have already been wiped out in the wild. He estimates that between a third and a quarter will become extinct this century.

"It is pressing and it is happening now. An area, the size of England, is cleared of primary vegetation(植被)every year." Smith said.

Because most of the world's food and medicines come from nature, protecting wild plant species is quite important, scientists say. There are already many other seed banks safeguarding food crops, which only account for 0.6 percent of plant diversity.

For Kew's next goal—to collect a quarter of wild varieties(种类)by 2020—the botanists need 10 million pounds a year, or a further 100 million pounds on top of the 40 million they have already been granted.

1.What’s the final purpose of the Britain’s seed bank?

A.To collect enough money for the project.     B.To safeguard food crops.

C.To protect wild plants from extinction.        D.To help scientists study wild plants.

2.We can learn from the passage that _______.

A.the seeds in the bank can be used now and then all over the world

B.India and Brazil haven’t joined in the Seed Bank Project at present

C.there is only one seed bank in the world at present

D.the wild plants in places like India and China will never die out

3.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 7 refer to?

A.The extinction of plant species.

B.The Millennium Seed Bank Project.

C.Britain’s seed bank.

D.Kew Gardens’ next goal.

4.Which of the following isn’t spoken about in the passage?

A.The global partnership of collecting wild plant species.

B.The temperature condition of the wild plant species in the bank.

C.The government’s support for the seed bank project by giving money.

D.Scientists’ concern on the extinct wild plant species.



What is intelligence anyway? When I was in the army I    21   an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against   22   of 100, scored 160.No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that, and for two hours they made a big fuss over me.

  All my life I've been registering scores like that,    23   I have the complacent(洋洋自得的) feeling that I'm highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so too. Actually, though, don't such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by people who    24      the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents(天分) similar to mine?

  For instance, I once had an auto-repair man, who, on these intelligence tests, could not   25   have scored more than 80,by my estimate. Yet, when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him—and he always fixed it.

  Well,then,suppose my auto—repair man   26   questions for some intelligence tests.By doing every one of them I'd prove myself a   27   .In a world where I have to work with my    28    ,I'd do poorly.

  Consider my auto—repair man   29    .He had a habit of telling  30    .One time he said. “Doc, a deaf and dumb man   31   some nails.Having entered a store,he put two fingers together on the counter and made  32     movements with the other hand.The clerk brought him a hammer.He   33    his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering.The clerk   34   him some nails.He picked out the right size and left.Well,Doc,the    35   man who came in was blind.He wanted scissors.   36   do you suppose he asked for them?" I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers.He burst out laughing and said,“Why, you fool,he used his    37    and asked for them.” Then he said smugly, "I've been    38     that on all my customers today." "Did you catch many?" I asked. "Quite a few," he said, "but I knew     39     I'd catch you." "Why is that?" I asked. "Because you're so goddamned educated, Doc, I knew you couldn't be very     40    ." And I have an uneasy feeling that he had something there.

1.A. failed                 B. wrote               C. received            D. chose

2.A. an average             B. a total             C. an amount         D. a number

3.A. then                   B. but                 C. so that             D. because

4. A. join in              B. make up              C. go over             D. look through

5.A. approximately          B. possibly            C. certainly           D. frequently

6.A. answered               B. practiced                C. designed            D. tried

7.A. teacher           B. doctor              C. winner            D. fool

8.A. brains                 B. efforts             C. hands             D. abilities

9.A. again                  B. as usual            C. too                 D. as well

10.A. lies                  B. jokes               C. news            D. tales

11.A. bought                B. tested              C. found               D. needed

12.A. cutting                   B. hammering       C. scissoring          D. circling

13.A. nodded           B. raised              C. shook           D. turned

14.A. brought               B. packed              C. sent                D. sold

15.A. clever                B. other               C. right               D. next

16.A. What                  B. How                 C. Who              D. Which

17.A. imagination           B. hand                C. voice               D. information

18. A. trying               B. proving             C. practicing               D. examining

19. A. with wisdom          B. at once             C. in reality               D. for sure

20. A. clear                B. silly                    C. slow            D. smart



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