摘要: gesture n. 手势,姿态


It amazed me—every time I saw Joehe was smiling.It didn’t ____ whether he had to stop at a stop lightor if he were the seventh person in ____ at the bankand the service stopped just before he got there.Joe ___ smiled.It made me wonder why he seemed so ____ every day.

Having observed Joe with other peopleI ____ something else also.Joe asked people how they were doingand really seemed to listen to their ____.If someone were hurtinghe had __7__ for him and kind wordsand offered to ____ in any way he could.

It made me think...What if I tried to smile moreA(n) ____ of sorts began when I went to the grocery store.I smiled as I went up and down the aisles...and people I didn’t even ___ smiled back at me.Some even ____The little kid in the cart(购物车) who was giving his mother a ____ time saw me smile and ____ talking...andyou guessed it.He made a shy little attempt at a smile.The man in the handicapped(残疾的) cart ____ a person to reach something...I could get that for him.The smile even transferred over to himand he ____me.

As I drove homeI was smiling.I ____ what I had just learnedand when someone passed me and gave me a(n) ____I smiled at him.He looked puzzled.

Now I know a smile is a small thingbut what if we were all to try to smile a few more times each dayI couldn’t believe how ___ I felt.Nothing in my life had changed____ maybe it had.For what I learned was that such a small thing could ____ not only my spiritsbut those around me as well.

1.A.work? Bhappen

Cmatter? Dlast

2.A.order Bdebt

Chand? Dline

3.A.always Beventually

Cimmediately? Dstill

4.A.naughty? Bhappy

Cactive? Dhumourous

5.A.decided Bjudged

Cnoticed? Dconsidered

6.A.answers? Bcomplaints

Cexcuses Dcomments

7.A.guidance? Brespect

Csympathy? Dprotection

8.A.perform? Battempt

Cbother? Dhelp

9.A.experiment? Blife

Cproject? Dprogram

10.A.meet? Btouch

Cknow? Dcontact

11.A.glared? Bgreeted

Capproached? Descaped

12.A.spare? Blong

Chard? Dgreat

13.A.stopped? Btried

Ckept? Denjoyed

14.A.persuaded? Baccepted

Csupported? Dneeded

15.A.thanked? Bchanged

Cencouraged? Dinvited

16.A.worried about? Bthought about

Ctalked over? Dlooked over

17.A.gesture? Baddress

Ccall? Dticket

18.A.normal? Bgreat

Creasonable? Dcomplicated

19.A.so Bfor

Cbut? Dtill

20.A.release? Badmire

Cdisplay? Dlift



A gentle wind blew through Jennifer's hair.The golden red sun was  46  .She was on the beach,looking up at the ball.She was amazed by its  47  ,deep red in the middle, 48    fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the  49  and the seagulls flying up above in the sky.

The atmosphere  50   her.After all she had been through,this is what she  51  .“ It’s getting late,”she thought,“I must go home,my parents will be  52  where I am.”She wondered how her parents would react,when she got home after the three days she was 53 .

The sun had set by now and it was getting  54  .She tried to imagine having her favorite 55  on until she saw her front door It seemed different.   56   had taken care of the outside garden for days.She was  57  : her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and now…It all seemed  58  .She couldn't understand what was going on.

She entered the  59  .First,she went into the kitchen where she saw a(n)  60  written by her father.It said:“Dear Ellen,there is some coffee ready, I went  61  .”Ellen was her mother but—where was she? On the right side of the hallway was her  62  room.She went in.Then she saw her mother, lying on the bed sleeping.Her  63  looked so tired,as if she hadn’t  64  for days.She was really pale.Jenny just fell asleep beside her.When Jennifer woke up she found something  65  .She was in her cosy bed in her nightclothes.

It felt so good being back home.Suddenly she heard a voice.“Are you feeling better  now, dear? You know you got us very, very scared.”

1.A.rising     B.setting      C.shining          D.smiling

2.A.shape      B.shadow       C.size             D.color

3.A.quickly        B.partly       C.softly           D.probably

4.A.waves      B.boats        C.trees            D.sands

5.A.relaxed        B.puzzled      C.disappointed     D.interrupted

6.A.understood B.considered   C.needed           D.regretted

7.A.discussing B.finding      C.asking           D.wondering

8.A.alive      B.asleep       C.missing          D.hardworking

9.A.sunny      B.warm         C.cold             D.cloudy

10.A.glasses       B.hat          C.skirt            D.jacket

11.A.Somebody    B.Nobody     C.Mother           D.Father

12.A.shocked       B.scared       C.exhausted        D.comforted

13.A.beautified    B.rearranged   C.deserted         D.destroyed

14.A.garden        B.bedroom      C.yard             D.house

15.A.book          B.note         C.article          D.poste

16.A.1ooking       B.working      C.fishing          D.sightseeing

17.A.own           B.parents’    C.sister’s        D.brother’s

18.A.gesture       B.body         C.face             D.eyes

19.A.studied       B.slept        C.exercised        D.moved

20.A.different B.new          C.precious         D.dangerous



When my son was first diagnosed with autism (孤独症), it was a very hard time for us.In some ways it was a  16_ because we finally knew the name.of the disease after visiting many hospitals, but it also  17__ years bf uncertainty, and we didn't know what  18_was like.
When I  19__the news with my coworkers, I was so surprised but happy to receive so much immediate   20  from them .They were focused on what we_21___, not how it would affect my ability to work.
One coworker in particular was  22__, She was always kind and considerate; She called me into her  23__ a few days later, and gave me a(n) "  24__stone''.It is a small stone with an indention (凹陷)for your  25__, It gives you something to  26__ when you're worried . rubbing your thumb around on this stone.It was a lovely 27__.It turned out to be an effective way to reduce anxiety.
She then made a permanent offer to 28_ us to any appointment or testing we needed. Considering the fact that we_ 29__ 90 minutes from where most.treatments took place, this was a(n)  30_offer.She made it very clear to me that this offer  31_last-minute trips or emergencies.Anytime we needed to go anywhere , She was willing to be our transportation.
We never did need to bother her,   32__ knowing it was there and that she was so willing to 33__ made it feel like we were much less _34  
I'm very grateful to her and.  35__ around us who came together to be a support system in our time of need.We were really moved by the level of support we received.

A.surpriseB.reliefC.pleasure D.success .
A.a dreamB.4 planC.the futureD.the job
【小题5】A.treatment         B.love            C, complaints           D.gifts
A.focus onB.believe inC.care aboutD.know about
A.languageB.expressionC.gesture D.message
A.butB.LC.because D.if
【小题18】A, move            B.wait               C.help          D.pay


When my son was first diagnosed with autism (孤独症), it was a very hard time for us.In some ways it was a  16_ because we finally knew the name.of the disease after visiting many hospitals, but it also  17__ years bf uncertainty, and we didn't know what   18_was like.

       When I  19__the news with my coworkers, I was so surprised but happy to receive so much immediate   20   from them .They were focused on what we_21___, not how it would affect my ability to work.

       One coworker in particular was  22__, She was always kind and considerate; She called me into her  23__ a few days later, and gave me a(n) "  24__stone''.It is a small stone with an indention (凹陷)for your  25__, It gives you something to  26__ when you're worried . rubbing your thumb around on this stone.It was a lovely 27__.It turned out to be an effective way to reduce anxiety.

       She then made a permanent offer to 28_ us to any appointment or testing we needed. Considering the fact that we_ 29__ 90 minutes from where most.treatments took place, this was a(n)  30_offer.She made it very clear to me that this offer  31_last-minute trips or emergencies.Anytime we needed to go anywhere , She was willing to be our transportation.

       We never did need to bother her,   32__ knowing it was there and that she was so willing to 33__ made it feel like we were much less _34  

       I'm very grateful to her and.  35__ around us who came together to be a support system in our time of need.We were really moved by the level of support we received.

A.surprise            B.relief              C.pleasure         D.success .

A.meant             B.broke               C.ended          D.explained

A.a dream            B.4 plan              C.the future       D.the job

A.received        B.doubted            C.heard           D.shared

A.treatment          B.love             C, complaints            D.gifts

A.needed            B.saw                C.failed         D.learned

A.rude           B.grateful            C.amazing        D.cold

A.office          B.school.            C.garden          D.restaurant

A.-fear             B.peace               C.anger        D.worry

A.ring              B.thumb              C.luck         D.courage

A.focus on         B.believe in           C.care about    D.know about

A.language         B.expression           C.gesture         D.message

A.devote          B.attach              C.introduce      D.drive

A.ran              B.lived            C.walked         D.rode

A.final            B.firm               C.great           D.unconditional

A.refused          B.welcomed           C.passed          D.included

A.but             B.L                  C.because         D.if

A, move             B.wait                C.help           D.pay

A.important       B.alone               C.awake           D.busy

A.both             B.few                C.nobody      D.everyone


【小题1】In the past, some cultures used tattoos as an a_________ to costumes.
【小题2】Learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the a_________ of a native language environment.
【小题3】To a_________ a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.
【小题4】Inner beauty refers to the kind of attraction found in a wide r_________ of personal qualities.
【小题5】I didn’t have any money left, so I went to the bank to c_________ a cheque.
【小题6】I asked my daughter to help make the decision, as I believe she is m_________ enough.
【小题7】In a foreign country, you can n_________ the price by using your fingers.
【小题8】There is no c_________ view on beauty.
【小题9】Eye r_________, I see the moon so bright.
【小题10】 Rowan had some speaking problems in his childhood, so he c_________ for this by talking very deliberately.
【小题11】“Beauty and Beast” c_________ a message that should be evident to all of us—you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
【小题12】Mr. Bean creates humour through a s_________ of simple and funny acts.
【小题13】Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more t_________ as it is not easy to lie with our bodies.
【小题14】He finds the taste of the raw hamburger truly d_________.
【小题15】Black humour finds the funny side of sad or d_________ events.
【小题16】The “OK” gesture in America can c_________ offence in Germany.
【小题17】A person who is feeling uncomfortable will often hold their body in a very r_________ manner, and have a t_________ look about their mouths.
【小题18】Romanticism was a literary and a_________ movement.
【小题19】Smile is one form of body language that receives u_________ approval.


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