摘要: remind (1) vt. 提醒 ① remind sb. of / about sth. 提醒某人某物,提醒某人注意某事Be sure to remind her of the meeting she has to attend. 务必提醒她要参加那次会议. ② remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事Please remind me to post the letter. 请提醒我寄那封信. ③ remind sb. that-clause 提醒某人-- She reminded me that I hadn't written to mother. 她提醒了我.我还没给妈妈写信. 想起.使记起 ① remind sb. of sb. / sth. 使--想到某人或某物 He reminds me of his father. 看到他使我想起他的父亲. ② remind sb. that-clause 使人回忆起-- The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. 看到钟使我想起我已经晚了. [考例][2000上海春招]what you said just now me of that American professor. A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized [考查目标] remind基本用法. [答案与解析]C remind表示“提醒,让--想起 .


Ever since I was little I loved doing things for other people. As I got older I began doing random ( 随意的 ) things for people. For example, during holidays, such as Christmas, I would make an extra   21  along with the ones for my relatives. Then I would go and find someone in the grocery store and just hand it to them and walk away. It was so much fun. I admit,   22 , the first time I did it I was so   23 . I didn’t know who to give the card to. So I said a little prayer and knew that the   24  person would just appear. About that time an elderly man ran   25  me with his shopping cart. It was an accident, and he   26  a million times. We smiled and he walked away, and I knew that he was the one.  Later I found him in a different isle(过道), handed him the card, and smiled. I said Happy Holidays, and then walked away. It was so great, and the   27  I had afterwards was unexplainable.

Then one day I came across your website (the coolest website ever) and   28  some Smile Cards. When they came in, I started a new project. When I go into a store, I locate a person who I think needs a   29 . Then, I buy a flower, a carnation, to be exact, and   30  it in the most beautiful paper they have. I tie lots of ribbons on it to make it   31 , and then slip the smile card into an envelope and   32  it to the flower. After that, I pay for it and explain to the cashier   33  it is to go to (I live in a pretty small town so it’s easy to get the help of the cashiers). They then give it to that person when they come through.. Once in a while I’ll buy the flower and then just leave it for the cashier. That gets smiles.

My favorite time was when I picked out this elderly woman who was walking around the   34  somewhat confused. I had come across her numerous times and she only smiled slightly once. When she came to the check out (I was watching from outside) her face   35  and the smile was the biggest I had ever seen. Later that week the cashier whom I had had   36  me told me that the lady had been so surprised and while she was walking out with the grocery bag to her car, she was planning what she was going to do for someone else. It was awesome.

I absolutely love the random acts of kindness cards. I   37  at least two in my purse and others in my car, locker and everywhere I go. As I mentioned, my club, STARS, is doing a Random Acts of Kindness Project with the smile cards so they also are using them. I look forward to hearing about their success. It’s really great. I   38  used them in school. I bought my entire math class cans of pop after lunch one day. They came in from lunch and a can of pop and a smile card were setting   39  that day. It totally lightened the mood in the class that day   40  we were studying for a test. Thank you for all of the help that you provide. The smile cards are a great program that brings smiles into the lives of many!






















































































A.lit up

B.put up

C.got up

D.made up





















A.in their baskets

B.on their desks

C.in their bags

D.in their drawers









My own experiment with culture shock came to a fruitless end when I returned with homesick from a year’s study in Italy. I had never heard of culture shock. All I knew was that I was unhappy and wanted to go home.

That was twenty years ago, and since then culture shock has become a real field of study. It is now understood that any normal person, finding him or herself for an extended time in a new culture, is in for trouble.

The process of “culture shock” is now recognized as so predictable that its four stages have been noticeable. The first is the honeymoon stage, familiar to those of us who love to travel, but never stay in one place long enough to find out what follows. In this stage, the new country and its people seem delightful. Everything is better than home. Everything is so different and charming.

Then the bloom comes off the rose. Now the people start to look shallow, selfish and stupid. The different ways of doing things don’t seem interesting any more. You start to feel tired all the time. Culture shock has set in. You feel at sea.

The emotional response to culture shock in stage two can be extreme. Confusion, depression and anxiety, and resentment can all enter to varying degrees. You may become physically ill. Little things seem terribly annoying.

The happier resolution is to move on to stage three. Adjusting. Rather than itemizing(列举) what’s “wrong” with Americans, you remind yourself that “right” and “wrong” are not meaningful terms in cultural matters.

Instead, you try to understand what motivates Americans, perhaps realizing that many of the things you don’t like are related to the things you do like.

As time goes on, you should be moving into stage four. Acceptance. At this point, you simply don’t think any more about the specialties of Americans. You accept them as individuals. You have started to feel at home; you know how to do things. You have not rejected your old culture; but the American ways have settled upon you. You feel optimistic about your future here. You have truly arrived.

1.Why do people not suffer from culture shock when they first arrive in a foreign country?

A.They love to travel.

B.They don’t stay in one place long enough.

C.The new country and its people are delightful.

D.Everything is so different and charming.

2.What do you understand by the underlined sentence “Then the bloom comes off the rose”?.

A.The rose comes up.                      B.The rose blooms.

C.Something good comes about.              D.Something good goes away.

3.Which one is the possible psychological effect of culture shock on the second stage?

A.Anxiety.           B.Excitement.        C.Shock.            D.Delight.

4.Which of the following statements will the writer agree with?

A.Any normal person facing a new culture will be in trouble.

B.Culture shock is now recognized as unpredictable.

C.There is no “right” and “wrong” in terms of cultural matters.

D.When you reject your old culture, you can accept the new one.

5.The passage is mainly about __________.

A.the study of culture shock

B.how to get rid of culture shock

C.the writer’s own experiment with culture shock

D.the four stages of culture shock and their features



Starting high school is an exciting event.  71    Try these tips to help make the transition to high school go smoothly for you and your teenager.

Talk to your teenager. Find out how your teenager feels about high school. 72  Share some of your own experiences with them, and see if you can get an older cousin or family friend to talk to them, as well.

Orientation(迎新会) is a good thing. 73  The school will also likely have a parents’ night or parents’ orientation before of shortly after the school year begins. Your teenager may discourage you from attending it, but it is important for you to learn what to expect during their high school years. It is also a good opportunity to meet with teachers and other parents.

74 Before school starts, talk with your teenager about what their daily schedule will be like, what classes they will be taking, and how they will manage their time. Discuss any extracurricular(课外的) activities they might like to take part in. It is important for you to know their after-school plans. Then you can set some limits on things including where they are, whom they are with, and how they will be transported.

  75  High school is a time when teenagers ask for their independence. However, it is important that you remind your teenager that you are still the parent. For example, they may want to decide when to do their homework or when to go to bed, and may start spending more time on the computer or phone. While it is OK fir you to loosen up on some things and let them make some of these decisions, make sure your teenager knows the limits.

A.Set a good example.

B.They likely have both fear and anxiety.

C.Don’t forget about after-school activities.

D.Give your teenagers some independence.

E. There you can get some advice from other parents.

F. Make sure your teenager attends it if the high school has one.

G. However, it can also cause some stress and anxiety for both parents and teenagers.

71  ________   72 _________ 73 _________ 74 _________ 75 __________




阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

An Act of Kindness

Mother was making a dish for Mrs. Smith next door ,   36  six-year-old Susie came up and   37   why Mommy was doing so .

“Because Mrs. Smith is very sad: she lost her daughter and she has a broken heart. We need to take care of her   38   .And when someone is very , very sad , they have trouble doing the   39  things like making dinner or other housework . Because we’re part of a   40   and Mrs Smith is our neighbor , we need to do some thing to help her. Mrs Smith won’t   41   be able to talk with  or hug her daughter or do all those wonderful things that mommies and daughters do together. You’re a very smart girl , Susie ; maybe you’ll think of some way to help take care of Mrs. Smith.”

Susie thought seriously about this  42   and how she could do her part in   43  Mrs. Smith. A few minutes later , Susie knocked on her door. After a few moments , Mrs Smith   44   the knock with a “Hi , Susie”.

Susie noticed that Mrs. Smith didn’t have that   45   musical quality about her voice when she greeted someone, and she also looked as though having been   46   because her eyes were weary and swollen(肿胀). “What can I do for you , Susie ?” asked Mrs. Smith.

“My mommy says that you lost your daughter and you’re very , very sad with a broken heart.” Susie   47  her hand out shyly. In it was a   48  . “This is for your  49  . Mrs. Smith knelt down and hugged Susie , choking back her tears.   50  her tears she said ,”thank you , darling girl, this will help a lot.”

Mrs. Smith accepted Susie’s act of kindness and took it one step   51   . She bought a small key ring with a picture frame ----  52   designed to carry keys and proudly display a family portrait at the same time. Mrs. Smith placed Susie’s Band –Aid in the frame to   53  herself to heal a little every time she sees it. She wisely knows that healing takes time and support . It has become her  54   for healing ,    55  forgetting the joy and love she experienced with her laughter.

36. A. when          B. then             C. as                   D. while

37. A. stated           B. wandered        C. claimed              D. wondered

38. A. after all         B. at present         C. from now on          D. for a little while

39. A. little            B. few             C. hard                 D. tough

40. A. family           B. community       C. world               D. race

41. A. even            B. nearly           C. ever                 D. barely

42. A. challenge        B. chance           C. incident              D. risk

43. A. attending to      B. stocking with      C. dealing with          D. getting on with

44. A. reacted          B. responded        C. answered             D. received

45. A. desperate        B. familiar           C. annoying           D. anxious

46. A. sleeping         B. reflecting         C. weeping            D. praying

47. A. brought          B. took             C. held               D. pulled

48. A. Band-Aid        B. key              C. picture             D. frame

49. A. daughter        B. eyes            C. hands             D. broken heart

50. A. Upon            B. Through          C. At               D. By

51. A. further          B. as well             C. in detail           D. once again

52. A. that             B. which             C. what              D. one

53. A. recover          B. remind            C. reward            D. repay

54. A. symbol          B. burden            C. pressure           D. ambition

55. A. rather than       B. in case of          C. yet not             D. regardless of                 



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