摘要: amount n. 数量 ☆重点短语☆



Information from the pioneer spacecraft of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) obviously proves the theory that the burning 900-degree Fahrenheit surface temperature of Venus (金星) is due to an atmospheric greenhouse effect caused mainly by a blanket of carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse effect is created when energy in the form of sunlight easily passes through a planet’s atmosphere, warms is surface, and becomes heat radiation that is then held in by the atmosphere. The orbiting spacecraft has collected Venus’s atmosphere from top to bottom so that NASA’s scientists are able to prove the exact amount of sunlight received at various places in the planet’s atmosphere and on its surface. Measurements of atmosphere, temperature, and radiative heating foresee Venus’s surface temperature very exactly. The planet is closer to the Sun than it is to the Earth, and it has a thin atmosphere like the Earth’s but Venus atmosphere is made up of more than ninety percent carbon dioxide, compared to less than four percent in that of the Earth. Because of its higher percentage of carbon dioxide, Venus’s atmosphere receives much more heat radiation than the Earth’s does. Thus the Venus studies are believed to be important to the understanding of possible bad effects on Earth’s agriculture and sea levels that could result from the long-term use of fuels, which add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere


1. atmospheric adj.大气()

2. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

3orbit vt.使(人造卫星、宇宙飞船等)进入空间轨道;绕轨道运行

4amount n.总数,总额

5compare vt.把……比作(to)

1Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

AA New Theory

BMeasuring Planetary Temperatures

CThe Journey of Pioneer Spacecraft

DThe Greenhouse Effect on Venus

2According to the passage, what happens to heat radiation on Venus?

AIt disappears at the planet’s surface

BIt is received by the atmosphere

CIt creates energy

DIt is changed into other kind of energy





  Information from the pioneer spacecraft of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)obviously proves the theory that the burning 900degree Fahrenheit surface temperature of Venus is due to an atmospheric green- house effect caused mainly by a blanket of carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse effect is created when energy in the form of sunlight easily passes through a planet's atmosphere (大气), warms is surface, and becomes heat radiation that is then held in by the atmosphere. The orbiting spacecraft has collected Venus's atmosphere from top to bottom so that NASA's scientists are able to prove the exact amount (n.总数,总额)of sunlight received at various places in the planet's atmosphere and on its surface. Measurements of atmosphere, temperature, and radioactive heating foresee Venus' s surface temperature very exactly. The planet is closer to the Sun than it is to the Earth, and it has a thin atmosphere like the Earth's but Venus atmosphere is made up of more than ninety percent carbon dioxide(二气化碳), compared to less than four percent in that of the Earth. Because of its higher percentage of carbon dioxide, Venus's atmosphere receives much more heat radiation than the Earth's does. Thus the Venus studies are believed to be important to the understanding of possible bad effects on Earth' s agriculture and sea levels that could result from the long term use of fuels, which add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

(1)Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

[  ]

A.A New Theory

B.Measuring Planetary Temperatures

C.The Journey of Pioneer Spacecraft

D.The Greenhouse Effect on Venus

(2)According to the passage, what happens to heat radiation on Venus?

[  ]

A.It disappears at the planet's surface.

B.It is received by the atmosphere.

C.It creates energy.

D.It is changed into other kind of energy.

(3)According to the passage, how does the atmosphere of Venus differ from that of the Earth?

[  ]

A.It contains much more carbon dioxide.

B.It holds much less water.

C.It is four percent thinner.

D.It receives less heat radiation.

(4)From the passage can be considered that the burning of fuels on the Earth may cause ________.

[  ]

A.more carbon dioxide to enter sea water

B.more sunlight to reach the Earth's surface

C.the atmosphere to become thinner

D.the planet's temperature to change

(5)According to the passage, information from the Venus study can be used to ________.

[  ]

A.foresee changes in the planet's orbit

B.foresee future agricultural problems on the Earth

C.test the efficiency of a spacecraft

D.test a theory about more efficient greenhouse 查看习题详情和答案>>


Information from the pioneer spacecraft of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) obviously proves the theory that the burning 900-degree Fahrenheit surface temperature of Venus (金星) is due to an atmospheric greenhouse effect caused mainly by a blanket of carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse effect is created when energy in the form of sunlight easily passes through a planet’s atmosphere, warms is surface, and becomes heat radiation that is then held in by the atmosphere. The orbiting spacecraft has collected Venus’s atmosphere from top to bottom so that NASA’s scientists are able to prove the exact amount of sunlight received at various places in the planet’s atmosphere and on its surface. Measurements of atmosphere, temperature, and radiative heating foresee Venus’s surface temperature very exactly. The planet is closer to the Sun than it is to the Earth, and it has a thin atmosphere like the Earth’s but Venus atmosphere is made up of more than ninety percent carbon dioxide, compared to less than four percent in that of the Earth. Because of its higher percentage of carbon dioxide, Venus’s atmosphere receives much more heat radiation than the Earth’s does. Thus the Venus studies are believed to be important to the understanding of possible bad effects on Earth’s agriculture and sea levels that could result from the long-term use of fuels, which add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere


1. atmospheric adj.大气()

2. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

3orbit vt.使(人造卫星、宇宙飞船等)进入空间轨道;绕轨道运行

4amount n.总数,总额

5compare vt.把……比作(to)

1Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

AA New Theory

BMeasuring Planetary Temperatures

CThe Journey of Pioneer Spacecraft

DThe Greenhouse Effect on Venus

2According to the passage, what happens to heat radiation on Venus?

AIt disappears at the planet’s surface

BIt is received by the atmosphere

CIt creates energy

DIt is changed into other kind of energy





  Information from the pioneer spacecraft of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)obviously proves the theory that the burning 900degree Fahrenheit surface temperature of Venus is due to an atmospheric green- house effect caused mainly by a blanket of carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse effect is created when energy in the form of sunlight easily passes through a planet's atmosphere (大气), warms is surface, and becomes heat radiation that is then held in by the atmosphere. The orbiting spacecraft has collected Venus's atmosphere from top to bottom so that NASA's scientists are able to prove the exact amount (n.总数,总额)of sunlight received at various places in the planet's atmosphere and on its surface. Measurements of atmosphere, temperature, and radioactive heating foresee Venus' s surface temperature very exactly. The planet is closer to the Sun than it is to the Earth, and it has a thin atmosphere like the Earth's but Venus atmosphere is made up of more than ninety percent carbon dioxide(二气化碳), compared to less than four percent in that of the Earth. Because of its higher percentage of carbon dioxide, Venus's atmosphere receives much more heat radiation than the Earth's does. Thus the Venus studies are believed to be important to the understanding of possible bad effects on Earth' s agriculture and sea levels that could result from the long term use of fuels, which add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

(1)Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

[  ]

A.A New Theory

B.Measuring Planetary Temperatures

C.The Journey of Pioneer Spacecraft

D.The Greenhouse Effect on Venus

(2)According to the passage, what happens to heat radiation on Venus?

[  ]

A.It disappears at the planet's surface.

B.It is received by the atmosphere.

C.It creates energy.

D.It is changed into other kind of energy.

(3)According to the passage, how does the atmosphere of Venus differ from that of the Earth?

[  ]

A.It contains much more carbon dioxide.

B.It holds much less water.

C.It is four percent thinner.

D.It receives less heat radiation.

(4)From the passage can be considered that the burning of fuels on the Earth may cause ________.

[  ]

A.more carbon dioxide to enter sea water

B.more sunlight to reach the Earth's surface

C.the atmosphere to become thinner

D.the planet's temperature to change

(5)According to the passage, information from the Venus study can be used to ________.

[  ]

A.foresee changes in the planet's orbit

B.foresee future agricultural problems on the Earth

C.test the efficiency of a spacecraft

D.test a theory about more efficient greenhouse 查看习题详情和答案>>

I was in the queue for the supermarket checkout(付款台) earlier today.All of the checkouts were    36  , and the woman behind me was not happy! Every word that came from her mouth was a(n)    37  ! She wasn’t happy with the number of checkouts      38   ; she wasn’t happy with the amount of shopping some people had in their baskets; she wasn’t happy because this supermarket didn’t have a stand where she    39   scan her own shopping.
I listened to her    40  looking around as I loaded my stuff onto the conveyor belt (传送带).I didn’t want    41   to do with that kind of attitude, and if ever I’d felt like letting someone go     42    of me, it wouldn’t be such a woman!
But then I    43  back.Standing beside the woman was a five-year-old girl,    44   her granddaughter.The girl’s part of the shopping    45  of some comic books.
I couldn’t    46  it.I pushed my shopping back to the end of the conveyor belt,     47   a space.“After you,” I said to the woman and the girl, and    48   them to a big    49   .The woman was delighted, and even    50   to complain ---- until she was walking away.
So,  51  bother having helped? It was because that little girl was probably taking in her granny’s complaint like a sponge(海绵).She was learning how to    52   situations like that by listening to her granny.I’d seen that I could interrupt that complaining, and put a smile and some   53   into the middle of it.
We can all complain; we can all react    54   , but it doesn’t have to be like that.And, even if only for a few     55    , I wanted to leave that little soul with just a glimpse of another way.

A.busyB.big C.freeD.empty
A.quarrel B.argumentC.praiseD.complaint
A.opened B.closedC.leftD.hired
A.face withB.put withC.deal withD.do with
A.actively B.correctlyC.negativelyD.patiently


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