摘要: organize vt. & vi. 组织


This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers(young people aged from 13 —19)from all over the world will spend about ten months in U. S. homes. They will attend U.S. schools, meet U.S. teenagers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.

Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George’s family. In turn, George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred’s home in America.

Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months’ study, the language began to come to him. The school was completely different from what he had expected — much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.

       Family life, too, was different. The father’s word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual. Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.

       “Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it.”

       At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea. “I suppose I should criticize American schools,” he says. “It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens. There ought to be some middle ground between the two.”


respectfully  adv. 尊敬地,谦恭地

criticize  vt. 批评,责备

Choose the best answers according to the above:

This year       __ teenagers will take part in the exchange programme between America and other countries.

A. twenty-three hundred       B. thirteen hundred

C. over three thousand   D. less than two thousand

The whole exchange programme is mainly to        __.

A. help teenagers in other countries know the real America

B. send students in America to travel in Germany

C. let students learn something about other countries

D. have teenagers learn new languages

What is particular in America schools is that        __.

A. there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings.

B. there are a lot of outside activities

C. students usually take fourteen subjects in all

D. students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car

After experiencing the American school life, Mike thought        __.

A. a better education should include something good from both American and Germany

B. German schools trained students to be better citizens

C. American schools were not as good as German schools

D. the easy life in the American school was more helpful to students


The Friday after the American holiday of Thanksgiving is called Black Friday. It’s said that it’s the day that store ledgers(分类账)move into the black and companies become profitable. On that day, retailers slash(砍) prices to get consumers to buy.  It is also a time when many Americans start their Christmas shopping. VOA’s Elizabeth Lee tells us how the economy may affect consumers on that bargain day.

 This day should be a shopper’s dream. “It’s just the deals, the sales and everything you can get for a lesser price,” said Sandy Thomas, a shopper. But it’s a nightmare for others. “I think it’s crazy. I’ve done all of my shopping throughout the week so I don’t have to go out on Friday,” she said. It’s called Black Friday, the start of the traditional Christmas shopping season in the United States. Every year it’s the day after the Thanksgiving holiday. Stores open before sunrise and there are deep discounts everywhere you look.

Last year a crowd of bargain-hunters killed a Wal-mart worker in a New York suburb. This year, many stores are increasing security while they slash prices. “This is a huge time for the retail stores,” said Fred Joutz from George Washington University. “This is when they begin making their profits for the year.”

Economics professor Fred Joutz says how Americans spend the weekend after Thanksgiving is a good indication of how consumers feel about the future.

With the unemployment rate above 10 percent, Joutz says Americans are saving more and spending less. Some retailers are attracting consumers by opening on Thanksgiving Day, when shops are traditionally closed.  Other stores open their doors anywhere from midnight to four in the morning.

And shoppers will be lining up in front of the doors in order to be one of the first ones to walk through and get a big discount. Electronics like flat screen TVs are usually the first items to go. Sandy Thomas says it’s an annual family tradition and well worth it. “I just save maybe half of what I would have spent on a regular, you know, shopping trip,” she said.

Economists say U.S. consumers will spend money this Black Friday, but they will spend it more carefully.

1.By saying “This day should be a shopper’s dream”, the writer means ________ .

A.shoppers have longed for this day for a long time

B.the shops will be very crowded on that day

C.the shops will keep open until the daybreak of next day

D.shoppers can buy many items at low prices on that day

2.Why are many stores increasing security according to the passage?

A.Because there are too many people saving more and spending less.

B.Because it’s a time when they begin making their profits for the year.

C.Because last year a crowd of bargain-hunters caused an accident.

D.Because many stores open their doors from midnight to four a.m.

3.From the passage we know that_________.

A. Christmas shopping is traditional time and this year it is no exception.

B. Electronics like flat screen TVs are usually least discounted.

C. The economy only affects consumers on that bargain day.

D. Thanksgiving is a good indication of how consumers feel about the future.

4.We can find this passage in_________.

A. a science fiction                       B. a travel brochure

C. an economic research report             D. a book on psychology

5.Why American people call it a black day?

A. Because they organize activities in honor of some great person.

B. Because there are too many people going out shopping for Christmas.

C. Too many people are celebrating Thanks giving.

D. The sky is black that day.



下面文章中有5处 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。

A.Make a list of obstacles and benefits of achieving your goal

B.Enlist the help of others

C.Learn what you need to learn

D.Visualize yourself having achieved each of your goals

E.Get organized and reward yourself each step of the way

F.Put your goals in writing

The goals that guide us

“Not all who wander are lost,” they say, but for the great majority of us, having a road map for the future is a key element to well-being and success, however we choose to define it.This means setting goals for ourselves, and finding ways to achieve them.If you’re a wanderer, it might be time to realize the great significance of setting goals.

It’s simply a fact: when people have goals to guide them, they are happier and achieve more than they would without having them.It’s a brain thing.Achieving a goal you’ve set produces a neurotransmitter (神经传递素) responsible for feelings of pleasure, which will then activate neural circuitry that makes you eager to pursue new challenges.

Of course, a thousand mile journey starts with the first small step.And whether we’re starting on the long journey of a mid-life career switch or the walk to the bedroom to finally organize that closet, it can be hard to gather up the motivation to make that initial step.While setting goals is in itself motivating, sometimes it’s just not enough.Here are some tried-and-true ways you can begin to move toward achieving your goals.


The act of writing down what you are going to do is a strong motivator.Writing down goals prevents you from leaving your goals vague.Be specific.Use action verbs.Let your goals have measurable outcomes.Specify completion dates.Also record what your reward will be for achieving the goal.Make a contract with yourself, then read it each morning and night.This will help you to be more committed to your goal as each day passes.And while you’ve got the pen in your hand...


Think of everything that might stand in your way.Then decide what you can do about each obstacle.Design a plan to reduce the influence of each obstacle and increase the chances that you will be successful in reaching your goal.Knowing exactly what you will gain from reaching your goal is a strong motivator.Keeping my checkbook balanced will give me more spending money on the weekends.Walking a mile every morning will help me stay focused at work.


If information or skill is keeping you from achieving your goals, determine ways to fill in the gaps, and build this into your action plan.Be willing to study and work hard to reach your goals.Think about how much time and effort will be required, and ask yourself whether you are really willing and able to do what is necessary.It is better to adjust your goals or your timetable than to proceed with a plan that is unrealistic.


Find someone, a coworker or friend, with whom you share a common goal.Get someone to go to the gym with you, or to quit smoking with you, or to share healthy meals with you.A partner can help you stay committed and motivated.Look for role models, people who have already achieved the goals you seek to reach.Ask them for advice and suggestions.Find how they got where they are, and incorporate what you learn into your plan.


The more real you can make your visualization, the better.Find a quiet place, visualize, and write down your experiences afterward.Go through magazines and cut out pictures that represent your goal, then put them around the house.Provide constant reminders to yourself about what you’re working towards.Describe your ideal life in the future.Write a few paragraphs describing what you have accomplished, and how your life is better as a result.Use the present tense as if it is happening right here, right now.This is another way of making your vision real.



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