摘要: the same goals 有共同的目标


I remember one Thanksgiving when our family had no money and no food, and someone knocked on our door. A man was there with a giant   36  and some other food. The stranger announced, “I’m here to help people  37  . Have a great Thanksgiving.”
From then on ,I promised  38  that someday I would do the same for others. Every Thanksgiving since I was eighteen, I would buy enough food,   39  like a delivery boy, go to the   40 neighborhood and knock on a door. I always   41  a note explaining my Thanksgiving experience as a kid. I have received  42  from it than from any amount of money.
Last Thanksgiving I was in a hotel in New York with my new wife. She was sad because normally she  43  be home decorating the house for Christmas. I said, “Why don’t we decorate some  44  today instead of trees?” When I told her what I always did on Thanksgiving , she got  45  .
We went down to the street to  46  a van. We has waved to about twenty drivers before one finally   47 . We asked him, “Could you take us to a disadvantaged area? We’ll pay you.”
The driver said, “You don’t have to 48  me. I’ll take you to places you’ve  49  thought of going.   50 first tell me why you want to do this.”
I told him my story and that I wanted to show gratitude by giving something  51  . We bought food  52 for a troop. Then he took us to the South Bronx where there were half a dozen people living in one room with no electricity or heat in the dead of   53  . It was both an  54 realization that people lived this way and a truly fulfilling experience to make even a small  55  .
36.A.chicken    B.turkey      C.pig    D.sheep
37.A.in vain     B.in turn      C.in return   D.in need
38.A.my wife   B.the stranger      C.myself      D.him
39.A.dress B.work C.look  D.behave
40.A.poorest     B.nearest      C.nicest       D.best
41.A.included   B.read  C.contained  D.took
42.A.much       B.less   C.fewer       D.more
43.A.could       B.would       C.might       D.must
44.A.hotels       B.lives  C.streets       D.houses
45.A.nervous    B.sad    C.excited     D.worried
46.A.buy   B.make C.decorate    D.find
47.A.talked       B.smiled      C.fled   D.stopped
48.A.tell    B.stop   C.ask    D.pay
49.A.ever  B.never C.always      D.sometimes
50.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Instead     D.But
51.A.up     B.back  C.in      D.out
52.A.just   B.right  C.enough     D.good
53.A.spring      B.summer    C.autumn     D.winter
54.A.astonishing      B.angry       C.unforgettable    D.unrealistic
55.A.progress   B.meal  C.difference D.Trip


The bus is a usable form of transportation all over the world because we can easily take it to go everywhere. Also, we do not need to worry about danger on a long-distance trip. Now, we have comfortable buses in London. I would like to describe how comfortable they are. First, the number of seats on a bus has been reduced from 44 to 19. The reason why the number of seats is now 19 is that the seats have been changed to big and comfortable sofas.
Originally, they changed the normal seats to airplane seats and took out ten seats from the buses. However, every customer wanted to have a more comfortable seat on the bus when they went on long-distance trips, so they changed them to sofas. Also, the owners of the bus companies wanted to make more money, so they tried to meet the passengers’ needs. They changed the airplane seats to sofas, so the number of seats is now 19.
As the new buses appear, the prices go up, too. The owners have many ideas, which you have probably never thought about before. Now they have bus attendants who serve water, snacks, newspapers, and towels.
Also, you can change the direction and the height of the sofa to make yourself more comfortable, and there is a service bell on each sofa. Moreover, some companies show movies on the buses. In addition, when you go on a long-distance trip, they have luxurious(豪华的) buses that have an LCD screen on each seat. That is not the only surprising thing on the bus. They also have different TV channels, movie channels, and seventy TV games for killing time while you are on the bus.
【小题1】How many airplane seats did they put in a bus originally?

A.10 seats.B.19 seats.C.34 seats.D.44 seats.
【小题2】 The direction and height of the sofas can be changed so that ______.
A. they can take up less space            B. they can hold more people
C. passengers can feel more comfortable   D. passengers can watch a movie
【小题3】If you are thirsty and want to have a drink while sitting in the bus, you’d better _____.
A.go to the front of the bus to get itB.get off the bus to buy some by yourself
C.change the direction of the seatD.ring the bell on your sofa
【小题4】Though there are fewer seats on the buses, _____.
A.the bus can pick up as many passengers as before
B.the owners get more money by offering better service
C.the bus fare remains the same as before
D.the bus is as crowded as it was before


I told my friend Graham that I often cycle t miles to my company, but unfortunately there is a big hill on my way. He replied, “You are    1   .” He explained that I should be thankful for the extra exercise that the hill provided.
My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to    2   as I approached it, but now I think that this hill will exercise my heart and lungs and it will    3   me to lose weight and get fit. This hill is my friend. I even feel sorry for those who    4   to go to a gym and sit on exercise bicycles    5   I can get the same value for free.
We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a university    6  . She wrote, “Character cannot be developed    7   . Only through experiences of trial and    8    can the soul be strengthened, ambition    9    and success achieved.”
One of the main factors of success in life is our attitude towards adversity (逆境).    10  we face hardships, problems and difficulties. We cannot    11   the adversity, but we can choose our attitude towards it. Douglas Bader was twenty-one when he had both legs cut off following a flying     12  . He was determined to fly again and became one of the leading    13   in Britain. He said, “Don’t listen to anyone    14    tells you that you can’t do this or that. That’s nonsense. Go to school, and join in all the games you can. Make up your mind, and you’ll succeed.”
Great people rise from adversity. Their common quality is that they did not become    15   in face of adversity. They chose to be positive. They took on the challenge and they won.

A.with fearB.at workC.on purposeD.in ease
A.happiness B.travelC.learningD.suffering
A.From time to timeB.Day and nightC.Around the clockD.For the time being


三. 完形填空:
When I come across a good essay in reading newspapers, I often feel like cutting and keeping it. But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the 1___ side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to keep in good health, or advice about how to be oneself in 2___ . If I cut the front essay, the opposite one is bound to 3___ damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject. As a result, the scissors would 4___ before they start, or halfway done when I find out the result that inevitably cause me 5___.
Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both worthy your 6___. You can only take up one of them, while the other has to wait or be 7___. But you know the future is unpredictable ---- the changed 8___ may not allow you to do what is 9___ behind. Thus you are caught in a fix and feel sad. 10 ___come that nice opportunities and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may 11___ that your life changes dramatically on your preference of one 12___ to the other.
In fact that is what life is like: we are often 13___ with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable like newspaper cutting. It often 14___ that our attention is drawn to one thing only after we take up another. The former may be more 15___ than the latter and give rise to a divided 16___ . I still remember a philosopher’s remarks, “When one door shuts, another opens in life.”17___ a passive choice may not be a bad one.
Whatever we do in our lifetime, wherever life’s storm makes us 18 ___, there must be something we can 19___ , some shore we can land on. Don’t forget God always keeps an alternative door open for every one. While the front door is closed, there must be another 20___ for you.  
1. A. other     B. opposite       C. back           D. front 
2.A. society    B. your business   C. relation         D. the word
3. A. suffer     B. cause         C. receive         D. serve
4. A. fix       B. turn           C. stay           D. close  
5. A. fault      B. regret         C. disappointment  D. trouble
6. A. thought    B. sense        C. purpose        D. attention
7. A. put away   B. given up      C. let out          D. held on
8. A. chance     B. situation      C. state           D. condition
9.A. done       B. counted      C. prepared        D. left
10.A. How      B. Why        C. Where         D. When
11. A. seem     B. happen       C. develop         D. show
12.A. decision   B. opinion       C. choice          D. result
13.A. faced       B. mixed      C. provided      D. offered
14.A.appears      B. occurs     C. proves       D. explains
15.A. necessary    B. exciting    C. important      D. valuable
16.A. mind        B. subject     C. soul          D. brain
17.A. But         B. Otherwise   C. And          D. So
18.A. stop         B. live        C. pull          D. go
19.A. depend      B. treasure     C. achieve        D. imagine
20.A. alive        B. open       C. familiar        D. suitable


There once was a place  36  all the people were happy and  37 . Everyone was friendly and neighborly. Even the dogs and cats  38  together.
Then one day a stranger was seen  39  toward the village: a tall, tall stranger. As the stranger, who was a giant,  40  closer and closer, the people all ran into their houses and wouldn't come out.
The giant  41  the village. He was enormous, towering over everything.  42  a little girl stepped out on her porch. She jumped down from her porch. Her family yelled, "STOP! COME BACK! That's a giant!" But she didn't stop. She began to walk  43  the giant.
The strangest thing  44  . As the child walked toward the giant, he grew  45  . Soon he was the same size as the girl. As she came beside the giant, she  46  him. She stooped down and gently  47  the giant up in her hands, asking, "What's your name?"
The giant whispered, "My name is F-E-A-R! Help me!! I have a terrible  48  . I guess I look strange. When I meet people they are afraid of me. And when people are afraid of me, I suddenly grow into a giant and everybody runs away from me. YOU are not afraid of me, so I stayed small. Do you  49  it? It's crazy! Please help me!"
"I can take you for a walk through our village," the girl responded. "I want everyone to hear of your problem. When they know the truth, they will no  50  be afraid of you. While we are going from house to house you can look at me  51  , and then you will stay the same size as you are now.
"But  52  we go, let's change your name. What do you want to be called? YOU should not be called FEAR, because YOU are not afraid. It's the people who look at you  53  fear you. That's what causes you to grow into a giant."
"Will you hold my hand  54  ? If I get scared I'll shut my eyes. Oh, and will you please call me  55  ." 

A.whichB.for whichC.whenD.where
A.walkB.walkingC.walkedD.having walked
A.comingB.to comeC.cameD.having come
A.destroyedB.cameC.pulled downD.entered
A.For the momentB.All of a sudden
C.In the balanceD.In other words
A.occurred toB.occurringC.happenedD.take place
A.bigger and biggerB.weaker and weaker
C.narrower and narrowerD.smaller and smaller
A.towered overB.was under the shadow of
C.was afraid ofD.fighted against
A.for a whileB.in a minuteC.all the timeD.the whole day


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