摘要:6.Surprisingly the door is wide open though now.




A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had a large      , from Picasso to Van Gogh. They would often sit together and       the paintings of great artists. When the Vietnam conflict      , the son went to war.       he died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was in deep      .

A month later, a young man came with a large       in his hands. He said, “Sir, I am the soldier for whom your son       his life. He often talked about your love for      . So please accept it as a gift.” The father opened the package and saw a       of his son. The father was so drawn to the picture that his eyes welled up with tears.

A few months later, the wealthy man died. There was to be a great auction (拍卖) of his

     . Many people gathered,       over having an opportunity to       one painting. The auctioneer said, “We will start the bidding (竞拍) with this picture of the son. Who will bid for it?” There was      . Then a voice shouted, “We want to see the famous paintings. Just

      it.” “The son! Who’ll take the son?” the auctioneer continued.

Finally, a       came from the very back. It was the gardener of the old man. “I’m poor and can only       $10 for that.” The auctioneer asked the crowd to bid more.      , they still kept silent. So he pounded the gavel (小锤). “SOLD for $10!” A man shouted, “Go on with the collection!” The auctioneer said, “I’m sorry, the auction is      . According to       will, only the picture of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought that picture would be      with all of the possessions, including the paintings.”

1.A. library                                    B. collection               C. house                               D. garden

2.A. admire                                   B. process                   C. sell                                    D. arrange

3.A. broke away                           B. broke up                 C. broke out                         D. broke off

4.A. Unwillingly                   B. Surprisingly   C. Generally                         D. Unfortunately

5.A. mood                                      B. sorrow                    C. pressure                          D. nerve

6.A. package                                 B. book                        C. box                                    D. case

7.A. cost                                   B. gave                          C. assessed                           D. concluded

8.A. music                                      B. smoking                  C. clothes                             D. art

9.A. watch                                     B. picture                    C. gift                                     D. letter

10.A. house                    B. garden                    C. paintings                          D. son

11.A. disappointed                      B. excited          C. puzzled                            D. stressed

12.A. buy                        B. search                      C. steal                                  D. adopt

13.A. noise                                    B. shout                       C. delight                              D. silence

14.A. ignore                                  B. defeat                     C. divide                     D. tolerate

15.A. seller                                    B. painter                    C. voice                                 D. scream

16.A. spend                                   B. sponsor                   C. contribute                       D. afford

17.A. Thus                                     B. However                 C. Therefore                        D. Besides

18.A. over                                     B. on                         C. apart                                 D. alongside

19.A. the gardener’s          B. the son’s                 C. the young man’s             D. the old man’s

20.A. supplied                         B. appointed                C. presented                        D. equipped



Buying a house for most of the people is a once in a lifetime decision, which means people decide to do so only after coming across the ideal house. Surprisingly, eight in every 10 home buyers are unhappy with their houses.
A survey conducted by the Beijing Consumers’ Association (BCA) recently shows about 80 percent of the 2,315 respondents in 23 residential complexes of Beijing are dissatisfied with the soaring house prices.
They think the reasonable price in Beijing should be between 3,000 yuan and 7,000 yuan per square meter.
The quality of the buildings, the surrounding environment and traffic and property management(物业管理)are the other factors that play a role in people’s decision to buy a house.
The BCA has suggested strict sales regulations and contracts to ease house-owners’ sufferings. It has urged the authorities to impose severe punishment on developers found violating building and other rules and joining hands with others to bid up property prices, About 41.2 percent of the respondents have complained that their house have defective designs, while nearly 40 percent say the lighting and ventilation(通风)are far from satisfactory.
The landscapes in the residential areas are a source of unhappiness for 43.2 percent of the respondents, and about one-third say they were “bluffed” into buying “third grade” house. And more than half are not satisfied with the sport and entertainment facilities in their neighborhood.
Property management in the buildings, 56.5 percent of the respondents say, is way below standard compared to the high fee charged by the complexes.
60 percent of the consumers doubt the contents of developers’ advertisements, with only 6.3 percent being satisfied.
Experts have suggested consumers gather thorough knowledge about a developer and their work before deciding to buy a house from it. They should check the day-light conditions and ventilation in different weather conditions in advance, if possible.
【小题1】 According to the passage________ of the buyers are NOT content with their houses.

A.80%B.60%C.56.5 %D.41.2%
【小题2】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Most Home Buyers Are Unhappy with Their House.
B.Buying a House Is an Important Decision.
C.Thinking Carefully Before Buying a House.
D.The Environment Is Important When Making a Decision.
【小题3】The meaning of the underlined word probably means “_______”.
【小题4】If you want to buy a flat, according to the survey, you will consider the following EXCEPT_______.
A.property managementB.the surrounding environment
C.the quality of the buildingsD.the height of the building




    Everywhere, you will find "the white-haired boy", sometimes called "the fair-haired" boy.He gets special   36   , as if he were above everybody else.You will find him in school, in college, at home, or   37   you work.

    In school, he is teacher's   38   , her favorite who can do nothing   39  .Sometimes she lets him do little jobs for her.He comes to class in the morning, all shiny and clean." He is always raising his hand,   40   with answers to the teacher' s questions.And he knows all the answers.

    He gets into your hair, especially if you are at the  41   of the class and die teacher thinks you are slow at learning things.How you   42   the guy!

    At college, he walks across the school ground as if he  43   it.Sometimes he wears a, colorful football or basketball shirt or sweater, with a bright red, or green or yellow college letter   44  worn on the front of it.What   45   shoulders, what muscles he has! He   46   the girls happy by just smiling at them.He has the mark of _47_ on him.   

    At home, "the fair-haired boy" is  48   choice.Sometimes, he is the oldest son—  49  , the youngest.If you are in between, you are out of  50   

    Then, you discover that there are others who   51   your feelings, ready to tell you their private   52  .One of them asks, "What does he have that I haven't got?" You ask yourself the same question.

      53  , there comes a day when you decide to stop hating him. Is it  54  because he has been made boss and you  55   yourself working for him?

A.treatment   B.belief   C.courage  D.encouragement

A.somewhere   B.anywhere C.where    D.everywhere

A.pet B.friend   C.workmate D.child

A.correct B.wrong    C.special  D.difficult

A.curious B.willing  C.interested   D.ready

A.front   B.top  C.bottom   D.point

A.hated   B.envy C.admire   D.like

A.brought B.won  C.owned    D.gained

A.freely  B.quickly  C.delightedly  D.proudly

A.great   B.broad    C.manned   D.bright

A.makes   B.les  C.takes    D.keep

A.success B.challenge    C.faith    D.innocence

A.Father’s   B.Mother’s    C.Sister’s    D.Grandma’s

A.seldom  B.never    C.usually  D.at times

A.pity    B.luck C.shame    D.sight

A.understand  B.realize  C.share    D.reach

A.opinions    B.suggestions  C.expressions  D.thoughts

A.Gradually   B.Finally  C.Surprisingly D.Actually

A.certain     B.true C.perhaps  D.possible

A.see B.know C.notice   D.find


Joy in the journey

If you have ever been discouraged because of failure, please read on. For often, achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing. Let me explain.

    Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to      . “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “We plan to dig a hole all the way through the      !” one of the brothers volunteered      .

    The older boys began to      , telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was      . After a long silence, one of the         picked up a jar full of spiders, worms and many other kinds of insects. He       the lid and showed the wonderful       to the scoffing(嘲笑的)visitors. Then he said quietly and      , “Even if we don’t dig all the way through the earth, look at what we have found       the way!”

    Their goal was far too ambitious, but it did cause them to dig. And that is       a goal is for — to cause us to move in the       we have chosen, in other words, to keep us      ! But not every goal will be fully      . Not every job will end      . Not every hope will come to pass. Not every love will last. Not every dream will be      . But when you fall       of your aim, perhaps you can say, “Yes, but look at what I found along the way! Look at the wonderful things       my life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digging       life is lived. And I believe it is the joy in the journey, in the end, that truly      .

1.A. rest             B. work        C. watch          D. laugh

2.A. house           B. earth        C. wall          D. road

3.A. calmly          B. patiently      C. excitedly              D. impatiently

4.A. laugh           B. think        C. stare                   D. smile

5.A. important       B. difficult       C. impossible        D. interesting

6.A. passers-by       B. watchers    C. visitors                D. diggers

7.A. moved           B. removed  C. broke          D. pushed

8.A. contents         B. scenes     C. pictures                D. jars

9.A. properly         B. confidently          C. carefully        D. happily

10.A. in               B. along               C. to                 D. out

11.A. what            B. how                    C. where              D. which

12.A. way             B. direction    C. life                D. sight

13.A. thinking         B. moving        C. digging           D. living

14.A. made            B. prepared            C. kicked                D. achieved

15.A. hopelessly        B. pleasantly            C. surprisingly      D. successfully

16.A. come true        B. realized              C. made              D. treasured

17.A. short             B. lost          C. out                D. behind

18.A. breaking into     B. turning to            C. coming into       D. holding to

19.A. when            B. where         C. which                D. that

20.A. matters          B. happens      C. appears           D. exists



When it comes to the prevention of heart disease, women need to pay attention to their own special risks. And so do men. Surprisingly, even children and teens need to be aware- or at least the parents who want to keep them safe do. Thankfully, scientists have also made great leaps in figuring out the specific prevention strategies that work best for all. So now, knowledge is your best protection.
What Men Need to Know
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), at least half of the people who die suddenly from heart disease each year had no clue they were sick. Some think that half of all heart attacks strike out of the blue. Not true, insists Jennifer Mieres, a spokeswoman for the AHA. A 2004 study found that at least 90 percent of first heart attacks are caused by well-known problems like high cholesterol(胆固醇) or diabetes. “If you look closely,” says she, “you’ll almost always find a risk factor that was undiscovered, ignored, or not adequately treated.”
Lifestyle changes like adopting a healthy diet, getting out for regular exercise, avoiding tobacco, losing weight are the first line of defense.
What Women Need to Know
There are some special considerations for the women who are  healthy and want to make sure they stay that way. First, they shouldn’t smoke-no one should, but the habit is even harder on women’s heart than it is on men’s.
Women who find that they are at risk should talk to their doctor about taking a statin(他汀,药物名). Indeed, statins reduce the risk of heart disease, but there has been not enough evidence that they help high-risk women and it can’t guarantee the long-term safety. So it’s worth noting that a healthy diet and exercise also reduce cholesterol.
What Parents Need to Know
Last year, a study showed that overweight children and teens have arteries(动脉)that look like those of an average 45-year-old. New guidelines say these children should get a cholesterol test by age ten -- and even urge doctors to consider statins for those most at risk if nothing else works. The recommendations caused oppositions. Lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise are the best strategy, says Dr. Greer, a professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. Statins should be considered only for kids in danger.

Title: The Family Guide to a Healthy Heart
All people, regardless of their gender(性别) and 1._____, should pay attention to their own special risks and keep some basic knowledge in mind to 2______ heart disease.
Things Men Need to Know
Such problems as high cholesterol or diabetes3____ to most of first heart attacks.
They should make changes in their lifestyle, like adopting a healthy diet, exercise4____ , avoiding tobacco and losing weight.
Things Women Need to Know
5____ should be avoided, which will do more6_____ to a woman’s heart than to a man’s.
Statins may not work on high-risk women and can’t guarantee safety in the long 7_______
With a healthy diet and exercise, one’s cholesterol can be 8.________.
Things Parents Need to Know
Research showed that overweight children and teens’ arteries are 9._____ to those of an average 45-year-old.
Children should change the way they live without taking statins unless in 10_______.


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