摘要: C.这种恶劣的气候条件下.生活是很艰难困苦的.故选hard. 40 Life in the twenty-first century will be very 1 . Many changes will take place, but 2 will the changes be. The population is growing 3 . There will be many 4 in the world and most of them will live 5 than people in the twentieth century. Computers will be much smaller and 6 and there will be at least one in every 7 . And 8 studies will be one of the important subjects in school then. People will work 9 and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and travelling. 10 will be much easier and cheaper. And many more people will go to 11 countries for holidays. There will be changes in our 12 , too. Maybe no one will eat meat every day, instead, they eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be 13 . Work in the future will be different, too. 14 and hard work can be done by robots. Because of this, 15 will not have enough work to do .This will be a problem.



1. 他迅速走过去把老人扶起来。

2. 我们跟着那小偷进了商店,并在他偷一位老人的钱的时候抓住了他的手。

3. 看到一块大石头挡住了去路,他们只得下车,并且费了九牛二虎的力气才把它移到路边。

4. 虽然他大声呼救,但无人来帮他。

5. 上个周日,当我们正在去公园的路上,一场大雨倾盆而下。结果我们浑身湿透了。

6. 王宏每天在吃完饭后,帮妈妈收拾桌子,这己经成为了惯例。

7. 他伸手去够书架上的那本书,但却摔倒在地上。

8. 我看见一位老人背着一个大包在雪地里费力地走着。

9. 那个骑车人撞倒了正在过马路的孩子。

10. 班长在墙上贴了一个通知,通知说:运动会因为下雪推迟到下周五。

11. 那位司机因为超速而付出了高昂的代价。

12. 正在我苦思冥想怎样解决这个棘手的问题时,一个好主意出现在我的脑子里。

13. 在暑假里,我的好多同学外出打工,而我却在医院照顾生病的妈妈。

14. 当外国朋友走出我们的校门,我们看见他们十分友好地对我们挥手道别。

15. 当我们向机场行驶时,一场车祸发生了。

16. 他向我道歉,因为昨天下课时他误拿了我的字典。

17. 当他弯腰系鞋带时,他看见地上有东西在发亮。

18. 当他回到家时己是晚上9点了。妈妈仍在等他回来吃饭。

19. 我写信告诉他:我在出国前必须进行大量的口语训练。

20. 他因我的及时帮助而表达了由衷的感谢。

21. 那只绑在树上的羊丢失了。这使他很伤心。

22. 那位司机因闯红灯而罚款200元。

23. 这些社会实践他活动有利于孩子们的个性培养和良好品德的形成。

24. 我们正在吃饭,突然闯进一个衣衫破旧的陌生人。

25. 他们决定去老王家登门拜访,并且和他好好谈谈。

26. 刚上路,天就开始下雨,这使我们十分扫兴。

27. 那个年青人虽然伤得不轻,但还是挣扎着站起来,并大声呼救。

28. 他一脚踩空,重重地摔在地上。

29. 在半道上他们遭遇到交通堵塞而且天也黑了。他们只得在路边小旅馆留宿一夜。

30. 他是一个很有礼貌的人。每次去看他,他都要把我们送到门口并嘱咐我们路上小心车辆。

31. 听到高速路上发生了一起严重的交通事故,他们立刻前去救护伤员。

32. 一个不能认真对待工作的人是不能被录用的。

33. 由于改革开放的好政策,许多村庄都呈现出一派欣欣向荣的气象。

34. 我们的老师并不鼓励我们熬夜做作业。

35. 在走了20里路后,我们累坏了。

36. 他为那张祖传的名画而十分自豪。

37. 他们在会上作了简要的自我介绍,然后才开始热烈的讨论。

38. 那位科学家因为研究发明了新稻种而获得了500万奖金。

39. 今年春节,很多地方都允许放鞭炮来辞旧迎接新。

40. 他主动提出帮我抬箱子,为此我很感谢他。

41. 恶劣的气候不仅破坏了我的心情而且使我无法去和朋友们见面。

42. 他从口袋里掏出几个硬币,放到那个卖艺人前面的盒子里。

43. 那辆车在我面前突然左转,这吓得我够呛。


56­year­old becomes 1st woman to swim Atlantic
(AP)-Jennifer Figge pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand, excited and exhausted as she touched land this week for the first time in almost a month. Reaching a beach in Trinidad, she became the first woman on record to swim across the Atlantic Ocean—a dream she'd had since the early 1960s,when a stormy trans­Atlantic (飞越大西洋) flight got her thinking she could wear a life vest and swim the rest of the way if needed.
The 56­year­old left the Cape Verde Islands off Africa's western coast on Jan.12,2009, swimming 19 out of 25 days battling waves of up to 30 feet.The distance from Cape Verde to Trinidad is about 700 miles.Crewmembers are still computing exactly how many miles she swam.
The original plan was for her to swim to the Bahamas—a distance of about 2,100 miles—but inclement (恶劣的) weather forced her to change her plans and she arrived at Trinidad on Feb.5.She now plans to swim from Trinidad to the British Virgin Islands,ending her voyage at the Bitter End Yacht Club in late February.
Her journey came a decade after French swimmer Benoit Lecomte made the first known solo trans­Atlantic swim,covering nearly 4,000 miles from Massachusetts to France in 73 days.No woman on record had made the crossing.
Figge wore a red cap and wet suit,with her only good­luck charm (护身符) underneath:an old,red shirt to guard against chafing (磨痛),signed by friends,relatives and her father,who recently died.The other cherished (珍惜) possession she kept onboard was a picture of Gertrude Ederle,an American who became the first woman to swim across the English Channel.“We have a few things in common,”Figge said,“She wore a red hat and she was of German descent (血统).We both talked to the sea,and neither one of us wanted to get out.”
【小题1】When did Jennifer Figge want to swim across the Atlantic Ocean?

A.After she reached a beach in Trinidad.
B.After she pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand.
C.After her stormy trans­Atlantic flight in the early 1960s.
D.After her graduation from a university.
【小题2】Jennifer Figge had to change her plans     .
A.because she wanted to shorten her voyage
B.because of bad weather conditions
C.because she wanted to end her voyage in late February
D.because she wanted to set a new world record
【小题3】When did Benoit Lecomte probably make the first known solo trans­Atlantic swim?
A.In 1999.B.In 1988.C.In 1978 .D.In 1968.
【小题4】For what purpose did Jennifer Figge keep a photo of Gertrude Ederle?
A.Figge would like to follow her example.
B.She had the same red cap as Figge always wore.
C.Figge also wanted to swim across the English Channel.
D.They were both born in Germany.


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