摘要:14.D.fall on为“掉到--上 , fall off 是指“从某处摔下 , fall down是“落下 .


Plants are very important living things. Life could not go if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. So animals and man need plants in order to live. This is why we find that there are so many plants around us.
If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants.
Flowering plants can make seeds. The seeds are protected by the fruits. Some fruits have one seed, some have two, three or four, and some have many seeds. But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An example of a fruit without seeds is the banana fruit.
Most non-flowering plants don’t grow from seeds. They grow from spores(孢子). Spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite the same as the seeds. When these spores fall on wet and shady places, they usually grow into new plants.
【小题1】The main idea of the passage is that __________.

A.plants are important for life
B.plants cannot grow without air
C.there are many plants around us
D.we cannot live without water
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.Plants can be divided into main types: flowering plants and non-flowering plants.
B.All fruits have seeds in them
C.Seeds are protected by the fruits.
D.Some plants grow from spores.
【小题3】The word “non-flowering ” in this passage means __________.


It happened many years ago, and I was in high school then. Being a student from a 36  family, I had to work on weekends to make some extra money that my family couldn’t really 37   to give me, and one day after work I lost my wallet.

My old car 38  gas in the back. I paid for the gas and then put my wallet on the bumper(保险杠),and drove off. I hadn’t even had time to 39  it when my phone rang and an old man asked me  40  I had lost my wallet. I checked the  41  of my jacket and to my horror, I had. He asked me to tell him how much money was 42  it, and I told him. He then told me where to  43  my wallet.

As I drove into his driveway, I  44  that his car was for the  45 . I was thinking that there was no way this man could 46  get out of hid car and get my wallet off the 47 . He had to pull over, 48 in his wheelchair, lower the lift, and then pick it up, I was  49 .

I knocked on the 50  and he told me to come in. I thanked him like 10 times for 51   my wallet. While I didn’t want to make him angry by offering him 52 , I really felt like offering something. So I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay his 53 , and he said, “Just pass  54  on.” I really wanted to thank him, so I 55  promised I would.

1.                A.strange         B.poor           C.happy    D.small


2.                A.decide         B.win            C.afford    D.keep


3.                A.threw          B.needed         C.cost D.had


4.                A.miss           B.take            C.open D.share


5.                A.why           B.how            C.if    D.when


6.                A.corners         B.parts           C.sides D.pockets


7.                A.for            B.on             C.behind   D.in


8.                A.pick up         B.look for         C.think about    D.set up


9.                A.noticed         B.said            C.meant    D.wrote


10.               A.young          B.old            C.disabled   D.rich


11.               A.sadly          B.easily          C.slowly D.bravely


12.               A.house          B.park           C.street     D.garden


13.               A.get            B.rush           C.pull  D.fall


14.               A.angry          B.pleased         C.disappointed   D.surprised


15.               A.floor           B.door           C.board D.car


16.               A.enjoying        B.disliking        C.finding    D.hiding


17.               A.money         B.thanks          C.invitations D.help


18.               A.carefulness     B.teaching        C.understanding D.kindness


19.               A.them          B.it              C.him  D.those


20.               A.suddenly       B.worriedly       C.calmly D.sincerely




An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters. It may cause great damage. So it is wise to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members.
Fragile items, like those made of glass are easily broken and should usually be placed on a lower surface, near the ground instead of placing them on cupboards higher up. Never place them near your bed, sofas and other furniture where you would be sitting or lying down. When there is a strong movement, these pieces will fall on the floor directly and not on you.
There is a strong chance of short circuits (短路) and fire breakouts during an earthquake. Make sure you turn off electrical connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens.
During an earthquake, lie beneath an object that is not easily damaged. Do not go near objects that could directly fall on you. Never use the elevator to go down. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out. Use the staircases at all times.
If you are outdoors, do not take shelter under a tree, streetlights, electric poles or tall buildings. If you are driving, stop your car and stay in a safe place. Do not park your car under a tree or any tall object.
If trapped in debris (瓦砾堆), cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can find you. Use a whistle (哨子) if one is available. Never shout for help. Shouting can cause you to breathe in dangerous amounts of dust. Do not light a match because you may burn yourself. Do not move about or kick up dust.
【小题1】The purpose of the passage is to tell readers _____.

A.the damage caused by earthquakes
B.the rescue work after earthquakes
C.what to do about earthquakes
D.how to prevent earthquakes
【小题2】 The underlined word “Fragile” in Paragraph 2 probably means _____.
A.easily brokenB.easily foundC.expensiveD.heavy
【小题3】To reduce the injury from the earthquake, items made of glass should be put _____.
A.on cupboards
B.in the bedroom
C.on a lower surface
D.where children can’t reach them
【小题4】During the earthquake, people are advised to _____.
A.go out the building at once
B.turn off electricity and gas immediately
C.take shelter under a tree
D.drive to a safe place quickly
【小题5】What should people NOT do when they are trapped in debris?
A.Cover their mouth with a handkerchief.
B.Tap on a pipe or wall for help.
C.Use a whistle for help.
D.Light a match for help.


Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and ,at its best, it makes little environmental influence. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness, it is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively(不引人注目地)and leave no mark.
Wild camping is not permitted in many places, particularly in crowded lowland Britain. Wherever you are, find out about organizations responsible for managing wild spaces, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland, but in England you must ask the landowner’s permission, except in national parks.
Camping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, experiencing bad weather, and making do without modern conveniences. A busy, fully-equipped campsite(野营地)seems to go against this, so seek out smaller, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still, find a campsite with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure.
Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good night’s sleep. Choose a campsite with privacy and minimum influence on others and the environment. Try to use an area where people have obviously camped before rather than creating a new spot. When camping in woodland, avoid standing dead trees, which may fall on a windy night. Avoid animal runs and caves, and possible homes of biting insects. Make sure you have most protection on the windward side. If you make a fire, do so downwind of your shelter. Always consider what influence you might have on the natural world. Avoid damaging plants. A good campsite is found, not made—changing it should be unnecessary.
【小题1】You needn’t ask for permission when camping in.

A.national parks in EnglandB.most parts of Scotland
C.crowded lowland BritainD.most parts of England
【小题2】The author thinks that a good campsite is one.
A. with easy access           B. used previously
C with modern conveniences     D. far away from beaches
【小题3】The last paragraph mainly deals with
A. protecting animals       B. building a campfire
C camping in woodland      D. finding a campsite with privacy
【小题4】The passage is mainly about
A.the protection of campsitesB.the importance of wild camping
C.the human influence on campsitesD.the dos and don’ts of wild camping


An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters. It may cause great damage. So it is wise to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members.

Fragile items, like those made of glass are easily broken and should usually be placed on a lower surface, near the ground instead of placing them on cupboards higher up. Never place them near your bed, sofas and other furniture where you would be sitting or lying down. When there is a strong movement, these pieces will fall on the floor directly and not on you.

There is a strong chance of short circuits (短路) and fire breakouts during an earthquake. Make sure you turn off electrical connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens.

During an earthquake, lie beneath an object that is not easily damaged. Do not go near objects that could directly fall on you. Never use the elevator to go down. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out. Use the staircases at all times.

If you are outdoors, do not take shelter under a tree, streetlights, electric poles or tall buildings. If you are driving, stop your car and stay in a safe place. Do not park your car under a tree or any tall object.

If trapped in debris (瓦砾堆), cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can find you. Use a whistle (哨子) if one is available. Never shout for help. Shouting can cause you to breathe in dangerous amounts of dust. Do not light a match because you may burn yourself. Do not move about or kick up dust.

1.The purpose of the passage is to tell readers _____.

A.the damage caused by earthquakes

B.the rescue work after earthquakes

C.what to do about earthquakes

D.how to prevent earthquakes

2. The underlined word “Fragile” in Paragraph 2 probably means _____.

A.easily broken

B.easily found



3.To reduce the injury from the earthquake, items made of glass should be put _____.

A.on cupboards

B.in the bedroom

C.on a lower surface

D.where children can’t reach them

4.During the earthquake, people are advised to _____.

A.go out the building at once

B.turn off electricity and gas immediately

C.take shelter under a tree

D.drive to a safe place quickly

5.What should people NOT do when they are trapped in debris?

A.Cover their mouth with a handkerchief.

B.Tap on a pipe or wall for help.

C.Use a whistle for help.

D.Light a match for help.



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