摘要: D.it 代指上文所指的foreign language.故用被动被态.



On the night of the play,Jack was at the theatre early and he was already dressed in a suit of policeman’s clothes long 36 the end of the first scene.He certainly looked the part all right. He thought as he 37 himself in the mirror.
   Then he suddenly felt nervous.After all, it was his first time to 38 a part in a play. 39 could he face all those people watching the play?He put his head in his hands and tried to 40 his lines(台词),but nothing 41 to his mind.
  A knock on the door made him look 42 .He was to go on stage(舞台) in the second scene.“Have I  43 my part and ruined(破坏)the play for everybody?” he thought to himself. But 44 was only the manager.She 45 how nervous he was and 46 he should stand near the stage 47 he could watch and follow the play. It was a good 48 of getting rid of his nervousness, she said. She was right; it seemed to  49 . In fact the more he watched the play, the 50 he felt himself part of it.
   At last the 51 came for him to appear on the stage. But suddenly the manager came to him again, 52 worried as she placed a hand on his arm to 53 him back. “Has anything gone 54 ?” Jack asked. “I’m afraid you’re going to be 55 ,” she said. “They’ve jumped three pages of the play and have missed your part out completely.”
36. A. before   B. by       C. after       D. at
37. A. looked   B. showed    C. admired     D. enjoyed
38. A. make    B. join      C. have       D. give
39. A. Where    B. Why      C. When      D. How
40. A. read     B. remember   C. understand  D. learn
41. A. came     B. went      C. happened    D. got
42. A. away    B. up       C. out        D. down
43. A. passed   B. left       C. missed     D. failed
44. A. this      B. that      C. she        D. it
45. A. wondered  B. imagined   C. noticed    D. examined
46. A. agreed    B. suggested C. persuaded     D. encouraged
47. A. where    B. when     C. which       D. there
48. A. idea     B. way      C. path        D. plan
49. A. do      B. win       C. work       D. act
50. A. less     B. harder   C. better      D. more
51. A. hour     B. minute     C. moment    D. period
52. A. feeling   B. looking    C. sounding    D. growing
53. A. hold     B. take     C. catch       D. push
54. A. bad      B. late      C. mad        D. wrong
55. A. frightened B. excited  C. disappointed    D. pleased


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1~20各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个   最佳答案。


       When I was walking down the street the other day, I 1 a brown   plastic wallet 2 on the sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see   if I could 3 the owner's name. There was nothing inside it 4 some   change and an old photo — a picture of a woman and a girl about   twelve years old, 5 the woman's daughter. I put the photo 6 and took   the wallet to the police station, 7 I handed it to the desk sergeant.   Before 8, the sergeant took down my name and address in case the owner   might want to write and thank me.


       That evening I was invited to dinner by my aunt and uncle. They 9   a young woman so that there would be four people at the table. The   young woman's face was familiar. I was quite sure that we 10 before,   but I could not remember 11 her. In the course of the conversation,   however, she happened to tell us that she had lost her wallet that   afternoon. 12 I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl   in the photo, although she was now 13. She was very 14, of course,   when I was able to tell her 15. Then I 16 that I 17 her from the photo   I had found in the wallet. My uncle insisted on 18 to the police   station at once to claim (认领) the wallet together with me. As the   police sergeant 19, he said that it was an 20 coincidence (巧合) that   not only had I found the wallet, but also the person who had, lost it.     


(1) A. happen to observe   B. happen to notice     

  C. chanced to observe    D. happened to notice    

[    ]

(2) A. lying     B. lain     C. lied      D. having lain   

[    ]

(3) A. find out    B. ask for     C. look for    D. search out   

[    ]

(4) A. beside    B. apart for     C. except for    D. except      

[    ]

(5) A. that is like       B. that looked liked     

   C. who is like      D. who looked like      

[    ]

(6) A. into      B. back     C. backward    D. again       

[    ]

(7) A. where     B. which     C. that      D. on which   

[    ]

(8) A. leaving    B. having left     C. to leave    D. I left      

[    ]

(9) A. invite    B. invited     C. had invited    D. inviting   

[    ]

(10)A. knew each other

B. had not known of each other     

C. met each other     

D. had not met each other  

[    ]

(11)A. where did I see     B. where I had seen     

C. where had I seen    D. where I having seen   

[    ]

(12)A. At once    B. All at once     C. Presently    D. Right then   

[    ]

(13)A. as young as before    B. more younger     

C. much older        D. more older   

[    ]

(14)A. surprised    B. surprising     C. surprise    D. to surprise   

[    ]

(15)A. what her wallet was like     B. how her wallet was     

C. what was her wallet like     D. how was her wallet   

[    ]

(16)A. explained    B. talked     C. spoke     D. told   

[    ]

(17)A. had known      B. had recognized      

C. had seen off       D. had learned   

[    ]

(18)A. to go           B. her to go     

C. that she should go    D. her going   

[    ]

(19)A. give it to us     B. handed it over     

C. gave us it      D. handed it in   

[    ]

(20)A. surprising   B. surprised     

C. astonishing    D. astonished   

[    ]





 Mary and Peter  1  a picnic with some friends near a river when Mary  2  an object overhead. Look!She shouted to her friends. That's a spaceship up there and it's going to  3  here.

  4 the strange  5  spaceship, most of the young people  6  their cars and drove away quickly. Peter  7  Mary and always  8  her. They,  9  , watched the spaceship land and saw a door open. When nobody came out, they went to the spaceship and looked  10  . In the centre of the floor, there was a pile of food. Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and did not hear the door  11  . The temperature fell rapidly and the two young people lost consciousness (知觉).

  12  they woke up, they were surprised to see that they were back by the river again. The spaceship  13  . Their car was  14  .

 “What happened?asked Mary.

 Peter scratched his head,  15  slowly, Don't ask me. Perhaps we had a dream. Did you Did you see a spaceship?

 “Yes,said Mary,and we both went into it. Then She looked at her wrist.  16  . My watch has stopped. Oh, well, come on.  17  

  18 , they found their way  19  made of something like glass. They got out of the car and  20  their way round the wall, but discovered that they were inside a round wall. It was like a mirror and  21  through it.

  22  the wall, strange creatures walked past slowly.  23  stopped to stare through the wall and read a new notice which,  24  ,  25  : New arrivals at the zoo: a pair of Earthlings in their natural surroundings with their mobile house (移动房).


(1)A.    had

B were eating

  C were having


D were taking


[  ]


(2)A looked


B was noticing


C noticed


D searched


[  ]


(3)A.    land

B fall on

C take off

D drop in

[  ]

(4)A.    Frightening

B To be frightened by

  C Frightened by


D Frightened


[  ]


(5)A.       silver-colour

B    silver-colourful

  C silver-colouring


D silver-coloured


[  ]


(6)A.    got out

B got in

C got out of

D got away

[  ]

(7)A.    fonded

B loved with

C was fond of

D was fond

[  ]

(8)A.    stayed close to

B stayed to

  C stayed next


D stayed the next to


[  ]


(9)A.    more curious to frightened

B curious more than frightened

  C    curious rather frightened


D more curious than frightened


[  ]


(10)A.    into

B inside

C out

D within

[  ]

(11)A to be closed behind them


B having been closed behind them


  C.    closed them behind

D close behind them

[  ]

(12)A.    When

B While

C Once

D The time

[  ]

(13)A.    was disappeared

B had been disappeared

  C had been gone


D had gone


[  ]


(14)A.    near to

B close

C nearby

D faraway

[  ]

(15)A saying


B to say


C said


D had said


[  ]


(16)A.    It's a fun

B That's a lot of funs

  C That's funnyD Funny it is[  ]
(17)A.       It's time we went homeB    It's the time to go home 

  C It's time we must go home


D It's time for us going home


[  ]


(18)A.    Driven about fifty metres

  B Drove about fifty metres


  C The car was driven about fifty metres


  D.    Driving about fifty metres


[  ]


(19)A.       to be blocked by something

  B having been blocked by something


  C blocked by something


  D to block something


[  ]


(20)A.    tried finding

B tried to find

  C.    trying to find


D trying finding


[  ]


(21)A.    prevented them looking

  B prevented them to look


  C had prevented them from looking


  D prevented them


[  ]


(22)A.    The other side of

B In the other side of

  C On the other side


D On the other side of


[  ]


(23)A.    Few

B A few

C Fewer

D The fewest

[  ]

(24)A.    English translated

B translated into English

  C translating into English


D to be translated into English


[  ]


(25)A.    spoke

B told

C reading

D said

[  ]


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1~25各题所给的四个选项中,选出一 个最佳答案。

      Lindar was not satisfied. She had bought a sweater 1 a shop and she 2 it, the color had run and the sweater 3 had shrunk(缩水), 4 she had followed the 5 instructions 6 .When she took it 7 , the salesgirl 8 suspiciously. "You   9 it in 10 water," she said. Lindar told her she had used   lukewarm water, just as the label (标签) said she 11 . Since the   salesgirl still refused to 12 the sweater, Lindar insisted 13 the manager.The manager was not very 14 , 15 . He did not want to admit(承认)that the sweater was not 16 washable. Suddenly, Lindar   noticed a poster on the wall. It 17 , "We give our customers 18 ."Lindarpointed 19 it and asked 20 it really meant what it   said. Themanager looked embarrassed (窘迫的). Then he said the   sweater had a flaw (暇疵). It 21 one of the threads was a   different color 22the others. Then he said they 23 exchange the sweater 24 . But he emphasized this was only because of the flaw. Lindar stared 25could not see the flaw.

1. A. for        B. in      C. from         D. to             [  ]   2. A. washed       B. washes      C. washing      D. had washed         [  ]   3. A. oneself      B. themselves      C. itself       D. himself          [  ]   4. A. as though      B. even although      C. even though    D. as if            [  ]   5. A. washing      B. wash      C. washed       D. washes           [  ]   6. A. rough        B. roughly      C. exact        D. exactly          [  ]   7. A. off        B. back      C. up         D. for            [  ]   8. A. looked at it     B. looked for it      C. looked after it  D. saw it           [  ]   9. A. washed       B. must wash      C. had washed     D. must have washed       [  ]    10. A. boil         B. boiled      C. boiling      D. to boil          [  ]    11. A. would        B. should      C. will         D. was going to         [  ]    12. A. change       B. exchange      C. use        D. changing           [  ]    13. A. to seeing      B. see      C. on seeing      D. to see           [  ]    14. A. help         B. helping      C. helpful      D. helpless           [  ]    15. A. neither      B. also      C. too        D. either           [  ]    16. A. real         B. really      C. reality      D. unreal           [  ]    17. A. say        B. says      C. said         D. saying           [  ]    18. A. satisfy      B. satisfied      C. satisfaction     D. satisfying         [  ]    19. A. at         B. about      C. to         D. against          [  ]    20. A. how        B. why      C. if         D. unless           [  ]    21. A. means        B. meaning      C. mean         D. meant            [  ]    22. A. to         B. from      C. of         D. behind           [  ]    23. A. would        B. must      C. ought        D. may            [  ]    24. A. all        B. after all      C. all right      D. but all          [  ]    25. A. and        B. or      C. but        D. thus             [  ]




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