摘要: C.丈夫向客人道歉.表示是自己忘了时间.这样客人就不会尴尬了. 36 Martin Henfield talks about some of his experience as a twin: when we were small my mother dressed us 1 the same clothes. That was bad enough and we didn’t like it. But we went on our first camping trip, it was even 2 . We were only ten years old, and while 3 went into their sleeping bags for the 4 , we were not happy to snuggle inside a double sleeping bag my mother made for us. At school our classmates 5 us Henfield One and Henfield Two, so people 6 even see our difference according to our initials because 7 of us were M.O. It was only when I went to 8 and began to have my own friends that I started to feel my own freedom of identity. Before I went to college, during my secondary school 9 , I 10 to a job on a building site. My twin brother, Mike Henfield, didn’t work. One day I asked my boss, “Can I have a week 11 ? “Certainly, he said, “but you won’t have the job when you 12 back. I didn’t want to 13 the job. So on Monday morning, Mike went there in my 14 , jacket and hat and he worked for me for one week 15 of them knew the difference.


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