摘要: C.泛指其他人.故用复数.


  Get a reward for every bug you bring to live in new science museum exhibit.

In a city with trillions of American cockroaches(蟑螂), the Houston Museum of Natural Science has agreed to pay a quarter per bug-up to 1,000-as it seeks to populate a new insect exhibit alongside its Cockrell Butterfly Center.

Nancy Greig, the museum’s director insists the public payday for roaches isn’t just a marketing ploy(炒作).

“Absolutely, this wasn’t devised as a joke,” Greig said. “We needed more roaches for the exhibit, so I sent this message out to everyone in the museum asking people to bring them in. Well, someone decided to tell the press, and all hell has broken loose.”

“But we really do need cockroaches.”

“One might be forgiven for never considering how to catch a live cockroach. But it’s simple enough to fool them,” Greig said, “and even easier to catch them.” American cockroaches are the most common kind in Texas, measuring up to 2 inches long and invading homes.

Despite their less-than-attractive reputation, cockroaches actually aren’t that dirty. Greig even went so far as to call them “fastidious” saying they don’t enjoy rooting(用嘴拱食) in waste. They’re only dirty if, say, they used a sewer(下水道)line to gain access into a home.

The roaches collected by the museum will become part of a display in a new exhibit that showcases insects such as cockroaches, dung beetles and termites.

There’s more to like about roaches, too. They don’t bite, and they don’t carry diseases like a mosquito, so they’re generally safe to handle.

1 For what does the museum pay for cockroaches?

A. For a marketing ploy.           B. It’s devised to make fun.

C. People really need them.          D. For a new exhibit.

2. The underlined word “fastidious” probably means extremely ________.

A. clean       B. dirty      C. unpleasant      D. fast    

3. What do we know about American roaches?

A. It’s not easy for people in Houston to collect roaches.

B. They all measure 2 inches and are often found in homes

C. They don’t bite and they are free of disease.

D. We have reasons to like them.



There are many heroes in the world. My mom is a hero in my eyes. She has done so much for me and others. I am so glad she is in my 1ife.

  Night after night, day after day, I come home and go about doing things, never really 36 my surroundings. Sure I’ll 37 if the room is a different color, but sometimes I don’t see the little things:a 38 floor, clean bathroom; things like that. However, they do get done. My mom is usually the one doing them.

  Each day she does a great deal for my family and me, and yet 39 asks for anything in return. She works hard to keep the 40 in order and provide love and comfort to us all. There have been many 41 when I will go get a drink and find a cupboard full of clean dishes, 42 I will not stop and think who put them there and washed them.

  If ever I need help with homework, 43 a hard decision, my mom is by my 44 . Also, when there are times when I am sad and need someone to talk to, she is 45 for me. Her 46 of love towards us make her a hero.

  These actions she shows are not only towards me, 47 . Throughout my life I have seen her 48 many others. I can remember when we, as a family, 49 go out and 50 rake(用耙子耙)a neighbor’s lawn, or pull weeds. I, being a child, would always want to go up to the 51 and say, “Look what we did!” most likely looking for 52 , but we 53 did that. And in not doing that we felt good about it, more than we would have in telling them.

 There have also been many experiences when my family learned of another family who had very little for  54 . My hero would be putting a basket together of children’s toys and little knick-knacks for them. Secretly we would 55 it off on the doorstep and drive off.

36. A. recognizing B. finding       C. seeing        D. noticing

37. A. mark      B. spot        C. explore       D. stand

38. A. crowded    B. swept       C. destroyed     D. decorated

39. A. hardly     B. urgently      C. calmly        D. frequently

40. A. books      B. kitchen       C. house        D. clothes

41. A. events     B. occasions     C. opportunities   D. memories

42. A. and       B. so         C. but          D. or

43. A. making     B. working      C. doing            D. forming

44. A. part       B. aspect      C. side          D. edge

45. A. away      B. there       C. out          D. here

46. A. movement       B. acts        C. reactions      D. struggles

47. A. however    B. though       C. yet          D. while

48. A. support    B. challenge      C. serve         D. fight

49. A. could         B. should       C. would        D. must

50. A. secretly    B. violently      C. relaxingly      D. skillfully

51. A. door       B. street        C. roof         D. car

52. A. complaints   B. snacks       C. money        D. praise

53. A. always     B. gradually     C. seldom       D. never

54. A. Christmas    B. weddings      C. funerals       D. receptions

55. A. throw      B. drop        C. put          D. carry



The American parenting style is characterized by an active interest and involvement in children's lives. Parents' 36 in their children' s lives have grown greatly, 37 a generation of emotionally healthy, capable and successful adults.

American parents are unique in the sense that they make decisions 38 discussing issues with their children. This way of 39 may not be considered valuable in other parts of the world, where 40 cultural values drive parents to rule with an iron fist. By involving their children in the decision-making process, parents are preparing them for 41 , where success is often determined by an individual's ability to make thoughtful, informed 42 . American children also gain confidence from this kind of 43 power and learn to consider the consequences of their actions.

American parents are also constantly observing successful parenting techniques form other 44 . 45 people from other countries continue to get into American society, American parents take the 46 of these cultures and combine the best aspects of them with 47 American styles of child-raising. Early experiencing 48 ideas also gives American children a healthy appreciation for 49 and creates a tolerant society.

American parents 50 children with a strong support system and give them 51 in their own abilities. When children are fully confident that their parents are concerned 52 and affected by their behavior, they become 53 and self-assured. Tile democratic (民主的) and fair way, which Americans 54 to parenting, promotes individuals who am prepared to become strong-minded and successful 55 in the future.

36. A. roles        B. beliefs        C. difficulties    D. expectations

37. A. bringing up   B. taking back      C. resulting in    D. dating from

38. A. while       B. after       C. when           D. before

39. A. consulting    B. arguing      C. referring     D. parenting

40. A. strict       B. flexible       C. authentic     D. average

4I. A. adulthood        B. livelihood     C. childhood      D. neighborhood

42. A. friends      B. progress     C. choices       D. achievement

43. A. limited      B. endless      C. shared       D. soft

44. A. institutes     B. cultures     C. experts      D. organizations

45. A. As        B. If        C. Since           D. Once

46. A. differences    B. features      C. similarities      D. values

47. A. traditional     B. modern      C. colorful     D. fashionable

48. A. updated    B. different     C. complex       D. general

49. A. prosperity   B. similarity       C. variety          D. stability

50. A. provide     B. combine     C. mix         D. associate

51. A. support      B. assistance      C. judgement    D. confidence

52. A. at           B. with       C. to        D. over

53. A. relaxed    B. generous     C. dependent     D. hardworking

54. A. adapt     B. add       C. apply       D. advise

55. A. teenagers   B. athletes      C. grown-ups      D. heroes


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