摘要:14.A.try one’s best to do sth.意思是“尽某人最大的努力去做某事 .为正确选项.


Everyone needs friends. As the old saying goes, “ No man is an island” . In other words, no one can survive(生存)without the help and friendship of others. One can hardly live without a friend. Society is made up of people , and making friends is a very important part in our life. Friends can give you a lot. Firstly, if you have trouble with some problems, you can talk to your good friends and exchanged opinions . Thus you will feel comfortable and encouraged, Secondly, if you wish to do some physical exercises, such as playing table tennis, you can play with friends and have a good time, In short, we need friends.

But what is true friendship ? Some people think friends are people whom they can play with, others believe true friendship lies in similar(相似的) interests . However, in my opinion, “a friends in need is a friends indeed”. True friendship can encourage you when you are in difficulties . True friends can give you warnings against danger. True friends not only share with you your joy and happiness but also your trouble and anxiety, When you need him he will give you a hand and spare no efforts. Of course, these principles are the same to you when you treat your friends.

36.What kind of friends are true friends ?

A.People whom you can play with     

B.A friend in need

C.Friends who can encourage you when you are in difficulties

D.Friends who treat you the same as you treat them

37.What does the author want to tell us by saying, “No man is an island”?

A.To form an island, we need more than one man

B.Without friendship , people can not live on an island

C.Friends can make you feel comfortable and encouraged

D.Everyone needs friends’ help and friendship

38.What does the underlined phrase “spare no efforts ”mean ?

A.Try one’s best     B.Make no efforts  

C.Ask for payback   D.Go away

39.What is the purpose of the author to write this passage ?

A.To explain why it is important to make friends

B.To explain how to tell who are true friends

C.To explain how to keep friends ship

D.To explain how to keep happy

40.According to the passage ,which is true?

A.Not everyone needs friends. 

B. One can easily live without a friend.

C. True friends can share your happiness and your worries

D. A true friend can’t play basketball with you .



Everyone needs friends. As the old saying goes, “ No man is an island” . In other words, no one can survive without the help and friendship of others. One can hardly live without a friend. Society is made up of people , and making friends is a very important part in our life. Friends can give you a lot. Firstly, if you have trouble with some problems, you can talk to your good friends and exchanged opinions . Thus you will feel comfortable and encouraged.Secondly, if you wish to do some physical exercises, such as playing table tennis, you can play with friends and have a good time, In short, we need friends.

But what is true friendship ? Some people think friends are people whom they can play with, others believe true friendship lies in similar interests . However, in my opinion, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. True friendship can encourage you when you are in difficulties . True friends can give you warnings against danger. True friends not only share with you your joy and happiness but also your trouble and anxiety.When you need him he will give you a hand and spare no efforts. Of course, these principles are the same to you when you treat your friends.

1.What does the author want to tell us by saying, “No man is an island”?

A.To form an island, we need more than one man.

B.Without friendship , people can not live on an island.

C.Friends can make you feel comfortable and encouraged.

D.Everyone needs friends’ help and friendship.

2.What kind of friends are true friends ?

A.People whom you can play with.  

B.A friend in need.

C.Friends with similar interests.

D.Friends who treat you the same as you treat them.

2.What does the underlined phrase “spare no efforts ”mean ?

A.Try one’s best.   B.Make no efforts. C.Ask for payback. D.Go away.

4.What is the purpose of the author to write this passage ?

A.To explain why it is important to make friends.

B.To explain how to tell who are true friends.

C.To explain how to keep friends-ship.     

D.Both A and B.



Today, whether or not you follow the latest trends, one’s fashion and choice of dress is a reflection of one’s individual style and tastes. Can you still remember how you dressed at the start of China’s opening-up? Today’s program is one of a special series commemorating (纪念) the 30th anniversary of reform and opening-up in China. In these two episodes we focused on fashion and style and were honored to invite two special guests to join us in studio—Ms. Zhang Ling from Raffles-BICT Inter-national College and Alex from Esquire magazine.

When we talk about fashion, color is absolutely crucial. A color can reflect the mood of an individual person or the spiritual temperament(性情) of entire society or age. Mrs. Zhang and Alex talked about the colors which have left the greatest impression on them. In the 1960s and 70s, blue and grey were the dominant colors at the time and people had limited choices to dress up. But fast forward to the present, you will find no difficulty in choosing from array(大批) of vivid colors in the market.

We also gave our guests a list of keywords—traditional brands, jeans, DIY, international brands, personal dress for them to choose from in order to represent the fashion of their generation. We find out that for every keyword our guest chose, there was a special story behind it. Some of the stories brought us back to old times—we even brought some vintage(古老的) clothing from the 60s and 70s up on stage and invited some audience members to try them on.

When we mention fashion, we must mention brand. With increasing disposable(可自由使用的) income and purchasing power of the Chinese, many luxury brands have flocked into China. However, you could imagine in 1980s, when the first inter-national brand came to China, it unveiled(展示) a fashion storm among the Chinese.

1.  China’s opening-up dates back to _______.

A.the 1960s

B.the 1970s

C.the 1980s

D.the 1990s

2. All of the following EXCEPT _______ are keywords in representing the fashion of our generation.

A.traditional brands

B.international brands

C.personal dress

D.special stories

3.  The fact that many luxury brands have flocked into China shows that _______.

A.China has given up its own culture

B.Chinese have been tired of array of vivid colors in the markets

C.Chinese have increased their disposable income and purchasing power

D.China has grown tired of its traditional brands



In classrooms across the USA, students from different speech backgrounds give speeches in English. It is important to remember that the major goal of the speech is communication of ideas, not perfection of language skills. Therefore, as you listen to a speaker who is not fluent in the language, seek to understand what is being said by concentrating on the ideas of the message rather than on the specific words of the speaker. This may require a special kind of patience as well as the ability to take the perspective (视角) of the communicator. Perspective taking means that you can put yourself in the other person’s shoes. That is, you try to imagine what it would be like to give a speech in a foreign language to a group of native speakers of that language. Keep in mind that non-fluency is not linked to low intelligence or lack of education~ it is linked to experiences with the second language.

These guidelines can help you be a better listener in these situations.

1. Approach the speech with a positive attitude, and expect to understand.

2. Listen all the way through. Make special efforts to keep your mind from wandering in the middle of the speech. It may help to take notes.

3. Plan to give proper nonverbal (非语言的) feedback to prove your interest, patience, and support for the speaker.

4. Control your negative emotional responses. Let's face it, it is difficult to deal with linguistic barriers (语言障碍), and people often get disappointed or bored when there are language differences.

5. Do not laugh, even if the speakers do, at their language skills. Often they laugh nervously to relieve tension.

68. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. How to become a good listener.

B. How to become a good speaker.

C. We should take a positive attitude towards speech.

D. How to communicate with others

69. The underlined phrase "put yourself in the other person’s shoes" in the first paragraph means ____.

A. to know one's shoes is to know one's problem

B. try to wear the other person’s shoes

C. understand others by trying on their shoes

D. look at something from the point of others

70. What can we learn from the passage?

A. People should be strict with speakers speaking in a foreign language.

B. Taking notes helps keep your mind from wandering in listening to a speech.

C. Whenever the speaker is nervous, he laughs.

D. It's hard to concentrate when the speaker is not fluent.

71. What advice is given on listening to a speech?

A. Believing you can understand every word of the speech.

B. Showing your support for the speaker nonverbally.

C. Laughing when the speaker laughs at himself.

D. Commenting on the speech at times.



Getting ready for a big test? Want to get some extra energy for your next sports event? Or do you just need to relax? Match the mood you’re in( or the mood you’d like to be in) to the descriptions below and find out what color may help.

Feeling tired: Red can help you meet the demands of a busy day. If you’ve got a tough day ahead, try wearing a red sweater or painting your fingernails a rich red to boost(增加) your energy.

Feeling tense or depressed: Green may give you a sense of peace. Take a long walk through a tree-filled park or read a book in a grassy area.

Wanting to use your creativity: Violet(紫罗兰色) helps increase creativity. Think of a creative project you’d like to start and use the color violet as your main theme.

Experiencing lack of interest: Yellow helps to improve thought process and mental sharpness. Start keeping a diary on yellow notepaper, and get some sunlight on your face.

Needing to boost your imagination: Indigo(靛蓝色) strengthens dream activity. Put on your favorite pair of jeans and a pair of indigo sunglasses.

Feeling sad, self-conscious, nervous: Orange may help start your emotions and make you more social. Buy yourself an orange book bag or purse and carry it with you on the days when you’re feeling low.

Having trouble sleeping: Blue helps calm your nerves and brings relaxation. Buy some blue sheets for your bed and curl up with your favorite magazines for a relaxing night.

If you’re trying to calm yourself down, you may ________.

A. wear a red sweater                B. walk through green fields.

C. put on a pair of jeans              D. buy a yellow bag

Which of the following is most helpful in producing unique artwork?

A. Red              B. Green             C. Violet            D. Orange

According to the passage, orange____________.

A. helps fire one’s imagination             B. helps you deal with people easily

C. helps have a good rest                  D. helps save energy

If you want to be in high spirits, which colors may help?

A. Red and yellow             B. Yellow and blue

C. Green and violet            D. Blue and green


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