摘要: B.从下文可知天是在下雪.


阅读下文短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    Venice (威尼斯) is a city of the sea. It is built on islands which are in the middle of a lagoon (环礁湖) . Today, the city covers 118   islands. These islands are connected by bridges. There are about 400   bridges which cross 150 canals. It is difficult to forget the sea when you are in the city.

    The people of Venice have always been fishermen, because the lagoon was full of fish. They also built ships, and travelled to Dalmatia (Yugoslavia), Byzantium (Istanbul) and Greece.

    Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea. Every year thousands of people visit the city. Because Venice is a beautiful city. But Venice   is sinking. It is going down and the water is going up. In 2040 Venice   will be under water. The Adriatic will cover the city. The Venetians (威尼斯人) love their city and they want to stay there. They want to   rescue (挽救) Venice. They do not want to leave. How can they succeed? They can put some huge gates in the sea, which will close, so Venice   will not sink.

   1. The city is made up of_________.             [  ]          A. 400 bridges        B. 150 canals    C. 118 islands        D. a lagoon   2. The main difference between Venice and most other cities in the     world is___________.                  [  ]     A. that Venice is bigger    B. that every year thousands of people visit Venice    C. that Venice is a very beautiful city    D. that Venice is a city of the sea   3. The Venetians make a living mainly on________.    [  ]        A. fish      B. fishing    C. ships       D. building ships   4. People call Venice the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea because______.                                [  ]    A. the queen or the country lives there    B. the Venetians love their city    C. it is a beautiful city    D. it is sinking   5. The Venetians________.                [  ]     A. want to leave Venice     B. do not like their city    C. want to save their city from the sea    D. do not want to stay there   6. From this passage we know that________.         [  ]      A. there are a lot of bridges in the city    B. the city is in danger because it is sinking    C. the people of Venice try to stop their city from sinking    D. A. B. and C 




Trudy, an American girl, tried swimming across the English Channel. That was August 6, 1962. Her father had  36  her two things. One was not to pull her out of the water  37  she asked. The other was to give her a red sports  38  if she made it.

In gay spirits Trudy  39  out , swimming strongly. All the swimmers started at 7:09 in the morning. His father and the trainer were going along in a boat beside her.

At ten o’clock, rain began falling.  40  , Trudy trod (踩)water while drinking and eating a chicken leg. Then she started swimming  41  The wind was  42  and the sea became rougher.

Late  43  the wind became even worse. The trainer  44  it was useless trying to finish. He called to Trudy to  45  .

“No human being could do it in this weather, ” he said, “It’s  46  to go on.

However, her father shouted, “Don’t grab her. Let her  47  ”

At seven o’clock the tides(潮水)turned  48  her. It was more difficult to move ahead. But Trudy still swam on. She  49  victory was possible now, for the English coast was in  50  .

It was getting dark. A sound could be heard  51  the wind; hundreds of car horns (喇叭)were cheering her on. With  52  strength, she finished the last 200 yards.

At 9:35 p.m. Trudy got out of water. She had swum some 35 miles in  53  the 21 - mile - wide - Channel  54  a strong storm. But she had made it in 14 hours and 30 minutes.

“Well, Pop, ”she said to her father. “I  55  I get my car this time, don’t I”

36.A. given                  B. refused              C. allowed             D. promised

37.A. as                    B. unless               C. even if              D. when

38.A. suit                    B. shoe                C. hat                 D. car

39.A. rushed                 B. left                 C. started               D. worked

40.A. At midday              B. In the morning          C. In the evening    D. In the late afternoon

41.A. faster                  B. better               C. again               D. across

42.A. stopping               B. rising               C. changing            D. increasing

43.A. morning               B  afternoon           C. evening             D. night

44.A. thought                B. considered           C. decided             D. felt

45.A. keep up                B. slow down          C. give up              D. take a rest

46.A. difficult                        B. stupid               C. impossible           D. unnecessary

47.A. go                    B. decide              C. come out            D. go on

48.A. towards                B. with                C. at                  D. against

49.A. realized                 B. noticed              C. found out            D. thought

50.A. the distance                     B. reach               C. sight                D. hand

51.A. over                  B. in                  C. with                D. from

52.A. fresh                  B. greater              C. weakening           D. remaining

53.A. flying                  B. swimming          C. crossing             D. passing

54.A. in spite of                B. because of            C. against              D. during

55.A. demand               B. am afraid            C. hope               D. guess


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
One day before Christmas, all of us children from the Children's Home Society Orphanage(孤儿院) were taken to the Mayflower Hotel in downtown to attend a Christmas party.
After the man on the stage said a prayer      (祈祷), we were told to  36  . Within minutes we were   37   a meal which was fit for a king. I ate   38 I could eat no more. As we ate, Santa Clause came walking out onto the  39 . The kids cheered with  40 . Everyone began clapping their hands and yelling as   41 as they could.
I too was excited   42  but I knew better than to yell(叫喊)out loud or to jump up and scream. Mrs. Winters, the head matron, sat only three seats from me. She had   43  it very clear to everyone that we were tobehaveourselves in "a proper manner" and that there was to be "no yelling or shouting".
One orphan   44 was led up onto the stage and each kid was handed a   45  by Santa Claus himself.
As the line became shorter and shorter my   46  finally came. He smiled at me. Then he reached over and handed me a   47  box which had two gold ribbons(丝带) on it. As I leaned(向前倾) to take the box I tripped and I   48 to my knees. Santa reached over and helped me to my feet.
"Move  49  Kiser." called out Mrs. Winters.
I was now leaning against Santa Claus' leg and I was looking   50  into his eyes. His face was less than an inch from mine.
"Can I   51  you Santa?" I asked him.
The next thing I knew Mrs. Winters had caught me up by my shirt collar and was  52  me away from the line of children.
I sat down in my chair just crying. Once in a while I would  53  at the stage to see if my gift was still sitting by Santa Claus.
When we all lined up waiting, I  54 "HO HO HO" coming from behind me.
As I   55 , there stood Santa Claus holding my large box. Then he knelt down and he hugged my neck as hard as he could.
36. A. stand up           B. go out               C. sit down            D. keep silent
37. A. taken               B. served               C. brought             D. supplied
38. A. until                  B. unless               C. before               D. after
39. A. table                   B. hotel                 C. seat                   D. stage
40. A. encouragement  B. excitement        C. disappointment D. astonishment
41. A. loud                  B. big                   C. high                  D. low
42. A. outside               B. beside              C. aside                 D. inside
43. A. took                  B. made            C. demanded         D. warned
44. A. at a time          B. at one time        C. at time’s            D. at time
45. A. favor                      B. box                C. gift                  D. medal
46. A. turn                   B. way                 C. chance              D. gift
47. A. golden                      B. yellow              C. small                D. large
48. A. sat                     B. fell                  C. dropped            D. turned
49. A. by                     B. on                 C. in                    D. out
50. A. quickly            B. directly            C. immediately      D. finally
51. A. tell                            B. call                  C. hug                  D. leave
52. A. pushing              B. keeping             C. stopping            D. pulling
53. A. look                 B. jump              C. put                 D. stand
54. A. watched           B. found               C. heard                      D. observed
55. A. turned around      B. turned up          C. turned away       D. turned down




  I went to Beijing this National holiday, and it was an interesting experience of my life.

  My friends told us that taking the “hard  36  ”to Beijing would be really terrible. So we didn’t know what to  37 . But we were pleasantly surprised when we finally boarded the

  38  , which was relatively modern and  39  . During the 14 - hour ride we ate peanuts and talked. It was not  40  at all.

  It was morning when we arrived. We stepped out of the railway station, having sat in hard seats and not getting much  41  . However, We had energy, First we tried to get teturn tickets to Shanghai, but the tickets seller  42  us that tickets would not be on  43  for another two days. We were a little worried about getting  44  , but we made up our minds to  45  for the hotel to put our bags down. After fighting our way  46  the“ gypsy”taxi drivers that tried to  47  us one hundred yuan for the ride, we found a taxi and it  48  cost us thirty yuan to get  49  we had planned to go. When we reached the hotel, there was a window for airplane and train tickets.  50  the man behind the counter could get tickets that day, which we

  51  . The most important lesson about China I ever  52  , is to get someone to do your work for you, and it seems to work out much  53  . We were not able to get tickets, but the

  54  agents(代理)could.

While in Beijing we saw a lot of places of interest, most of which were very  55  . It was fun to be with thousands of people in one place, There aren’t any words to describe it.

36.A. chair                       B. bed                         C. seat                         D. bench

37.A. provide                   B. expect                     C. happen                    D. think

38.A. plane                             B. bus                         C. ship                        D. train

39.A. quick                             B. clean                       C. simple                     D. long

40.A. bad                         B. good                       C. easy                        D. hard

41.A. trouble                    B. food                        C. sleep                       D. help

42.A. promised                 B. informed                 C. advised                    D. persuaded

43.A. time                        B. show                       C. duty                        D. sale

44.A. behind                    B. out                          C. through                   D. back

45.A. start                        B. ask                          C. look                        D. pay

46.A. towards                   B. into                         C. across                      D. past

47.A. offer                       B. charge                     C. bargain                    D. share

48.A. even                       B. still                         C. also                         D. only

49.A. what                       B. which                      C. where                      D. how

50.A. Somehow                B. However                 C. Therefore                D. Otherwise

51.A. wouldn't                  B. couldn't                   C. shouldn't                  D. needn't

52.A. learned                    B. taught                     C. offered                    D. heard

53.A. harder                     B. earlier                     C. later                        D. easier

54.A. business                  B. transport                  C. travel                             D. hotel

55.A. interesting                      B. crowded                  C. famous                    D. noisy


  The purpose of a letter of application is to help you to "sell" yourself. 71 It should be simple,human,personal and brief without leaving out any necessary facts.
  In writing a letter of application,keep in mind that the things a possible employer is most likely to want to know about are your qualifications(条件),your achievements and your aims. 72 If the first few sentences fail to win the reader's attention,the rest of the letter may not be read at all.Try to focus your opening remarks on the needs or interests of the employer not on your own need or desires.For example,instead of beginning with "I saw your advertisement in today's newspaper,"you might say " 73 "or "I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives use your product and why they like it."
   74 Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now aplying.College graduates looking for their first positions often ask "Which can I provide in a letter? Employers want experience - which,naturally,no beginner has." The answer is that everything you have ever done is experience.
  It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter.Make a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect.At excellent idea is to enclose(内附)a stamped,self - addressed envelope with your letter. 75   

A.I have made a careful study of your advertising during the past six months.
B.Don't be late for an interview.
C.It should state clearly the job you want,and should tell what your abilities are and what you have done.
D.Try to avoid generalities.
  E.The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part.
  F.That makes it easier for a possible employer to get in touch with you.
G.At the end of the letter,you should sign your name nicely.


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