摘要: A. easily B. happily C. sadly D. quickly 14. A. angrily B. happily C. quietly D. politely 15. A. let B. ask C. forget D. allow 名师点评 本篇是一个寓言故事.说的是一只牧羊犬.因为天冷.就睡在牧羊人给羊吃的干草上.结果.羊吃不着草.感到非常生气.他们认为狗太自私.自己又不能吃草.还不让能吃草的吃. 答案简析


As I had my first child,I promised myself never to be a pushy parent.I was going to be a very __1__ and understanding mother.

   Five years later my little boy was about to  __2__  for his yellow belt in karate.As a five?year?old child,he wasn't taking it  __3__,because it was mom trying to help him.He  __4__  the whole time.I found myself yelling and telling him he would never get the belt acting like that.I was trying to teach him his backflip(背摔).He continued to play and I  __5__  to yell.Finally I had made him feel like he couldn't accomplish  __6__,just as I promised myself I wouldn't do.

   Still mad and stubborn I couldn't __7__.I had to teach him this flip.He was doing fine with it __8__ we had to leave to go to karate.While taking the test,he did great.His instructor would ask him to do something,and it came  __9__  for him.He never  __10__  him to do the back?flip.He passed his yellow belt test.

   We got in the car to go home,when he looked at me and said,“Mom,__11__  did you make me do that back?flip so many times,when it wasn't  __12__  on the test?”The words wouldn't have  __13__  anything to anyone else,but it was a slap in my face.That night while lying in bed,I told him I  __14__  him.

   He was playing and didn't __15__  anything,just giggled(咯咯地笑).I said“I really do love you baby.”I was still feeling __16__,and also wondering if he had  __17__  me.Finally he replied in the  __18__ voice,“I know you do,but I love you more.”

   He had forgiven me and I had decided that his __19__  was more important than any test he would ever take.I made a new  __20__  to be a better mother and to accept that he was only a child.

1.A.patient          B.energetic      

C.polite          D.brave

2.A.search        B.practise       

C.play           D.test

3.A.easily          B.happily       

C.seriously        D.fairly

4.A.smiled        B.played       

C.prepared          D.slept

5.A.stopped       B.continued      

C.tried            D.liked

6.A.something      B.nothing       

C.everything         D.anything

7.A.give back        B.give in       

C.give away        D.give out

8.A.by the time         B.at the time     

C.in no time        D.at a time

9.A.quick        B.normal       

C.common         D.natural

10.A.demanded      B.reminded      

C.asked          D.allowed

11.A.where        B.when        

C.why          D.how

12.A.even           B.ever         

C.still           D.never

13.A.shared       B.raised       

C.allowed           D.meant

14.A.hated        B.loved        

C.admired        D.missed

15.A.accept       B.take        

C.add          D.say

16.A.guilty          B.excited       

C.upset           D.proud

17.A.remembered     B.forgiven      

C.noticed           D.deserted

18.A.saddest         B.sweetest      

C.happiest          D.biggest

19.A.attitude         B.expression     

C.feeling         D.suggestion

20.A.design       B.difference     

C.experiment         D.promise



Tired and exhausted, I came back home from work. I found the front door was  36  open and I felt a little scared. Did I carelessly forget to lock it after I left? I looked around  37 to see what could be  38 . Why would someone come into my home only to  39 with nothing? After searching every inch, I realized that everything was  40 I had left it. No  41 cushions, broken lamps, or  42 emptied out on the carpet. Feeling much  43  ,I looked out my oversized window of my dinning room at Ms. Sullivan’s house. Jimmy, the little boy next door was visiting her. Jimmy cared a lot about Ms. Sullivan and was very concerned with her health after she became ill. She used to  44  Jimmy when he was just a baby.

Forgetting about the  45 with my front door, I decided to walk over to Ms. Sullivan’s house to see how she was  46 . With a warm hello, she invited me into her home. I noticed twelve beautiful roses delicately presented on the table next to her bed. They looked exactly like the  47 on my dinning room table in front of my oversized window. With a pleasant smile, she told me Jimmy brought them to her as a “get-well gift”. Suddenly Jimmy  48 out of his seat in an instant and said that he had to go home for a while to do some homework but he promised to be back to 49 up on Ms. Sullivan.

Talking for a while, Ms. Sullivan began to get very tired so I gave her my phone number in case she 50 needed help, and left her home. I thought about how  51 it was for little Jimmy to be so concerned for Ms. Sullivan. I got home, laughing at how  52 I was that morning about what had happened over  53 . I walked passed the dinning room and noticed my roses  54 in the vase were missing. Without a second 55 , I glanced out the window at Ms. Sullivan’s house and with a smile on my face I turned off the light in the room and went to sleep.

The next morning my door bell rang. I opened the door Jimmy was there…

36. A. easily           B. slowly           C. slightly          D. silently

37. A. tensely          B. patiently         C. eagerly          D. calmly

38. A. burning          B. losing           C. lacking          D. missing

39. A. get             B. deal            C. steal            D. leave

40. A. what            B. where           C. that             D. how

41. A. worn            B. changed         C. unwashed        D. overturned

42. A. lockers          B. kettles           C. drawers         D. coats

43. A. eased           B. angry           C. surprised        D. curious

44. A. watch           B. guard           C. follow           D. visit

45. A. accident         B. experience       C. incident         D. condition

46. A. working          B. doing           C. sleeping         D. acting

47. A. lamps           B. vases           C. roses           D. gifts

48. A. stood           B. ran             C. stepped         D. jumped

49. A. look            B. check           C. pick            D. call

50. A. ever            B. still             C. only            D. just

51. A. smart           B. sensitive         C. sweet           D. thankful

52. A. strange          B. nervous         C. careless         D. wrong

53. A. everything       B. something        C. anything         D. nothing

54. A. growing          B. sitting           C. lying            D. arranging

55. A. thought          B. intention         C. expectation       D. delay


Two old beggars were sitting on a busy corner. They watched helplessly as scores of people walked by, some purposely ___1___ them and others too caught up in their own cares to even notice their __2__. Every so often, a __3__woman or a small child would drop a few coins in the __4__ which lay in front of them.

  As the crowd began to die down, they started to __5_ their things and head for their evening shelters. Just as they were getting ready to leave, they noticed a man walking toward them. He was obviously a _ 6 man ----they could tell that from his finely tailored business suit.

  The first beggar whispered to the second with _7____, “ He’s coming our way!”

  The two tried not to look ___8____ at the man as he stepped closer to them, but they couldn’t ___9__ gazing up with anticipation (期待) as he reached into his pocket and took something out.

  “Trunk” was the only sound they heard __10___ what looked like a piece of hard _11__, wrapped in tissue paper hit each of their waiting hats. The rich man __12__ and continued on his way, not making a backward glance.

“How insulting (侮辱人的)!” said the first beggar. “He could have __13___ left us a few coins or a spare bill, but he mocks (嘲弄) us with a piece of rock candy. Who does he think we are ----__14___? There’s no way we can even eat this ---------we have no __15___.” He picked up the object and threw it into the gutter(排水沟).

“I haven’t had anything like this for ages,” the _16_beggar thought. “I can’t chew it, but I can suck on it for while, and the sugary juices will stay in my _17__ for a long time. How nice of that man to offer me something so sweet.”

With that, he _18_ the white tissue paper, but to his _19__, there was no hard rock candy inside. _20_, into his fell a shiny white pearl worth thousands of dollars.

1. A. aiding    B. abusing    C. abandoning  D. ignoring

2. A. existence   B. situation   C. appearance  D. expressing

3. A. young     B. kind-hearted C. beautiful   D. police

4. A. hats     B. hands     C. pockets    D. bowls

5. A. give up    B. cover up   C. pack up    D. build up

6. A. healthy    B. wealthy    C. kind     D. generous

7. A. confusion   B. determination C. excitement  D. amazement

8. A. calmly    B. happily    C. sadly     D. directly

9. A. help     B. avoid     C. stop     D. prevent

10. A. because    B. as       C. since     D. though

11. A. cake     B. candy     C. coin     D. bill

12. A. quit     B. declined   C. turned    D. resigned

13. A. easily    B. hardly    C. suddenly   D. finally

14. A. students   B. children   C. adults     D. old men

15. A. hands     B. teeth     C. bowls     D. money

16. A. angry     B. second    C. old      D. wise

17. A. pocket    B. hand     C. mouth     D. hat

18. A. threw     B. undertook   C. unfolded   D. wrapped

19. A. satisfaction B. surprise   C. horror    D. disappointment

20. A. However    B. Fortunately  C. Therefore   D. Instead



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