

71.     With the 2010 World Cup a distant memory, the country is doing _____________________bid for the 2022 World Cup. (what)

在 2010年世界杯已坠入史册时,这个国家正尽一切所能去申办2022世界杯。

72.     _______________ the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States, the Great Wall is still perfectly preserved. (date)


73.     At the airport, we saw Lady Gaga, the world-famous super star, __________________several bodyguards. (alongside)

在机场,我们见到了Lady Gaga这位闻名世界的超级巨星,她旁边有几位保镖。

74.     ­­­­_______________________ sitting in the classroom all day may account for these students’ dropping out. (fed)


75.     But for his sudden departure, our plan __________________. (pay)


76.     Believe it or not, Mr. Smith is said ____________________ the position three times up till now. (apply)


77.     The chief engineer including his colleagues ____________________state secrets to America over these years. (betray)


78.     I don’t know ________________ that our headmaster was absent from such an important meeting. (why)


79. There________________then, they had to build their defense works by hand.(equipment)


80.____________________before we leave school and go to university.(month)



完成句子 (共10小题;每小题l分,共10分)

1. 她是被宠坏了,但又能怎么样呢?她毕竟还是个孩子。

She is quite __________ but what can you do ? _____ ________ she is a child.

2. 他喜欢开玩笑,因此在同学中很有人缘。

He likes to _________ _______, so he is very _______ __________ his classmates.

3. 他躲在门后, 直到脚步声逐渐消失。

He ___________  ____________ the door until the footsteps had ________  ___________ .

4. 不要以貌取人,而应该看他(她)讲话和做事的方式。

Don’t judge a person by his or her _______, but look at ______ _____ he or she speaks or acts.

5. 我一直在看笔记, 这样一来我就不会忘记我要说的话。

I kept ___________  ____________ my notes ________ ______ I wouldn’t forget what I wanted to say.

6. 没有人知道这样的风俗是何时形成的。

No one knows when such a custom first __________  __________  ___________.

7. 如果你能开车顺便带我一下, 我会表示感激。 我的车在回家的路上坏了。

I’d appreciate ______ if you can give me a lift. My car ______ ______ on the way back home.

8.  中国的新年在一月底和二月底之间, 取决于阴历。

The date of the Chinese New Year falls somewhere between late January and late February, _______ _________ the __________ calendar.

9.万圣节已经变成了开联欢的日子, 孩子们装扮成巫婆做各种特别的游戏。

Halloween has become a time for parties, ________ children __________ _________ _________ witches and play all kinds of special games.

10. 游客们说他们从来没有梦想到有这么美的风景。

The visitors said that they had never ________ _________ _________ _________ such a beautiful scenery.



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