

Letters to the next president

Dear Mr. President:

I would like to personally thank you for your time and concern for our great country. I would like to take a few minutes to address a few concerns that I have with the United States.

First of all, I would like to address the war. In my opinion, we should have never been involved with Iraq to the extent that we are now. I believe we should pull our troops out. However, I think there should be a time table that we follow but the time table should not be released(发布) because the enemy does not need to know when we are going to pull out. Also, the war takes out a ton of our money, which leads me to my next issue.

The economy right now, in the opinion of many Americans is the biggest issue with which we are facing right now. No one can predict what will happen one day or the next. The obvious thing to do is to put 700 billion dollars in the economy, but that bill failed and was rejected by the House of Representatives(众议院). Instead of putting 700 billion dollars in, I think the money should be equally distributed among Americans to pay off their debts. I'm not sure if this would work, but I think it is a positive alternative(替代) we could take.

My final issue I would like to call to your attention is teacher's salaries. The high school students of today are America's future. In a way, America's future depends greatly on the high school teachers of America. Saying this, it is sad that teacher's salaries are where they are. While teachers are working harder and harder every day to teach high school students, CEO's of big companies that are driving our countries economy into the ground are getting bonuses. I'm not saying that teacher's salaries should be the same of CEO's of companies, but I do strongly believe that action should be taken to increase the salaries of teachers because they have one of the most important jobs in America - - preparing our country for the future.

Once again, thank you for your time and your effort you put in to making this great country a better place.

Sincerely, Walker

1.What's the author's attitude towards the Iraq War?

A.Supportive        B.Objective(客观的)   C.Negative          D.Positive

2.What's true about the time of pulling the troops out?

A.We should pull the troops out without delay.

B.There is no need to have a time table to follow.

C.The public has the fight to know the time table.

D.We should keep the time secret from the enemy.

3.According to the author, the 700 billion dollars__________

A.is the biggest issue with which we are facing right now.

B.has been accepted by the House of Representatives.

C.should be equally shared among Americans

D.should be put in the economy

4.When talking about high school teachers, the author thinks that____________

A.the teachers' salaries are not high enough.

B.teacher's salaries should be as high as CEO's.

C.the teachers work harder than CEO's of companies.

D.teaching is more important than any other job in America

5.Which of the topics is NOT included in the letter?

A.Election           B.International affair   C.Finance           D.Education,



阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)

  Allison Schwartz from Connecticut

  Marie Curie is my hero because she shows determination, and that if you keep at your goal you will get what you want.She was an inventor and a scientist.She discovered radium and she invented the first mobile X-ray machine so that soldiers could be X-rayed in the field when they were hurt.I thought it was neat(极好的)that she was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for science.

  Sebastian Robbins from Washington

  Someone who failed at something and moved beyond it.For me, it was Albert Einstein.When I heard that he failed algebra(代数),I knew we had a connection.When I heard at age nine he spoke hesitantly(吞吞吐吐的)I knew I had arrived.I didn't let the facts dissuade (劝阻)me.In reality he never failed math but he did fail the entrance exam to the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich; that was enough for me.I had to walk home with my share of papers that had“have your mother call me”written in red on part of the paper.I would periodically think of the words from his“gymnasium”(high school)teacher in Munich, “Your mere presence here undermines(破坏)the class's respect for me.”

  Rachel Kern from New Mexico

  I am a senior at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, majoring in chemistry with a minor(兼修)in environmental(环境的)sciences.I am interested in many environmental issues, including alternative(替代性的)energy.I really admire scientists such as Linus Pauling, Rachel Carson, and Albert Einstein who did not separate their private beliefs from their work.They combined their scientific knowledge with their moral(道德的)and ethical(伦理的)beliefs to educate others on environmental, political, and social issues.

  Owen Paine from New Jersey

  I admire Einstein.Okay, I admit it; I'm an Einstein groupie.Some mornings I even have his hair.I have Einstein calendars, coffee mugs, posters, neckties, T-shirts, biographies(传记)and even a life size soft sculpture(雕刻)of him sitting in my office.I have everything Einsteinium except his problem solving skills.


Why does Allison Schwartz admire Madame Curie?

[  ]


For her determination.


For her scientific discovery.


For her scientific invention.


For the Nobel Prize she won.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about Einstein according to Sebastian Robbins?

[  ]


He was not good at algebra at school.


He was a boy of slow speech.


He failed the entrance exam to the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich.


His gymnasium teacher in Munich liked him.


Rachel Kern admires scientists ________.

[  ]


who did not separate their private beliefs from their work


who combined their life with their work


who educated others on environmental, political, and social issues


who studied environmental issues, including alternative energy


The underlined word“groupie”most probably means ________.

[  ]










What can we learn about Owen Paine?

[  ]


He collects Einstein's hair.


He likes to have Einstein's hair style sometimes.


He has some of Einstein's T-shirts.


He has a stone sculpture of Einstein.


"How should I give my children pocket money?" is one of the most common questions asked by parents. "Should kids receive pocket money when they get high marks at school, or lose pocket money if they don’t help with the housework?" are also common questions.

     Giving pocket money is an excellent way to develop children’s independence. Children should receive pocket money as their small share of the family wealth, and they should share in doing the housework as well.

     Here are some ideas to help you use pocket money to develop your children’s independence.

     Give pocket money regularly. Like adults, children should have a payday every week or two.

     Link pocket money with ages and needs. Provide spending guidelines; don’t be afraid to let them know what you expect them to buy, and what not to. A child in preschool and lower primary school is sure to spend money on candies and other such things. But older children can be expected to buy their own lunches or bus tickets.

     Teach kids to set their goals. Encouraging children to save money for big things like bikes can help them learn about planning ahead.

     When given wisely, pocket money is an excellent way to develop children’s independence. But at some time, perhaps when a child turns fifteen, it needs to be reduced or eliminated in order to encourage the child to get a part-time job and begin to earn his own pocket money.

1.What is the author’s attitude towards giving children pocket money?





2.According to the author, giving pocket money to children ______.

A.is an excellent way to encourage them to study hard

B.makes them learn to be more independent

C.makes their parents worry less about them

D.is a good way to make them do a lot of housework

3.When giving pocket money to children, parents should ______.

A.give them lots of money so that they can share the family wealth

B.give it to them at regular times

C.give every child the same amount

D.let them spend it as they please

4.What do we learn from the passage?


A.Only children who help do the housework should get pocket money.

B.Parents usually give more money to younger children.

C.Parents should let children spend money on their own when they have money

D.Children should find part-time jobs when they get old enough.



Everyone must receive education from teachers at school or at university. Think about all the teachers who have taught you. Can you find which one is your favorite? And the reason? Are the teachers you liked best also the ones who were the most excellent teachers with good qualities? Before you read the following paragraphs, think about what qualities make a teacher extraordinary (优秀的).
Most people will say that the several important qualities of a teacher are that he should love his students, that he needs to have an expert knowledge of his subject, and that he should devote himself to his jobs whole – heartedly. All of these can be the good qualities of a teacher but not all.
As we all know, it is impossible for a teacher to love every one of his students that he teaches in his life. Teachers must try their best to make most of their students interested in the subject so that they are able to teach themselves in the future. This requires teachers to master many teaching skills, which include how to control a class and so on. Teachers have to spend much time and energy on their work. However, students also imitate many things of the teacher, so it is also important for teachers to be well – balanced people with interest outside their schoolwork – family, friends, hobbies etc.


“Old wives’ tales” are beliefs passed down from one generation to another. For example,most of us remember our parents’ telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain things. Is there any truth in these teachings? Some of them agree with present medical thinking,but others have not passed the test of time.
Did your mother ever tell you to eat your carrots because they are good for your eyes? Scientists now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called macular degeneration. Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility of getting this disease by 40%. Garlic is good for you,too. It can kill the type of virus that causes colds.
Unfortunately, not all of Mom’s advice passed the test of medical studies. For example, generations of children have been told not to go swimming within an hour after eating. But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so. Do sweets cause tooth problems?Well, yes and no. Sticky sweets made with grains(谷物) tend to cause more problems than sweets made with simple sugars.
Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don’t hold_water,_there is still a lot of truth in the old wives’ tales. After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated (积累) from thousands of years of experience in family health care. We should respect this body of knowledge even as we search for clear scientific support to prove it true or false.
【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.Sticky sweets are damaging to our teeth.
B.Eating garlic is good for our eyes.
C.Swimming after a meal is dangerous.
D.Carrots prevent people from catching colds.
【小题2】The author develops the third paragraph mainly________.
A.by cause and effectB.by order in space
C.by examplesD.by order in time
【小题3】The phrase“ hold water” in the last paragraph most probably means“________”.
A.to be valuable B.to be believable
C.to be admirable D.to be suitable
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude towards“old wives’ tales”in the text?


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