摘要: A. loving B. taking C. making D. thinking


  I remember the way the light touched her hair.She turned her head, and our eyes met, a momentary awareness in that noisy fifth grade classroom.I felt as though I’d been stuck a blow under the heart.Thus began my first love affair.

  Her name was Rachel, and I mooned my way through the grade and high school, stricken at the mere sight of her, tongue-tied in her presence.Does anyone, anymore, wander in the shadows of evening, drawn by the pale light of a window-her window-like some unlucky summer insect?

  Her beauty made me awkward(笨拙的)and my voice crack(沙哑)is like some impossible dream now.I would catch sight of her, walking down an aisle of trees to or from, and I’d be-come a fool.She always seemed so charming.

  At home, I’d relive each meeting between us, suffering at the thought of my shortcoming.We eventually got to know as we entered our adolescence, she knew I had a case on her, and I sensed her emotional tolerance for me.“Going steady” implied a maturity we still lacked.Her Orthodox Jewish upbringing and my own Catholic belief made even kissing a distant prospect(前景),however strongly desired.

  At any rate, my love for Rachel remained without result.We graduated from high school, she went on to college, and I joined the Army.When World War II broke out, l was sent overseas.For a time we wrote, and her letters were the highlight of those terrible endless years.

  I mentioned the possibility of marriage in my nest letter, and almost immediately her replies became less frequent, less personal.Her Dear John letter finally caught up with me while I was awaiting discharge.She gently explained the impossibility of a marriage between us.

  Looking back on it, I must have recovered rather quickly, although for the first few months I believed I didn’t want to live.Like Rachel, I found someone else, whom I learned to love with a deep and permanent commitment that has lasted to this day.


According to the passage, how old was the author when his first love affair began?

[  ]


Before he turned his teens.


In his early twenties.


In his middle twenties.


When he was just out of his teens.


How did the author behave as a boy in love?

[  ]


His first love motivated him toward hard study.


His first love set off sentimental memories.


He was overpowered by wild excitement and passion.


He fulfilled his expectations and desires.


According to the passage, what held them back from a loving kiss?

[  ]


Her Orthodox Jewish upbringing did not allow it.


His Catholic belief forbade it.


They were not sure whether it was proper to kiss in line with their religious decorum (礼节).


Kissing was found to be inelegant or even distasteful.


According to the passage, what was Rachel’s response to the author’s tender affection before the war?

[  ]


She recognized and accepted his love affectionately.


She controlled his affection by flatly turning him down.


She fondly permitted him to adore her without losing her own heart to him.


She cares for him and wrote to him frequently.




  When I Was four years old,my mother died of cancer.My father brought my sister and me up 36 .Last April,when he had the heart surgery(手术),I felt as if 37 were going to end.

  He is the most caring,selfless,loving person I know.

  It all 38 so quickly.Out of nowhere my father's 39 was in danger.I was 17 and thinking about 40 would have to live my life 41 either of my parents! He was the person who jad 42 me what I am and could always 43 me down the fight way when I didn't know what path to choose.He was 44 to me. I felt completely 45 at the thought of his death.

  Before my mother 46 ,My father explained her sickness to me.Now again he thought the best thing was to 47 .He sat me down for a long conversation.It was too frightening for my father and mme to talk about him 48 the surgery,so he worked around it by saying,"okay,we both know I am 48 going to die during this surgery, 50 say when I am leaving the hospital I get hit by a bus or something." 51 we talked about what I would do if he died.It was the 52 sonversation,but that was exactly what I 53 .

  Facing the danger of death brings about the realization of 54 .I have learned to live every moment to its 55 ,never leaving anything unsaid or undone.

  36.A.both B.alone C.later D.together

  37.A.the world B.his illness C.our happiness D.my childhood

  38.A.developed B.happened C.ended D.started

  39.A.job B.family C.life D.health

  40.A.when B.where C.why D.how

  41.A.like B.after C.without D.with

  42.A.made B.told C.given D.taught

  43.A.drive B.stop C.place D.lead

  44.A.a teacher B.a friend C.everything D.nothing

  45.A.excited B.frightened C.disappointed D.lost

  46.A.got ready B.fell ill C.became well D.passed away

  47.A.talk B.wait C.leave D.plan

  48.A.preparing for B.dying from C.working at D.having

  49.A.not B.also C.probably D.surely

  50.A.and B.so C.but D.then

  51.A.First of all B.After a while C.At the end D.In this way

  52.A.funniest B.easiest C.hardest D.happiest

  53.A.expected B.needed C.enjoyed D.missed

  54.A.joy B.work C.parents D.life

  55.A.fulllest B.strongest C.longest D.happiest



Waiting with her mother at the check-out stand,a little girl saw a circle of white pearls in a box.“Oh,please,Mommy.Can I have them?”The mother __1__the back of the box.“A dollar ninety-five.If you really want them,I'll __2__some extra chores (杂活)for you and soon you can save enough money to buy them for __3__.”

After she got home,Jenny did __4__her share of chores,and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace.She wore it everywhere—school,park,__5__ to bed.The only time she took it __6__ was when she had a bath.

Jenny had a very __7__ daddy and every night when she was ready for bed,he __8__ stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a fairy tale.One night when he finished the __9__,he asked Jenny,“Could you give me your __10__,darling?”“Oh,no,please,Daddy.But you can have my toy horse __11__.”Dad kissed her and said good night.About a week later,__12__ the story time,Daddy asked for pearls again.“Oh Daddy,you can have my babydoll,”was Jenny's reply.And __13__,Daddy kissed her good night.

A few nights later when Daddy came in,he __14__ Jenny was trembling on the bed,crying.She said __15__ but lifted her little hand up to Daddy.And,when she __16__ it,there was her pearl necklace.“It's for you,Daddy,”she said.Tears in eyes,Daddy reached out with one hand to __17__ the necklace,and with the other hand he pulled out from his pocket a blue case with a __18__ of beautiful genuine(真正的)pearls.He had had them all the time.He was just waiting for her to give up the false stuff(东西) __19__ he could give her genuine treasure.

In our life,how many false things are we holding on to that __20__ us from receiving God 's genuine treasures?

1.A.found B.turned

2.A.smooth away   B.think of

C.take over    D.cut down

3.A.ourselves   B.yourself

C.themselves   D.myself

4.A.so much as     B.no more than

C.more than    D.less than

5.A.hardly     B.still

C.almost   D.even

6.A.in     B.up 

C.away   D.off

7.A.humorous B.loving

8.A.would     B.might

C.could   D.should

9.A.housework     B.work

C.bath    D.story

10.A.kiss B.greetings

C.pearls   D.toy

11.A.instead    B.also

C.probably     D.actually

12.A.after B.during

C.before   D.until

13.A.surprisingly enough B.once again

C.in return     D.as usual

14.A.remembered   B.noticed

C.realized D.expected

15.A.something     B.all

C.nothing D.much

16.A.opened   B.closed

C.removed     D.showed

17.A.reject     B.touch

C.take    D.put

18.A.pile   B.piece

C.circle   D.set

19.A.until B.so that

C.in case D.though

20.A.stop B.protect

C.save    D.get


It is the last day of the school year and I stand empty – handed with no gift to give you.
It isn't that I haven't tried to think of something meaningful and special … quite to the contrary. For months I have combed shops and department stores, and even searched the Internet only to realize that nothing could measure up to the feelings of a mother’s grateful heart and a teacher’s loving devotion.
How I wish a colorful bundle of fresh wildflowers could reflect the beauty of your way with children! Jewelry would surely be nice, but what can I afford that would not grow quickly out of style? You deserve respect for your determination and creativity, your devotion and talent.  
At the moment the first school bell rang last August, I placed in you my trust, believing you would teach my child and reserve respect for me as a parent. I added to that my constant and devoted wish that you would be reasonable and fair to set limitations and rules while offering my child a chance to learn self-control. I sincerely hope that your classroom would be a safe shelter for my child to grow and learn, which is a perfect mixture of self-discipline and controlled instruction. I prayed for your health and your happiness, and your ability to be supplied with the tools necessary to complete your task as a teacher and educator. I offered you my time as often as I could, and my support for your cause. Occasionally, I even offered you a challenge when I spoke my mind, sometimes standing firm, sometimes giving up with a renewed assurance or a “ wait and see” attitude!
  I wish with all my heart I could put a delicate ribbon on a wrapped package and give you a “ something” to express my appreciation and affection, but I have nothing to give you that would be better than the precious gift I have ever had to offer and which you already so pleasantly accepted months ago-the one you have held close to your heart, laughed with and probably cried with, cheered and scolded – my child!
And today, as my child returns to my side for the summer, the gift I humbly give to you is found deep within my heart...
57.On the last day of the school year, the author has no gift to give the teacher, because        .
A.she has no time to think  of something meaningful and special
B.she cannot find something that can properly express her feelings
C.there is nowhere to buy a colorful bundle of fresh wildflowers
D.she thinks it unnecessary to express her feelings to the teacher
58.According to the author, the best gift for the teacher is_________
A.her child       B.her respect        C.her present         D.her support
59.The underlined sentence in the passage implies that the author hopes that         .
A.the teacher can teach her child patiently
B.the teacher will not be too strict with her child
C.the teacher will teach her child enough self - control
D.the teacher can stand firm in the teaching
60.This passage is most probably adapted from__________.
A.a novel     B.a letter      C.a paper     D.a report


Capturing the Memories
  Almost everyone has heard of MySpace.com.It allows friends to connect with each other.But did you ever wonder where the idea for this website came from? It is modeled after high school yearbooks.
  A yearbook is a book used to record memories of a specific class.For example,I graduated from Manchester West High School in 2001.My yearbook is dedicated(献给) to my senior class.In this book you will find a picture of all my classmates.
  Alongside your picture,you can put a quote that is important to you.Next to the quote and your photo is a list of your school and sports activities.Later in the book are pages dedicated to teams and organizations.For example,the girls football team has a page of pictures and memories.
  After you receice the yearbook,you go around and have your friends sign it and write letters to you.This will remind you about the many adventures you had with your friends. Although, 40 years ago,a girl wrote a loving message in my father's yearbook but when he showed me it,he didn't remember who the girl was!
  But the yearbook is the final memory for seniors,so it will often be the one reminder of your high school years that you carry with you throughout life.In my mother's yearbook she still has,pressed between the pages,the flower her date gave her at her senior prom. That was in 1967.
  High school is a magical time.It is when we experience many of the important moments of your lives.Our first kiss.Driving for the first time.Our first big success.Out first major hearbreak.Unlike MySpace,which can constantly be updated,a yearbook captures these special moments in our lives and holds on to them forever so that we may never forget.Because,honestly , we will never want to.
  60.What does the passage mainly focus on?
   A.The characteristics of MySpace.com.
   B.The members who set up MySpace.com.
   C.The differences between MySpace.com and a yearbook.
   D.The introduction to yearbooks.
  61.All of the following will be included in a school yearbook except ______.
   A.some interesting stories of famous actors
   B.a picture of classmates
   C.an activity of playing table tennis
   D.some significant successes
  62.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
   A.People keep a yearbook just for fun.
   B.The yearbook follows the example of MySpace.com.
   C.A yearbook can help you remember the great moments you shared with classmates.
   D.The yearbook is more popular than MySpace.com in American high school.
  63.The word "captures" in the last paragraph most probably means ______.
   A.arrests B.gains C.preserves D.films


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