摘要: B.固定结构 play against sb. 意为“与--进行比赛 .


When Gretchen Baxter gets home from work as a New York City book editor, she checks her Blackberry (黑莓手机) at the door. ‘I think we are attached to these devices in a way that is not always positive,’ says Baxter,who’d rather focus at home on her husband and 12-year-old daughter. ‘It’s there and it beckons (召唤). That’s human nature (but)…we kind of get crazy sometimes and we don’t know where it should stop.’
Americans are connected at unprecedented (前所未有的) levels一93% now use cell phones or wireless devices;one third of those are ‘smart phones’ that allow users to browse the Web and check e-mail,among other things. The benefits are obvious: checking messages on the road,staying in touch with friends and family,efficiently using time once spent waiting around. The downside:often,we’re effectively disconnecting from those in the same room.
That's why,despite all the technology that makes communicating easier than ever,2010 was the Year We Stopped Talking to One Another. From texting at dinner to posting on Facebook from work or checking e-mail while on a date,the connectivity revolution is creating a lot of divided attention,not to mention social anxiety. Many analysts say it's time to step back and reassess.
‘What we’re going to see in the future is new opportunities for people to be plugged in and connected like never before,’ says Scott Campbell. ‘It can be a good thing,but I also see new ways the traditional social fabric (社会结构) is getting somewhat torn apart.’
Our days are filled with beeps and pings·----many of which pull us away from tasks at hand or face-to-face conversations. We may feel that the distractions are too much,but we can’t seem to stop posting,texting or surfing.
‘We're going through a period of adjustment and rebalancing,’ says Sherry Turkle and she wants to remind people that technology can be turned off.
‘Our human purposes are to really have connections with people,’ she says. ‘We have to reclaim it. It’s not going to take place by itself.’
【小题1】What can be the best title for the passage?

A.2010: The year technology developed quickly.
B.2010: The year technology sped up our life pace.
C.2010: The year technology replaced talking.
D.2010: The year technology made communicating easier.
【小题2】According to Paragraph l,Gretchen Baxter thinks_________.
A.the new technology always influences people’s life in a positive way
B.the new technology is so tempting that she could even put her daughter and husband behind
C.it is encouraging to see progress on the new technology every year
D.people are too dependent on the new technology to let go
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The wide use of mobile devices has nothing to do with the ‘traditional social fabric’.
B.Mobile devices play a less important part in American life.
C.Mobile devices create a lot of divided attention and social anxiety.
D.Many analysts speak highly of the wide popularity of mobile devices.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Something must be done to get connection with people in reality again·
B.Using mobile services can help people get connection with each other.
C.Mobile services have a strong impact on people’s life.
D.The connection with people can happen naturally.



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Why not try the



Indoor and outdoor courts.Coaching from beginners to advanced,everyday not evenings.Children only—Sat.mornings.   


Dry slopes一3 levels instructors at weekends and Fridays.Daytime practice.8 years upwards.


2 pools I heated Olympic length.Tuition available.

Women:Tuesday and Thursday.

Men:Monday,Wednesday and Friday.


Family day:Sunday


9 hole practice COi/Ese.Professional Coaching.Lessons must be booked in advance in daytime.Evening practice.Minimum age一9 years.


Maximum age一18 years.Children aged 5—10.Monday and Wednesdays.4:00—6:00 P.m.10—18 year—old.Friday evenings.Bar work Oil Sunday mornings.


Table Tennis,Snooker(斯诺克),Darts(标枪),Chess(everyday and evening),C班(allday),Bar(1unch time and evenings),Nursery(weekdays and weekends,not evenings).Centreopen 10:00 a.m.一10:00 P.m.Daily.Interested.'?More details inside.Quote Card Number:99.

64.What is this ad mainly about?

A.It mainly show8 US some way8 to spend weekends.

B.It mainly 8bows us a place to relax Olll',sehTe8.

C.It shows the way8 saving OUr time.

D.It shows US a lot of ways to spend OUr holidays.

65.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A.Men and women swim in the SPORTS CENTER separately.

B.People can play termi8 day and night.

C.Children at any age can pky golf in the SPORTS CENTER.

D.People under 20  can  all take gymllfltstic8.

66.How many sports items title mentioned in the passage?

A.5.    B.7    C.9   D.12.

67.Where carl we find this ad in your opinion?

A·In a company.    B.In a restaurant.    C.In a park D.On a newspaper.



What does the word “home” mean to you? How do you say the word in French? In Spanish? In your language? Although people usually know what the word means, it often has no exact translation. It’s not surprising really, because the idea of home differs from country to country, and from person to person. A home is more than a roof and four walls. It’s the cooking, eating, talking, playing and family living that go on inside, which are important as well. And at home you usually feel safe and relaxed.

But it’s not just that homes look different in different countries, they also contain different things and reveal(显示) different attitudes and needs. For example, in cold northern Europe, there’s a fire in the living room or kitchen and all the chairs face it. In the south, where the sun shines a lot and it’s more important to keep the heat out, there are small windows, cool stone floors and often no carpets. We asked some people about their homes.

How often do people move house in your country?

“In my country many people don’t stay in one place for a very long time. They often move every ten years or so.”

Cheryl, Boston, USA

What are typical features of homes in your country?

 “In Britain, even in town there’s always a garden and sometimes a cellar(地下室). We have separate bedrooms and living rooms. But we don’t often have balconies (阳台). The weather isn’t warm enough!”

— Pat, Exeter, England

1.Which one is true according to the passage?

A. People in Britain seldom have balconies because it’s so hot outside.

B. “Home” is a place where you feel safe and relaxed.

C. Although homes look different in different countries, they have the same needs.

D. Houses in northern Europe always have big windows and cool stone floors.

2.The word “home” has no exact translation because ______.

A. people can’t find this word in the dictionary

B. no one knows what it is

C. it has different meanings in different countries

D. people can’t understand each other very well

3.You can ______ at home according to the passage.

A. eat, play, and teach students     B. cook, talk, and play games

C. swim, eat, and make friends       D. do nothing

4.Why is it important to keep the heat out of the houses in southern Europe?

A. Because they want to breathe fresh air outside.

B. Because there’s a fire in the living room.

C. Because they wear heavy clothing all day long.

D. Because the sun there shines a lot.




Play is the basic business of childhood, and more and more in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being.From earliest infancy (婴儿), every child needs opportunity and the right material for play, and the main tools of play are toys.The main function of toys is to suggest, encourage and assist play.To succeed in this, they must be good toys, which children will play with often, and will come back to again and again.Therefore, it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a child’s development.

In recent years research on infant development has shown that the standard a child is likely to reach, within the range of his inherited abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life.So a baby’s ability to benefit from the right play materials should not be underestimated.A baby who is encouraged, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully.

The next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds.Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and jigsaws and construction toys; painting, scribbling and making things; sand and water play; toys for imaginative and pretending play; the first social games for learning to play and get on with others.

By the third stage of play development—from five to seven or eight years old— the child is at school.But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school.It is easier to see which type of toys the child most enjoys.

Until the age of seven or eight, play and work mean much the same to a child.But once reading has been mastered, then books and school become the main source of learning.Toys are still interesting and valuable, which lead up to new hobbies, but their significance has changed —to a child of nine or ten years old, toys and games mean, as to adults, relaxation and fun.

1.60. The writer wants us to understand that a child_______.

A.cannot grow up without toys

B.matures through play

C.uses toys as friends

D.has to be taught how to play

2.61. According to the passage, the abilities a child has inherited from his parents ________.

A.determine his character

B.will not change after the age of three

C.partly determine the standard he is likely to reach

D.to a large extent determine the choice of toys

3.62. The passage tells us that children are the most curious when they are about______.

A.two years old

B.one year old

C.six years old

D.four years old

4.63. The article is about_______.

A.the importance of play

B.the importance of books

C.the relationship between play and work

D.children’s speech development



The library is one of the most popular places at a western university.Students turn to it for researchconversations about classand many other services.

Compared with Chinese librariescollege libraries in the US and UK tend to offer more resources.A postgraduate at Yale University can borrow as many as 225 books at a time.

In addition to borrowing booksthere are online and electronic resources.These include a database search of popular and academic materialsuch as LexisNexis Academicwhich offers items from newspapers and magazines.

Although books and articles are the items that students ask for most frequentlysome libraries provide audio and video recordingsmaps and sheet music(活页乐谱)At some schoolsteachers and tutors put electronic copies of their teaching PPTs on the library web to give easier access for students.

Another useful service in western college libraries is the Interlibrary Loan.This allows a student at one school to borrow books from another school.The loan request is made through the student’s college librarywhich gets the bookgives it to the userand arranges for its return.

Technology has brought more services to students and has made libraries attractive.Some universities have services for students to send messages through the computer or mobile texts to ask the library staff for information.

Earlier this yearHarvard University introduced a new Scan and Deliver serviceallowing students to make requests for parts of books and articles.Requests made through the system are handled by library staff.The student receives an e?mail with an Internet link to the scanned pages.The service is free and all material comes within four days.

It used to be that libraries didn’t allow food or drinks.But that rule is changing and many of them now contain a café so students can spend as much time as they want in the library.

Actuallysome US university libraries are now all?night affairsor have at least one study room open all night.

1.In western college libraries a postgraduate can ________.

Ahave a free drink or a meal

Bborrow as many books as they want

Cask questions and get answers from their tutors

Daccess not only books but other study resources

2. LexisNexis Academic is the name of a ________.

Aguide? Blibrary

Cdatabase? Duniversity

3. Which of the following are mostly needed by students in western libraries?

ABooks and articles.

BAudio and video recordings.

CMaps and sheet music.

DTutors’ teaching PPTs.

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

AChinese library services are better than western ones.

BLibrary staff play an important role in college library service.

CPostgraduates can post their own PPTs on the library website.

D24?hour services are adopted in all western libraries nowadays.



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