摘要: A.老人想捉弄一下这个小护士.按常理, 应是带着微笑取笑她, 故应选with a smile. 25 Today was a very important day. France played 1 Senegal in the opening match of the World Cup. Soccer fans were very 2 watching the match on TV. To our great surprise, France was 3 . Today football has become very 4 in China after a 5 wait. “China is in the World Cup for the first time, 6 we should support them! Said some people. In our school many students enjoy 7 it. My 8 and I often go to the football field after class. This afternoon there was a 9 football match in our school. 10 team played against No.1 Middle School. 11 they were all very big and strong, it was a 12 game between the two teams with the result 0-0 last time. Today our school played much 13 . In the first half of the match 14 team kicked a goal, but in the second, Li Ming from our school kicked a goal. We won 1-0, at last. I’m so 15 . I can’t get to sleep tonight.



The Pentagon


    美国号称世界头号军事大国,其武力干涉几乎渗透到全球,有人开玩笑说:只要五角大楼打个喷嚏,整个地球都会震动。五角大楼是什么? 让我们揭开它神秘的面纱,好好地认识一下这座建筑的运作职能吧。

    The Pentagonor the headquarters of the US Department of Defenseis one of the largest office buildings in the worldtaking up a total land of 583 acresThe five-sided structure itself occupies an area of 29 acresEach of its five outside wails is 921 feet longIt has three times the floor space as the Empire State Building or half again as much space as either of the New York's World Trade Center towers

    Working inside this huge building are over 25 000 employeesone half of them being civilians and the other half members of the US armed forcesDuring the last year of the Second World War there were 37 000 peopleboth military and civilianworking inside the PentagonIn the Korean and Vietnam War periods31 000The employees are scattered among hundreds of offices that occupy a floor space of 3705793 square feet

While inside the building they tell time by 4 200 clocksdrink from 685 water fountainsutilize 280 rest roomsconsume 30 000 cups of coffee6 000 tins of milk and 5 000 bottles of soft drinks of various kinds every daywith a total staff of 600 persons preparing and serving food and drinks to the Pentagon employeesdaily


    Pentagon n.五边形;五角大楼    civilian n.平民

    military n.军人          scatter v.分散

    utilize v.利用;应用       consume v.消耗

    Comprehension question

The building is called “the Pentagon ”because________

Ait is the largest building in the world

Bit lies in the USA

Cit has five sides

  Dit is a secret place




  Here in the Northeast Georgia mountains live an old man and his young grandson.A small sum of money given by the government is their only regular income.Man and boy walk up and down the highway daily collecting soft-drink bottles for resale.I stopped once, and tried to give the man a carton(硬纸盒)of empty bottles.Polite, but firmly, he refused my “charity”.

  Exercising what I thought was the only reasonable matter.I was driving their part of road, throwing bottles out of the car window, when the flashing blue light of a Georgia(乔治亚州)State patrol(巡逻)car filled my mirror.I took my lecture on litter(在公共场所扔废物)laws, and then told the officer about the man and the boy.We could see the old man from where we were stopped, bending over to pick up a bottle.The officer warned me again, and told me to move on.

  As we both pulled onto the road, I looked in my mirror just in time to see two bottles sail out of the passenger window of the patrol car and land unbroken on the grass.



Why do the old man and his grandson collect soft-drink bottles?

[  ]


They want to make the area clean and tidy.


They want to recycle the soft-drink bottles.


Local officials ask them to do so.


Their income is not enough to support themselves.


The man’s refusal to take the box of empty bottles from the writer shows that ________.

[  ]


he wanted to get too much


poor as he was,he didn’t want to be pitied


he was not really poor


he collected the empty bottles only for fun


The author threw bottles out of the car window because he wanted to ________.

[  ]


get rid of them


attract the patrol car


punish the man and the boy


help the man and the boy


The officer stopped the writer and lectured him because ________.

[  ]


he was driving too fast


he was breaking the traffic laws


he was breaking the litter laws


he was hurting the man and the boy


The Pentagon


    美国号称世界头号军事大国,其武力干涉几乎渗透到全球,有人开玩笑说:只要五角大楼打个喷嚏,整个地球都会震动。五角大楼是什么? 让我们揭开它神秘的面纱,好好地认识一下这座建筑的运作职能吧。

    The Pentagonor the headquarters of the US Department of Defenseis one of the largest office buildings in the worldtaking up a total land of 583 acresThe five-sided structure itself occupies an area of 29 acresEach of its five outside wails is 921 feet longIt has three times the floor space as the Empire State Building or half again as much space as either of the New York's World Trade Center towers

    Working inside this huge building are over 25 000 employeesone half of them being civilians and the other half members of the US armed forcesDuring the last year of the Second World War there were 37 000 peopleboth military and civilianworking inside the PentagonIn the Korean and Vietnam War periods31 000The employees are scattered among hundreds of offices that occupy a floor space of 3705793 square feet

While inside the building they tell time by 4 200 clocksdrink from 685 water fountainsutilize 280 rest roomsconsume 30 000 cups of coffee6 000 tins of milk and 5 000 bottles of soft drinks of various kinds every daywith a total staff of 600 persons preparing and serving food and drinks to the Pentagon employeesdaily


    Pentagon n.五边形;五角大楼    civilian n.平民

    military n.军人          scatter v.分散

    utilize v.利用;应用       consume v期待的

complacent  adj. 自满的        idly  adv. 无效地;懒洋洋地

stout  n. 烈性黑啤酒          gratuity  n. 小费

egalitarian   n. & adj. 平等;平均主义(的)

Which statement is true?

A. The British bar staffs dislike people who make up their minds immediately.

B. They like people who can wait in line.

C. They hope people who want to have another drink ring the bell hanging behind the counter.

D. If you offer them a drink to express your tips, they will feel happy.


Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"'>.消耗

    Comprehension question

The building is called “the Pentagon ”because________

Ait is the largest building in the world

Bit lies in the USA

Cit has five sides

  Dit is a secret place



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