摘要:6.C.take a walk, play basketball这些活动很有必要在学习之余进行,故选need.


This story took place in Central Africa more than 30 years ago. One day two Europeans got to a small village in which the Negroes lived. One of them looked like the boss, the other was his assistant. The boss looked Sambo up and down said,“Young fellow, you look strong. Would you like to work for me? I will give you more money than at the rubber plantation(橡胶园).”At first Sambo wasn’t able to make up his mind, but a few minutes later he agreed.
Sambo’s new work wasn’t hard. He had only to carry light parcels from the village to the camp of the Europeans. He went a short distance along the road, then into the forest and straight to the camp. On the fifth day, when he went through the woods, he saw a big cage with a lion in it. He hesitated a little and went on. All of a sudden the cage was opened and out jumped the lion with a horrible roar(吼叫).
Sambo dropped the parcel and ran as fast as possible, so as to reach the camp in time. for the white man there were armed with guns. All at once Sambo saw two men high up in the tree. They were the two Europeans for whom he was doing. The assistant was turning the handle of the camera with a smile. It was now clear to him that he had been cheated. His eyes were filled with hatred. He wished to kill them, but it was too late.
1. The young man named Sambo was probably _____.
A. the assistant of the two Europeans           
B. an African who worked at the rubber plantation
C. an African who acted as a hunter in the forest   
D. the servant of the two Europeans.
2. The two Europeans went to the African village_____.
A. so as to take some photos for the villagers there
B. in order that they could write a book on travels.
C. to take a picture which showed how a real lion ate a real man
D. in order to save Sambo in time of danger
3. What did the boss say to Sambo?
A. He asked Sambo to serve as his servant in his country.
B. He wanted Sambo to guard against the lion.
C. He asked Sambo if he was afraid of a lion.
D. He told Sambo that he would be well paid if he would work for him
4. Not until Sambo _____ did he find out that he was cheated.
A. caught sight of the lion                     
B. saw the cage with a lion
C. found the white men on the branch of the tree  
D. ran before the lion as fast as he could
5. In this story the writer mainly told us_____.
A. how Negroes were not so clever as the white  
B. how cruel the two white men were
C. what a silly young man Sambo was 
D. Sambo carted so much for money that he lost his life at last


My father was Chief Engineer of a merchant ship, which was sunk in World War Ⅱ. The book Night of the U­boats told the story.


In September ,1940,my mother ,sister and I went to Swansea ,where my father ‘s ship was getting ready to sail ,we brought him a family photography to be kept with him at all times and keep him safe .

Then I remember my mother lying face down ,sobbing .she had heard from a friend that the ship had been sunk by a torpedo (鱼雷).

I can remember the arrived of the telegram(电报),which in those days always brought bad news .my grandmother opened it ,it read ,safe .love ted.”

My most vivid memory is being woken and brought down to sit on my father’s knee, his arm in a bandage .

He was judged unfit to return to sea and took a shore job in Glasgow for the rest of the war, for as long as I can remember ,he had a weak heart ,mother said it was caused by the torpedoes .he said it was because of the cigarette ,whichever ,he died suddenly in his early 50s.

Ten years later I read night of the U-boat and able to complete the story .

A toast

In my room is the book and the photograph .often , glass in hand, I have wondered how I would have dealt with an explosion ,a sinking ship ,a jump into a vast ocean and a wait for rescue ?lest (以免 )we forget ,I have some more whisky and toast the heroes of the war.

1.We can infer that the mother and children went to Swansea ________.

A. to meet a friend               B. to see the father off

C. to take a family photo          D. to enjoy the sailing of the ship

2.What did the author learn about the father from the telegram?

A. he was still alive.              B. His knee was broken.

C. His ship had been sunk.         D. He had arrived in Glasgow.

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refers to the father’s ________.

A. weak heart                   B. taking a shore job

C. failure to return to sea          D. injury caused by a torpedo

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. A group of forgotten heroes            

B. A book describing a terrifying battle.

C. A ship engineer’s wartime experience.      

D. A merchant’s memories of a sea rescue.



Forget famous goal celebration such as “The Robot” by Peter Crouch and “The Dive” by Juergen Klinsmann, here comes the South African “Diski dance”, which is performed through heading and kicking an imaginary ball, may be a goal celebration to watch in the following matches.
South Africa's Siphiwe Tshabalala and his team mates performed this different dance when they celebrated his goal against Mexico in the opening World Cup game on Friday. The dance is already popular on YouTube and many soccer fans may want to learn the moves.
Even South Africa's President Jacob Zuma has learnt the Diski dance which could surpass Cameroon Roger Milla's corner flag dance celebration in the 1990 FIFA World Cup. U.S. actor John Travolta performed the dance shortly after landing his Boeing 707 at Lanseria airport, north of Johannesburg, on Wednesday morning.
Goal celebrations are now part of the biggest sporting event and players plan them in advance just in case they find the back of the net. In football, a goal celebration is the practice of celebrating the scoring of a goal. The celebration may be performed by the goal- scorer, his or her teammates, the manager or coaches and the supporters of the team.
The Robot goal celebration was so popular that England fans were surprised when Crouch , an English international footballer, said that he “wouldn’t be doing it any more unless England won the World Cup.”
The word Diski is a word used by the local people for soccer and may also describe the local style of football which focuses on dribbling(带球)and other tricks.
【小题1】Besides “Diski Dance”, how many types of goal celebrations are mentioned in this passage?

【小题2】The underlined part “find the back of the net” in Paragraph 4 means               .
A.score a goalB.win the match
C.take a restD.take part in a match
【小题3】What do we learn about the word “Diski”?
A.It has become the most popular sports word in the world now.
B.It was used to show how people were good at dribbling.
C.It was used to describe a football which was imagined by footballers.
D.It was mainly used in South Africa before the South Africa World Cup.



If you like to hike during the warm months, you’ll probably like to hike in the winter. The landscape changes completely from summer to fall to winter, and the snow can make for some really beautiful photos. Be sure to bring your camera with you to capture all the awesome scenery. Because it’s cold out, you also have the added benefit of not sweating too much through your clothes, and it’s a great excuse to grab some hot chocolate when you finish your hike.

Cross-country skiing

Cross-country skiing is great exercise and a great way to see the winter scenery at the same time. If you’ve never done cross-country skiing before, be sure to check with an expert before trying it yourself. Knowing what to expect can keep you safe and prevent an injury.

Snowball fighting

Everyone remembers going outside, building a snow fort(城堡),and having snowball fights when they were kids. The fun doesn’t have to stop when you’re an adult! Go outside with your friends, build a fort and start throwing snowballs at each other. If you have kids, get them in on the action. Throwing snowballs is a great way to use some extra energy and can be really fun for the whole family.


Lots of birds migrate during the winter months, and these quiet, cold hours can be a great time to see them like never before. Eagles, for example, migrate through central Illinois in February, and watching them fly through Starved Rock State Park is a breathtaking sight. Check your local parks to find out what birds you can see in your area and get out there to see them.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Outdoor winter activities

B.Popular winter sports around the world

C.Fun winter activities for children

D.Best ways to enjoy winter scenery.

2.As for cross-country skiing, the author suggests people_______.

A.try to do it on their own

B.ask an expert for advice

C.take a camera with them

D.take a rest whenever possible

3.Which of the following does the author suggest for those with kids?

A.Hiking                          B.Cross-country skiing

C.Snowball fighting                     D.Bird-watching

4.What can we know about Starved Rock State Park from the passage?

A.It’s the largest natural park in Illinois.

B.It’s a good place for bird-watching.

C.It’s well-known for its strange animals.

D.It is home to a lot of birds.



My father was Chief engineer of a merchant ship, which was sunk in Word War II. The book Night of the U-boats told the story.


    In September, 1940, my mother, sister and I went to Swansea, where my father’s ship was getting ready to sail. We brought him a family photograph to be kept with him at all times and keep him sale.

    Then I remember my mother lying lace down, sobbing. She had heard from a friend that the ship had been sunk by a torpedo(鱼雷).

    I can remember the arrival of the telegram(电报),Which in those days always brought had new. My grandmother opened it. It read, “Safe, Love Ted.”

    My most vivid memory Is being woken and brought down to sit o my father’s knee, his arm in a bandage.

    He was judged unfit to return to sea and took a shore job in Glasgow for the rest of the war. For as long as I can remember, he had a weak heart. Mother said it was caused by the torpedoes. He said it was because of the cigarettes. Whichever, he died suddenly in his early 50s.

    Ten years later I read Night of the U-bouts and was able to complete the story.


    One torpedo struck the ship. Father was in the engine room, where the third engineer was killed. He shut down the engines to slow the ship making it easier for it to be abandoned.

    By the time he got on deck (甲板) he was alone. Every lifeboat was gone except one which had stuck fast. When he tried to cut it free it swung against the ship, injuring his hand and arm. He had no choice but to jump—still with the photograph in his pocket.

    Three days later, he and other survivors were safe in Glasgow. All 23 with him signed the back of the photograph.

    In my room is the book and the photograph. Often, glass in hand, I have wondered how I would have dealt with an explosion, a sinking ship, a jump into a vast ocean rind a wait for rescue? Lest(以免)we forget, I have some more whisky and toast the heroes of the war.


 We can infer that the mother and children went to Swansea ________.

A. to meet a friend

B. to see the father off

C. to take a family photo

D. to enjoy the sailing of the ship


 What did the author learn about the father from the telegram?

A. he was still alive.

B. His knee was broken.

C. His ship had been sunk.

D. He had arrived in Glasgow.


The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refers to the father’s ________.

A. weak heart

B. taking a shore job

C. failure to return to sea

D. injury caused by a torpedo


 What can we know about the author’s father after his ship was attacked?

A. He lost his arm

B. He repaired the engines.

C. He managed to take a lifeboat.

D. He was the last to leave the ship.


What is the passage mainly about?

A. A group of forgotten heroes

B. A book describing a terrifying battle.

C. A ship engineer’s wartime experience.

D. A merchant’s memories of a sea rescue.



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