摘要:1.B.本文讲述了Allan第一次乘飞机时的情况, 故选by air.




I returned to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, after college graduation. I had been there before my mother became a minister.

Two weeks later, I told my mother I was bored. She said, “Here’re the car keys. Go and buy some fruit.”      1, I jumped into the car and speeded off.

Seeing me or rather my      2, a boy sprang up(跳起来),      3to sell his bananas and peanuts. “Banana 300 naira. Peanut 200 naira!”

Looking at his black-striped bananas, I      4to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. He      5. I handed him a 500 naira note. He didn’t have      6, so I told him not to worry. He was      7and smiled a row of perfect teeth.

When, two weeks later, I      8this same boy, I was more aware of my position in Nigerian society. I should     9this country as the son of a      10. But it was hard to find pleasure in a place where it was so      11to see a little boy who should have been in school selling fruit.

“What’s up?” I asked. He answered in     12English, “I … I no get money to buy book.” I took out two 500 naira notes. He looked around      13before sticking his hand into the car     14the bills. One thousand naira means a lot to a family that     15only 50,000 each year.

The next morning, security officers told me, “In this place, when you give a little, people think you’re a fountain of opportunity(机会).”

16it’s right, but this happens everywhere in the world. I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for      17.

After six months’ work in northern Nigeria, I returned and saw him again standing on the road.

“Are you in school now?”

He nodded.

A silence fell as we looked at each other, then I      18what he wanted. I held out a 500 naira note. “Take this.”

He shook his head fiercely and stepped back      19hurt.

“It’s a gift,” I said.

Shaking his head again, he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts. “I’ve been waiting to      20these to you.”


1.A. Encouraged     B. Disappointed     C. Delighted        D. Confused

2.A. car                B. mother             C. driver     D. keys

3.A. willing            B. afraid             C. eager      D. ashamed

4.A. got down       B. bargained down       C. put down     D. took down

5.A. explained      B. promised        C. agreed            D. admitted

6.A. change        B. notes            C. checks            D. bills

7.A. troubled          B. regretful       C. comfortable        D. grateful

8.A. ran after      B. ran into     C. ran over     D. ran to

9.A. protect           B. enjoy         C. help     D. support

10.A. minister         B. headmaster        C. manager          D. president

11.A. lucky       B. amazing        C. funny        D. common

12.A. old            B. broken      C. traditional      D. modern

13.A. proudly       B. madly       C. curiously        D. nervously

14.A. for             B. with       C. at       D. upon

15.A. spends        B. pays        C. makes        D. affords

16.A. Possibly  B. Actually     C. Certainly        D. Fortunately

17.A. joys      B. nuts            C. books            D. bananas

18.A asked       B. imagined       C. reminded      D. realized

19.A. when      B. as if            C. even if          D. after

20.A. send      B. provide      C. sell         D. give




Ⅰ.Role Play(角色扮演)(共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分)

In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete communicative tasks:listen to the conversation, ask three questions and then answer five questions.



1.Now, please get ready to ask the following three questions in English.







1.Now, please get ready to answer five questions in English.

Q1:Listen to question 1:


Q2:Listen to question 2:


Q3:Listen to question 3:


Q4:Listen to question 4:


Q5:Listen to question 5:


Ⅱ.Retelling the story(共1小题,满分5分)

In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell it based on what you have heard.

故事梗概:本文讲述了作者在童年时,在课堂弄出怪声后,谎称其为同桌一男孩所为,结果老师Miss Butler信以为真,惩罚了这位“无辜”的男孩。

关键词:punish(惩罚);strict discipline(严格的纪律)

make a sound(制造声音);explanation(解释);responsibility(责任)。




  Some people say that seals are the fairies of the sea and should not be killed.The seals are the cleverest creatures that have ever been found in the sea.“In the Kingdom of the Seals” is an English fairy story by Donald A.Mackenzie.It tells of a seal hunter who wounds a seal.The seal swims away with the hunter’s knife still in its back.That evening a stranger on a black horse calls at the home of the seal hunter and takes him to the edge of a cliff.Suddenly the seal hunter finds himself falling.He falls to the bottom of the sea.

  The stranger changes into a seal and leads him towards a huge underwater palace.Inside the palace he sees an old grey seal lying on a bed in terrible pain.Beside the bed is a knife which the hunter recognizes as his own.He is ashamed of his cruelty and begs forgiveness of the old seal.Because this is a fairy story the wound is healed when the seal hunter lays his hand on it and wishes.The old seal regains his strength straight away.The seal hunter promises never to hunt seals again.Then he is led back to dry land.When he gets home he finds his pockets are filled with pearls.

  So much for the story - what about the reality?True seals are earless.There are 18 species of earless seals.Fur seals are not true seals.Fur seals feed mainly on krill-a small type of shrimp.When diving for food seals have been known to reach depths of 300 meters, but throughout the breading season of several weeks, male seals do not eat or drink.



According to the passage, some people’s impression of seals is that ________.

[  ]


they are the cleverest creatures in the sea


they are good at swimming


they are the fairies of the sea


they are our friends


We learn from the second paragraph that ________.

[  ]


“In the Kingdom of the Seals” tells the seal hunter not to wound a seal


“In the Kingdom of the Seals” tells a story about a seal hunter


the seal hunter did not want to kill the seal


the seal can always swim with a knife in its back


The seal hunter begs forgiveness of the old seal because ________.

[  ]


he is sorry to have wounded the old seal


he is afraid that the seals would kill him


he knows that the old seal is the king in the kingdom of the seals


the seals give him many pearls


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


The stranger on a black horse is a seal doctor.


We know that this is not a true story.


The old grey seal puts the knife beside the bed.


The seal hunter’s name is Donald A.Mackenzie.


The writer of the passage intends to tell us that ________.

[  ]


he believes the story “In the Kingdom of the Seals”


we should know something about seals and not kill them


Donald A.Mackenzie knows a lot of the seals


True seals are earless and fur seals are not true seals



  Some people say that seals are the fairies of the sea and should not be killed.The seals are the cleverest creatures that have ever been found in the sea.“In the Kingdom of the Seals” is an English fairy story by Donald A.Mackenzie.It tells of a seal hunter who wounds a seal.The seal swims away with the hunter’s knife still in its back.That evening a stranger on a black horse calls at the home of the seal hunter and takes him to the edge of a cliff.Suddenly the seal hunter finds himself falling.He falls to the bottom of the sea.

  The stranger changes into a seal and leads him towards a huge underwater palace.Inside the palace he sees an old grey seal lying on a bed in terrible pain.Beside the bed is a knife which the hunter recognizes as his own.He is ashamed of his cruelty and begs forgiveness of the old seal.Because this is a fairy story the wound is healed when the seal hunter lays his hand on it and wishes.The old seal regains his strength straight away.The seal hunter promises never to hunt seals again.Then he is led back to dry land.When he gets home he finds his pockets are filled with pearls.

  So much for the story-what about the reality?True seals are earless.There are 18 species of earless seals.Fur seals are not true seals.Fur seals feed mainly on krill-a small type of shrimp.When diving for food seals have been known to reach depths of 300 meters, but throughout the breading season of several weeks, male seals do not eat or drink.



According to the passage, some people’s impression of seals is that _________.

[  ]


they are the cleverest creatures in the sea


they are good at swimming


they are the fairies of the sea


they are our friends


We learn from the second paragraph that _________.

[  ]


“In the Kingdom of the Seals” tells the seal hunter not to wound a seal


“In the Kingdom of the Seals” tells a story about a seal hunter


the seal hunter did not want to kill the seal


the seal can always swim with a knife in its back


The seal hunter begs forgiveness of the old seal because _________.

[  ]


he is sorry to have wounded the old seal


he is afraid that the seals would kill him


he knows that the old seal is the king in the kingdom of the seals


the seals give him many pearls


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


The stranger on a black horse is a seal doctor.


We know that this is not a true story.


The old grey seal puts the knife beside the bed.


The seal hunter’s name is Donald A.Mackenzie.


The writer of the passage intends to tell us that _________.

[  ]


he believes the story “In the Kingdom of the Seals”


we should know something about seals and not kill them


Donald A.Mackenzie knows a lot of the seals


True seals are earless and fur seals are not true seals



  Somewhere on the South Coast


  Dear Mum and Dad,

  It was a great idea to send me over to Britain to learn English this summer! I’ve met so many students-from Sweden, France and all over the world.And there are lots of students from Germany here too.It’s just like being at home.What a relief to find normal people, even in England, and to speak in a normal language most of the time.

  Of course, we do have English lessons in the day, and I have to talk to the family I stay with here.Do you know, some of my friends have said they won’t go out with us in the evening any more-they want to speak English and find English friends.I think they’re mad.

  The family I live with are very nice.But they have some strange habits.They drink tea all day:at breakfast, in the afternoon and at bedtime.And they eat butter with salt in it!If I go out in the evening, I often eat fish and chips.The food is wrapped up in a newspaper; at least reading the paper takes your mind off the fish and chips!Here at the coast, we travel by bus.The buses are always late.I was knocked down by an old lady the other day because I didn’t stand in the queue.English people seem very quiet and reserved, so I was very surprised to see how violent they become about queues.Also, if you ask them directions, they suddenly become very chatty and go on for hours.

  I’d like to come back here next year to see all my friends again-oh yes, and to learn some more English…

Your son,




According to the passage, the writer of the letter is from _________.

[  ]










“I think they’re mad”(Last sentence in Paragraph 2)probably means that _________.

[  ]


they are wildly interested in English


they are angry with me


they are becoming wild in England


they do not like to play outside


Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]


I live with very good people here.


I live with very strange people here.


The family I live with like to drink tea.


The family I live with eat butter with salt in it.


“I was knocked down by an old lady the other day”(Paragraph 4)shows that _________.

[  ]


British people are not friendly


the old ladies in Britain are not friendly


British people are very quiet


you must line up to take a bus


From the passage, we know that _________.

[  ]


the writer has many friends in Britain now


the writer doesn’t like British old ladies


Britain is a good place to stay in


British people like their weather


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