


1.We had so much trouble _____________________ our proposal.   (talk)


2.How come such a rich man robbed the bank?  It _______________________. (sense)


3.Many of the soldiers were diagnosed with cancer after they came back from the front because they ______________________ radiation during the war.   (expose)


4.Our software, unless _________________________, may not serve us well in our work.  (update)


5.The Western markets _________________________ cheap products made in China. (flood)


6.Only if you work hard from now on ______________________ your classmates in studies.   (catch)


7.________________________________ at 2013 World Swimming Championships made us all very proud.   (win)


8.Luckily we brought with us a map, without which we                ___ in the jungle.(get)


9.Peter learned German, French and Spanish at an evening school, ____________ fluently now. (speak)


10.I can’t help thinking what it is in the computer games __________________ the boys.  (appeal)




翻译:根据所给汉语句子意思, 完成下列句子

76. 每次我一张口, 就会讲错话。

   _________ _________ I open my mouth, I put my foot in it.

77. 设想这样一种情景, 双方都认识的人离开了房间, 两个陌生人开始交谈。

  _________ a situation _________ two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room.

78. 老师讲英式英语还是讲美式英语没有太大的差别。

  _________ doesn't make much of a _________ whether a teacher speaks British or American English.

79. 他开着一卡车香蕉, 突然就在转弯处掉下路面。

  He was _________ a lorry load of bananas _________ he came off the road.

80. 对于从事这项工作的人来说, 拥有常识、健康的身体以及外向的个性可能比掌握计算机技能更重要。

  For people doing this job, common sense, physical fitness and an outgoing _________ are _________ to be more important than computer skills.

81. 他身无分文地来到新奥尔良的时候, 却发现那里没有开往南美洲的船了。

  He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only _________ _________ that there were no boats for South America.

82. 面具的使用受到了法律条文的限制, 这最早可以追溯到14世纪。

  Their use was limited by laws, the first of _________ _________ back to the 14th century.

83. 如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园, 你很有可能看到身着印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。

  If you go into a school of university anywhere, the _________ are that you will see students _________Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.

84. 马拉松是奥运会的最后一项赛事, 因为它被认为是最艰难的项目。

  The marathon is the final Olympic event because it is _________ _________ be the hardest.

85. 如今, 政府似乎正在赢得这场战争。

  Today, the government seems to _________ _________ the battle.

   76._________ _________       77. _________ _________    78. _________ _________   

   79. _________ _________     80. _________ _________    81. _________ _________  

   82. _________ _________      83. _________ _________    84. _________ _________  

   85. _________ _________


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